The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3833: Historical choice

Taishan, Goguryeo defensive position.

"This is the personnel supplemented by the above. All of them are Japanese. Some people speak in bird language. I can't understand them." A second lieutenant complained.

"Let them come here for what? They will increase the consumption of our supplies." The ensign said dissatisfied. It seems that they are very puzzled by the fact that the group of cannon fodder dispatched above.

"Can I know something?" Yang De said to the second lieutenant.

"Whatever, as long as they don't speak bird language." The ensign smiled and left. Obviously they are not interested in these birdmen at all, they think so.

"Can any of you speak the Central Plains dialect? I can provide you with some food." Yang De asked with his notebook. Zhi Er raised his hand. Said he would.

"I. I know some. I can speak some Central Plains dialects. We need some food. We are already very hungry." Zhier looked at the few remaining companions. He remembered that when he set out, they had more than 1,000. There are more than five hundred people, probably that many, but now, less than two hundred people have come here. There should be such a large number of people, and quite a few people have been killed.

"Very well, I have a piece of sugar here and a can of canned food. I will let them give you some food." Yang De said.

"Thank you." Zhier said politely.

"Can you tell me, where are you from? What is the purpose of coming here? Can you tell us?" Yang De asked, waving his arm. Obviously he didn't know what madness those superiors were going to make such people come here to fight. He couldn't figure out what happened.

"We are from Wa Island, which is a large island in the eastern seas of yours. We live and fight there. We are prisoners of war. If you want us to fight, we will come." Zhier said.

"Oh. I see. You are mercenaries, what is your price? I mean, what do you get?" Yang De asked.

"Freedom, what they said, we can become free people, become civilians, and then that's it." Zhier said.

"Well. How many people have you come?" Yang De asked.

"What I know is that when I was in the port, there were a lot of people, about two thousand people. Later, a lot of people came one after another. Later I didn’t know how many people there were. They sent more than 1,500 people to us, and then they forced us to move forward. They gave us very few weapons. Two people, a gun, and ten bullets. I only have five bullets." Said Zhier took out. The five bullets he got, he didn't have a gun in his hand, a very poor soldier.

"Well, I understand." Yang De obviously knew their identities very well.

"Are many of you guys killed? It's impossible for those mountain people to have rapid-fire weapons. I think it's unlikely to cause you such a big trouble?" Yang De asked.

"I don't know. We rushed over and ran away. I think there are still some people, but they can't get to our side. It's a pity. Some people have returned. I don't know how they are. But I saw the machine guns you set up. Soldiers with white hats were standing there. They were the most vicious people. I think the situation going back is very bad." Zhier said. Yang De nodded. He speculated that the soldiers who had returned might have been killed. Obviously, the Goguryeo army does not allow such things to happen. Because this kind of thing usually means the morale of the military, what Goguryeo wants is a firm will to fight, not to make the situation worse.

"I understand. I will get you some food." Yang De gave up and continued to ask some things, because they were at the lowest end of a message. They knew very little about it. Faced with such a situation, they would They will face many situations that they do not know.

"Thank you, thank you very much." Zhier said thankfully. Yang De nodded, that's all he can do. The Goguryeo soldiers were obviously not interested in the incoming reinforcements. In their opinion, these people would not play a greater role at all.

"Bang, bang." Outside the position, gunshots continued to sound, intermittently. It seemed that the mountain people were clearing the rats, that is, the Washima cannon fodder that ran in today. These cannon fodder will give them the chaos. Those who cause trouble, who knows where they will go. The mountain people started hunting in the mountain jungle. The observation team is also closely observing the situation here, the proposal of the neutral zone has not received a positive response, and both sides have their own ghosts. This is the case of the Observer Mission.

Zhao State, Handan, in the parliament hall.

"You're so amazing, Prime Minister Guo was outraged." A member of the Diet praised. Zhao Jia smiled triumphantly. He is very willing to hear such news. The first ones who got the news were those tabloid reporters. Their newspaper circulation was very limited. They usually only rely on some gossip to break the news to increase the circulation of their newspapers, and then this news came all at once. It spread. Later, the official did not deny the authenticity of such a news, and Zhao Guo was in an uproar, but Zhao Jia was greatly benefited.

