Inside the Temporary Prison of the Gendarmerie of Matoushan Ado came to visit Agu with some things. The military police dared not do anything to A Gu. The reason was that A Gu had a big impression of Prince Dan, and the impression was good. They still don't know how to deal with A Gu's affairs. Because the prince did not hold the idea of ​​holding Taishan to blame, maybe he was thinking about bigger things.

"How are all the brethren?" Agu asked Ado. The food in the prison is simply not for humans. Although his treatment is good, it is still a prison. In the prison, he thinks a lot. For example, the current The situation of the mountain people is still very scattered, mainly because the low-level officers are given too much. People without core influence organize them. They need to build their own country. However, how to organize is the most critical point. A Gu can think about this problem when it is closed.

"No, we are all building fortifications, and the soldiers are very annoyed by this, and the Goguryeo people have already advanced here. They are also building fortifications, and they have no possibility of fighting. But I I think they will launch an offensive soon." Addo said.

"What?" A Gu asked while looking at each other. This is the situation that A Gu doesn't want to see the most. Dig trenches for confrontation. Only fools can do this.

"The confrontation, we are all digging trenches to defend. This is the order of the Yan people and the death order was issued so that we can't lose our position, otherwise, we will be shot." Ado looked at A Gu and said.

"Stupid. A bunch of idiots." A Gu spit out the food in the mouth, and then yelled.

"They are stupid. If they do this, it is tantamount to suicide. The Goguryeos are equipped with artillery, and they can attack our position one by one. When it gets too big, the trenches will not be able to save our lives." A Gu said.

"I know this, but this is the order of Chief Yan Guo." Ado and aggrieved said.

"Our advantage lies in maneuverability and flexible tactics. We have to avoid the mountainous areas and attack the logistics supply lines of the Goguryeo people, instead of letting us confront the Goguryeo people here. If this continues, all the mountain people will be bombed. Yes. This can't stand it at all. Once the Goguryeos tore a line of defense, our entire battle will fall into a very passive state. It's really **** it." The bones can't eat anymore. This was the most passive situation and the situation that A Gu didn't want to see, but it still happened. The Yan people set up a defensive line with self-righteousness, and they thought everything could end. But what I didn't expect was that this was just the beginning.

"This, we have no way. We can only hope that the people of Yan people can develop other methods to solve this kind of thing." Ado said helplessly.

The forward position of the Goguryeo 7th Infantry Regiment, the caps of the Goguryeo soldiers, and their left collar badges all have a number seven, which means that they are members of the 7th Infantry Regiment. They are either sitting in the trenches or standing, the entire trenches. There were people everywhere inside, and Zhier and his party were pushed into the position. Their military uniforms were dirty, and there were no numbers on their uniforms, which showed that they did not have any regiment that could manage them. They looked blankly at the Goguryeo people in the trenches, while the Goguryeo people looked at them with disdain or pitifulness. They are all cannon fodder.

Their cannon fodder was treated well. When they entered the trenches, they had a good stew meal. This was the first time they had a good meal and they were full. He didn't see Jiro and didn't know. The guy was pulled somewhere by the carriage, their army boots were very dirty, but the Goguryeo didn't plan to give them time to tidy up. After they had eaten, they were asked to gather together, and then lined up to enter the trenches. When they entered the trenches, everyone was given a piece of rock candy, which would relieve their tension.

Rock candy is very sweet. This is the first time that Zhier has eaten such a sweet thing. He thinks that this might be the best food in the world. And they may never have a chance to eat something like this in the future. The smell in the trenches is terrible, of course. Some unconscious people will urinate in the trenches, and even more crazy people will urinate in the trenches. This is the battlefield. Many things cannot be carried out in accordance with the usual requirements.

"Take it." At the corner of the trench, several officers and sergeants watched them vigilantly. They handed five bullets and a bayonet-mounted rifle to a soldier, then the next, and then the next. Soon, Zhier got his rifle. bayonet. There are five bullets. The rifle still looks new, but some people have gotten an old rifle. There are dust and blood stains on it, and they don't know where they got it. They just became cannon fodder again.

Zhier has already had an experience. He leaned back. Then looking at the surrounding situation, he saw the machine gun, the machine gun set with cross fire. Several Goguryeos are hiding behind the trenches than you. Zhi Er knows. That is for them. If they retreat, or the offense is unfavorable, those machine guns will definitely shoot at them.

"Damn Goguryeo." Zhier scolded. He knew that in the starting position, he didn't know how many people would be killed. It was good to rush over, but they were just a corpse. No one can leave here alive.

"Zhiji." Just now, another group of people were brought in. Among these people was Zhiji's friend, Jiro.

"Jiro. How is it?" Zhiji asked the other party. He felt very surprised.

"Very good. I had a full meal with eggs and canned meat in it. There were fish pieces in it. It was really good. I have not eaten fish for a long time. There is also rice, white rice, It's like Shirayuki in my hometown." Jiro said happily.

"Look, there is this, we also sent rock candy." Jiro said.

"Hurry up, I already have it. Jiro, listen." Zhier whispered. He saw that many people were very nervous, and they didn't say a word. It seems that they have realized the danger exists.

"When you charge for a while, you must follow me. No matter what happens, you must follow me. Understand?" Zhier said. He knows the danger of war, but he doesn't want both of them to be in danger. He feels that he should prepare the other party in this way from the beginning, maybe they can survive, they must survive.

