State of Qin, Xianyang, in the prime minister's residence.

"It seems that Guo Kai is biting Zhao Jia." Shang Wen said while looking at the newspaper.

"Yes, I heard that this was instructed by Guo Kai. Although many people are persuading him to recover from his illness, he may recover in the future. However, Guo Kai always believes that this is the result of his son Zhao Jia. So, in this matter, he was extremely annoyed with his son Zhao Jia. It was also because of such things that this resulted in such a result. This is the situation, but this cannot change a fact. After all, we should understand Guo Kai’s feelings. He fell from a place that has attracted the most attention, and all this is caused by a person like Zhao Jia. I heard that this kind of illness was caused by a lot of obsession. "Meng Yi said.

"Well, hatred, it is difficult to let go of such things. Sometimes, I have to say that this is a kind of sadness. Such a sad approach directly led to such a situation. We have to say, such a situation. This kind of obsession is really scary." Shang Wen said, shaking his head.

Guo Kai and Young Master Zhao Jia seem to have formed an endless situation. Guo Kai thinks that Zhao Jia has caused his current situation, but Zhao Jia does not admit this at all. He thinks that the prime minister's temperament is too small, and many things are that he cannot let go. If let go, it is likely to be another thing. How could he blame him for such a thing. It's really a very strange approach.

State of Zhao, Handan. The son Zhao Jia is being interviewed by reporters.

"Sir, we know that the former prime minister publicly accused you of your product cost and tax evasion. I don't know if there is such a thing?" A female reporter asked such a question directly. Zhao Jia felt a little surprised, really. Some people say this, but fortunately, his team has anticipated such unfavorable problems, and they have prepared in advance.

"I think it may be a misunderstanding of the former prime minister. How could I make the cost? What I know is that he may have misunderstood some low-end products. After all, such a misunderstanding is a bad idea for them. However, it will indeed satisfy some market needs. We just do such things according to some market needs. Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding. Tax evasion is absolutely impossible. Now the finances are all independent Yes, and the tax bureau’s work is very careful and serious, I think, but there is no such opportunity at all. At the same time, I represent the royal family. If I do this, I am stealing Zhao Guoren’s money, my father. Will scold me. I don't want to do this." Zhao Jia explained.

"Also, I know that the prime minister has always had a prejudice against me, and I apologize. I visited the other party, but the other party did not give me such a chance, but what I want to say is that the prime minister should be a man of magnanimity and magnanimity. People, if you are stubborn every day, I think this is definitely not a good thing. You say, right?" Zhao Jia said. Then he smiled and wanted to leave, saying that he still had some important things. On the way to the car.

"You guys are doing very well and deserve praise, but I don't want to see the old guy Guo Kai continue to entangle like this. We should show him the color. This old guy had better die for me." Young Master Zhao Jia said in an extremely annoyed tone. Obviously, some of Guo Kai's actions have seriously stimulated Zhao Jia's sensitive nerves, because the other party has repeatedly challenged the other party's bottom line.

"Yes, sir, we will do a good job like this, and we will get our purpose soon." said the next public relations team. They also know that during the prime minister's election, such things happen, which means that things will become very sudden, or in other words, passive. Such a situation is not a good thing for them. Because any small details that are not paid attention to will be enlarged indefinitely during the election, people must consider a small detail that can not be handled well.

Fifty kilometers north of New Carthage.

"In doing so, we still have great risks, and we should understand such things." Li Wei said. After fully understanding the performance of the rockets, they decided to take military action. Despite the great risks, Hannibal believed that the other party would also make mistakes. If they make mistakes, they will make some wrong choices. In this way, they There is still a chance.

"We have no time or time to prepare. The war is already like this. Although there are great risks, I still think we should do this. After all, this can solve many problems greatly. We did not consider it. Time is up," Hannibal said.

"Well. Well, I hope our adventure is a success. Let's see again what is wrong with our plan." Li Wei said.

