The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3873: Seek financial support

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"This is a telegram from our ambassador to Shah. The content of the telegram is very long, but I made some simplifications. This is the original text." Meng Yi submitted a briefing to Shangwen. Shangwen picked up the briefing and it seemed that in Shangwen’s impression, Anxi was a quiet area. There were no longer wars in that area. Although the land area of ​​Anxi was reduced a lot and the population loss was extremely serious, all of these were It is not a problem, because as long as after a period of development, everything can be recovered, and their losses can be further reduced to a minimum. Under such conditions, they can completely recover. It is precisely because of such an important factor. Therefore, that area has entered a state of peaceful development. This is the situation that the people of Qin want to see. They don't want too many fights, because this will consume too much energy of Qin.

"What do they want to do?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi.

"In general, they just want to expand their borders, that is, they have their own territorial requirements. Of course, they just want our support in this respect. In that case, they can get many things. It's solved." Meng Yi said.

"Oh my God, they seem to be naive," Shang Wen said.

"This may not be a situation they want. It may be an extremely helpless request. After all, economic development requires a lot of industries to carry out. But for the moment, the resources of the northern Caspian Sea area can be used for rest. It develops, but other places are still very poor, coupled with the slow economic recovery, which is not very good for them. They need to develop the economy and solve their domestic pressure at the same time." Meng Yi said.

Sometimes development is really a science. If the domestic development is not good, it will form a lot of internal pressure. If this pressure is not released, it will be a disaster for a country. Rest in peace is In such a country, it is not one person who controls the country, but a group of people, a group of party insiders. Rest in peace needs to be rebuilt, but there is not such a large amount of funds in the country, but they have the resources, so they put their main energy on oil exploration and related resource export. In this way, Anxi has indeed solved most of their financial problems, but the problem is that development is very uneven, and most areas have not recovered from post-war reconstruction. Only the north has more jobs and economic development. Soon, the military party that controls this country soon controlled all resources and everything, and they became the largest political party that monopolized the economy and politics. They began to amass wealth frantically. At the beginning, they entered this party with this purpose. Of course, there are some activists, but most of them are not such people. They have their own goals. Under such conditions, their development There was a problem. Although they have also made some improvements, the problem is that there is a big problem with the finances controlled by the military party. Only by solving this problem can they stabilize the current situation.

The domestic development is unbalanced, and the original Parthians vigorously opposed them, and the domestic pressure is relatively high. Under such circumstances, the Military Party has borrowed from the experience of a country, which is Yuezhi, and they feel that they can stimulate the economy through external expansion. At the same time let their economic development go up, and as for the pressure, those soldiers whose development is not balanced are that they can provide sufficient soldiers. This is their national policy. In this regard, they are also actively launching newspapers. Of course, this country has hundreds of soldiers. Ninety-seven of the people are illiterate, but the remaining military party is enough to incite more people to participate in the war.

"It is mentioned in the report that the whole country is full of gunpowder of war, right?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi.

"Yes, the whole country is full of active war gunpowder. That's it. Many people think that war should be carried out. If they can find a piece of land with oil or other resources, they will still make a fortune, so they are active. I hope to expand, no matter where I expand, I just need to expand.” Meng Yi said.

"Really **** it." Shang Wen cursed.

"What do they think war is? War is a business, can it start casually?" Shang Wen asked such a question very dissatisfied.

"In fact, they are all military parties, of course. Many of them are not soldiers. However, the country’s martial arts are quite serious. Many people believe that economic problems are actually war problems, as long as they don’t fight. There must be a problem. They believe that there are many benefits of war, which can allow their economy to develop. At least financial problems can be solved through war. Robbery can solve all financial problems." Meng Yi said.

The Military Party is a hard-line attitude. They advocate the contribution of war to the economy. They believe that the reason why the Sabbath country encounters such a thing is because they have launched too few wars. Therefore, they hope that the war can be launched as soon as possible to solve all problems.

"How can their financial funds be solved? Will they be solved by us?" Shang Wen asked such a question. Meng Yi shrugged, obviously he didn't feel good either.

“The banks have gathered to discuss this issue. They believe that Yue’s economy is a successful case. Their war against India has brought great war stimulus. At the same time, the issuance of a large number of bonds has given the country a boost. Various needs, and at the same time, our investment there has also increased a lot. We should support the Shamans like the Yueshi people. In this way, all the problems seem to be no problems. This is theirs. Views, of course. There may be some problems, but these problems will be solved. This is how the bank thinks." Meng Yi said.

"Don't they think of the possible danger behind this?" Shang Wen asked.

"In other words, they already know the possible risks, but they still have to do so. Once such a thing unfolds, it will wait for the return of venture capital with the victory of the war, but at the same time, it will also be caused by the failure of the risk of the war. Suffering heavy losses, if the control is not good, the bank will order a greater disaster. In the face of such a disaster, what I want to know is whether the bank is ready to deal with such a disaster?" Shang Wen asked. one question.

"This, maybe they didn't have such a response." Meng Yi said.

