The Yan State, Matou Mountain, the 12th Infantry Regiment of the Yan State Mountain People, and the Mountain People who retreated from the front were stopped here.

"Let us pass, that is, why should we not pass. Why do you do this?" Many mountain soldiers asked the military police angrily. The gendarmes were all from the Yan nationality. They pulled up the barbed wire and set up machine gun positions. Even the rare artillery was pulled out. They saw it with their own eyes. The artillery turned the cannonball into the barrel, and as long as the ropes were pulled, a cannonball could be fired. This was definitely not the guy they could resist. The mountain people also know this, so they dare not rush into the formation of the gendarmerie indiscriminately.

"Go back, go back to your positions. This is an order. If you retreat one step later, you will die." An ensign officer of the Yan Army raised his handgun and shouted loudly. Many mountain soldiers were angry.

"Damn it, Goguryeo people have cannons. Where are our cannons, we want cannons, otherwise, we won't fight." Some extremist mountain soldiers shouted.

"Bang, bang. Bang." The ensign raised his pistol and fired three shots at the sky.

"Grab, grab me. Those who shake the morale of the army, kill without mercy." The ensign threatened. This irritated many mountain soldiers even more.

"Brothers, brethren, all retreat, we return to our own position." At this moment, A Gu stood up. He felt that if this continues, the conflict between Yan and the mountain people will inevitably erupt. Under the circumstances, these mountain people are likely to be killed by the Yan people. At present, their most powerful enemy is the Goguryeo people, not the Yan people. After all, they still need the Yan people to provide them with a lot of supplies. Face.

"Listen to the sir. Yes, to the sir." Other mountain people also know that under such circumstances, if they confront the Yan people, they have no chance of winning. Let alone the artillery, the machine guns are enough to kill them. A lot of people. They came here to fight, not to kill them, they were to live, not to die, for them. It is important to save one's own life. The death of a young man is a huge loss for their own tribe.

"Pay attention to the one named Agu. Ask someone to bring me to the command post." The second lieutenant said to a military policeman. The above was very annoyed by the fact that A Gu retreated privately. They felt that if the mountain people resisted for a period of time, they would not retreat here. If the blame comes down from above, they need a scapegoat. Obviously, A Gu is such a person. In their opinion, such a person can completely replace all their sins.

Yan State, Prince's Mansion.

"What? Goguryeo actually attacked our Taishan position and shelled them. Who gave them the courage." Prince Dan cursed loudly in annoyance.

"Why don't you resist? Is Taishan lost? It must be. I know by looking at the unlucky appearance of you people. It must be lost. You must never lose it on the stage. Take it back to me. Whoever loses it will be responsible for me. , Take it back for me." Prince Dan shouted loudly.

"Prince, calm down, calm down," the Minister of Finance persuaded.

"Increase the military expenditure, immediately increase the military expenditure. We must get more infantry divisions and artillery. These **** Goguryeos are gutsy. They dare to fire at us." Prince Dan was panting. Speaking of. His face was flushed, which was a result of serious anger.

But the Minister of Finance is also very worried. Because they have to increase taxes again. In such a situation, how long they can last, I don't know. If they really can't hold it, the situation may be very bad. Many Yan people have already started to flee here. Because the tax is too heavy. Parades and strikes continue to happen, and the order of the Yan Kingdom has begun to be chaotic. If no further adjustments are made, there will probably be serious riots. In that case, the situation of the entire Yan State will be in a very bad state.

Zhao Guo, Handan, the spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense is answering a series of questions from reporters. The answers to these questions will be related to the direction of the stock market.

"As for the military operation of the Goguryeo army in Taishan, Zhao Guo just believes that it is still a legal military operation. They are only regaining Taishan. In the future, they may regain Matou Mountain and other areas because we have already submitted it before. A series of proofs. Those areas belong to the Goguryeo government, and the Yan government has no reason to continue occupying them.” The spokesperson said. This means that the Zhao government fully supports the Goguryeo government. This is a very clear signal. Upon hearing this, some reporters have left in a hurry. They want to send out this news as soon as possible. Once the stock market gets this news, the entire stock market will go up frantically. This is a military order, which will increase the efficiency of the company a lot. This is definitely good news.

