The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3868: Pay attention to some

The first to get the news of the offensive was the people of Zhao, because as an ally of the Goguryeo people, Zhao had the right to know some truths about the facts. Such a lot of truths can help Zhao to make a correct response.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"Prime Minister, the Goguryeo people launched an offensive. Their first infantry division mobilized two infantry regiments, and the artillery regiment launched an offensive. I think at this time, they should have regained Taishan." The Minister of Defense reported.

"It's best to confirm the news. If they can really re-occupy Taishan, we must support them, and we need to wait for the Yan people to respond before we can respond. We must support them in such a war." Zhao Jia said so.

"It's not enough. We need to wait patiently for the opportunity to wait for the Yan people to release the news before we take action. We need to confirm such news before making war adjustments, understand?" Zhao Jia said to the Minister of Defense.

What Zhao Jia needs is a result, a determinable result, and then make adjustments based on such results, and such adjustments follow his direction. Such things will put them in a very favorable state.

Zhao Jia likes control, not so-called strategic predictions. He is not interested in those things. He knows that it feels very good to only control fate. Such a good feeling will make him feel in control of everything.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"Has Goguryeo reoccupied Taishan now?" Shang Wen asked after reading the telegram.

"This is still not clear. What I don't know is that the Goguryeo people's actions are very big this time. They have recruited three infantry divisions. In the border area, they have invested two infantry regiments and one artillery regiment for combat. The firepower may be possible. It will be very fierce. Under such an attack, mountain people who lack enough firepower may be difficult to resist. They must retreat to gain a defensive line." Wei Liao said. This is the news sent back by Qin's spies in Goguryeo. Of course, there is still a considerable part of the news from Zhao Guo, after all. The relationship between Goguryeo and Zhao Guo is far closer than they thought. These news can naturally prove the authenticity.

"It seems that the contradiction between the two sides finally broke out." Shang Wen said. Regardless of the outcome, the mountain people cannot resist the attack of the Goguryeo regular army equipped with artillery weapons, and their attack will become extremely sharp.

"Yes, according to another piece of news we got, that is, the railway from Goguryeo to Liaobei, although there are only one-way roads in some sections. However, there is no problem in transporting some troops up. This also means that Goguryeo With the ability, there will be considerable combat capabilities to accomplish this kind of thing." Meng Yi then reported another matter. In this way, the war became advantageous to the Goguryeo people.

Yan Guo, Ministry of National Defense.

"Oh my God, if the prince knows about such a thing, he will kill us." said the defense minister.

"Sir, the firepower of the Goguryeos is far greater than ours. We only have rifles, and rifles can't beat cannons at all." said a lieutenant colonel.

"Regardless of these, although you can stabilize your position, you cannot retreat, you cannot lose your position, we can summarize other reasons, but we absolutely can't do such a thing. We absolutely can't do it. That's it." The Secretary of Defense ordered To. He knows that things are getting worse. It is very likely that they can no longer hold the line. But how to tell their prince about this matter made him feel a little embarrassed. After all, if such a matter is not handled properly, their situation will fall into a disaster situation, and everyone will resign.

In Myanmar, Xiang Ji is returning the same way. Their ammunition has been consumed and only less than half of the base is left. They can barely deal with an encounter at most, and if they meet the cotton people, their condition will be very bad. Therefore, they must return to the base as soon as possible for replenishment, which is a choice they have to choose.

In the camp they attacked, a cotton army entered here. They were a cotton guerrilla group composed of another tribe. They were equipped with rifles, submachine guns, pistols, and light machine guns. To them, it was a complicated weapon. , They still need to learn before they can use it.

"My God." Captain, Chen Zhiwen looked at various corpses, he really doubted that he saw it with his own eyes.

"We were attacked by the Chu people." The Golden Head said. The Golden Head is the leader of a nearby tribe. He has 500 well-equipped guerrilla soldiers. It can be said that he is a powerful leader. He originally wanted to join forces with the leader here to attack a camp of the Chu army. But now it seems that their situation is not good.

