New Carthage. In Hannibal's commander's office, after the celebration party. Hannibal just got busy after taking a short break. For him, there were many things that needed to be solved.

"Can I come in?" Li Wei asked, holding a cup of tea.

"Yes, my office is open to you at any time, my friend." Hannibal welcomed it.

"Thank you very much, you said that, it makes me feel very important." Li Wei said with a smile.

"It's nothing. It's just a normal thing. You are important to me." Hannibal said.

"Well, it looks like you are very busy." Li Wei said.

"Yes, there are so many things to deal with. The whole of Spain is not only military issues, but also political issues. It is far more complicated than I thought. First of all, the financial aspect is a problem, even though silver mines have brought us. Great benefits, but our expenses are constantly increasing. Under such circumstances, we need to find more money-making projects. I am worrying about such things now." Hannibal said.

"Well. I don't know how you think about that matter? How should we deal with Lockheed Martin's problem?" Li Wei asked.

"This, I don't know yet. I just told the Senate, the specific decision, or they will make the decision. Obviously they will feel a serious threat. I think this threat should be eliminated as soon as possible. Otherwise, he It will bring us a great threat. Faced with such a threat, our situation will be very bad. Therefore, we must complete such a thing as soon as possible." Hannibal said.

"Well, I thought about such a thing. I formulated a battle plan. I think that we can only solve this problem fundamentally by attacking actively. I mean, we should launch an attack." Li Wei said.

"Yeah." Hannibal had some accidents, and he calmed down quickly if it wasn't enough. He felt that he should listen to the other party, or could get some unexpected situations.

"Talk about it, I want to know how to solve such a thing." Hannibal asked.

"My idea is like this. We attack directly and eliminate the Loma army. We can lure them to attack, or attack them by attacking. Then build a series of forward bases there, over the Alps, from To enter Loma there, although the best way is to use the navy, the current situation does not allow it. I don’t know how the navy fights, but I know that Sicily will pose a great threat to our navy. So, at present The best way is to launch an offensive from land. By surprise, they may find it very strange, but I believe they can do this." Li Wei said.

"Over the Alps, there are a lot of Loma troops defending. You know, the terrain there is very complicated. For the expeditionary army, they may not get logistical supplies. Most importantly, the war will be very big. This kind of accident is very likely to lead to failure. Once we fail, we will find it difficult to bear such consequences. I have also thought about such problems. This requires a lot of courage and perseverance." Han Nibal said so.

"I know this too. So, I found the engineers and let them try to build a new passage. Plank road." Li Wei said.

"Occupy Dao? What is that?" Hannibal asked puzzledly. It's no wonder Hannibal would say this, because this is an extremely rare word, and it is not used in many places. This may be the most outstanding place in the field of Chinese architecture.

"Well, to see you as a kind of passage in cliffs and areas with special terrain, we will make a hole in the mountain wall, and then put wooden or stone slats in the hole, and then lay the wooden slats. Connected. It's probably like this." Li Wei said as he picked up the pen and drew some schematic diagrams of the plank road on a piece of paper. After reading it. Hannibal could only shake his head to show that he couldn't believe that there were such crazy building methods in the world.

"Madman, I think the person who invented this method must be a madman, or he is a genius." Hannibal said. He couldn't believe that there was such a way.

"Actually, the people of Qin have been used in war. About a hundred years or so, the people of Qin used this method to annex Bashu. In the south of Qin, there is a Qinling Mountain. The terrain there is no less than that of the Alps, and it is very complicated. If the mountain is opened, I think it is impossible to accomplish such a thing, but they crossed the Qinling in this way. After the army crossed the Qinling, they destroyed Bashu. I think we can learn from it. Using the plank road, Crossing the Alps and then suddenly appearing in the north of the Loma, as long as we keep attacking and occupying those cities, we can solve all the problems." Li Wei said.

Hannibal acted. What he had been worried about before was the engineering problem of crossing the Alps. Although the Carthaginians had established their own engineering troops, it took great courage to do so, and the courage it brought was extraordinary. If it is not done well, it is very likely to fall into a huge disaster. In such a situation, Hannibal himself does not know what to do. But now Li Wei has proposed such a method, and their engineers have a practical technical foundation, which is not difficult.

"Okay. I think about it, but we still need to add a lot of military personnel, as well as weapons and ammunition. In this regard, I hope to get more support. I mean, the amount of ammunition we need is very large, but Our funds cannot meet their demand for goods, and I need your help." Hannibal decided to write to the Senate to persuade them to support him in sending troops, so that they can be strategically active, and the Loma attacked from the sea. It is fast and smooth, but the problem is that they still need some time, and the ship can't be built all at once. They still have some time. I hope that the Senate can speed up the efficiency of their discussions under such circumstances, and don't wait until the Lockheed Martin army arrives, and they will completely collapse.

"Well, I need domestic support for this. It would be good if the country can support such a thing. The situation will be of great help to us." Li Wei said.

