The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3875: Delicious tea soup

Zhao Guo, Handan, Zhao Jia's office.

"Spain's Carthage, Seth, and Goguryeo, why are there so many things all at once?" Zhao Jia said while looking at the telegram on the desk.

"Prime Minister, these countries are interested in expanding wars. This is a great demand. This demand will greatly expand our market, especially the opening of the arms market. Of course, they will also open up other markets to meet. Some of our needs." The Minister of Finance said.

"They are all short of money, right?" Zhao Jia looked at the telegram, then stood up, and took a sip of tea from the teacup in his hand.

"Yes, Prime Minister, after all, fighting will cost more funds. What they lack is enough funds. The Seth people also want to expand. The Spanish Carthaginians want to expand, even though they say that the Roma gave them This poses a great threat, but, after all, they have to take the initiative to provoke a war. Their financial and other needs will become larger, and they need more funds to support their war." The Minister of Finance said To.

"We Zhao Guo is not a bank. At present, Goguryeo is busy enough for us. Then, if we join a Seth, Carthage in Spain, can we be busy?" Zhao Jia asked his finance minister. In this matter, what Zhao Jia thought was, shelving, or temporarily ignoring such things, in this case, he would be able to solve many things. This is a very useful thing for him.

"Sir, to be honest, it's not enough. We can't manage such things at all, and the scale of funds needed will be very large. In addition, Prime Minister Guo Kai's development of Australia before, is to turn on all the machines in the banknote printing plant and spin overnight None of them can meet such demand." The Minister of Finance said.

"It seems that our idea is right." Zhao Jia said.

"However, Prime Minister, if we just give up like this, how will those countries treat us? They will think that our country Zhao is afraid. Under such circumstances, it is absolutely detrimental to us, and for the future, we still have Pay attention to many things." The Minister of Finance said worriedly.

"Speak directly, I don't understand what you are saying." Zhao Jia turned around and returned to her position.

"We have to open some markets ahead of time. The Goguryeo incident is already obvious. Goguryeo will win. What should we do after the Goguryeo incident?" the Minister of Finance asked.

"Yeah. That's right." Zhao Jia nodded. He understood this time. And he understands that there are still many things he should do. However, under such a situation, he still needs a lot of things to solve. For example, after Goguryeo's affairs are over, they can really free up their hands to solve the problem. .

"Do you think we ate too much?" Zhao Jia suddenly asked this question at this time.

"This?" The Minister of Finance looked at Zhao Jia puzzledly. He didn't understand what Zhao Jia's son meant? Is there any hidden secret?

"Seth, Carthage, Goguryeo, they are the dishes on the table, we can eat very limited every day, we can not eat all of them." Zhao Jia said.

"But, for those dishes that I haven't eaten before, I would like to taste them, you say, what should we do?" Zhao Jia asked the Minister of Finance at this time.

The Minister of Finance shook his head in confusion. He didn't know what kind of relationship there was between the two, or there was no relationship at all, Zhao Jia thought about it himself.

"We don't want to eat a single dish, we can taste them all, if we can't eat them, we can throw them away. Feed the dog, but we must not let others eat, understand?" Zhao Jia said. Zhao Jia has a persistent pursuit of food. His food is fine and exquisite. One dish may cost thousands of workers' salaries. But the enjoyment is different, but Zhao Jia can’t eat such a dish, but this kind of delicacy is not something others can enjoy. What he wants is the process of enjoying alone, and such a process is for him. Said it is the best one. He will feed the dog he can't eat. He is the kind of person who enjoys alone.

"I understand. Prime Minister." The Finance Minister nodded and said. He somewhat understood what Zhao Jia thought. He can't eat it. But he will never let others move his dishes. He can put down his chopsticks and taste it. Therefore, he decided to intervene in such a thing. As for how much, he doesn’t care. What he cares about is control, control everything. Everything, that is a kind of control that he needs very much, the desire to control.

