Chu State, Pengcheng. Inside the staff.

"Sir, don't you think this thing is too strange? What do the guys from the Ministry of Defense think about putting these young people on the battlefield?" Xiang Liang said grumblingly. The Ministry of National Defense unexpectedly approved Xiang Ji's plan, and Xiang Ji also received the temporary rank of lieutenant, so that he could form his own assault team. He didn’t think so much about this membership. What he thought was how to accomplish his own thing. He needs a strike force of dozens of people. Everyone has good skills. They also need to be familiar with jungle warfare. There are plans already. He planned to gather such a group of people from among the Vietnamese.

"I don't know. What I know is that the king is very anxious. If we don't solve this problem, everything will be done for us." Xiang Yan thought. For Xiang Ji to participate in the battle, he believes that sooner or later there will be some opportunities like this. If he participates early, it may form some favorable conditions for him. After all, children of his age are all newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers and know some wars. The cruelty is also good.

"We mainly rely on the export trade of sugar, tea, and silk, but these, we lose a lot of sugar, tea, etc. every day. These can no longer meet our financial needs. If this continues, we will lose us. If the financial capacity of the country is exhausted, the war will not be able to go on. This war will directly defeat the State of Chu.” Xiang Yan said. Xiang Yan knows exactly what the weaknesses of Chu State are. Don’t look at Chu State which looks huge, but he is very weak. Many places maintain a slavery economy. Although slaves have become natives, he is still not a very developed industrial country. , He is just an agricultural country that continuously draws on land resources. For him, industry is still very weak. His finances and taxes are also very simple, which is doomed to their situation is not very good.

"This is the affairs of the Minister of Finance, why let us do such a thing." Xiang Liang complained.

"No. This is a matter for the Ministry of National Defense. They don't believe that the General Staff can come up with a reasonable plan to solve such a thing." Xiang Yan said. Xiang Liang didn't want to know the dirty things between political struggles. The new acting prime minister always feels uncomfortable in his actions. Nobles are calculating their vested interests.

In Song Yi's office, Fan Zeng's Finance Minister was invited into Song Yi's office before he could resign. Originally, this position belonged to Chen Ping, but he immediately resigned. Because he knew that Song Yi was unlikely to be very interested in his economic policies. Such a person doesn't appreciate himself, he leaves here naturally.

"What I want to know is how we can increase Chu's fiscal revenue. You know, many things currently require funds, and the funds on our books are too small." Song Yi said worriedly.

"This. The only way is to develop our economy. This process is slow. However, it is very solid and reliable." The Minister of Finance answered Song Yi's question in this way.

"Do you understand what I mean?" Song Yi restrained his anger for a while not to attack on the spot.

"I am very clear, Mr. Prime Minister, if we increase fiscal revenue, we can solve this problem through taxation. However, it will not take long before the problem of excessive taxation will be squeezed into the economy. In that case, Our economy will face greater disasters. Under such circumstances, it seems difficult for us to accomplish such things, so I think. The current situation seems to be difficult to face such a situation." The Minister of Finance said. To. The Minister of Finance seems to want Song Yi to understand one thing, that is, taxation is not the most reliable way. In that case, it will only cause greater panic. The best way is to reduce taxes, or in other words, not to exempt part of it. In this way, their situation will become extremely reliable.

"Okay. I understand what you mean. You can go out. Go out." In the end, Song Yi couldn't bear the attitude of the Minister of Finance. What he needed was an immediate solution to the financial problem. The war problem is actually a financial problem. Only when the financial problem is solved can all problems be solved. Fighting requires a lot of funds. Song Yi currently needs to solve this problem. At the same time, a series of political achievements need to be solved in this way. The way he thought of was to increase taxes, so that in the short term, the financial situation could be properly improved. But the Minister of Finance is clearly opposed to this. He believes that increasing taxes will only increase the burden on certain people. For them, this is definitely an unreliable method. Such a method will inevitably lead to a series of Loss, this loss will exceed any period. This is an absolutely unusable situation.

The Minister of Finance narrowed his mouth, looked at Song Yi, and walked out of Song Yi's office helplessly. When Fan Zeng was here, he would never do this. He would rather choose financial solutions to solve such things than to levy taxes, because that would force the people’s negative emotions out. This is definitely not the same. What an enlightened politician should do, the current situation has already shown. The differentiation of taxation policies will benefit the increase in national fiscal revenue.

"Damn it, old bastard." Song Yi cursed. Before the Minister of Finance left here, he immediately insulted the other party. One can imagine how bad the other party's temper is. Song Yi felt that he should need a very good or obedient finance minister. The candidates for the Minister of Economy will also be nominated as soon as possible, otherwise, many things will be very delayed. Song Yi thought so. Song Yi is cleaning up the ministers left by Fan Zeng, and some of them can be used. For example, the Minister of National Defense, he frantically put forward various suggestions, drew the troops to the front line, and even the young officers were promoted exceptionally. There are many disobedient old guys.

Song Yi wanted to increase some fiscal revenue in advance, but the other party actually said something about the solid foundation of the economy. This made Song Yi feel very annoyed. He didn't come to listen to other people's preaching. And they are not qualified to give some **** preaching to themselves. Song Yi hated such a minister.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"Support Young Master Jia, support Young Master Jia." A group of women in red standing on the carriage waved billboards and yelled loudly, and spread some leaflets from time to time, which greatly attracted the attention of some young men. force. On the leaflet, some women's lipsticks are also available.