"First, we retreat. Gradually abandon the positions to the next defensive position. At the same time, the positions on the two wings must not be abandoned, but enough width must be reserved to accommodate the opponent." Li Wei said. Then the troops of his second line of defense withdrew, because they had already withdrawn two lines of defense, their strength became stronger, which allowed them to defend the top of the mountain with a stronger defense, and the last line of defense.

"The Celtics started to attack. They must eliminate the threat of the artillery position on the top of the mountain. Otherwise, they would not be able to attack the two wings and completely defeat us. They must take the initiative to attack the top of the mountain. In this way, more people will enter. Among them, our advantage began to become great." Hannibal said.

"When most of the opponent’s forces enter the encirclement, our rear cavalry, engineers, and musketeers and artillery will play an assault force. The cavalry will open the gap in the front, and then the artillery, engineering, and musketeers behind will quickly Forward." Li Wei said.

"The artillery fired and suppressed the opponent's retreat. A wall of fire was formed." Hannibal said.

"The assault group is about 1,300 people. They will give full play to their expertise. The rockets will continue to fire at them in order to form interference, and then form a greater advantage. Under such an advantageous situation, Our situation will get better." Li Wei said.

"In this case, our artillery troops can continue to suppress the other side, as long as we withstand the pressure of the other side, everything. It can be over." Hannibal nodded and said. This is the entire battle plan they have formulated. This battle plan looks very good, but the biggest risk comes from the blockade of the assault group, because they have the most arms and the most complicated tasks, and they have to withstand the greatest pressure from the other side. Li Wei suggested to reserve a reserve team of about 1,000 people, and he suggested that the reserve team should be placed on the flank for reinforcement at any time.

"Now that it is so decided, let's start." Hannibal said calmly, he could not see the chaos and anxiety before the war began. The calm situation gave them a lot of confidence to deal with bad things that might happen in the future.

Goguryeo, Li Lin's cabinet meeting.

"Prime Minister Zhao Guo Kai has stepped down. The situation in Zhao Guo has changed a lot. From what we have collected so far, if the son Zhao Jia comes to power, he will become more active in the outside world. Maybe Zhao Guo's Attitudes will undergo a great change. Such a change is very beneficial to us. We should firmly seize this opportunity to make our situation more favorable." Li Lin said.

"But in this case, we still need to wait for the election of Zhao Guo to end. At the same time, if our son Zhao Jia cannot be elected, our losses will be relatively large." The Foreign Minister said worriedly. He believed that if he did so, They will fall into a very passive state of diplomacy, which is very detrimental to their diplomacy and their next actions.

"I also know this, but the problem is. If the external situation does not change, it will be difficult for us to fight a Central Plains country. You know what it means to start a war like this. It means that our losses will be very staggering. For us, it will be a great disaster. Therefore, for such a thing, we must find a way to wait for the situation to change." Li Lin said.

"Therefore, we need to develop a positive diplomatic posture, mainly to congratulate the new prime minister and the attitude of our Goguryeo people. In addition, I also hope that the military can maintain the status quo and allow this situation to be maintained. We are in a situation that benefits us. I think, do you understand this?" Li Lin said.

"Sir, in other words, do we need to maintain a certain positive posture in the military?" said the Secretary of Defense.

"Yes, we want them to see that we are capable. Instead of needing a lot of sympathy. Only by proving that we have this or that ability can we get a good impression." Li Lin said.

"We understand." The Secretary of Defense nodded and said.

"So, the next thing is to find a way to solve the problem in our northern Taishan area, increase reinforcements, and at the same time, put us in a military advantage. Only in this way can we completely and effectively solve our current problems, understand? ?" Li Lin said.

In the needs of Goguryeo’s own national interests, Li Lin needs the intervention of foreign forces. For example, he needs a powerful country to exert pressure on diplomacy. Although Goguryeo does not have the possibility of preparing for a full-scale war, they need to effectively form the outside world. Pressure and war are not the goal, and negotiation is formed to achieve one's own goals.

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