Yunshan, Zhier and his compatriots are constantly moving stones and laying foundations. They are building a road that can transport ammunition, artillery, and more supplies. The amount of work on this road is very large, reaching They thought it was impossible to accomplish such a thing, but those Goguryeo sergeants would wait for them with a whip.

"We came here to fight, not to be coolies. Until now." Zhier threw a stone on the ground with difficulty, and then others broke the stone and leveled it. In this case, the condition of the road It will be much better, at least before the rainy season, here is a good road.

"I haven't hit a bullet, so **** it," Zhier said.

"The same is true for me. I fired five bullets, and even those five bullets were taken away. I only have a bag of bullet shells. They might want them too." Jiro said helplessly. Jiro was also a Wajima soldier. He came from a tribe on the island of Honshu. They were defeated by another tribe. Jiro was locked up in a prisoner of war camp and did a lot of things, and then he was sold to the Goguryeo people, and then he came here. The same experience, the same nation, gave them a common language.

"Well, we don't know how far we will go, those Goguryeo people, really. They are not friendly to us at all." Zhier said.

"There is no way. The soldiers here are really too strong. We can't beat them at all, and we have never seen the weapons and methods of warfare we use. Soldiers like us come here and are simply here to die. If it weren’t for our tenacious will, I’m afraid it would be difficult to survive. I heard that many people have died here and we can’t die. We want to survive.” Jiro said.

"Yes, we want to live, we must live." Zhier said firmly.

"You guys, what are you doing? Don't hurry up and work hard, what are you doing? Are you looking for a fight?" Sergeant Goguryeo scolded dissatisfiedly. The two people had to speed up the pace to finish everything. If this goes on, the situation will be very unfavorable to them, because Goguryeo will kill them alive, otherwise they will be seriously injured and it will be difficult to survive. . Although these Wadao soldiers are already theirs in name. But in fact, their status is still very low. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for them to do too good to change their status. Perhaps the only way is to go to the battlefield. On the battlefield, they will have this. One chance to change their current situation.

Yan Kingdom, the residence of Prince Dan, but now it has become the Yan Kingdom combat headquarters. Also called the Supreme Command. Prince Dan still has the ability to imitate. He heard that the Koreans had established a Supreme Commander-in-Chief. He also learned to set up a related department. He believes that such a department can also solve all problems. Because he still thought that the Ministry of National Defense did not do a lot of things, and the financial constraints have not been resolved, this made Prince Dan very dissatisfied, so he began to reform. He first established a new department.

The Supreme Command, with such a department, can do everything. This is the idea of ​​Prince Dan, and he also thinks so, so he put Yan's Ministry of National Defense, Army, Logistics, and Finance in one department. In this way, he can solve all war issues. Up. Of course. Many other departments have also actively mobilized and set up some teams to station here, such as communications, intelligence, and engineering. Such personnel are stationed here. Such an organization should be a great solution to this war problem. , But the problem is that all the problems have not been resolved. Because the Ministry of Finance has no funds.

"As far as we can see, the number of people we can collect is very limited. Because of taxation, many people have fled here, and more people have escaped taxation and entered more far-reaching places in the north. As a result, taxation has been reduced a lot. , The number of soldiers that can be recruited is also much less.” The Minister of Finance said.

"The same is true for soldiers. Many people oppose the war. They conduct large-scale demonstrations. A lot of our troops are used for this. It seems difficult to draw troops and recruit new recruits. After they have completed the recruitment, they still need to carry out. Training, these things all take time. In addition, we also need a lot of artillery, machine guns, and various equipment, but we lack these equipment. Under such conditions, it is already difficult for us to accomplish this. The only thing we can do is to find a way to solve all the problems. In other words, we can change all the situations." The Secretary of Defense said.

"How to change?" Prince Dan suppressed his anger. His personal doctor told Prince Dan that his blood pressure was very high, and the high pressure was as high as 160, which was already quite high. The doctor asked him to control his temper as much as possible to prevent greater anger from causing more damage, and he also gave an example that Guo Kai, the prime minister of Zhao Guo, died of such anger. This example deeply moved Prince Dan. He began to consciously control his temper, so that his emotions would not fluctuate as much as possible. This allows his blood pressure to be controlled within a certain controllable range.

Prince Dan accepted the advice of a private doctor. In fact, he didn’t want to be the second Guo Kai. I don’t know why many people think that Zhao Jia is the prime minister’s killer because he has become a prime minister before he is on stage. If he kills, then there is really nothing to say about the situation.

"This can't solve the problem at all. I think we can catch all the people who are in trouble and send them to the front line. Don't they oppose the war? Well, we will let them participate in the war." Prince Dan was serious. Speaking of.

"No. Prince, doing this will cause trouble." The Minister of Defense said.

"Prince, absolutely must not, there are some students among them, these students can not casually sacrifice, if you do so, it will cause a lot of losses." The Minister of Finance also persuaded. This is a crazy plan and a suicidal approach. The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Finance strongly oppose it. Doing so will make all the problems more complicated.

"What's indispensable, they are opposed to war, so let them experience the war, we also lack soldiers, so we did. Anyway, for them, Yan is a country that can be abandoned. They have never been patriotic. Such a talent, **** it." Prince Dan said. He has already decided. There is no way for others to persuade you. The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Finance looked at each other. Reluctantly accept such a fact.

The Secretary of Defense is very worried about the students or anti-war elements. They will encourage more people to take part in the anti-war behavior. In that case, they will greatly affect the morale of the combat troops. The morale of the Yan army is already sufficient. Low down. If this continues, the situation will be very bad. This is what the Minister of Finance is worried about. In that case, the whole situation will become very corrupt. But they can't help it.

South Korea, the Supreme Command.

"The people of Zhao are still concerned about a lot, but I don’t know what kind of reaction they have? The Seth people want to start a war, and the telegrams of the Spanish Carthaginians we intercepted are the same, but most of Zhao’s power is in Goguryeo, what choice will they make for Spain?" Han Shu asked such a question.

South Korea’s intelligence agencies are very efficient and capable of working. They actually cracked Li Wei’s telegram. In fact, this is not very strong with Zhao Guoren’s principle of confidentiality. They actually used extremely simple additive encryption. The encryption of is easy to be cracked, coupled with habits, and some punctuation, through some function calculations, they can quickly be cracked, because they are fixed, from the fixed, known, we can infer the unknown Password status.

"My lord, it depends on how much money Zhao people have, and what they think is the most important aspect, and the status of their investment needs. I think Spain is more likely. After all, you will bring Coming to more markets and opening up the demand there will be able to open up the entire market. Zhao Guoren should have chosen this way. However, the Mediterranean Sea is still too far away for them."

"I also know this, but Zhao Jia, this person, can't do it in the usual way. What we know is that this guy has his own personality and wants to follow his own ideas. People like him never know anything. What is called rationality, what is called fear?" Han Shu said. In fact, this is a kind of irony, absolute irony, because the son Zhao Jia is actually a son brother, because he is rich, powerful, and has status. This makes him ignorant. As long as he feels smooth in doing things, he never cares about other things. The same is true for people's feelings, his career, and his style of doing things, which makes his decisions look more emotional. Such a emotional person will naturally become more crazy. Faced with such a situation, no one would be willing to provide a rational approach to make choices, because he would not play cards according to the routine at all, he is a person who does not talk about routines. There is no way to use natural routines.

"Brother son is like this. We can't help it." Zhang Liang smiled bitterly. Zhao Guo met such a prime minister. I really don't know what to say.

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