Qin State, Xianyang.

"From the current situation, Zhao Jia's approval rate is very high. It can be said that it is not surprising. The other party may be Zhao’s new prime minister. According to our intelligence and analysis, Zhao Jia’s policy may be biased. Yu Radical." Meng Yi reported to Shangwen with a report.

"Well, I also look at such a thing in this way, but this kind of thing is not good. Maybe after taking office, it will be changed in a specific situation. You know, sometimes, politicians need to consider some specific issues. To solve some things." Shang Wen said.

"I hope so. But the Koreans don't seem to pay much attention to the changes in Zhao Guoren's policies, which surprised us a bit." Meng Yi said.

"Oh. Really?" Shang Wen was curious to arrive.

"Yes, and it is true. They didn't pay much attention. Although we asked some things. But the other party didn't seem to respond to us very enthusiastically. On the contrary, they seemed to be really not interested in it, thinking that things should be. In this way, they do too much and it is of no use." Meng Yi said.

"This is really strange. It seems that the Koreans think that their intervention seems to be useless, and they have seen it. This is Zhao Guoren's own choice. Such a thing, this is something we cannot change by ourselves." Shang Wen nodded. Speaking of. Meng Yi nodded and agreed with this point of view. After all, they couldn't change much of this kind of thing. It is impossible for Qin's intelligence department to influence Zhao's election because it is a matter of a huge interest group.

Chu State, Pengcheng, Ministry of National Defense.

"Is there any good way? Think about it all, use your heads, if you don't want to lose your job and submit a resignation report to me, please use your brains and hurry up." The Defense Minister said anxiously. Song Yi was very anxious, so he gave the pressure to the Minister of Defense, and the Minister of Defense was also very anxious, so he pressed it to his men, because only these men can he solve everything. No matter what the conditions are, he must learn to solve this problem.

"Minister, this kind of thing seems to be very difficult. If you don't increase reinforcements or change this kind of battle without any support, I think it is too difficult. At least we should add some reinforcements." A lieutenant colonel worried. Speaking of, after all, they still know the situation on the front line. There is nothing wrong with losing a regiment, but the key is that they have to understand what they should do now. The support they need is a large amount of material support, and then to restore morale. If necessary, increasing reinforcement is also one of their needs.

"Okay. You can pack your things, I don't want to see you anymore," said the Secretary of Defense.

"Sir." The lieutenant colonel was very surprised, but the Secretary of Defense had already waved.

"Why, sir? I think it's just a reasonable request, it's nothing." The lieutenant colonel said seriously.

"Get out. You trash, what I want is to solve the problem. All I can give you is these things. You solve the problem for me. If you can't solve the problem, what do I want you to do with this trash? Get out. "The Secretary of Defense finally used the yelling method to get the other party to get out, which is extremely impolite. But it is also the most exciting. The Minister of National Defense has been forced to a dead end, and Song Yi knows that only when people are desperate will they have the possibility of an outbreak. What he needs is such a situation.

When the king of Chu persecuted him, he persecuted his own subordinates. As for what the subordinates did? That is their business, he only cares about one thing, that is, he only wants his results.

The other party left here helplessly. The Secretary of Defense was still very angry, and his anger made him uncontrollable. He paced back and forth, he wanted to drink water. Anger made his throat very dry, but it also made it difficult to calm down, and in the end he continued to maintain this dry pacing style.

"Who else, keep talking. I need a solution to increase reinforcements, I also know, but the problem is, without these, you must solve all the problems with the existing conditions." The Minister of Defense said.

"Hurry up." For a long time, only the Secretary of Defense was pacing, and the officers could not come up with some good methods at all, or that they did, but they were afraid to say it, because they knew that once If you don't meet the other party's requirements, you may get out of it all at once. In that case, your military career will be ruined.

"Do you want to get out, too?" the Secretary of Defense asked angrily.

"No, sir, we don't want to leave here, but we have a suggestion that doesn't feel good." A major officer boldly said that now only these young officers can play such a role.

"Talk about it." The Defense Minister said coldly. If the situation is not good, he may let the other party come here at once. He promised that he would never give the other party a second chance.

"We see. There is a teenager from a youth military school. He proposed the use of commandos to solve the guerrilla tactics of these cottonmen. The opponent's tactics are very flexible and difficult to deal with, and the tactical area is very complicated. The jungle is dense. Said, this is definitely not a good place. Fighting in such a place will increase the difficulty." The major said.

"Speaking of the point?" The Secretary of Defense didn't even know what the point was? Maybe it was because I was too anxious. Or in other words, he didn't even notice any difference in his heart. In his opinion, there seemed to be no difference.

"Sir, it's a commando team. We can form a commando team. Among the five infantry divisions, we can select some commando teams. Their combat numbers may be around two hundred, but they are well equipped and flexible. If it is guerrilla tactics, we use assault tactics. They become more flexible and offensive. Under such conditions, they can make war more difficult to deal with." said the major.

"Okay. I know what you are going to say? Just do this and form a commando team. Since that young man proposed it, we will give them a chance and give the young military academy a chance to be loyal to the country. So, let's make a The plan, although we can't provide them with more weapons and equipment, but the commando equipment is still possible, what they need, what kind of people, we can help them get it, I think, very good, that's it. "The Minister of Defense said. The Secretary of Defense decided at once, it seems that such a plan does not need to be considered.

