"You really have the ability to find someone?" Song Yi looked at his men with a strange look, because he knew them too well. Some scammers may be found somewhere, but now is not the time to talk about them. They must find a solution to the financial problem. If this problem cannot be solved, the war cannot go on and the government will go bankrupt. He, the prime minister, doesn't need to remain in office, just step down.

"Lord, we really found the right person for you. We have all inquired about this person. It's Zhao Guo, the chief economic adviser next to Prime Minister Guo Kai. That's because Prime Minister Guo Kai died suddenly. He came here to look for him. It's a matter. Fortunately, our people saw the other person's temperament, so they pulled it over. If you don't know, who knows what kind of loss it will cause." The subordinate reported in this way.

"Guo Kai?" Song Yi looked at the other party and asked, he felt a little unlucky. After all, Guo Kai was dead. He felt close to the dead, and always felt that nothing good had happened. But his subordinates didn’t think so. They knew that Guo Kai didn’t know how much Guo Kai did, nor was it because Guo Kai cared about things like this or that. What they cared about was that Guo Kai could really embezzle money because of him. The corruption of 150 million yuan is what they care about. Think about it, the other party can embezzle so much money. This shows that it is because there is so much money that can be embezzled, and why there is so much money that can be embezzled. There must be someone who can make such a lot of money. They still think about the problem. Under such circumstances, Song Yi had to meet the chief economic adviser, because the other party must have his own set of methods to solve this kind of thing. He needs such a person. If there is no such person to help him solve the problem. If that is the case, he can't stabilize his position.

"Sir, you and I will speak up. I have encountered a big problem at the moment. This problem is like this. Our king does not want me to increase fiscal revenue through taxation and tax increase. At the same time, we must increase our economic revenue. Can develop quickly. I really can’t find such a way. So I seek more talents to help me. I don’t know how my husband can do this. What I know is that the government wants to make Such a thing requires a lot of effort. I have tried these efforts. But none of them were successful. Therefore, please give me some advice from your husband. Of course. If possible, I will hire a husband for my Chu State. The new Minister of Economy and Finance concurrently serves as Minister of Finance." Song Yi has invested a lot of money, and these two positions are very important, and most people simply cannot get it. He knows that his subordinates simply don't have such an ability.

"Well, it's very simple. The funds are in the hands of the Prime Minister." Zhang Er said with a smile.

"My hand. Why didn't I see it?" Song Yi looked at his hand, and looked at the other person without understanding. He didn't know the benefits of doing this. He didn't understand what Zhang Er was saying. the meaning of.

"Very simple, loose fiscal policy. And a lot of monetary policy adjustments. We can print more paper money, and the money is in the hands of the Prime Minister. The King of Chu has already given a lot of clear instructions." Zhang Er said.

"Oh. I understand. This paper currency is also money." Song Yi said very vulgarly. In Zhang Er's view, funds are funds and cannot be expressed by money. Only those who have not seen a large amount of funds can call it. For money, Song Yi is obviously such a person.

"Mister's remarks are simply good words. This reminds me immensely what to do. Such a thing should really be done. It should really be done." Song Yi suddenly understood.

"Mr. is really a talented person. Mr. will serve as Minister of Finance and Minister of Economy of the State of Chu. Such a position requires such a talented man too much." Song Yi said.

It is true that more paper money is the best way for Chu to solve its economic and other financial problems. Because this method can give them a great advantage, this advantage can allow them to develop rapidly, this situation is where they need it most.

"Haha." Zhang Er felt that the other party was sloppy. He wanted to refuse, but he never had a chance, because Song Yi kept pulling his hand, and kept trying to solve other things to solve such open ears. Life problems, this made Zhang Er feel embarrassed. Song Yi felt that he had solved a very big problem. Because he successfully completed the task given to him by the King of Chu, he can not only solve the financial problems of Chu, but also provide a steady stream of financial support with a large amount of banknotes. At the same time, he can also activate the economy because of the economic needs of Chu. More currencies to stimulate economic development, so that this demand becomes more vigorous. This will allow Chu State to enter a new period of development. He may have thought of how Chu's history would evaluate him later, a great, Song Yi era.

In Wuyue Port, Xiang Ji has left Chu State with his young commando team. They are heading to the battlefield in Myanmar at the fastest speed. Xiang Ji can't wait.

"Sir, I don't know what to come back after this meeting." Parting is always sad, as are the children of the nobles. When they leave their comfort zone, they realize that the environment they were in before is that good. This change in the environment made them feel sad.

"If we kill enough, we can come back quickly. So, in order for us to come back quickly, I persuade you, it is better to kill more of them, because only in this way can we completely solve them. Do you know?" Xiang Ji said.

This does not seem to explain the logical smoothness, but Xiang Ji thinks that way. He believes that such an approach can easily give them such an advantage. This advantage allows them to develop rapidly.

"This. Okay." His classmate nodded helplessly and said. Perhaps this can explain such things from psychology. The emotion of leaving home is very depressive. Such emotions may cause people to be in a state of depression. Psychologists have found that depression can be released by killing. Instead, it will become even more killing. This may explain the logical smoothness, but no one cares about it. What they care about is how to go home and how to leave that **** ghost place.