"This matter, we must treat it with caution, not to make it uncontrollable." Shang Wen said, shaking his head.

"Well, okay." Meng Yi put this matter on hold. In fact, it was Qin's bankers who really pushed the war. They believed that Yueshi was a successful case because Yueshi's bond sales were very good. Many people are actively buying. Yue’s economic development and Yue’s government are actively purchasing. The economic infrastructure is well constructed. United Petroleum Corporation has also increased the oil pipeline transportation there. It seems that everything is going well. In the face of such a thing, why did they not support it, or that it is an unreasonable thing, Qin’s oil demand is gradually increasing, and many people have deliberately raised their expectations for oil demand. Qin State is making machines that consume a lot of oil. From motor vehicles to airplanes, there is a huge expansion of ships, and the resource of oil will become bigger and bigger. The State of Qin needs more oil reserves. Under such circumstances, the State of Qin should support the idea of ​​the Parthians. It may be risky, but this is beneficial to the State of Qin.

But Shang Wen doesn't think so. Bankers will encourage the government to take risks in this regard because they have greater ambitions. But the government needs to stay sane. If they blindly follow the adventures of those bankers, they will plunge the entire country into disaster. This is the reason for Shangwen's refusal.

At the same time, in Seth, King Seth had the same idea, and their idea was expansion. Occupy more places with resources.

"Ambassador Lu, the development of Seth has entered a complete state. They can already produce some military products. Such products can basically meet the needs of external development. However, the resources of Seth are not enough for us to have Such a development." King Seth cordially received the Zhao Guo's ambassador to Seth, Lu Shi. A middle-aged man with a declining aristocracy. It took him a long time and borrowed a part of the funds to get this position, because he knew that foreign diplomats are fat and poor and can easily solve all debt problems. In the country of Zhao, there are many people like this, even some hooligans, they know such things, for example, in Aiji, they will do this, they will spend a lot of money to buy the identity of a low-level diplomat, and then Using such an identity to do some smuggling business, or to do some other activities, forced buying and selling, and using diplomatic immunity to kill and arson can all be done, and the generous rewards they receive are also very large. Lu Shi is such a person. He came here with the purpose of making a fortune, not a real diplomat. In fact, he has never been. Zhao Jia has not had time to change foreign diplomats, especially big ambassadors. Smallpox drunk telegrams flew over to celebrate Zhao Jia's appointment as prime minister. They would remind them kindly even on the celebration days of one month or two, which shows that they are very shameless. They will seek some valuable local products to give to Zhao Jia in order to maintain their position as a diplomat. This is how they completed their confession of loyalty to Zhao Jia, and Zhao Jia did not touch them because it was not necessary yet, Zhao Jia The ministers have not yet completed the overall arrangement, for them, naturally they can't take care of them.

"This. We are also very pleasantly surprised." Ambassador Lu said such a sentence. The king also didn't know what the other party meant by saying such a sentence.

"We want to expand in the north, but we need a lot of financial support. We hope that the Zhao government can provide certain bond purchases or involve banks." The king said clearly. He believes that the other party is deliberately bypassing this issue.

"Of course. We hope that the ambassador can complete such a thing as soon as possible. This matter is very good for the State of Zhao. We will further liberalize the relevant market, which is conducive to the further expansion of trade by the Government of the State of Zhao, Ambassador. There will also be a lot of benefits, and such benefits will be solved in more ways." The king made it clear.

"I can understand this. But the problem is that this is no longer something I can do alone. There are many things in the country. I am worried that the prime minister will not notice here. You know, Zhao Guo has troops stationed in many places. A lot of management is needed. What I worry about is that we are unlikely to get some funds smoothly.” Ambassador Lu said. In fact, he wants to know how much benefit he can get. And the king thinks so too, but the matter has already reached this point, and the two sides naturally don't need to cover up.

"At present, Seth’s land area has been reduced a lot, and taxes have also been reduced a lot. At the same time, we have also taken more tax reduction measures. These measures require the sacrifice of a lot of fiscal revenue. This is extremely unfavorable for us. Although the non-governmental trade and economic development are very good, it is also relatively speaking. Limited land and limited resources are greatly restricting our greater development. In order to solve this problem, we must develop northward. There is still a lot of undeveloped land there. This is what we need best. If such a war is waged, I think it will be more beneficial to Zhao Guo. At least, Zhao Guoguo has an investment opportunity. ." The other party said so.

"Well, I understand your majesty's thoughts, but we still need to communicate, please rest assured, I will complete this effort as soon as possible. But I need some materials to explain everything here in detail. After all, it is only enough to impress the bank. Only things that move the prime minister can make the prime minister notice what's happening here." Lu Shi said.

"There is absolutely no problem. I believe the problem will be solved very well." King Seth nodded and laughed. He felt that he should increase his investment in the ambassador, because the ambassador said clearly. More benefits need to be given to them to solve the problem here. It seems that they are very short of money, and the only thing that can impress these people is money. What they need is such a result. If it is not enough, they need more capital investment, because only enough capital can support their external expansion.

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