The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3860: Mountain people's own country

State Zhao, Handan, Ministry of National Defense.

"Are there any good suggestions? The ammunition warehouse should not be too far away, it is very troublesome to transport, and it should not be too close. It will be even more troublesome during the second transfer, and it is too unsafe to be placed in the Mediterranean." The Minister of Defense worried. Speaking of. The prime minister said a word, and the low-ranking people have to run and break their legs, which is really unfair to them.

"Sir, I think it should be placed in Ethiopia." A lieutenant colonel looked at the map and said.

"Egypt? What is that place? Are we occupying any?" The Defense Minister asked unclearly. An assistant next to him reminded him quietly.

"Sir, Egypt, there is South Korea, Egypt, and Chu State. We also occupy a part of the area. Therefore, we also occupy Egypt. He is located in the Red Sea area. The land there is barren and we only have one stationed there. The strength of the squad." The assistant to the Secretary of Defense reminded him in a low voice.

"Oh. The land is barren. It seems that there is a good place to become an ammunition depot, or an munitions depot. However, is the force a bit low? We should station more troops there. At least, I think there should be a regiment of troops. , After all, we are going to put more ammunition.” said the defense minister.

"Sir, you can do that." The lieutenant colonel nodded and agreed. Ethiopia, a place with extremely barren land, which is today Ethiopia. Soochow occupied it completely because of the extremely important strategic position. If it was placed in the past, they would not occupy such a place. So did the state of Egypt. The state of Egypt was established to ensure the flank of Soochow. Chu The Chinese needed a trade transfer station, and the Zhao Guoren dispatched a platoon with the idea of ​​occupying the land, which was later reduced to a squad because the land there was too barren. Soldiers are unwilling to garrison, they are more willing to garrison in places with people, or in places of commerce or ports, because everything is convenient there, and the conditions for garrison are much better. Egypt, kidding, only fools will go like that. local.

"Okay. Coordinate with the General Staff and ask them to come up with a plan. We will be there and build an arsenal. For the Carthaginians, as long as they buy our arms, we can completely accept such support." The Secretary of Defense said so. Regarding the status of the soldiers stationed, this is beyond the control of the Secretary of Defense. Despite the hardship there, the Secretary of Defense did not go there. There is no need to know about such a place.

Myanmar. In the jungle, the soldiers of the first company of the assault battalion stopped to rest. The jungle, the hot and humid place, went far beyond Xiang Ji's expectations.

"The weather here is really hot enough." Xiang Ji said, waving his hat. He arranged some guard posts. The Vietnamese soldiers had a great advantage at this point. They were familiar with jungle warfare and knew where to set up guard posts. This is for them. It is very easy.

"Yeah, it's too hot." Cao Jiao said while sitting on his rucksack. He opened the kettle and took a sip. It was humid and sultry, and the humidity in the air was very high, which caused them to sweat constantly and the whole body felt slimy, which was very uncomfortable.

"Okay. Forbearance, don't drink up the water. The water here can't be drunk casually, otherwise, there will be big problems." Xiang Ji said. In jungle warfare, water sources have also become more important. When the Third Infantry Regiment was on the march, a large number of soldiers drank the water in the kettle, and then they drank some spring water, and then some non-combat attrition appeared. Dysentery and gastrointestinal diseases spread rapidly. In order to prevent such things from happening, they must control the water source. Otherwise, once it spreads, the problem will be very big.

"Okay." Cao Jiao shook the little water in the kettle. If this goes on, they won't be able to hold on for long.

"How's the reconnaissance situation?" Cao Jiao asked Xiang Ji at this time.

"Not so good, the situation is very bad. The reconnaissance personnel report that no trace of the enemy has been found so far, and there is no map or intelligence. We are completely deep in the jungle and there is nothing we can do." Xiang Ji shook his head and said. After entering the jungle, they knew that the situation was more difficult than they thought.

