"I think so." Ado said after A Gu left. Regarding this issue, Ado believes that A Gu must have thought about it. Although they did not say it, some of his actions have shown such signs. For example, he desperately learns some management knowledge and collects some collections. Many of those books were about politics. Those books would not be of interest to the officers of the State of Yan, but A Gu looked at them with relish. In addition to these, he kept wooing the heads and leaders of various tribes and gave them certain benefits. . And unite more mountain troops, which is more than what an ordinary mountain officer should do. And for this, there is only one possible explanation, and that is, Officer A Gu has a bigger attempt, and this attempt is very large, to the point that Ado can't imagine it.

In fact, it is not just A Gu who has such an idea, many mountain people also feel this way. They think that their mountain people should build a country that belongs to their mountain people, just like the Yan people. The reason is that they feel that they have been discriminated against.

Many soldiers of the Yan Kingdom yelled at the mountain people and looked at them with contempt. Not only that, they also had many things that the mountain people could not tolerate, such as artillery.

Although the distribution of artillery is composed of many factors. For example, the Yan people did not have that many artillery to provide to the mountain people. Their Ministry of Finance misappropriated the artillery funds that originally belonged to the mountain people. However, the Yan country army has such weapons. Their combat missions are also very easy. People are not only unable to get artillery, their tasks are arduous, and at the same time they have to endure various pressures. This makes many mountain people feel dissatisfied, dissatisfaction is spreading, and it affects mountain people to varying degrees every day. Originally, the scattered mountain people were among some tribal groups. Many mountain people were a scattered tribe before, but now, because the Yan Kingdom frantically recruited them, a large number of young mountain people gathered here, and they had a common exchange. The opportunity of this kind of opportunity, under a certain environment, a serious chemical reaction will occur, and the people of Yan people did not notice this. Even if they noticed this, I am afraid they can’t do anything. . The reason is simple, the mountain people have taken some actions to solve all the problems.

Zhao Guo, Ministry of National Defense. The Aviation Division, which is equivalent to Qin’s Air Traffic Control Bureau, but their more task is not to manage the flight of the aircraft. On the contrary, they leave such matters to the people of Qin to manage, because they have more in this regard. Experience, and their equipment is able to accomplish such things. As for the Aviation Division, their task is to manage the issue of aircraft import and export, or in other words, this is a department that makes money. What this department needs to do is to find some opportunities for the military to deal with aircraft to make money. Or order.

"Sir, this is an opportunity. The people of Chu want to buy a batch of planes and airships, and our air force happens to have such a batch. They have been seriously behind for a long time. We can sell them to the people of Chu, and at the same time Some production technology can also be handed over to the people of Chu. Because these aircraft are second-hand and need to be processed. Selling to the people of Chu, we can make a lot of money." A major held a report. Delivered to his chief, a colonel. The colonel was originally the head of an unknown regiment. It was a hard time and it might not be possible for him to be promoted for a lifetime. Then he retired and ended his life. The colonel didn't want to do this. He took a loan and went through a lot of relationships. His luck was good. It happened that Zhao Guo was in the prime minister's election. He saved Zhao Jia's thigh in time, and he became the director of the Aviation Division. But what he has to solve now is his own debt problem. After all, it is impossible to pay off all the loans with the salary of the branch office. He must make money, and work hard to pay off the debt, and at the same time make a lot of money for himself. Of money.

"Selling aircraft?" The director was called Li Yuan, but many people did not want to call him by name. Because this is not important, because this department is the owner of money, and the people who come to work here are the children of the nobles. The airlines have money, but they are still not satisfied. They think that they should have more money to express their importance. Sex.

"Yes, sir. If necessary, we can sell some technologies. These technologies are backward." The director nodded and looked at the report in his hand. He suddenly felt that this might be an opportunity. The major thought the same way. They didn't know exactly what kind of person the new chief was. What they knew was that the other party had debts. It's easy to know, it's very simple, the people from the bank have been here five times. Entered twice, and after the third time, he was blasted out by the guards. But every day his chief would receive a call from the bank. This shows that the other party must find ways to make money, otherwise, this position will be too expensive.

"Okay. Let's open the window and talk. If this business is taken down, how much can we make?" The chief asked shamelessly. The major was a little surprised because it was a test for them to test their superiors. If the officer personally checks it, problems may arise. This shows that the other party is serious. If you let go and give certain hints, such as eating, drinking tea, or talking about other things, they will know what to do. But it's so straightforward. It makes them feel a little weird.

"Oh. It seems that you don't want to make money. It seems that I am thinking wrong." The director said with disappointment when he saw that the other party hadn't responded for a long time.

"No. No. Sir, no. The sir misunderstood." The major explained hurriedly. He reacted all of a sudden. The other party didn't want to test at all, but went directly into the topic, which was too unexpected for them. Such things are still rare.

"Well, I hope so. I will approve this purpose. The question is, how much can I get?" The Secretary asked directly, and he couldn't hesitate anymore. Think about the **** debt. That **** soldier would have a **** debt in the colonel's position, no one, and he is now the director of a bureau of the Ministry of Defense. It's just a joke.