"Obviously, Prime Minister Guo Kai is already very difficult to do such a job. We, Zhao Guo, cannot live without the Prime Minister. I think we should urgently run for the position of Prime Minister." Zhao Jia proposed.

"Yes. Originally, Guo Kaicheng should have set up a deputy prime minister, but Zhao Guo did not have it. We can only re-elect urgently. Otherwise, Zhao Guo's situation will have a big impact." Many people said anxiously. To. The deputy prime minister should be the same as Qin Guo. It is a position that is nothing at ordinary times. However, the current situation is true. Zhao needs a deputy prime minister, but he does not. In desperation, the Zhao State Council can only be elected through emergency elections. . The so-called emergency elections are actually just short-term elections. The elections are held in several large cities with relatively concentrated populations. The voting time generally does not exceed fifteen days, and a prime minister will be formed within fifteen days. This puts a lot of pressure on Zhao's election work.

"I hope you can support me a lot. I promise that I will lead Zhao Guo into a new historical era." Zhao Jia said with confidence. The defeat of Guo Kai this time gave him a lot of political capital. Not surprisingly, he should be more likely to win. Zhao Jia is very confident.

In this regard, various congressmen expressed their support. After all, it is a very remarkable thing to be able to get this old **** Guo Kai to step down.

Inside the staff. Li Mu expressed regret when he heard about Guo Kai.

"Sir, are you participating in the election?" Li Zuoche asked expectantly.

"No. I have been the prime minister. I can't solve more economic problems. The current war requires a very strong economy. I can't solve such problems. I'm not suitable for politics, you see. I can’t do many things against the principles, which means that there are many things I can’t do, which also leads to a very bad result, that is, I can’t do anything.” Li Mu felt that he Not suitable for a position like Prime Minister.

"I'm not like Guo Kai. Speaking of it, he is a prime minister with good economic power. Unfortunately, his temper is too narrow, and he actually got such a fate. What I know is that this disease is difficult to cure. "Li Mu said. Li Zuoche nodded and said yes. He also knows that the condition of this disease is very bad, which may be a very good lesson for Guo Kai, and Guo Kai ended up in this way, which was unexpected for everyone.

"At present, Zhao Guo is at a very critical crossroads. How Zhao chooses is a matter for the prime minister. We cannot interfere with them to make a correct choice. However, what we can do is to make this situation right. We are good, that's it. That's how things are, we don't do anything. Let's see the situation." Li Mu said. Regarding Guo Kai's matter, he believes that he should give up for a while. Otherwise, many people will not be able to stand such a situation.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"After Guo Kai, who will be elected prime minister? Who do you think is highly likely?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi. For this issue, it will greatly affect the specific trend of Zhao Guo.

"Obviously, Zhao Jia, he is a nobleman of the Zhao country, he is bold in doing things, and at the same time he is an entrepreneur. He has the support of the bank behind him. It is said that he does things completely regardless of the consequences. Such people are either stupid or genius. In short, they will have great differences on this issue. This is a new challenge for us, and such a challenge is a brand new result for us.” Meng Yi said.

"Oh. It's too bad to say that." Shang Wen shook his head and said. He felt that Zhao Guoguo might become another Zhao country.

"The state of Zhao in Guo Kai's period can at least maintain a certain degree of moderation, but if it is changed to the war faction, the situation will become extremely unstable, and the state of Zhao may provoke war everywhere. This is for us. , Is not good news." Shang Wen shook his head and said, obviously he is not optimistic about Zhao Jia, because the situation of people like Zhao Jia is really unpredictable.

"I also have this hunch, but the problem is that it has already happened. What else can we do? There is nothing we can do. Under such circumstances, we can only respond passively." Meng Yi said. They cannot interfere with the results of Zhao's election. Perhaps history will show some deviations, or he has his own inertia. In short, the situation is developing in a different situation.

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