"The people of Yan are just occupying it without shame. I think they are considered in the dignity of a big country. Yan should withdraw from related areas as soon as possible. This is the dignity that a big country should have." The spokesman continued. Speaking of. This is the kind of naked face slap, which is very powerful, because Yan people often put dignity in a very important place, but the result is this, Zhao people respond with a kind of dignity of great power, which is a typical mockery. Some Yan people laughed at the shameless practices of Yan people. Don't you Yan people want dignity? If you want dignity, you should withdraw from those areas, and it is a shameless practice for you to occupy that area now. This is an absolute shame. Such remarks will be unbearable to the people of Yan.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

Prime Minister's Office.

"Things are going very smoothly. I want to thank Mr. Zhang very much. If there is no such thing, our State of Chu would have fallen into a huge disaster. I, the prime minister, will continue to replace it." Song Yi is very Happy to invite Zhang Er to eat together, this gesture obviously means to thank the other party.

"The Prime Minister laughed. How could Zhang Er have such an ability." Zhang Er said with a smile.

"Your Excellency, what Zhang Er is worried about now is how Chu is going to develop. A lot of funds have been released. We need to let them flow into the industries we want. Only in this way can Chu's economy enter a kind of economy. The period of balanced development, otherwise, it will cause serious losses to us, and we cannot let this situation continue." Zhang Er said.

"Yeah. What the sir said is very reasonable, but what should we do specifically? You know, in many places, I still don't have so many ways. Those big guys won't listen to me at all." Song Yi said with a headache. Speaking of those big bosses, they are deeply ingrained in the government, and many officials are theirs, even in the army. They have formed a huge bureaucracy. Song Yi was once part of it, but now it’s the prime minister. In this position, he also feels a headache. After all, if you do not do well, you must step down.

"It's very simple. Prime Minister. For these people, we can't suppress them by coercion. In that case, they will only enter a very chaotic state and a state of extreme disgust towards us. This will be very bad for us. For such a force, we should give them certain guidance, such as tax cuts, tax exemptions, or other methods to allow them to enter related fields. This is a method commonly used by various countries." The ear said so.

"Yeah. I understand what the husband meant. As long as we reduce taxes for some industries and increase taxes for some industries, then, what we want will definitely be resolved, right?" Song Yi asked.

"Basically." Zhang Er replied.

"Yeah. I understand. I let people do things like this. What we have to do is to solve everything as much as possible to make the situation better for us." Song Yi said.

Myanmar. Zhong Limei led a team to keep advancing. They were not advancing fast, mainly to prevent the cottonmen from ambushing them. The limitation of reconnaissance activities made them unable to increase their speed. Faced with such a situation, Zhong Limei Can only be anxious.

"Sir, everyone is tired. Take a break." A lieutenant ran over and said.

"Okay." Zhong Limei looked at his men. They were already sweating profusely and their clothes were all soaked. If they move on, they will exhaust all their strength, and their current physical strength is very exhausted. Great, jungle warfare is not plain warfare after all.

"Everyone eats something, drinks some water, and replenishes some energy." Zhong Limei reluctantly issued an order.

"Sir, sir." Not long after the order was given, a scout hurried over.

"Sir, we found the commando. But there are only more than twenty." A scout reported.

"What?" Zhong Limei was shocked when he heard such news. More than twenty, which means that they may have suffered a great loss. Faced with such a loss, their situation may be very serious. Not good.

"No. Take me over to see the situation, there must be no accidents." Zhong Limei shook his head and said. He didn't want any accidents to the commandos, such accidents would make them even more difficult to control. Who knows what will happen. The ambush was caused by other reasons.

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