Qi Guo, Intelligence Division, Ministry of National Defense.

"Sir, this is what Myanmar asked us about the Chu army. They reported that in Myanmar, a cotton tribe was attacked by an unknown number of the Chu army. They hope we can find out such things." A lieutenant reported to a lieutenant colonel. The lieutenant colonel needs to be on duty and handle many things.

"Assault?" The lieutenant colonel looked at the other person and asked. He found it strange, because it was usually the cotton people attacking the Chu people, not the Chu people attacking the cotton people. He found it strange.

"Yes, sir, it was Chu people who attacked the cotton people. The entire tribe, more than 700 people, were not spared, but they did not find the Yapian we stored there. This is a blessing in misfortune." The lieutenant reported. To.

"They asked us to check, do you have a result?" the lieutenant colonel asked each other.

"Sir, we also checked in time. According to our news from the Koreans and the state of Chu, they did send an army there recently, but most of them are young officers. We think they It's impossible to do this. They might go there for internship. If a young officer did such a thing, then the combat effectiveness of the Chu army would be too amazing." The lieutenant analyzed in this way. They didn't think that Xiang Ji would use commando tactics from the beginning, and such tactics would usually not have much results. For young officers. They believe that under such circumstances, they have been training and reserve reserve officers at most. To put it bluntly, they are a group of trainee officers and they are not very useful. Under such circumstances, they naturally would not think of such a thing.

"But let's investigate it. Otherwise, the front line will not stop. We need to understand why this happened." The lieutenant colonel said.

"Yes, sir." The lieutenant saluted. With a word from their superiors, they have to run off their legs to investigate. Such investigations may cause them a lot of trouble, and sometimes they will be fruitless.

In Myanmar, Zhong Limei Xiangji and two people are discussing the next step of the battle and the question of summing up after the battle.

"There are many problems exposed this time. For example, our continuous combat capability will quickly run out of ammunition. If we encounter an enemy attack on the road, our ammunition may only barely get rid of their pursuit. , But after we get rid of it, we don’t know what military actions they will take against us. Facing such a situation, it is indeed a difficult thing for us to accept.” Xiang Ji said To.

"Well. There are patients, non-combat attrition. Our doctors have nothing to do with them. They can only watch them withdraw from the battle. At the same time, we also need to send them out of the war zone in time. They can be transported in such an environment. Construction is just a joke." Zhong Limei said, looking at the jungle.

"Yes, if this goes on, we won't be able to survive at all. This is really too difficult for us," Xiang Ji said.

"I don't know if there is any solution for Chief Zhong Li. I want to face such a situation. Chief Zhong Li should have his own solution." Xiang Ji asked.

"Well, yes. That is to use the air force, or the aviation unit, for example, the airship, we can let the airship land, or lift it, transport our wounded soldiers away, and at the same time transport us a large amount of reinforcements and supply ammunition. Wait, in this case, our combat can continue, of course. In doing so, we need to establish a suitable landing site, I am afraid that the other party will destroy our site, and the airship’s movements are extremely It’s slow, and the target is very large. As long as there are some mortars or one artillery piece, it is enough to destroy an airship. In this way, our losses will become very large. There may also be this kind of combat method. Certain limitations. For example, communication. Communication is a big trouble." Zhong Limei said.

"Yes, we don't have a suitable radio station. The price of this stuff is very expensive. The Ministry of National Defense is unlikely to equip us with such equipment, and we can't afford to lose. This war is simply piled up with gold." Xiang Ji said so. Currently, there are only three countries that have mastered radio and radio equipment production technology. The technologies of Zhao, Qin, South Korea, Qin and Zhao are comparable. Zhao Guoren's practicability is relatively strong, the equipment is relatively stable, but the communication distance is limited, there are also those who want high power, but they need good heat dissipation, and Qin Guo has an advantage in communication distance. Because they have more power and better heat dissipation effect, but there is one thing in common between the two, that is, the price is expensive, and the expensive price makes the Chu people stop. They think that this thing is not as stable as the wired cable, and Security, so they refused to purchase such equipment, but airships and coordinated operations on the ground require wireless equipment for communication, but their chiefs are unwilling to use such equipment, which is too costly for them. This makes their combat very difficult.

"Right. In this battle, we also discovered some other things. For example, the cottonmen built a large number of fortifications, in addition to barbed wire fences and lookout posts. Their layout is also very similar to that of a regular army. Under the circumstances, it is hard for us to believe that the cotton people will have so many things at once. I think that behind this, the people of Qi are definitely helping them.” Xiang Ji said.

"This news is indeed shocking. However, we have no evidence, and the Navy has also caught some evidence. However, the two sides are arguing with each other diplomatically, and the evidence does not have the only directional nature. The worst thing is that it turned the problem into extreme. Seriously, under such a situation, it is difficult for us to believe that there is such a situation." Zhong Limei said.

"Okay. Let's go back and submit a detailed report. I hope that the chief will pay attention to our situation. If this is the case, our problem may be solved better. After all, such a thing is still more troublesome for us. "Zhong Limei said. Although they succeeded in the first battle, the problem is that they also encountered many problems. For example, in jungle operations, if they march on foot, they will face great disasters. They need transportation, but the infrastructure here is almost zero, and their transportation is difficult to deploy here. The difficulty they encounter will be quite large.

On Matou Mountain, the mountain people's position, the soldiers are resting today. Originally, their commander asked them to continue to build some fortifications, but after seeing their state, they no longer demanded. Digging every day makes mountain soldiers very annoyed, because they are used to not digging trenches to fight, but digging trenches every day makes them feel very unhappy.

"Goguryeo, look, Goguryeo has appeared." Just then. A mountain soldier yelled loudly. Many soldiers gathered quickly. They picked up their weapons and intuitively entered the defensive position.

"It seems that there are still a lot of people here. His mother has at least more than one battalion." A sergeant looked at it. The Yanjun officers would never show up on the battlefield, and the officers who commanded the battle were the mountain people's own officers.

"Damn, they stopped moving." The sergeant looked at it and said. It seems that Goguryeo did not continue to launch a tentative offensive.

"Why did they stop?" Many people asked strangely.

"Who knows how these Goguryeo people fought? Damn, they were squeaky and crooked. They weren't a good bird at first sight." The sergeant cursed, then put down his weapon and lay in the trench to rest. Other soldiers have also returned to their original positions one after another, and they have become accustomed to such things. After all, they can also do such things.

"Sir, why did we stop? The mountain people's position is in front of us. We should launch an offensive." A lieutenant ran to his commander excitedly. He hoped to launch an attack to occupy the opponent's position because they thought the mountain people were also But so.

"No. Our main task is to find the way, not to fight, stop, wait for the follow-up troops to arrive, and then continue to expand. The mountain people have built defensive positions. If we attack again, we will need to pay a considerable price. This price is unbearable for us. We must wait until the artillery comes. The artillery can help us solve all the problems." The captain said. For the mountain people, it is not too much to be cautious. After all, most of their main forces are in the rear, carrying out military operations, and relying on them is too few people. And the risk is too great, they are not willing to bear such a big revenge.

Soon the Goguryeo soldiers knew what to do. They stopped and dispatched a large number of security forces on the one hand. The two sides formed a confrontation like groundhogs. The confrontation may be longer, but neither side intervened. The mountain people watched the other side’s construction of the fortifications. However, Goguryeo monitored each other's every move to prevent the other's attacks from further increasing. The mountain people did not send a small group of troops to harass to prevent the opponent from digging and building fortifications, because their chief did not give such orders. The Yan people will not take the initiative to attack, and the mountain people have lost a capable officer, and naturally they can't do this.

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