The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3844: The Celtics' wrong choice

"Was it all right?" Hannibal said to Levy with the telescope. Li Wei looked a little nervous, after all, there were many flaws in their plan. If they follow their plan very much, their tactics are likely to face failure. After all, the risk of siege and annihilation is still great. The crux of the problem lies in how high the threat of assault clusters is.

"It's still going well, the Celtics are entering our central area as we expected." Li Wei said. Hannibal saw that the Celtics made full use of the trenches. They quickly occupied one trench from another. The musketeers fired desperately, although they also caused a lot of casualties. However, this still cannot stop the Celtics from attacking.

"Why don't they attack the two wings. I saw that the two wings have caused more damage to them." Hannibal swept across the battlefield with his binoculars and asked Li Wei such a question.

"That's only the two wings. In fact, the casualties in the center are still relatively small. The most threatening is our artillery, not the two wings, and the distance between the two is so long that it is difficult to threaten each other. Therefore, they gave up. For the attack on the two wings, as long as our two wings do not cause them too much casualties, they will still accept such a method. After all, for them, destroying the artillery positions in the center is the most terrible." Li Wei Speaking of this.

The Carthaginians were tempting each other to take the bait, and a large number of artillery troops were arranged on the central high ground, where the artillery observation point was the best, and the artillery was the best point for shooting. The artillery was condescending and caused great casualties to the Celtics during the attack and defense. The cost of such casualties was unbearable by the Celtics. They tried to leave, but if they did, it would be serious. The influence of morale and the fighting will of their tribes, so the Celtics chose to attack. They simply believed that as long as they defeated the central artillery position, the Carthaginians would completely collapse. Their tactics are simple and effective. Therefore, the Celtics are still launching a centripetal attack, and such an attack can allow them to launch a larger-scale battle.

"It seems that the other party has taken the bait. Our artillery position really fascinates the other party." Hannibal saw that the Celtics were frantically launching an offensive. Their bravery brought a great attack to their assault. force.

"Well, I hope they can continue to pay attention to this." Li Wei is still very nervous watching the changes on the battlefield. The enemy is attacking frantically. This attack will bring them huge troubles, but it will also cause them They are in a state of great stress.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." Musketeers kept firing at the Celtics who appeared. Many Celtics were killed on the offensive road. Then, the people behind stepped on the corpse in front and moved forward, while Carthage The musketeers kept changing shooting positions to shoot, and many people's barrels were red. The Celtics would throw an axe at the last moment of their lives. The axe killed a Musketeer, but the opponent was also killed, but the Celtics were still advancing.

"Boom. Boom." The artillery continued to bombard the Celtic team in progress, and people were constantly being blown up, and people were constantly being killed, but this still couldn't stop more Celtics from attacking.

The Musketeer’s position showed signs of being broken through, and all gaps were being formed. The Carthage soldiers were desperately blocking the formation of these gaps, because once the opponent attacked the artillery position, their situation would be very bad. Hannibal also began to not speak. Because he knew that their front line was under tremendous pressure.

The Musketeer had been bayonet. They kept brandishing the bayonet, the Celtics jumped into the trenches, shouting loudly, a bullet hit the opponent, the bullet hit his stomach, and then his stomach was cut with a big opening, a lot of gastrointestinal jumps. When he came out, it seemed that the other party was very crazy. At the last moment, the other party swung the axe in his hand and threw it over, killing two soldiers at once. He was really an extremely crazy guy.

"In the reserve team?" Li Wei asked Hannibal. He saw gaps in many places. Although the Musketeers were shooting frantically and stabbing each other with a bayonet. They formed a small formation in squad platoons, which could effectively organize their firepower, but they still had a big gap.

"No. We can't be in the reserve team. No one knows what will happen on the front line. In this case, the situation will be very unfavorable for us. You can look at the Celtics team. We have consumed a lot of opponents here. The force of this kind of consumption is enough to cause them to suffer heavy losses. I think that under such circumstances, we should attack quickly and let our assault team cut off immediately. Only in this way can the situation of the battle be fundamentally reversed for us." Hannibal said so.

"Why?" Li Wei asked Hannibal.

"Women, there are women among the Celtics. They are rushing towards our position with an axe. It's time." Hannibal raised his hand and gave the commando to attack. The front lines are under great pressure.

In the artillery position, crazy Celtics began to appear on their position, they wielded the big axe in their hands, like a grizzly bear that looked violent.

"Boom." A cannonball drove over and knocked out a few of them at once, but the artillery couldn't give them a bayonet. The artillery could only shoot at them with a pistol, but some artillery were killed and rushed. The incoming artillery guards expelled them, but soon another gap appeared. They then ran to the other side to drive each other away. The artillery positions on the top of the mountain could fall at any time.

"Beep. Beep." At this moment, the cavalry's impact horn suddenly appeared. In the valley. "Boom boom boom." With the sound of horses hoof approaching, they pressed over, and they vented like a mountain torrent. The Celtics tried to stop them, but it was useless. The cavalry had the advantage of speed and altitude. They wielded the saber in their hands. Some cavalry made long spears. They quickly rushed into the Celtics’ follow-up troops. The power is too weak. They were all old people and children, they were the last Celtics reserve team, but now they were all overwhelmed by the commando.