Does this still need to be considered? There is no need to spend too much money, no need to increase reinforcements, financial expenditure can be reduced, and the purpose of solving the problem can be achieved. Although it sounds unreliable, there are many people on the other side, but you send a small-scale commando to solve it. The problem seems to be a bit difficult to do so. But Chu State had no choice. They can only do this. Regardless of his special ideas from the young military academy, or other ideas. As long as all the current problems can be solved, the Secretary of Defense feels that it is a good plan. In this way, Xiang Ji's plan was passed under heavy pressure. Maybe he himself did not expect such a result.

North of New Carthage, the battlefield has become very quiet, and it feels unbearable to be quiet. There are only occasional noises, no rifle sounds, only the sound of digging. Both tactics have become groundhogs, and they dig trenches continuously.

"There is good news." Hannibal has been running between New Carthage and here. He has been getting various supplies from the commander. Their number has been supplemented by more than 3,000 people. They have 6,000 men, more than 500 cavalry, more than 4,000 musketeers, and some of them have been adapted into artillery and engineers. Their strength is increasing.

"I brought more than a hundred officers from the State of Zhao from Carthage. They are all grass-roots officers. They can fire and shoot, and they have good tactical skills. I increased their military salaries and they all came to me. "Hannibal said to Li Wei with a smile. Li Wei felt a little unbelievable, although he also knew about the military observation group, Zhao sent a large number of military observers here. However, he didn't know how many people could come here, and there were more than a hundred people at once. Oh my God, they can solve many, many problems.

"Not bad, I also feel like a genius. They can help solve many of our problems." Hannibal said with a smile. It seemed that he was very happy.

"Yes, very good, this is indeed a good news." Li Wei said with a smile. In this case, his pressure will be reduced a lot, which is indeed very good news for him.

"Well. The situation is more than that, we also got some artillery supplements. By the way. Why is the battlefield so quiet? If it is too quiet, I feel very uncomfortable." Hannibal said.

"Our sniper tactics are no longer effective. They are all under the trenches, rarely show up, and no unlucky spirits have been killed at our guns. The Celtics are also learning, they have become very savvy, this Being shrewd is simply a disaster for us." Li Wei said worriedly. He was worried about whether his seduction plan would be revised. After all, the other party would not be fooled. Under such a situation, letting them launch an offense would be an unfavorable situation for them.

"Yeah. I think we should fire. Maybe the cannonballs can solve some problems. We have enough cannonballs and enough ammunition. You know, those things are nothing to us at all." Hannibal is now very emboldened. Speaking of. Because they set up a gunpowder factory nearby, specializing in the production of a large number of shells and gunpowder. Although they are all black powder, some saltpeters are derived from animal and human excrement, but this can greatly stabilize people's production, which is enough Excited Hannibal.

"Okay. Although this doesn't sound like a good way, it can effectively train our artillery." Li Wei agreed, he knew. Artillery, the threat posed by those old artillery against the Celtics in the trenches is still too small. Unless the bombardment was carried out by large-caliber artillery, this kind of bombardment was simply impossible for the Carthaginians.

"Boom. Boom." The shells roared out quickly, and the rumble of artillery broke all the silence. The entire battlefield began to enter a noisy environment, which was the most unbearable place for them. . This will cause them considerable losses.

"Swish." The shells roared. Then they smashed into the Celtics trench, some hapless Celtics stretched out their heads, sometimes they were lucky, sometimes they could only be described as hapless, yes, hapless, Very unlucky. The shells directly knocked out their heads. Also, the shells fell in their trenches. They were equipped wild artillery, and the shells stretched out. The shell fell in the trench and exploded, killing some Celtics who could not dodge. The soldiers on the front line felt very excited when they saw such a scene.

The artillery was greatly encouraged by this scene. They felt that what they did was very good. At the very least, they would get greater support. With such support, they can do many, many things. . So they started to shoot non-stop, anyway, there are enough shells, they don't have to worry about such problems.

After lunch, Li Wei is going to bed, and Hannibal has no habit of taking a lunch break, but he is also relatively sleepy. He thinks that he should drink some tea. This is a bad habit he learned from the Koreans.

"Sir, sir. It's not good. Something strange has happened on the front line. Look." A second lieutenant ran in nervously and reported. Li Wei looked at each other. It also looked nervously running to the front position.

The Celtics were digging trenches frantically, and in their hidden camp, it seemed that many people were mobilized. They yelled that the mobilization before a war was inevitably being carried out. This is not good news for them, which means that the Celtics are going to attack.

"No." Li Wei looked at Hannibal in surprise.

"The Celtics are going to attack. Quickly, let our forward positions be prepared and don't let them approach us." Hannibal gave orders. Immediately there was a intensive gunfire from the forward position. Then there was the explosion of a grenade, and the two sides appeared to be engaged.

"The shelling is our shelling, which gives them a lot of pressure. Under such pressure, they decided to attack, so they did it. We can understand it this way." Li Wei said.

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