New Carthage. Fifty kilometers to the north, the Celtics finally surrendered. Their price is that their tribal alliance will be completely separated and moved to the original place of residence. At the same time, they will provide a part of the soldiers, and Carthage can forgive their sins. This is a big victory. The Celtics suffered heavy losses, with more than 15,000 casualties, and the price Carthage paid was that the number of deaths was less than 1,200, and the results were exceptionally smooth.

"The **** war is finally over." Li Wei said as he looked at the rows of stinky Celtic prisoners.

"Hehe, I feel very tired. I want to sleep. To be honest, this war doesn't feel anything to me." Hannibal said.

"Really?" Li Wei asked with a smile.

"Yes, it may be that this war has consumed too much energy for us. You know such a thing. In this war, we have created too many opportunities for the other side. Victory is often between the front lines. It's a gambling, a gamble of fate, we won the bet." Hannibal said.

"Let's take a break, and then we have a lot of things to do," Hannibal said. Li Wei nodded, he also felt very tired, but the benefits this brought to Hannibal here are very obvious, because many Carthage soldiers respected him very much, think about it, only a few thousand It is a miraculous war against the strength of nearly 30,000 people, but to Li Wei and Hannibal, this war is not a big deal.

Hannibal went to bed soon. And Li Wei needs to sort out some information. These things are unlikely to be done by others, and only he can do such things.

"Sir, here are two emergency military information, one is sent by our Zhao country businessman." A second lieutenant officer of the advisory group said to Li Wei. Li Wei took the report and looked. The first thing he saw was the news from a businessman from Zhao State that Carthage lacked a good enough intelligence network, and they paid very little attention to the Roma, which showed that the spy of the other party was unsuccessful and there was no system of spy. It is difficult for the Internet to provide valuable information. In this regard, they are very lacking, and this has happened more than once. Li Wei eagerly hopes that Carthage can change this situation, because Spain's funds are very limited, and a large amount of their funds are used in the construction of the army. Among them, the purchase of weapons occupies more than half of the funds.

"Oh my God." Li Wei saw what he least wanted to see in the report. The Roma are actively preparing. They plan to build a new naval fleet. They will start from their naval base, and then attack from the sea to land in Africa, and then they will attack Carthage, which is the most effective attack. And this kind of offense is fatal. For Spain, they think it may be important or not, because if the opponent wants to attack, there will be a natural danger to stop them. The Alps, this is the only piece of useful news that Li Wei knows. I don't know what will happen to the Alps, but he must know that this mountain is a natural defense for the Loma, Yaodi, and for the Carthaginians, it is a disaster. They simply cannot climb over such an area. Enter the Loma area.

"I need follow-up reports, especially accurate reports, can they provide them?" Li Wei said to the ensign.

"This, sir, it's a bit difficult, not enough. I think they will solve this problem by themselves. You know, the information that merchants get is limited after all." The ensign said worriedly, but they still figured out their own solutions. There is no way, the Carthaginians have no way to solve this problem themselves, they can only solve this problem themselves. This may be unfair to them, but there is no way, they lack too much intelligence support. If there is no more accurate intelligence support, it may be very detrimental to them. You must know that such things are easy to happen. A message can bring great disaster.

"I see. There are difficulties, but I still hope that they can provide us with some information in time, and at the same time, we will solve this problem." Li Wei can only solve this difficult problem by verbal methods.

"Yes, sir." said the ensign. Li Wei paid attention to the second report, but this report suddenly made Li Wei feel that things have become extremely difficult.

"My God." Li Wei said while looking at the report in his hand. The report stated that the Supreme Commander of New Carthage was assassinated. This news is a huge disaster for the entire Carthaginians. If they cannot find a new commander in time, they will suddenly become passive.

"This matter is temporarily closed." Li Wei said. The second lieutenant looked at his officer in confusion, he didn't know what news he was going to close. Because he didn't know that the Carthage commander had been assassinated. And Li Wei felt that he should have a good talk with Hannibal, maybe he could solve such a thing.

The situation is very unfavorable for Carthage, and Li Wei felt that he should have a good talk with Hannibal.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Guo Kai had already fought the lawsuit over the division of property before he was buried. Guo Kai certainly did not expect that he would encounter such a thing." Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen and said.

"Yes, although Guo Kai likes money, others also like money. Sometimes, you must be able to withstand the pressure it brings to you. This pressure is far more than the happiness it brings. Therefore, we still don't want to discuss things like this. Is Zhao Guo's election coming to an end soon?" Meng Yi shifted to the topic. He didn't want to dwell on this issue for too long.

"Yes, it's almost over. But I believe the son Zhao Jia will be elected." Meng Yi said.

"Well. The end of an era, the beginning of a new era, what will happen to this era?" Shangwen asked Meng Yi, but Meng Yi didn't know how to answer.

"This question, we need to see Young Master Zhao Jia do it himself." Shang Wen said.

Zhao State of Handan. In Zhao Jiabao's superior hotel private room. Zhao Jia sat on the sofa restlessly. He is waiting for the final result, even though he already knows how many votes he is ahead. But he still couldn't wait quietly for the result.

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