"Yes, it is true." said Captain Chen Zhiwen. He saw that many men had their heads chopped off, and their heads were missing. Obviously this was taken away by the Vietnamese troops of the Chu Army. Because only they still maintain the habit of beheading, Chu Army soldiers generally don't do this. They usually shoot the opponent in the head, or give a bayonet to the vital place. However, there are obviously several places where the other side did such a good thing.

"The whole tribe has been killed. What a lunatic, even women and babies are not spared." said the golden head.

"Not really, oh. I was wrong." Chen Zhiwen thought it was impossible. The Chu army was a civilized army. They would not do this under normal circumstances. If they did so, it would mean that they would become extremely powerful. Barbaric, but in fact, they have already done so. Chen Zhiwen saw the bodies of women and babies. Some women were naked. It was obvious that the soldiers had done indescribable things and the internal organs of the babies were dug out. Only extremely cruel people would do such a thing.

"It seems that Chu people haven't discovered our secret yet." The golden head said with a smile. Captain Chen Zhiwen looked at it puzzledly and found that some guerrillas had carried some sacks out of the rubble. All of them are Yapian, which is an important resource for sustaining the cotton war. All these Yapian were bought by the people of Qi, and then they used Yapian's money to buy a large amount of arms and weapons for war. Obviously, the Chu army was attacked by the army. The relationship was not properly searched, or they just wanted to sabotage and did not find such a secret.

"Huh." Captain Chen Zhiwen knew about such things. If the people of Chu knew about such things, if you put it in diplomacy, Qi would fall into a diplomatic dilemma. This would be extremely beneficial to the people of Chu. Captain Chen Zhiwen came here for guerrilla guidance. However, another important task is to supervise the proper transportation of these Yapian films to the area controlled by the Qi people, because this is very important. This is part of Qi's secret fiscal revenue.

"They attacked us, and we will attack them too, but what I want to know is, who did it? What kind of unit are they, and how many people are there?" the golden head asked.

"I need to check these carefully, but from the current situation, it seems that the opponent has a battalion force because the opponent uses mortars. Usually such weapons are equipped to the battalion level." Chen Zhiwen said. Analyzed.

"It seems that the Chu army has used a lot of troops." The golden-headed man was unable to attack. Because the opponent has artillery.

"What else?" the golden head asked.

"Well, artillery, machine gun, but it seems that there is no heavy machine gun, which is very strange." Chen Zhiwen said.

"Why doesn't the opponent have a battalion equipped with heavy machine guns? In this case, the firepower will be very dense." Chen Zhiwen said.

"Can you Qi people investigate such a thing clearly?" Chen Zhiwen asked such a thing.

"This depends on the efforts of our intelligence department. What is going on, we still need to investigate, which may take some time." Chen Zhiwen said.

"Well. You guys do it as soon as possible, and we need to know something as soon as possible." said the golden head. They get busy and tidy up everything here. For them, this is the most reluctant place to look back.

State Zhao, Handan, within the Ministry of National Defense.

"Sir, this is from Spain. Li Wei explained in detail what General Hannibal did. But they need our support." said a lieutenant colonel.

"Well, such a matter must be approved by the Prime Minister. It requires a large investment of military power. At present, it seems that the problem of Goguryeo has not been resolved smoothly. This matter will attract a lot of Zhao Guo's attention. I think, this matter It should be temporarily set aside." The Minister of Defense said.

"But, sir, we should do something to at least give them some support." The other party said.

"Well, okay, I will fight for this matter. I may give some support, but it may not be big. We should be prepared for this." The Secretary of Defense thought about it and said.

"Yes, sir, I understand this. Regarding this, we also hope to succeed. We can understand such things." The other party said.

Zhao Guo focused his attention on Goguryeo. Under such circumstances, there is naturally insufficient concern about Spain and Carthage. However, some military officers are actively striving for such things. In their opinion, such things still need to be paid attention to. After all, They seem to have no surprises in Goguryeo, but the situation in Carthage is different. They need to pay attention to solving such a thing, and only in this way can it be completely resolved peacefully.

However, an ammunition depot established by Zhao Guo in Ethiopia has already noticed such a problem.

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