"I hope our scouts can have a better development." Xiang Ji can only say so now. Otherwise, they will spin around in the jungle is not a solution. Xiang Ji sent a large number of reconnaissance personnel, because the intelligence is very limited, they don't know where the cotton camp is, and the camp may be fake. After the 3rd Infantry Regiment was attacked, the Chu army was fully guarded. They believe that the Cotton People are unlikely to build some easy-to-see camps for the Chu troops to attack. In this regard, they must deal with it carefully to solve all the problems.

In this case, reconnaissance is their eyes, but their eyes are too limited. As if the jungle here obscures most of their sight, they must be extremely careful not to light an open fire or expose their position. Even when the water problem is solved, they don’t last too long. At the same time, they must be extremely careful. Handle the fumes carefully. Traces of fire, and more traces of appearance, in order to prevent the opponent from detecting their existence. It can be said that jungle combat makes them more cautious, and this cautiousness will make them more depressed. Depression makes them a little unbearable. But they must endure such a situation. Otherwise, things will become more troublesome.

In Yan Kingdom and Taishan area, the battle was at a stalemate. The tasks of the mountain people became a lot boring every day. They ran to the Goguryeo position like monkeys, then lurked, aimed at the Goguryeo people who might appear, shot and sneered. When they feel very boring, they will withdraw. Then they were dispatched to catch mice, and the Wadao people who were released every day, they ran around. The tight blockade made it difficult for them to enter the area controlled by the Goguryeo people in Taishan. They had to enter other areas. They didn't have many weapons, and many people still entered scatteredly. The large-scale charge has become the opponent's living target, as a last resort. Under such circumstances, the Wadao people had to disperse and enter with a wave, and finally caused the Wadao people to become even more scattered. This is very troublesome for the mountain people, because they have to clean up these rats every day, killing many people a day. This makes them very impatient.

"What's wrong? Injured?" A Gu asked concerned when seeing a blood stain on Ado's face.

"Let the **** rat grab a hand." Addo said annoyedly. The Wadao people, who were already dead, did not make up the knife, but the other party took advantage of the time to relax their vigilance and aimed at Addo. Fortunately, he responded in time and avoided a bit, but he was still scratched by the bullet. This made him very annoyed, but helpless.

"Be careful in the future. Now it's different from before. We don't have to sacrifice our lives to Yan people. We have to protect our lives." A Gu said.

"What do you mean by the sir?" Ado looked at his sir in a puzzled way. This makes him feel very uncomfortable, or that there is something in the words, and they can't express it well in the Central Plains dialect. There is a meaning to it.

"Don't leak out this kind of conversation, and don't say it at the same time. This is only for us to talk in private." A Gu said.

"Yes. Sir." Ado nodded.

"You know, in the north, in the north, we have three mountain infantry divisions, their number is nearly 30,000, and all of them are good players, this is almost all mountain men have been recruited here. If there is an accident in the war. , The mountain people will become the cannon fodder for the Koreans. Know what this means?" Gu asked the other party.

"I know, it means that the descendants of our mountain people will have a generation. This is a disaster for a tribe." Addo said. In the mountain tribe, whenever there is a cold winter that cannot be passed. The old people of the mountain people, or the weak and the weak, are forced to leave the tribe voluntarily, in order to save food, so that the next generation, the most likely to become the strong tribe, can leave food. This is a cruel fact. It is also a law of survival.

Now that a large number of mountain men appear here, it means that if there are large-scale casualties, the mountain people will face the possibility of extinction. In order to preserve the blood of the mountain people, they usually do some extreme things.

"So, we must be careful. Beware of Yan people. The supplies and weapons that Yan people give us are very simple. Although it is very difficult for us, the problem is that this war has always been our mountain people. In combat, the Yan people have been hiding behind. They rarely appear on the battlefield. We will become their hounds. The war will become a war between our mountain people and the Goguryeo people. For us, it is It's unfair, and it's the most unwilling fact to accept." A Gu said.

"This is not our war. We want to preserve our strength and let the mountain people leave blood. Therefore, we must be careful to deal with possible situations. Save our strength. Understand?" A Gu said.

"I understand. But, sir, have you ever thought about such a possibility. We build our own country, a country of mountain people and their own people." Ado asked a question like A Gu curiously. A Gu just smiled, and did not answer such a question.

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