"Swish." Just then. The roar of shells suddenly came.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The shells slammed into the opposite position like an iron fist. They could all feel the shock wave from the explosion to their hearts. In fact, it was just a part of their hearts. This effect is just that, because the Goguryeos only used 75mm artillery to conduct a tentative attack, and the 120mm artillery was not transported to the rear. It would take a day for them to arrive. The Goguryeo people were waiting for time. This battle was just a tentative attack.

"Swish." The shells roared, which made many people feel nervous, because it showed that the war had really come. Under such circumstances, they have no way back.

"Be sure to follow me, follow me, follow me." Zhier kept saying. But the explosion and the feeling of tension made Jiro's hearing confusion appear. This is the first time he has encountered such a situation. The shelling came quickly and went quickly, just like a rainstorm. It seemed that it had been, and it seemed that it had not been. The five-minute shelling soon stopped. This is a tentative attack, and the Goguryeo people will not waste more shells.

"Beep beep." The bugle rang, it was the sound of charging.

"Rush." ​​A soldier yelled, the first one rushed out, the second, the third, more and more people rushed out, and some people were nervously unable to move their legs. This is normal. Because he has incontinence. Because he couldn't climb up late, it caused a blockage in that area. A Goguryeo officer walked over with dislike, raised his gun, and pointed a revolver at the opponent's forehead.

"Bang." With a shot, the soldier fell to the ground. Many soldiers watched such a scene happen.

"Hurry up, don't dawdle," the officer said. The soldiers climbed over each other's body.

"Be sure to follow me." Zhier rushed up. Jiro followed closely behind. But once on the battlefield, everything changed. Everyone was madly assaulting the mountain people's position. They yelled and screamed as if they were madly assaulted. At this time, they seem desperate. Zhier looked at the back, it was not bad, and Jiro followed behind.

"Be careful, let's enter here for a while to hide." Zhier said. Jiro felt that this was inappropriate.

"Our people are rushing to the forefront." Jiro said.

"Those are fools, they will be killed. Soon, the mountain people will return to their positions, and then the first person will be killed. Look at it." Zhier said. To. He pressed the bullet into the magazine. Jiro also learned to press into it. However, he still encountered some difficulties, and he could only put it in one round after another.

"You, hurry up and attack." At this moment, a Goguryeo officer jumped into their trench, and the opponent shouted at them with a revolver.

"We will attack." Zhier looked at the other side and said. He saw it. Just now, the officer killed the man who couldn't climb. A very cruel guy.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." Gunshots came at this time, and the battle started. The soldier who rushed to the front fell to the ground at once, and then hung directly in front of the barbed wire. The same goes for the people behind.

"Fight. Hurry up," the officer roared loudly. The other party seemed to be able to pull the trigger and kill them.

"Follow me." Zhier said. Then he took the lead and rushed over. Jiro followed behind and attacked.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." The Washima soldiers shot at each other, and the barbed wire kept them from moving forward. Many people fell on it and couldn't attack.

"Damn it. Charge." The officer roared loudly. On the other hand, the soldiers in Washima can only hide with their bayonet-mounted rifles. They have become living targets for the mountain people, because most of them have run out of five bullets. As more and more mountain people enter the position, more people will be killed.

"Bang." Zhier pulled the bolt, raised the gun, aimed at a rising mountain man, and killed the opponent with one shot.

"Climb over from below, hurry up." Zhier shouted loudly. Many people hesitated, and Zhier pulled the bolt again.

"Bang." Just then. A bullet came from behind, not hitting anyone, but it made everyone feel terrified. The officer was lying in the trench facing them and brandishing the revolver in his hand.

"Jiro." Just then. Jiro rushed out first, and quickly climbed under the wire fence.

"Bang. Bang." The bullet quickly shot towards Jiro, and continued to concentrate. Zhiji knew that Jiro was playing big this time. It was life-threatening, and he swiftly blasted all the bullets, but this couldn't go on at all.

"Charge. Charge." Zhier shouted loudly, but the others kept advancing. One soldier couldn't bear the pressure, and just as he rushed out, he was hit by a shot.

"Damn it. Jiro, wait for me, I'll save you." Zhier shouted loudly. But as soon as he rushed out, he was hit back by a bullet. The fire blockade is quite serious.

"Swish. Swish." I don't know when, a red flare appeared in the sky, and some people looked at the flare blankly. And the officer didn't know when he had run away. Some soldiers followed behind and fled. Others also ran away when they saw it, but unfortunately, they did not run at the right time. As soon as he rushed out, he was hit by the opponent's bullet.

"Swish." Then came the howling of cannonballs.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The mountain man's position suddenly entered the sea of ​​fire, even where the barbed wire was. There was nothing left where Jiro was just now. A shell was still hit there.

"Jiro. Jiro. Jiro." Zhiji shouted loudly, but no one answered him at all, he almost felt desperate. He didn't know why, something like this happened. It was simply the last thing that should have happened, but it happened under such circumstances.

"Go, let's go, we will be killed by a shell if we don't go." A soldier pulled him out of here, but Jiro and Jiro were gone. Zhier lost his best friend. On the battlefield, many people lost their lives here. He didn't want to go back. He wanted to find Jiro, even if it was a corpse, but it was a pity that the artillery quickly covered it.

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