Chu State Pengcheng. Staff. The young man Xiangji tried to find his grandfather to solve his problems. He wanted to go to the battlefield. His grandfather was the person he admired the most. He hoped to solve this problem in his own way. But he didn't see it, just waiting outside the staff, which made him very uneasy, because he thought it might not approve.

"What do you think?" Xiang Yan asked the Minister of the Navy Xiang Liang. Xiang Liang was asked by Xiang Ji to ask for such a thing. He felt that his uncle still had great abilities.

"Well, I think that these teenagers should be given a chance. After all, let them learn to fight in that kind of place. I think that those who graduate from military academy are all rubbish." Xiang Liang said this, and he strongly recommended that Xiang Ji be sent. Go to the Naval Officer School, because there, he can be better taken care of, because the Naval Officer School is much stricter than the Army Officer School, and the same is true for the Junior Military Academy. The Naval Junior Military Academy is the place where nobles are most reluctant to go, because From an early age, they accepted a group of civilian children to the school. But that kind of place is obviously harsh. It is said that there are only two ways to get out of the military academy. The first is to graduate, and the second is to be carried out. It can also be a corpse, and it can also be paralyzed because the military academy maintains it. The ancient method of corporal punishment, if you make a mistake, has the opportunity to use a military stick. Beating people can break the thick military stick. Many people have broken their spine and various bones. The paralyzed people are no longer in the minority. After hearing about this, Xiang Ji decisively refused. He thinks the Navy has no future. Therefore, they did not participate in the navy. Indeed, it is very difficult for the navy to exert its personal bravery. What the navy needs is the collective and cooperative forces. They also need to master more data and technical capabilities. Xiang Ji is very clear that he has no such talent at all, so he I don't want to participate in such a thing.

"Trash, haha." Xiang Yan just smiled.

"I'm not worried about this, but this. Wang Shang immediately removed Fan Zeng from his post. He was relieved of his post and went home for retirement. It is said that the new prime minister is in the process of choosing, but basically it can be decided by default." Xiang Yan Speaking of this.

"The default?" Xiang Liang felt very excited. Because in this case, you only need to rely on the support of the king. So there is no need to worry about the **** election results. The Qin people's set was not suitable for Chu in the first place. The unspoken rules seem to be what Chu has always needed.

"Yes, the cause of this incident was a huge defeat on the battlefield in Burma. More than one regiment was destroyed. Fan Zeng was the one who supported the combat operations. He hoped to stabilize his politics through a war. Status, but as a result, one can imagine how bad the situation is." Xiang Yan said, shaking his head.

"In such a situation, I think it is better for us to be more careful. After all, this kind of thing will cause a lot of bad effects." Xiang Yan said.

"But, this is an opportunity." Xiang Liang won.

"The chances are that the situation on the battlefield in Burma has continued to be bad. We will wait for everything to stabilize. This is also because of a war and ousted a prime minister. It is also the first one." Xiang Yan is in her own political position. considering. Although he is unwilling to consider these, sometimes, he still has to do so. This is the case of war, and the same is true of politics. You may not be a politician, but you must have a little bit of political common sense. This matter has been reflected. King Chu Chu was an extremely sensitive person. On the issue of military power, the King of Chu demanded greater control. And Fan Zeng just let go of such a mistake.

"Yes. This is a very good opportunity for Xiang Ji." Xiang Liang said.

"I know. But there will be a lot of opportunities like this. If the battlefield is not going well, it will be reflected to us in the end. In the end, we still need to do it. Understand?" Xiang Yan said. In terms of military power, he felt that he should let go. After all, this is a big family interest.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

"What's wrong? Chu State, will the leaders of Zhao State change?" Han Shu looked at the telegram in his hand and said strangely.

"Sir, I think the situation may become turbulent, or that the situation may not be very good for the situation we are about to produce." Zhang Liang said worriedly. After all, the situation was relatively stable before, and all countries have adopted a peaceful policy. However, the situation in the two big countries of Zhao and Chu has undergone great changes all at once.

"Yes, Guo Kai is because of his illness. What is going on with Fan Zeng?" Han Shu asked, because it was not mentioned in the report.