"Yeah. The leaflets are all fragrant. If the son Jia can let a woman stay with me all night, I will choose him." A man from Zhao country said with a squinting state.

"Hurry up and wipe your saliva, it's almost dripping to the ground." A man said disdainfully.

"Such women will only be given to those congressmen. This election is an indirect election, which is very unfair. We elect those congressmen first, and then we can vote for them by purchasing. In the meantime, who knows what benefits those congressmen will get? , Do you think we are really participating in the election? Someone's money is not so profitable." A man said with great dissatisfaction.

"Oh. That's it. But it's nice to look at those women," the other party said. Various beauties were followed for promotion, and their voices made more men obsessed. Of course. There are also some women who are disgusted. Unfortunately, many of them only have half of the votes. The women of Zhao Guoren are still inferior to men, and their votes are only half. In other words, two women’s votes can represent one vote, while a man has completeness. Right to vote. Although it was unfair, it caused dissatisfaction among women. But this is also impossible.

Young Master Jia will also find a way to win votes for this part. He announced that he would increase women's salary, and at the same time, increase the number of management and the number of women, the ratio will not be lower than twenty to one. This is already quite high. This means that many women will enter management. This has never been done before. But the most important votes come from banks and entrepreneurs, because they can persuade more parliamentarians to vote for each other.

The advantage of Zhao Jia's promise to them is to provide a broader market. Without a market, they would be unable to do anything. The election war this time has become extremely tense and exciting. Many people feel that their hearts can't stand it.

For this election, it can be said that Zhao Jia used any tricks. Women’s propaganda team, they brought more male votes. At the same time, a large amount of bribes are put into the hands of those parliamentarians, and at the same time, their companies will get more preferential tax policies. These are equivalent to bribes in disguise. This makes entrepreneurs feel very happy. If they do, they can finally get More rights too. In this situation, this is a very beneficial thing for them.

In the sky, more than 20 airships will drop a large number of propaganda sheets every day, the people of Handan said. They don't need to buy toilet paper. Because Zhao Jia provides them with toilet paper every day.

The results of the propaganda are naturally very beneficial to the son Zhao Jia.

"My son, our propaganda work is in place. Every time slot of the broadcast is our selection. According to this situation, I think all the people in Handan will know us." An assistant held a report. Speaking of this.

"Very good, what I want is this kind of effect. If this kind of effect is not achieved, what do we call propaganda? I just want all the people in Handan to know that I, Zhao Jia, will be their most suitable prime minister. , No one." Zhao Jia said confidently.

"However, there are still negative information. For example, the former prime minister, he is making a statement, which has caused a lot of damage to your reputation." The assistant said worriedly.

"Guo Kai, that old guy took his life. What else does he want to do? I know, he has become a poor old man, **** it. Don't worry about him, he is already a rubbish. If he keeps entangled like this, We can apply for investigation and ask journalists to dig out their information. I heard that Guo Kai, in the prime minister's position, likes to accept gifts from others. This is a bribe and can create a news incident." Zhao Jia said. .

The assistant nodded and recorded it. He knew that accepting bribes was nothing, but once it was put on the news media, it would expand indefinitely. At that time, your sin would become a disaster. Zhao Jia knows exactly what this means, so he likes this method even more. The politician doesn't like his reputation. Unless that's a real old bastard.

In Li Wei's temporary residence.

"Without such a weapon, among the shells we use, it is unlikely that there will be such shells, and no such weapons exist. Moreover, if the artillery unit is used alone, the task of the artillery is too heavy, and too many tasks will overwhelm him. "Li Wei formulated a battle plan. This plan requires many things to be completed at the same time, such as providing fire support and suppressing the enemy's offensive. In this way, the artillery's task will become onerous, which will bring disadvantages to the plan Factor, this is definitely not what they want to see.

"Yeah. That's true, but what else can we do, relying on cavalry, engineers, and part of the infantry, we can't intercept them at all?" Hannibal said.

A bold combat plan has been formed, but the problem is that in many cases, the specific details are not yet formed, because the closure of the pocket array still needs strong troops to enter to complete such a thing.

"If we have enough musketeers, this problem may be solved easily." Li Wei said.

"We may be thinking of ways to solve such things. For example, it is possible to make some other weapons." Li Wei comforted. Their plan is no problem. However, if they only defeat the opponent, they obviously cannot achieve the strategic goal. Their goal is to let the Celtics retreat and express their surrender. Then they can have enough troops to fight. .

"Sir, our arms dealer brought some rockets. Very good. Although not very powerful? But, I think we should give it a try." At this moment, a second lieutenant officer came in excitedly and said. They are artillery, and they are naturally studying artillery.

"Rocket?" the two asked at the same time.

"Yes, sir. The rockets are all Korean products. Although they are poorly made, some of them are made of iron sheets and most of them are made of paper tubes. They look like fireworks. But, I think, this Enough to create a lot of chaos for those **** Celtics. After all, this is also an explosive weapon." The other party said.

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