Taishan. The Japanese cannon fodder troops finally reached their destination. In the camp, they prepared local hearty meals, stew in a big pot, which is actually something that is formed by a pot of indescribable things.

"Whooh." Very Wadao soldiers are already very hungry. They carried the tableware sent to them, carefully drank the soup, and ate the wheat buns sent over. It is made from a piece of dough deep-fried. If it is sealed, it can be kept for a certain period of time. It can be roasted or cooked while eating. This is their last hearty meal.

"What is this?" Zhier asked the person next to him with his own soup spoon, making something out.

"Mushrooms, a kind of local mushrooms, should be non-toxic. Everyone eats them again. They are delicious. What I ate in the mountains is such a thing, which is delicious." The other party said. Then I took a bite. This seems to be the best meal they have ever eaten.

"Oh." Zhier took a bite, which may be the last meal for them. Because he saw that Goguryeo people seemed very nervous, especially those who looked like military officers, who kept looking at pocket watches. Senior officers looked at watches, and lower-rank officers looked at pocket watches. But sometimes you can’t say that. Pocket watches are exquisitely crafted. , They will also carry.

"Hurry up and eat. We are about to attack after eating." A sergeant came over with a stick. This makes people's appetites affected to a certain extent. He doesn't know whether the other party is intentional or has other purposes. In short, he feels that the other party's doing this is simply to make them not want to eat a good meal.

The process of eating is long and short. The long time was because the meal was delicious, not bad, with game, canned food, and mushrooms, and the short time was because of the **** sergeant's constant inspections, which made it difficult for them to eat their last meal. As a result, some people were driven out before they finished eating, and then they were about to go to the battlefield.

"Hurry up, go forward, go forward." The sergeants drove them to a starting position like they were driving sheep. There were two machine guns erected there. Knowing that kind of weapon, it was very scary. They used to have more than a hundred people. Assaulted a machine gun, and as a result, more than a hundred people were defeated by the opponent. That's a position where you can't attack to the point at all. Zhier thought this way.

"Assault, your task is to charge, rush to the mountain, so that you can complete your task. Your task is very simple and easy to complete. The person with the gun charges in the front, and the people behind must be tight Follow behind and keep charging.” A Goguryeo officer shouted with a loudspeaker. Some Washima soldiers didn’t understand what to do. They could only stare blankly at what the soldiers in front of them did, and they just followed what they did. .

"You must move forward. Don't go back. Go back. We will shoot you and give you the most severe punishment. Your freedom will never exist, understand? For your own consideration. Don't do anything stupid. Go forward, go forward. Go ahead." Goguryeo shouted loudly. The person in front suddenly yelled loudly, and then rushed out. The people behind followed closely, and many people were eager to try. Soon, Zhier was also pushed out.

Yes, it is pushed out, because there are many people, he is constantly advancing with the crowd.

"Woo." Bullets kept flying towards them. Many people couldn't dodge, and there was no way to dodge them. Many people gathered there quickly, and the bullets could kill one person when they flew.

"Puff." A soldier was knocked to the ground, his rifle was thrown to the front, and Zhier wanted to take a gun. The man he followed had no idea where he was going. Seems to be beaten to death. Maybe it still exists. The soldier fell to the ground, the bullet hit his neck, and the blood kept flowing. The people behind took his rifle, Zhier didn't get the gun, and then he pushed forward and rushed away. He saw that the person next to him stepped on it. Maybe it was because there were too many people behind, what he saw was blood splashing many people around.

"Ah." People were constantly being hit, and some of them also shot, but the bullets expected to hit the opponent while running, it was simply luck. Some people can't bear it. Earn money and run backwards.

rear. The Koguryo officers and sergeants were holding their rifles and saw some timid and scared people running back. Then shouted loudly.

"Go back, go back quickly, or you will be killed." The sergeant shouted enthusiastically. He hoped that his words would be effective, but it was useless at all, because the soldiers continued to run away. In their opinion, such a thing had already happened. , Why don't they keep going back, there is still a life to go back.