"Well, good job, our commando continues to attack." Hannibal shouted loudly. At the end were the Musketeers, the second echelon of engineers, they had already set off before the cavalry attacked. When the cavalry came over, they gave way to a passage, and when the cavalry finished the attack, they quickly filled it up. Occupying their position in the valley, and they immediately repaired the position, the Musketeers looked ahead nervously. The palms of their hands are sweaty, because the opponent can easily come over. The engineers were rushing to repair the trenches and then pulling some barbed wire away. These things seemed useless, but they could cause a lot of trouble for the Celtics. The artillery is rushing over. They use a new type of artillery. No one knows how useful that kind of thing can be, but the musketeers are trying hard to control their emotions. They know that they will bear the greatest of the two sides. Hard work.

"Stopped. The Celtics' offensive stopped. Our cavalry assaulted them and caused them a lot of damage. It also caused them a lot of accidents." Li Wei said.

"Yeah, such a thing, I never thought it would be successful, but we still have half of the time to wait, after all, this is the most critical place next." Hannibal also said with some worry. It seems that tension is constantly spreading to them.

"Yeah." Li Wei said, and he observed whether the artillery troops followed up in time. The key to the problem lies with them.

The Celtics are reorganizing the offensive. They are locked in an area. They seem to feel a little worried. As long as they work harder, they may be able to break through the artillery positions in the central position, but their rear There will still be big problems in the back road. When the opponent chose carefully, the artillery troops of Carthage were finally ready. The artillery position on the mountain has entered the launching and loading, and the artillery in the assault group has set up the first batch of about 300 rockets. They look a bit like pyrotechnic bombs, but in fact, these rockets are pyrotechnic bombs. The lethality is very limited, and most of them are made of iron sheets and paper tubes. These are Korean stocks. Because the shelf life has passed, the Korean military cannot find a suitable buyer. A few people do not know this. Koreans are unwilling to sell the weapons to each other. The Jews are very smart. They think this kind of weapon does not look good and feels that it is not powerful. The anxious Zhao Guo merchants bought such a weapon and they knew what the front line needed.

"Swish. Swish. Swish." Just as the Celtics were about to organize another attack on the mountaintop artillery positions, they believed that as long as they made the last effort, they would be able to succeed. They found that their rear suddenly A terrible weapon was fired towards their camp. They were flying around, looking good, but they kept exploding. This made the Celtics very anxious, because that was their camp. Those who were left were old people, women, and children. The Carthaginians are still launching.

"Oh. Oh. Oh." The Celtics suddenly changed direction, and they slew towards Tucun. Rather than an artillery position with a chance of success, this is the most important thing for them, because the Celtics finally chose the wrong one. Their pressure was reduced a lot at once.

"Great. They finally made the wrong choice. Our pressure can be reduced a lot." Hannibal relaxed. It seems that he is in a good mood, or that the Celtics' choice helped them solve a big problem. Their hilltop position can no longer withstand another attack. Hannibal has decided to transfer the reserve team to the top of the mountain for defense. But at this time, the Celtics made their own wrong choice, and they would regret this wrong choice. This may be the most decisive mistake they have made.

"Well, it seems that the only thing we have to do now is to mobilize the reserve team and call to the group to go there. In this case, the whole battle will be very beneficial to us." Hannibal said. It was rare for Li Wei not to be nervous, and smiled. It seemed that they all saw that the battle situation would become very favorable for them. This situation is the best solution.

State of Zhao, Handan. street.

"Extras, extras, the former prime minister accepts huge bribes. Huge corruption has surfaced." A newsboy shouted loudly while waving the newspaper in his hand. When people who were eating breakfast heard the news, they immediately became interested, and they all took out coins to buy.

"Oh my God, that is true. How could this Prime Minister Guo live in such a big house. He has no business, no stocks or anything, so how could he make so much money all at once." A worker said curiously. .

"This official, that is not to make a sum of money, otherwise, how could they have a big belly." said a company salesperson.

"That's right, why do they eat so well? It looks like a pig." Many people said. They seem to be extremely crazy. Because most officials are like this, and many of them do it like this.

"That's right. Although I believe that Guo Kai has invested and made such a lot of money, is it possible for him to accept bribes? I think it takes a lot of coincidence to be able to make money in the stock market. . This is really unreasonable. "Many people have discussed it.

The newspaper said it was very realistic. They didn’t know where they put together all of Guo Kai’s assets. According to their understanding, before Guo Kai took the post of prime minister, his asset quota was less than 50 million. Zhao Yuan, this is already a very strong asset. This is equivalent to owning all the assets of a Handan Iron and Steel Company and the First Artillery Factory. But now, his assets have suddenly risen to 150 million. This is an astonishing increase in wealth, because Guo Kai has not been the prime minister for long, and most importantly, he cannot participate in the operation of the company during his tenure, and Stock trading, then the problem comes. Where did you get the money? The prime minister’s salary is only two thousand Zhao yuan per month, which is already a high salary among Zhao people. But this is how the situation accumulates. The problem is clearly clear. I am afraid it is difficult for Guo Kai to explain such a thing clearly.

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