"Our situation is already very good," the soldier said while standing on top of Zhiji. They saw the bodies of many Wadao soldiers in front of the position. They were all shot in the front and the bodies were facing the direction of the position. Obviously they were killed by machine guns. After they entered the position, the Goguryeo people did not shoot them. Obviously, the Goguryeo people already knew that there was no point in shooting them.

"If this continues, we might as well die." Zhier said.

"Dead? It's easy to die, but it's the hardest to live. We have to live and live so that everything becomes valuable, fool." The soldier said. Then he went down. Zhier survived again, he didn't know whether he was dead or he was too lucky.

"Sir, why don't we kill those Wadao soldiers?" a captain asked his sir in a puzzled way.

"They are also a kind of resource, you know? To recruit them, we also need to spend money. We also need to waste bullets to kill them. This is another amount of money. Give our Ministry of National Defense this expenditure." The major said. Speaking of. It was he who ordered not to shoot the soldiers on Gaowa Island. Because it doesn't make any sense anymore. Shooting under such circumstances will only increase their casualties. They didn't want to be able to solve all the problems at once.

"The mountain people are much stronger to defend than we thought. They also planted mines and barbed wire in their positions. We have to be more careful in our offensive." said the major.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"This is the content of the Zhao Guoren wireless telegram intercepted by the South Korean intelligence agency." Meng Yi handed a report to Shang Wen, who quickly read it. Then he looked up at Meng Yi.

"The people of Zhao will definitely respond. I think they may continue to print more banknotes and put them in Carthage, Spain, and the Kingdom of Seth. In that case, war will break out in these areas, Zhao Jia will definitely do this. Although the Department of Defense analyzed that they seem unlikely to do so in the near future because most of their power has been attracted to Goguryeo, we believe that this matter is definitely not that simple. We believe that , Things may come faster than we thought. Because doing so can promote the rapid economic growth of Zhao State, banks and more enterprises will choose this way. In particular, some of our bankers have already noticed this. "Meng Yi said worriedly.

On the issue of the Goguryeo War, the interests of the Qin State Bank and the Zhao State Bankers are the same. They hope to obtain great benefits from the Goguryeo War. In fact, they are also the same. A large number of industrial and military orders give They made a lot of money. Their business is coming faster than ever. This is the power of war, because in the case of war, people will become irrational, they will become passionate, and passion means that they have lost the last reason and only the craziest People can win the final victory in the war. That's what they think. Under such circumstances, they still view such a thing in this way. This is the situation they are currently facing.

The war brought huge profits, and they wanted to replicate such a situation. Zhao State was completely crazy. Their next goal has been placed on Carthage and Seth. The bankers of Qin State are also actively participating. Among the large banks that do not conform to Qin State, such as Wenyang, Royal Bank, and Banking Union, they are all involved. There is no way. Their country does not allow greater war. The scale, Yueshi's small-scale wars made them unable to lift their spirits, so they hoped to be able to live a greater history in the foreign wars that other countries participated in. They hoped that Zhao Guo could support their own war agents and have a **** battle. In this case, all problems can be solved very well.

"They are crazy." Shang Wen said.

"It is true that they are crazy, but this has indeed brought us a lot of profits. At the same time, the income of a large amount of funds has also increased our financial income a lot. We seem to have no reason to oppose them. If they oppose them, they will I would think that this would undermine the survival and development of the enterprise." Meng Yi said.

"Okay. I agree with them to do so, but let Qin rely on the method of printing more money to support the war. In this case, Qin will be brought into the quagmire of war. In the end, Qin has to bear more Big risks, we have always avoided crises, but we have never experienced the disaster brought to us by crises.” Shang Wen said. Overcapacity and a large number of false economic prosperity seem to be very beneficial to Qin, but behind all this, who knows what will happen.

"I don't know exactly what kind of disaster will happen, but I believe that such a disaster is not something that erupts, and we can still control it." Meng Yi said.

"Are you relaxing on the matter of resting? After all, our ambassador looks very anxious." Meng Yi said.

"I can understand his feelings, but we can't open this matter anymore. If we open it again, it will be very unfavorable to us." Shang Wen refused again. And Shang Wen's attitude also made Qin's bankers dissatisfied, they had to move to other countries, such as Zhao's Goguryeo, or even Carthage. They seemed to have considered such a thing again. The Koreans have no intention of inciting the world. Their monarch and ministers are a stable combination, and a large-scale war does not seem to be something Koreans are willing to do. Only Zhao Guo, Zhao Jia, can show the restlessness that young people should have. This is exactly what the Qin State bankers need.

In contrast, they were a little dissatisfied with Qin. It seems that Qin State has lost the momentum of rapid development that it should have to establish a country. Although their bankers are working hard, their government does not allow this. What kind of solution can they have? There is really no way to solve such a thing.

Qi State, Laizhou. The factories here are densely covered with black smoke from the factory chimneys. Although it is close to the ocean, people here never buy white clothes because the industry here is developing rapidly. The Laizhou Iron and Steel Plant has been established, and the black ones have smoke. It never stops. The factory makes a huge noise and never stops throughout the year. Workers' income here has gradually improved, but their health problems are very numerous, but they have never cared about this problem.

"The sea transportation here is very developed. We can transport a large amount of coal from Goguryeo. We can reprocess the crude steel they processed, and then use the technology taken over by Zhao Guo to produce the products they need." Department officials introduced.

"Yeah. I think the operating rate of the factory is very high." Lou Jing said about the inspection work.

"Yes. Mr. Prime Minister." The official said with a smile. The number of factories in Laizhou has increased from the original more than 100 to more than 1,000, and many factories are still applying and are being established. As a result, their financial income will increase a lot.

"How is the profit of the factory?" Lou Jing asked worriedly.

"The Prime Minister can rest assured that the profit is sufficient. I heard that we can get more than 15% of the profit from processing a product to the final assembly and transportation. Such a profit is still very high." The official said excitedly. When Lou Jing heard this, he felt very uncomfortable. In fact, the amount they got was very limited.

The state of Zhao is now the same as they used to be with Qin. The people of Qin instigated others to start wars, and then they accepted military orders. Then they took a sum of money, military orders, met Zhao people, gave part of the military order, and part of the deposit. , Zhao Guoren worked hard to process, but in the end the big head was taken away by Qin Guoren. It's just that these roles have changed a bit now, and the people of Qi have become the same as the people of Zhao, and the people of Zhao have become the people of Qin instead. They went to Goguryeo frantically to **** the military orders they could get. They were advocating that Goguryeo was not safe and needed more military orders. Naturally, the more military orders, the better, and then they set up a company, this company. There is a place where there is an office, and then they ran to Qi with orders, and Qi people paid a lot of raw materials. Cheap labor and imported equipment from Zhao Guoren that seems to be very advanced and very backward for Zhao Guoren. These equipments are for them.

This is a kind of technology transfer, as well as a kind of technology diffusion. Zhao was the place where Qin people used to transfer technology. Now this kind of technology transfers again and earns Qi people, and Qi people rely on some of their local location advantages. Obtaining extremely limited profits, 15%, looks like a lot, but in fact, it is an extremely cheap process for enterprises in Qi State.

The same thing happened in Chu State, but it was not the people of Zhao State who had already done such things in the acquisition of enterprises, but the people of Chu State themselves, a large number of nobles, and bigwigs who received a lot of funds from the bank. These funds cannot be left idle. , They need to flow, how to flow, they began to acquire a variety of technology companies, they believe that this will help them to appreciate in the future, what they need now is such a situation. With such a situation, they will develop greatly. But such development is unhealthy, and no one will care about it.

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