"Bang. Tututu, Tutututu." The machine gun began to fire continuously. Because some soldiers had already turned around boldly, they thought it was a good suggestion for someone to escape. Maybe they could still get their lives back. But the Goguryeo people obviously won't give them such an opportunity. Shooting, crazy shooting. A lot of bullets are coming.

"Ooo. Ooo." The life of the reapers who screamed the bullets, their war was over. If they are not dealt with in time, it will cause a greater collapse. This collapse will aggravate their fighting difficulty. They don’t want this to happen, so they use such a special way to solve the problem. The battle, this war, for them, is over.

"Come on." The people in front still moved forward quickly. The mountain people had to let go of their passage. Although they were shooting desperately, their shooting skills were superb, first-class, and bullet-free, but the Wadao people There are many, many people fall, many people rush over, rush over, it is victory.

"Woo." They didn't confront the mountain people head-on, and the mountain people knew that they were like a group of wild boars. If you intercepted them, they would definitely be killed, because the wild boars at that time were the most animalistic. Only the craziest man, the bravest warrior, can do such a thing.

After this wave of shocks, the mountain people kept shooting them in the back. They were unprepared, and whether they could survive or not was up to them. War is so cruel. Zhier kept running, running, and running. He didn't pick up the gun because he saw that some guys with guns also threw away their weapons. In their opinion, those are cumbersome and will bring them more. Big trouble.

State of Zhao, Handan. Inside the parliament hall.

"Obviously, Guo Kai is no longer competent for such a task. We should see, or compare, what we need at present, look at this, this is the Korean stock market, and their market has been constantly after the market opened this morning. Rising, the entire market has performed very well and excellently, and the market prospects are very promising. Looking at the situation of our Zhao country market, their performance is very bad and falling, I don’t understand. Why the Korean market The positive thing is to rise, but our market is constantly falling. Who can explain such a situation to me. Obviously no one will explain to me such a situation, because this situation has made it difficult for us. The explanation is clear." Zhao Jia said.

Many congressmen nodded, and they agreed with this view.

"I think there is only one reason, human reasons, Koreans have a huge market, which is carefully managed by themselves, and there are still many markets that have not yet been developed. We, Zhao Guoren, must actively develop the market instead of being passive. Guo Kai will only passively respond to such a situation, or that this old guy is outdated. He keeps waiting for the market to expand on its own. For them, this idea is simply a dream. The market can expand on its own. Is it?" Zhao Jia said incitedly.

"No." Some congressmen responded positively.

"So, we need to change ourselves, we need this market, we need to do what we should behave in the market, instead of passively and passively responding to such a situation. This situation is very important for us. It’s awful. We absolutely can’t let such a situation continue to happen. Therefore, we have to develop the market and actively respond to it. Guo Kai’s step down is the first step we must take. Next, we have to develop a bigger picture. The market is coming???” Zhao Jia waved a powerful arm incited, and the mood of the congressmen suddenly stirred up. Among them, they all represented the interests of bankers and business owners. They need to expand the market instead of passively waiting. The so-called **** theory that the market keeps rising and that it will expand by itself, they have long been dissatisfied with the market's modest approach. They believe that what they have to do now is to expand their market demand and make this situation beneficial to them. What they need is such a situation, and changing this situation will be very beneficial to them.

"So, what are we waiting for? All we need is expansion. Support me and pass this impeachment case." Zhao Jia shouted loudly, and many congressmen expressed their support for him.

Inside the prime minister's house.

Guo Kai is presiding over an economic conference.

"In order to save our stock market, we must continue to implement loose economic policies. Such economic policies will be very beneficial to us." Guo Kai said, Guo Kai has no choice but to come up with loose economic policies. Continuing to stimulate Zhao's market, this seems to be the only way to bring Zhao's potential into full play. Such an approach is somewhat extreme.

"The prime minister." At this moment, the assistant carefully stepped forward and handed in a note, after Guo Kai read it. The gloom immediately fell, and everyone looked at the prime minister nervously.

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