In the Matou Mountain area, the position of the Goguryeo people. These days, the Goguryeo people kept digging their positions. Follow-up troops arrived one after another. Their strength was also increasing. The mountain people carried out several small-scale harassment. However, the impact was not great, and it was a disadvantage. Because of their serious lack of firepower, when they were very close to the opponent’s position, they were shot and killed by the intensive firepower of the Goguryeo people’s machine guns. Moreover, some artillery also participated, which made the mountain people feel very tricky. It had to be reduced.

"Sir, if we really launch an offensive, the mountain people will definitely cause a lot of damage to us. Consultant Zhao Guo told us, don't put hope on shelling. It is useless. The enemy will find a way to survive. Yes, besides, they are all mountain people with extremely strong will to survive." A captain said to a Goguryeo major.

"Yeah. That's right. I really like this kind of independent thinking. Our casualties can't be too big. After all, the casualties are our Goguryeos. So, what should we do? We can't let everyone die." Said the major.

"Sir, the only way is those Wadao people. We can let them fight. They are our supplementary soldiers. In this trial operation, we can let them try it. If possible, before they enter. After the battle, we can also carry out a second round of artillery attacks." The captain suggested.

"Well. It sounds like a good suggestion. That's it, this matter is decided like this." said the major.

"Yes, sir." The captain quickly left with someone. Goguryeo can’t let their battle line be here all the time. They need to change the current situation and how to change it. Naturally, they hope to do something they think they can go and launch a tentative attack. Such an attack can solve a lot of problems. Conditions they cannot notice.

On the logistical supply channel, Zhiji and Jiro finally got a chance to rest, which made them feel relieved. Their roads are being built very quickly, which means that their work will become very big.

"Drink some, drink some." A Wajima veteran came over with a large pot of tea soup. The tea is the cheapest one with coarse salt. Some of the salt is astringent, but it works. Greatly improve their energy, this is what they are most willing to drink when they are resting.

"Oh, delicious tea soup is here." Zhier got two bowls. And said so respectfully.

"Drink slowly," said the veteran. The other person looks very kind. I don't know why I was caught here.

"Ah. Drinking delicious tea soup, I feel like I'm alive again." Jiro said with emotion.

"Oh. Jiro originally felt like this. It's great. Like me, I look forward to every tea soup. I feel that I am alive again. Life here is full of hope." Zhiji said. .

"Like mine, I think so too. It would be great if we could drink such tea soup every day. I heard that people from Goguryeo and Central Plains would add rock candy, which is like ice cubes. , Something sweet, it's delicious when you think about it." Jiro said with a smile.

"Oh. I heard that too. I think we will have such an opportunity soon." Zhier said.

"Get up all, get up, hurry up, get up all." Just then. The fierce Goguryeo sergeants waved their sticks to get them up, and they had to stop the tea time, the favorite tea time of the Wadao people.

"Listen, now there is an opportunity in your hands. You will go to the front to fight. If you win, you will become veterans and you don't have to do such things. You will be respected and you will be better complemented. Are you willing?" the sergeant asked.

The soldiers of Washima looked at the soldiers of Goguryeo at a loss.

"Damn it. Take it all away. Damn, what a bunch of fools, this is an important opportunity to change your destiny, and you can't catch such an opportunity." The sergeant scolded. In this way, Chiji and Jiro were sent to the battlefield. They don't know where their fate will be in the next moment. They are already very tired, and then they are going to die. This is a situation they can't escape anyway.

"What will happen to us?" Jiro asked Zhiji anxiously.

"I don't know, the war is terrible, I don't know if I can come back alive." Zhier said pessimistically.

"Zhiji, you must come back, we will definitely be able to come back alive. The delicious tea soup will be waiting for us." Jiro said with firm conviction. Then they were forcibly driven away, they were put into a carriage, and then they were concentrated on the front line. The frontline needs too much cannon fodder. With them, the Goguryeo people can reduce the cost of huge casualties. After all, this era attacks one position. There were still many people killed. Goguryeo people can't afford such a loss.

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