"According to the information we got, it was said that it was because the king of Chu was extremely sensitive. On the issue of military power, it seemed that Fan Zeng arbitrarily mobilized the army or other things. But soon we have news from insiders." Zhang Liang said. Because Fan Zeng stepped down suddenly, and there were several reasons for it, the intelligence personnel needed to be cautious and they decided to just report the situation, and as for the reason, they were investigating.

"Forget the reason. It's okay to know in the future. What we need to do now is to stabilize the current situation, especially the normalization of relations with Qin. What I am worried about is Qin, and the two neighboring countries are not a big deal. "Han Shu said without worrying. Zhang Liang has something but doesn't know how to say it.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The situation is far worse than we thought. I thought it was Zhao Guo's thing, but I didn't expect Fan Zeng to step down." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah, things are much worse than I thought." Shang Wen shook his head and said.

"Is this a prelude to the turbulent situation?" Shang Wen said with a bad feeling.

"Don't say that. Maybe the situation will become more favorable." Meng Yi persuaded.

"No matter what, we should do our own things well and make our situation more favorable. As for other things, what we can do is very limited. By the way. We can pay attention to those places. As for the situation, as for other things, we can't do other things." Shangwen only paid attention to it. As for the development of the situation, this was originally out of its control.

New Carthage.

"Bang." Hannibal tentatively manipulated the flash hider in his hand, which is an improved version. This rifle has rifling and the caliber of the bullet is reduced, but it is still as large as twelve millimeters, and its killing power is still great. The firing range is 50 steps longer than that of the flintlock rifle. It is more powerful and the rifle’s rate of fire is also much faster because it uses a flash hider to shoot.

"The power is very powerful and the range is very long. I feel that the trajectory is as straight as a pistol. Within a range of 50 meters, I can guarantee that I can hit the opponent." Hannibal said excitedly.

"The most important thing is that they are also equipped with bayonets, which are very good." Li Wei said while looking at the backward rifles. In the Central Plains, a large number of rear-pull rotary bolt-action rifles have been equipped, but here, the flash hider is used. Despite their great power, they are still incomparable in terms of range and rate of fire. These are still their weaknesses.

"I'm very satisfied. I want to know when we will attack. I can't wait to attack each other." Hannibal said excitedly.

"Don't worry, I think we should wait until we have enough cannons." Li Wei whispered. He felt that the time to attack the Celtics was not yet ripe. First of all, soldiers needed to be familiar with these weapons. They couldn't fight without being familiar with them. Anyang's words would be too unfavorable for them.

"I want to have more powerful firepower. If the Celtics do not attack us, our plan will not work. Therefore, the firepower can ensure that we have a strong offensive power." Li Wei said. This is his second and third reason. Firepower is the second condition that Li Wei considers. Because they need to use their superiority in firepower to make up for their shortcomings in numbers.

The third point is defensive operations. He hopes to first achieve the ability to consume the opponent's superior forces through defensive operations, and then launch a counterattack at a critical critical point, and finally achieve their offensive goals.

"I don't understand." Hannibal shook his head and said. His learning ability is very strong, and he seems to have vaguely felt that the other party will use a strategy to achieve his own goals, but he doesn't know what the specific strategy is.

"We first engage in defensive operations, and in defensive operations, we can greatly consume the opponent’s forces, but we have reached the critical point of the opponent’s offensive force. This critical point is that their forces are used up or their successors are weak, but we are We can launch a counterattack to defeat the opponent. After all, if we rush to attack, we need more firepower. At the current state, we need at least 10,000 people to achieve such a goal. But we can’t do it yet, so , Our only way is this." Li Wei said.

"I see. Our firepower is still insufficient, so we can only attract the opponent to attack through attrition, right?" Hannibal said.

"The question is, how do we do this, if you know the Celtics, they are not stupid." Hannibal said. He felt that they would never attack such a defensive point. After all, it was still very difficult for them to accept.

"Supply, we can attack their supplies, as long as we find their supply points and attack them, we can achieve our combat goals. This is my plan." Li Wei said. Hannibal nodded, touching his chin to think.

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