"Well, I hope to attract their attention, and we will give them even greater benefits, such as trade. Spain will always open the door to Zhao merchants." Hannibal said. This may be the only promise Hannibal can make. Such a promise does not seem to be anything, but this is a huge market formation, which is very important to Zhao Guo.

State of Zhao, Handan. In Zhao Jia's office, Zhao Jia is looking at the map with a magnifying glass.

"So this is called Jia?" Hannibal asked the Secretary of Defense.

"Carthage. Also called Africa." The Minister of Defense explained.

"Yes, this name is really **** around." Zhao Jia cursed like this. Zhao Jia never concealed his dissatisfaction with things he didn't like, and his ministers were used to it. It may be true temperament, but such unscrupulous insults may bring about some negative situations.

"What's the matter with them?" Zhao Jia searched the map for a long time before finding the location of Carthage. The map was very simple, which showed that the people of Zhao Guoren hadn't figured out what was going on. They could only Know some things by describing.

"That's it, Prime Minister, Carthage still has an enemy to the north. There is an inland sea between them, the Mediterranean Sea, and to the north of the Mediterranean, there is a country called Loma. They have already fought with Carthage. There is a war. The Carthaginians lost the war. But their strength did not lose much. But the contradiction between the two sides has further deepened. Therefore, we speculate that there is a possibility of a second war between them. "The Minister of Defense said.

"It's far away from us, tens of thousands of miles." Zhao Jia said while looking at the map. He saw that Zhao Guo was too far away from Carthage.

"Yes, Prime Minister, but we have a lot of businessmen who have arrived there and started to do some arms business. The Carthaginians have a huge demand for arms, but unfortunately, our goods need to pass through the Suez Canal to get there. It greatly limits the scale of our business." The Minister of Defense said. He should be talking about trade, not about business. This is a misnomer. Originally, he didn't quite understand the ideas of those businessmen. In his opinion, it didn't seem to make much difference.

"We need so much trade. Trade, understand? This is a kind of demand, a kind of market, which is very important to Zhao Guo. As long as they fight, there is such a kind of demand. We can use the military's Influence, do business with them." Zhao Jia said.

"Prime Minister, Prime Minister Guo did this before, but they seemed to implement a currency plan or something at that time, which led to the fact that the arms trade did not start." The Minister of Defense explained.

"Any currency plans were cancelled. What Guo Kai did was wrong. He didn't understand what the Carthaginians needed." Zhao Jia said. In fact, he himself did not understand the situation.

"I think that at least we should build a huge arsenal there so that we can allocate goods to them as soon as possible. They will need so many things. I believe that our factory is very happy to like these orders. Go Make arrangements. Remember those weapons, sometimes not only to satisfy the Carthaginians, but also to meet our needs. We need such a base. Without such a base, we can't get anything. This is for us. Said it is very important." Zhao Jia said to the Minister of Defense in this way.

"Yes, Prime Minister." The Minister of Defense nodded to show that he understood. He will arrange for someone to do this soon.

Carthage, the Senate, and the Senate were discussing some issues on twitter. Zhao Guo sent some consultants here as observers, but they still need to solve some of the Carthaginian language by themselves, and each of them must learn some related issues. The knowledge of the language is too difficult for them. Their most basic communication is still very problematic, and they speak very fast, which makes them rely solely on translation.

In addition to these, some advisor officers who are dispatched have to learn another language, Latin. That is the language used by the Roma people. That language is very fast. If they use that language, it means they have to learn more. It is really difficult for Zhao people to learn such a language, but they still know some things through translation.

"What are they talking about?" A Lieutenant Zhao Jun asked the interpreter next to him. The interpreter needs to listen carefully to make a more general translation. Moreover, the translation is not one, but multiple. They need to translate together to solve all translation problems.

"The elders are discussing the news from Spain. They said that in Spain, they got an amazing news. The Roma are building a lot of ships and buying more weapons. They will attack from the sea, so The offensive will pose a great threat to Carthage. The elders are discussing how to deal with such a situation." A translator translated what he had heard.

"Oh. These veterans should finally be anxious. Usually they are very slow in meetings. It seems that today's atmosphere seems to be anxious." The lieutenant said with a smile.

"Hehe, they are finally in a hurry. I thought they would never be in a hurry." The others said with a smile. They seem to look at such a thing with a gloating attitude. There is no way. The Senate is wrestling with trivial matters every day, such as the price increase of bread in Africa, or that they need to import food from other places. The prices of slave owners and slaves have risen and fallen. These things are trivial to them.

"Listen well, there is still a lot of news we need to pay attention to." The military attache reprimanded extremely dissatisfied. Let such young people come here to study, what can they learn? The military attache thought so, and they looked impetuous. There is no way to settle down to deal with the situation like this.

"Yes, sir." The officers had to sink their hearts. This is a huge test for them. Because they have no interest in this, they don’t understand what these elders are going to do. In their opinion, setting up a large number of mines can solve many problems, or bury more landmines. As long as the Roma landed, they would definitely be finished. .

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