The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3842: Difficult to recruit

Chu State, Pengcheng. Inside the juvenile military school. In a place where a recruitment sign was hung, two young cadets were sleeping on the table.

"Hey, wake me up." Xiang Ji kicked the table and shouted.

"Yeah. It's the sir." A student said sleepily when he saw Xiang Ji. It seems that he hasn't woken up yet, and this situation seems to be not enough for him. Originally, they felt that they didn't get enough sleep for a whole day.

"How many people are there?" Xiang Ji picked up the registration form, and it looked like the names were all registered, and then there was nothing left after drawing a cross. This is often the case. And there is no form, he originally thought there were a lot of people. As a result, none of the forms were filled out, which disappointed Xiang Ji too much. He didn't know what happened to make so many soldiers unwilling to sign up. He is a commando.

Because Xiang Ji's temporary military rank is lieutenant, and they have no military rank, they are actually equivalent to second-class soldiers in the army, so the two people must call Xiang Ji the chief, which is the etiquette they must observe. This is also a matter of order in the army.

"Why are these people?" Xiang Ji felt that his honor was tarnished.

"Well, sir, it's like this. There were still people who came to consult at the beginning, but when they asked about the military salary, they regressed. Some registered soldiers also tick off their names. Many people heard There is no military pay, so they left here." A student explained.

"If you don't have the military salary, won't you come to participate?" Xiang Ji asked annoyedly. The two looked at each other and didn't know how to explain such a thing. He really didn't know how to explain such a thing.

"Well, this situation is like this, and we have no choice. The risk of the assault team is very high. However, the salary paid to us is only the salary of ordinary soldiers, and the weapons are only provided by the local armed forces. The conditions are these." Speaking helplessly. This is a difficult challenge for them. They all know that the Ministry of National Defense has no money. Song Yi, who just came to power, is a very stingy person. He wants to solve the problem, but at the same time he hopes not to spend too much money. Therefore, there is such a way. This is for them. Said that this is not a very good way.

"Damn it." Xiang Ji scolded, he didn't know what he should do next. The difficulty of logistical supplies was something he had never encountered before, and this problem put him in a dilemma. They need to fight, but they need weapons and equipment and military pay. These were originally the affairs of the Ministry of National Defense, but the Ministry of National Defense did not give them.

"Sir, if we go to them, I think they will definitely not give it, because if it does, it will be given to us at the beginning, and if they don't, it means that they have no money." The student said. Another student stabbed the opponent's arm. He didn't want the other party to say that, after all, it was a morale-damaging thing.

"Is there any way to get money?" Xiang Ji asked. He originally planned to apply for some funds, but after thinking about it, let's forget it. These are my own money, and the cost of war is very large. In such a situation, it is obviously against some principles to spend one's own things to do something that is not thankful. They suffered heavy losses. After all, the family is unwilling to take greater risks.

"This. Sir, I think there is only one way to solve the problem." A student said. Another student tried to stop the other person from speaking.

"Go on, don't hesitate like this. I don't like this. It's not something that soldiers should do at all." The other party said.

"Yes, sir, the situation is like this. I think we should rob. The looted loot is our own. If this is the case, someone will come to participate. After all, the richness of the loot determines the size of our affairs. . This is a great encouragement for us.” said a student.

"But if the local military doesn't provide our equipment, do we need to solve it by ourselves? Moreover, for the first batch of military payments, we also have to get some funds. Where do these funds come from? It won't work." A student said. Xiang Ji nodded, he also felt that what the other party said made sense.

"It's easy. This war is the same as doing business. We also need capital, but we don't have the capital. What should we do? Let others invest and we participate. In this way, many projects can be launched." The students said so. In the juvenile military academy, many people are reluctant to fight because they are the children of nobles. Most of them join the army just to get a certain amount of capital. Some people are in politics, some are in business. In short, joining the army is definitely not their number one. The choice also led to the fact that some people in the juvenile military academy always bring a strong commercial atmosphere to the barracks. This is a very bad atmosphere for the military, but this kind of atmosphere has given Xiang Ji’s commando team. Brings another model, maybe he really needs capital.

"Listen, where can I get this money?" Xiang Ji asked. It seems that Xiang Ji has no interest in money at all, because people who make money are talking about funds, but people who don't make money. He was talking about money. Obviously, Xiang Ji was the latter. After all, he was talking about money.

"This is very simple. Banks and banks have money, but we must first have projects and be profitable before we can attract them to invest. We can try those noble banks, and then Qin State Investment Bank, they tend to be risky, because With risks, there will be greater benefits. Of course. Funds will not be a lot at the beginning. But we must get sufficient funds, or our scale is small." The trainee explained.

"Okay. That's it, the money matters are left to you." Xiang Ji said, patting the other party's shoulder.

"Ah. I. I, I can't do such a thing. I just watched it, but I really did it. Me." The student looked at each other, and then had to agree. After all, such a thing is definitely not. Most people can do it. This requires a lot of courage.

"Okay. That's it for this matter." Xiang Ji felt that his head was very big, and the logistics supply was indeed a major event. It seemed difficult to accomplish such a thing without a complete logistics supply in a war.

In India, the camp of Yue's army. This has become a big barracks.

However, the Yue army is stationed here, and they do all sorts of illegal and criminal things like arrest, transport, looting, raiding, and all kinds of crimes every day.

"Know? If it were me, when I retired, I would bring a bunch of female slaves back to me. They can farm and do other things, such as having children. I need a group of children." Ah Tong said with a bayonet rifle. Ashun next to him shook his head. Obviously, he felt a bit too much for the other person's words. Or in other words, what the other party said were all **** things.

"You have to have quite a lot of money to support them. I know, this is not a small figure, relying on your poor military salary. You can't afford to support a child." The other party said.

"Don't say that. Tell you, I have a way, don't tell me, you have not found the way, robbed, or sold those slaves. These are things allowed by the chief. What I am worried about now is how to treat these female slaves Get it back." Tong said, shaking his head. After Yue's army entered Indy, they changed. They will not attack the Holy Fire religion at all, because they can’t find it, and it’s difficult to deal with it. However, they are still capable of arresting local civilians. Railways are being built in China. They need a lot of labor, cheap labor, and India These prisoners of war are reliable cheap labor.

Some railway companies want to buy cheaply here, and then transport them to the rear for railway laying work. For them, these people are just commodities, nothing more. It is a very simple matter for them to accept such a fact. After all, this kind of loss is the smallest for them.

The people of the Yue family received a lot of funds from the people of the Qin country. What the funds were used for, of course, was to build infrastructure. They built more railways, and at the same time, they built more roads and communication facilities. In this case, their Economic conditions have improved a lot, factories have been established, and the issue of Zoroastrianism still exists, but it is not the biggest problem. At the same time, the government's foreign military operations have allowed them to obtain a large number of military orders, and the production conditions of the enterprise have further improved. In such a situation, is there anything to be dissatisfied with? Obviously there is no more. After all, such a thing is enough for them. There are quite a few things they need to solve. such as. How to spend money, this is what they care about most.

In this way, the Yueshi as a whole entered a period of rapid development. This period mainly relied on the capital of the State of Qin. Without the injection of capital of the State of Qin and the circulation of a large amount of circulating funds, they would not be able to start such a thing at all. Everything is the most difficult thing for them, and now the problem is solved. Therefore, it is the best result.

Yueshi’s enterprises, factories, and trading companies all have a large amount of sufficient circulating funds. These funds have provided them with too many opportunities. With such opportunities, Yueshi’s development will naturally develop. This is a kind of The inevitable trend.

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