"Sir, if you simply sell aircraft, it is too limited. But if we sell them together with the production line and production technology, we will get more. This figure is about 4%. This is a pretty good deal. In addition, we can also purchase related technologies. After all, some companies will also do the same.” The major explained patiently.

"Well, I understand. This is the case, and I have approved it." The director quickly signed his name on the report. It seems that he can't wait to get the money. Because he really needs such a sum of money, without such a sum of money, his affairs will become very bad.

The Zhao State management system has become bureaucratic, and corruption of officials is already inevitable. Even because Zhao State’s finances suddenly become rich, this situation will become even more difficult to control.

New Carthage.

"You said that machine guns are very important?" Hannibal looked at Li Wei and said.

"Yes, he is a rapid-fire weapon. Although it looks very wasteful and the price is relatively expensive, I think it is very necessary. For example, this battle against the Celtics, if If we have machine guns to blockade, our casualties may be much less. At the same time, our pressure and risk will be much reduced, because he can perform quite a lot of power in defensive operations. Under such conditions, They will play more roles." Li Wei said.

"Yeah. That's right. I also think that such a weapon can play a great role. However, his price is still too high. It exceeded my expectations. I originally thought it would be around 500 gold coins. I can still accept the price. After all, he can bring a great increase in combat effectiveness, but now, his price is too high." Hannibal said regretfully. Despite this, he decided to purchase a batch because he was going to expedition against Loma and cross the Alps. The artillery was relatively large and the infantry weapons were relatively too weak. He needed to strengthen the firepower of the infantry. It seemed that the machine gun was the best. s Choice. But the offer for the machine gun exceeded his expectations.

"The price is indeed a bit expensive, really. I think it's much more expensive than I thought." Li Wei looked at the offer and shook his head and said.

"It's true. One thousand gold coins and one machine gun, ten thousand rounds are another thousand gold coins. I don't have so many gold coins." Hannibal said.

"Maybe we buy more and the price can be lowered. At the same time, we should give the other party more benefits, perhaps the price is more favorable. This is the best way I can come up with." Li Wei said. He knew that the cost price of a machine gun would never exceed two gold coins, plus transportation costs, it would be worth five gold coins at most when it arrived here, maybe less than five gold coins, and five gold coins have already made considerable profits. . But now, his price turned out to be 1,000 gold coins, which is definitely a huge profit. And Li Wei can't say such a thing, otherwise, he will wait for his expulsion from the military.

"Yeah. But I still decided to buy a batch. In this way, more arms dealers will be attracted to do business here, and at the same time, my situation can be changed. In the future, I still hope to establish an arms factory in Spain. We If you produce it yourself, or buy it, the price is too expensive." Hannibal said.

"It's true, it's not enough. I think this situation may last for a long time." Li Wei told the other party helplessly.

"Why? Is it because we are Carthaginians?" Hannibal asked puzzledly. He thinks that those businessmen make money, there is nothing wrong with them, businessmen are all the same. This is normal. If a businessman does not pursue profit, it will be abnormal. But why is it so difficult to build an arsenal?

"It's a Korean, it's a technical blockade by the Koreans. You know, they won't allow us to transport you a lot of factory equipment. Weapons, yes. After all, this thing requires a cycle for production and transportation. Within a controllable range, but if it suddenly becomes a transportation production equipment, it will be uncontrollable. Judging by some knowledge of power balance, they will definitely not let us do this. After all, I What I know is that the Koreans seem to have some good feelings for the Roma people. Although the two sides did not sign a military alliance, this is enough to make our situation more elusive. This is the situation." Li Wei said. To.

"You mean, it is the Korean who really opposes us?" Hannibal asked.

"Yes, after all, you have done a lot of rude things before. Such things are enough for the other party to make such a choice. My friend." Li Wei said.

"Well, I can understand this. After all, this kind of thing still needs a lot of things to say." Hannibal said.

"But we must think of a way. If this goes on, it will definitely not be the same thing. This will seriously affect our logistics supplies." Hannibal said worriedly.

"Well. It can be like this. I think we can buy some civilian equipment and then introduce some technical consultants to convert it to military equipment through the production of civilian equipment. Of course. We can only figure out some other high-precision equipment by ourselves. . But if we do this, we can do other things.” The other party said.

"Well, maybe this is the last resort." Hannibal reluctantly agreed.

The South Koreans control the Suez Canal, so their blockade can go on unscrupulously, but the South Koreans deliberately let go of these trade restrictions, but in the area of ​​key equipment, South Korea strictly abides by it. This is because once a country has such a production capacity, the whole situation will become more unbalanced, especially in a country like Carthage. Koreans have always been skeptical of Carthage’s attitude. They think The peace in this region and the balance of power are all imbalanced because of the existence of Carthage. Therefore, in terms of military expansion and weapons and equipment, South Korea always tries to restrict the other side, such as production and weapons production. It is very heart-warming, this is a kind of suppression in disguise, which is extremely beneficial to the Koreans. For other things, they think there is no need to continue to suppress. Because they also need trade.

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