"The prime minister, prime minister, salary. Son, you are now the prime minister." An assistant hurried in to report the good news.

"Prime Minister, I am the Prime Minister?" Young Master Zhao Jia asked excitedly.

"Yes, son, now you are the prime minister." The assistant reported excitedly.

"I'm waiting to congratulate the prime minister. Congratulations to the prime minister." Everyone has already saluted. They know that the era of the son Jia has come, and each of them has a bright future, and they will rise with the rise of the son. This will be a great good thing for them.

"Haha. Everyone is exempt from gifts. Let's go and have a look. After confirmation, we will have a good celebration." The son Zhao Jia said excitedly. This is indeed very good news for him, because he has finally become the prime minister. This moment has been waiting for a long time. Although this time is fair to everyone, it is particularly long for him.

The streets of Handan.

"Congratulations. Congratulations." Many people congratulated each other and congratulated each other. It seems that Zhao Jia, the prime minister, has a great relationship with each of them, especially those who are engaged in the financial industry. It seemed to them that they had finally encountered a great event of a lifetime.

"Same joy and joy." A young man also congratulated.

"Thunderbolt." Just then. There was a burst of firecrackers. Although it was not a festival of the Zhao State, the position of Gongzi Jia as the prime minister of the Zhao State really made the people of the Zhao State in Handan very happy.

In a tavern, the boss yelled loudly while standing on a height.

"In order to celebrate Gongzi Jia's appointment as the prime minister of Zhao, our restaurant is free of drinks today." The boss said proudly.

"Hurrah. Long live." Many people shouted loudly. Then they raised their glasses one after another and shouted loudly. This is really good news for them.

At the table, a Qin national stopped the bartender, and he asked curiously. Why did you do this.

"The guest officials don’t know about this, right? Actually, this matter is very simple, because after the son Jia takes office, he will definitely do things that are beneficial to Zhao Guo, such as developing more markets. In that case, Zhao Guoren His life will only get better and better, and the country’s life will be better. Who cares about this small amount of money. If the economy does not expand and the market, Zhao will be in depression. Choosing Gongzijia, in fact, is choosing the economy again. Development, this is good news for Zhao Guo. Naturally, he can do some small things." The bartender explained.

"Oh. The patriotism of your Zhao people is really great." The other party praised.

"That is, we Zhao people are generally patriotic. After all, such things are not sought after," the other party said. Then he was called away by the customer. Zhao Guo's carnival made these people feel very strange, or that they had never thought that Zhao Guoren would be so obsessed with one person, I really didn't know that all of them were sick. One person is still sick. Many people can't see clearly. Qin Guo reporters and South Korean reporters rushed to report such things first.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"This is a highly probable event. We can't prevent such a thing at all. According to our investigation, almost all Zhao people voted for the son Zhao Jia. No matter what kind of face they face, they have done such a thing. For us, this is an unchangeable fact." Han Shu said after reading the report. It seemed that she had accepted such a result.

"My lord, what we should care about right now is, what will Zhao Jia do next?" Zhang Liang said.

"So, what do you think he would do? Or in other words, where would he choose to do such a thing?" Han Shu asked.

"This, I think, they might choose to support Goguryeo in the war against the Kingdom of Yan." Zhang Liang said.

"Oh?" Han Shu was a little surprised. She thought that Zhao Guoren would continue to implement loose monetary policy and issue more banknotes to buy shares in some companies. However, she did not expect that it turned out to be a war to support the Goguryeo people.

"Is there any reason?" Han Shu asked.

"Supporting Goguryeo can drive Goguryeo's bonds to rise and rise to a very high level. In this way, Zhao’s capital and Qin’s capital can be safe. Not only that, but supporting the Goguryeo government’s war behavior can drive With more demand for production, their arms production can become even larger. Under such circumstances, the Goguryeo War actually became a new kind of war demand. This expansion of demand. It is most beneficial to the people of Zhao. Because they can export more weapons, and their factories in Goguryeo can produce more equipment, munitions, weapons, etc., these will aggravate the expansion of their warfare." Zhang Liang said.

"What can we do?" Han Shu asked.

"This. We may be able to help the people of Yan, but the financial situation of the people of Yan is too bad. In addition, their domestic implementation is a monopoly economy. The aristocracy monopolizes most of the economic resources. Under such circumstances, it seems difficult for us. To support the people of Yan in such a war, this war is extremely unfavorable to the people of Yan." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. That's right." Han Shu nodded and agreed. This is indeed the most beneficial thing for Zhao Guo. Therefore, under such circumstances, Han Shu also agrees with this view. but. What should South Korea do? What she knows is that the people of Yan have become extremely prejudiced, or that this prejudice has caused them a lot of trouble. Because they did not allow more capital to enter the country of Yan, this prevented countries from being able to give the country the greatest help. Therefore, it is strange that South Korea did not participate in this matter.

"Forget it. Maybe the Yan people have failed. They can feel that their condition can get better." Han Shu said. For Yan people, it is impossible for Koreans to help each other. In such a situation, they can only achieve their goals in this way.

Inside Li Wei's headquarters. Li Wei looked at Hannibal, and Hannibal looked at the two reports in his hands.

"The commander’s matter can be ignored for the time being. This requires the support of the soldiers. Without their support, I would not be able to do such a thing as the commander. For the Roma, I think we must preemptively and find a way to stop them. Carthage simply does not have the ability to defend against such things. The Loma will directly rush over and occupy Carthage. We must do something." Hannibal said.

"Do you really plan to do this? I think the timing is very inappropriate. You know. Our army has just fought a war, and the overall combat effectiveness of the army, as well as the condition of the weapons and ammunition reserves, are not very good. Under the circumstances, it is difficult for us to really proceed." Li Wei said.

"I know. But we have no choice. The Senate is in Carthage. If they encounter an attack, they will become very passive. The Hopin faction will have the upper hand, and they will choose to surrender." Hannibal Speaking of this.

"Oh. A bunch of cartilaginous heads." Li Wei was very dissatisfied with the Senate. Because in his opinion, the Senate is a group of idiots. They command and obsess over the power in their hands. They have no effect on the change of war. Under such a situation, this situation will become right. They are very disadvantaged.

"That's why we need to change such a situation. We need to make choices and make changes. In this way, we can change our current situation." Hannibal said.

"So, we are going to launch an offensive. This is a bit of military adventure. I think you should be aware of the disadvantages of the current situation. For example, we need a lot of arms and the number of military tactics is not very familiar. They are It can be said that it is very bad. In such a situation, it is difficult for us to win the war. According to what I know, we have to cross the Alps. Do you know what the consequences are?" Li Wei asked.

"I know, but we have to do this. There is no choice. I hope you can support me, my friend." Hannibal said.

"Okay. I support you, who made you my friend, but I need to write a report, hope our government knows about such a thing, and they can give us a lot of support to the maximum, you know Without their support, this war will be difficult to proceed. This is the result we should pay attention to. Without such a result, it will be difficult for us to develop." Li Wei said.

"Okay. But I hope that the telegram will be here as soon as possible, so that we can solve a lot of communication problems. If we don’t see this report, it will cause great and serious consequences. You know, we Carthage will be completely wiped out. The Loma people have always been hostile to us, and they will never let us survive like this." Hannibal said.

"I have an idea, which may not be realistic. My friend." Li Wei thought for a while and said.

"Talk about it." The other party asked.

"It's like this. I think you should be the prime minister or the prime minister. I mean, don't worry about the **** Senate, you can do this by yourself. I think you can. "Li Wei said.

"Haha. This joke doesn't sound funny at all." Hannibal smiled and shook his head and refused.

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