The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3839: Zero tolerance for errors

"Defend, order everyone to enter the defensive position." Hannibal gave the order. The soldiers have consciously entered a state of combat. Li Wei carefully observed the battle.

The Celtics are smarter. They know where the opponent’s advantage lies. Those muskets can cost them a lot of casualties. In order to avoid such casualties, he relied on trenches to keep close to the Carthaginian positions, and then suddenly attacked, first of all, the javelin. , Stones, or torches, these things are enough to cause a lot of trouble for the Carthaginian soldiers.

What Li Wei saw was such a place that was breached. A large number of torches and stones were thrown over. Even if it was well avoided, it was difficult to avoid being hit. In order to prevent being hit, the formation of soldiers, And the battle formation becomes chaotic. This is exactly what the Celtics want. What they need is such a situation. If there is no such situation, they would never launch such an offensive. Now, they It's time to attack.

"Oh." What Li Wei saw in the telescope was that the Celtics quickly launched an offensive. They seized the opportunity. They knew that the Carthaginian formation was chaotic. Then he held a shield. Only the soldiers in the front have them. Those soldiers who can barely shoot can not stop the attack of the opponent. Then they cover the flying bullets. It may be useful or useless, but the people behind are all there. Crazy offense, a distance of less than tens of meters, is enough for them. At this distance, only the most well-trained soldiers of Carthage soldiers can fire two bullets, and it is still in the normal training environment, which is difficult for the instructor of the State of Zhao to achieve.

"Bang. Bang. Puff." The bullet was knocked out by the shield. If you follow the previous shields, the shields are usually made of wood, the Celts will put a layer of animal skin on the outside, and the Carthaginians will use some iron rivets or iron skin to cover. In this case , The shield can play a certain shielding effect at a certain distance, but at close range, after the bullet penetrates the shield, it will form a larger killing surface. The only thing that remains is to arrange a thicker shield. Their shields were thickened with some bronze or iron blocks. The bullets did not penetrate the opponent's shield. Of course, the artillery was very easy.

"Fire the artillery." Some Zhao Guo instructors shouted loudly. The artillery began to shoot, and shots poured in madly. A large number of Celtics fell in pieces, but these could not completely solve the problem because of the conflict between battles. The distance is shortened, the closest is only a dozen meters, and the farthest is less than 30 meters. As long as you sprint with all your strength, there will be an impact if there is no time to react. This is the biggest challenge for the Carthaginians.

A Celtic warrior, wearing a horned hat, rushed in, swung his big axe, and killed a Carthage musketeer. The opponent's bayonet was already up. But before he had time to swing, it was extremely inconvenient to swing in the trench. It was not as powerful as the opponent’s axe, and the musket was chopped in half. The battle became extremely difficult, because in the trench, the firepower advantage of the musketeer was fundamental. Unable to play out, the short sword is a very good fighting weapon, but he also has his own shortcomings, that is, in the confrontation with the axe, his strength is seriously inferior to the opponent, and Carthage is completely suppressed.

"Damn it. Can't increase reinforcements. Retreat immediately, pull the situation apart, let the artillery troops block and shoot, retreat, and retreat to the second line of defense." Li Wei shouted loudly. The situation is very unfavorable for the Carthaginians. The Carthaginian army has become a force dominated by firearms. Their strength lies in their range, not their fighting. Rifles with bayonets are in the trenches. Inside, it is far inferior to an axe, because the opponent can use that axe flexibly, and Carthage is too restricted. These restrictions are enough to make them fall apart.

"Retreat, retreat." Li Wei shouted loudly. He knew that if he didn't retreat, it would be too late. Their losses will increase further. In that case, it will be their greatest disadvantage, and this unfavorable situation will exacerbate their failure.

"Sir, why don't we use the reserve team? If we use the reserve team, we can expel them from our position." A second lieutenant officer asked very puzzled.

"I know, but it is not the time yet. If we expel them, do you know what the cost will be? We will lose more than a thousand people, and we are still in this kind of consuming battle. Retreat, quickly Retreat." Li Wei shouted loudly. The situation is very unfavorable for the Carthage army. In trench operations, it is not as advantageous as in plain operations. The trenches restrict the use of Carthage’s firepower. The situation is very unfavorable for Carthage.

As for why the reserve team is not used, the situation is very simple, because in the trench battle, Levy saw that Carthage had suffered a lot, but the opponent had the upper hand in fighting technology. Although the reserve team could be revealed, the result was , Carthage would lose their few troops, which is extremely unfavorable for them, and this incident will completely reverse them into a passive situation.

Thebes, a South Korean intelligence lieutenant is collating information.

"Sergeant, can you tell me what this Hipporah means? Is it another race? Or a nation, my goodness. The situation here is too complicated." The lieutenant clearly had the information at hand. The confusion feels a headache. Indeed, after reading the information, he always thought that Loma and Rome were two different things. However, the sergeant's subsequent explanation left him suddenly blinded. Because Loma and Rome are only different in translation, because they are transliterated. This made the lieutenant annoyed. This made a wrong judgment. He also wrote a report on this, and prepared to submit it. It was mainly to adopt different diplomatic strategies against Loma and Rome. If his superiors saw it, he would definitely laugh at him. .

"Sir, this may be a transliteration, as if it should be a Hebrew. It should be like this." The sergeant read the document and said.

"Hebrew?" The lieutenant confided again. Because this is a new name.

"Well, sir, you can understand it this way, they should be Jews. In the Jewish countries, they are Jews." The sergeant explained.

"Damn it, how did you start your work?" The lieutenant collapsed completely. The Jews actually translated three transliterations that he didn't know. The misunderstanding caused by this caused them to consume a lot of the bottom line to start their work, and this bottom line consumption caused them to completely collapse.

"This, sir, we have no way, but the situation is like this, sir, there is no way. Our situation is like this. Many transliterations are used directly. We have never specifically unified them, and the sir has also paid attention to it. This question, but now many people don't care about this matter, so." The sergeant explained helplessly.

"Damn, I really don't know how your work started." The lieutenant was already very angry about this matter. Because they worked on such a thing, it made things messed up. Originally, Chinese names should be used in many places. In this way, many mistakes can be avoided. According to the rules of South Korea, this must be done, but they don’t know what. At the beginning, the **** used the transliterated name directly in order to be lazy. As a result, a large number of transliterated names appeared on the map. Sometimes, they originally represented two different places. Different nationalities, countries. They actually used a lot of transliterations to express it. As a result, their maps were extremely messy, but no one paid attention to such a thing. Sometimes they really don’t know how these idiots do their jobs. Is that how they are responsible? Although there are a lot of dissatisfaction, no one takes care of this matter. After all, this is a big project, and it needs to find the parties to prove that the matter is of one kind. This requires a lot of work, and no one likes to do this kind of work. Mistakes continue, and no one wants to correct such mistakes.

South Korea, Great World Hotel, in a senior suite. After Li Wen took a shower, he picked up the newspaper to read that he kept the habit of going to bed at ten o'clock every day, of course. Only when he is resting, will he indulge himself, go to chat with beautiful women, or have a drink. He is not short of money, but only a feeling, which is very important to him.

"Damn it, such a big thing happened to Zhao Guo." When Li Wei saw the political sector, he realized that Guo Kai had actually fallen ill. The old man who used to be stingy, but who still understands economics, has now become a paralyzed patient who can only lie on the bed, **** and pee, and can't take care of himself. He is really a poor man.

See here. Li Wen noticed it all at once. After receiving such news, Zhao Guo’s stock market should have been hit by no small amount. He quickly looked at the situation of Zhao Guo’s stock market. He found that Zhao Guo’s stock market was temporarily in an unfavorable state. They exceeded the previous decline. At the lowest point, there seems to be a situation of further expansion, but judging from Li Wen’s experience, he feels that the situation does not seem to be as simple as he thought. He feels that he should give it a try and cannot give up such an opportunity because he gives up such an opportunity. An opportunity for him is tantamount to committing a crime and making a mistake, and he will never allow himself to make such a mistake.

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