In Hannibal's office in New Carthage, Hannibal is dealing with many things at hand. The most important thing is to raise military expenses. They need too much military expenses. If it cannot take too long to solve the military expenditure problem, the situation will become very difficult.

"Boom." Li Wei knocked on the door and came in.

"Is there any good news?" Hannibal saw that Li Wei said this.

"Yes, there is still good news. One of our communications companies has initially completed the laying of submarine cables, and our communication problems have finally been resolved. But we can’t be happy too early. Telegraph communications still need some debugging, if not If it's good, this cable may be completely scrapped. We have to spend some time doing this again." Li Wei said.

"I'm already very grateful for such a thing. In this case, our communication problem has finally been resolved. This is indeed good news." Hannibal said. You know, Carthage did not build a telegraph cable from Thebes, but they built a submarine cable from Thebes to Carthage ahead of time. This is an amazing project. Mainly, Hannibal spent his money on useful places.

"Any other things? I don't think you will only report such things. Although important, you still need to do many things." Hannibal poured a cup of tea for Li Wei.

"Well, yes, there are other things. My suggestion is to attack Sagunto. This is the result of my research and my staff, because the position there is very important, compared to Orcades I think their threat is not great. On the contrary, we only need to send some cavalry to harass them and we can solve some things. If we attack there, it will cost too much money. And we Without timely supplementation, those tribes have a large population, but the actual funds cannot meet our needs." Li Wei said. War is also an economic account. Li Wei and his staff found that if they attacked the two tribes, their business might lose a lot. The positions occupied by the two tribes are very important, indeed, but if a lot of troops are used to attack, there will be some waste. Hannibal complained to him more than once about the lack of funds and the lack of funds. Indeed, they lacked a lot of funds. Up. Equipping a machine gun battalion cost them a lot of gold coins and piles of silver coins, which is simply unbearable for them. As a last resort. Li Wei had to modify the original plan and set his target on the relatively affluent port city of Sagunto.

"Segonto?" Hannibal asked curiously.

"Yes, if we attack there, we can quickly solve our financial problems. In this way, everything and everything can be completed well. And it is an important strategic stronghold, according to our latest acquisition. According to intelligence, the Loma are also actively dealing with Carthage. They seem to be willing to attack from Sicily and attack Africa. In that case, your homeland will suffer serious losses." Li Wei said.

"But you understand the position of Segunto, he is allied with the Loma, and Segunto will let us cross the Ebro River. In doing so, we will start a war. In this case, things are far better than us. It's even worse than imagined." Hannibal asked Li Wei.

"Yes, you have mentioned this question before, but I think you have to do this, otherwise, our situation will become very troublesome." Li Wei said.

"Because we just dodge the war again, and the war will come. The Loma people must be the last to attack. In that case, we can only passively accept the current situation and cannot fight for the initiative. For now, our Zhao government still It is impossible to regulate such a war, because our military power cannot yet reach such a point, but if the Roma guns first attack, the meaning will become very different. When our military power reaches an increase, Once you choose to surrender, everything will become meaningless." Li Wei said.

Hannibal was thinking about this problem. He was thinking about how to avoid such a problem. There was indeed a problem with his finances because the arms and weapons he bought were too expensive.

"If we attack Saigonto, how long will we need?" Hannibal asked.

"If it goes well, we will force the opponent into the city and then bombard it with artillery. It really won't work. We can launch engineers and let them dig tunnels for blasting. I think it won't take more than a month. We can solve this problem. Problems. Moreover, a lot of wealth solves our financial problems." Li Wei said.

"The question is domestic. Will domestic affairs permit us to take such a military action?" Hannibal asked.

"Don't hesitate anymore. If you hesitate, all the troops in Carthage will suffer unprecedented pain." Li Wei said.

"Well, I will wait for news from the Senate. Once there is such news, I will attack." Hannibal said cautiously. He must be supported by the Carthage Senate. This is a full-scale war. If there is no such war to help them resolve the victory, it will be difficult for them to form a favorable offensive posture.

"Well, I happened to reorganize your troops during this time. At present, we only have three musket infantry regiments, one engineer battalion, two cavalry battalions, one communications company. And a small field hospital." Li Wei Speaking of which, this is his busy job at the moment. He was reorganizing the Carthage army to make Carthage a new army. The role his combat power can play requires further testing by war.

Carthage needs a field hospital. The doctors are two surgeons brought in from Thebes. They have just graduated from the medical university and they are not familiar with everything, so they become war doctors. They have to do a lot of unacceptable things here. thing.

"No way, the force is so small, the force of the three regiments, there should be more people?" Hannibal said when he heard Li Wei's report.

"Well, there are also artillery units. I established an artillery study class and transferred some artillery units to the past. Therefore, your artillery unit may only have two battalions, about 24 artillery pieces, plus four of the study class. There are only 28 artillery pieces. In fact, there may be losses because artillery pieces are consumables. Therefore, we should pay attention to such things." Li Wei said.

"Yeah. I see. We still lack a lot of artillery, right?" Hannibal said.

"Yes, and the types of artillery are different. I also think that we still use old-fashioned artillery, but the current rapid-fire artillery has become widespread, and our situation is really bad. With such preparations to fight, I feel , We may lose this war, I can only hope that the Loma people are still fighting with their shields and short swords, and they pay a heavy price for their stupidity." Li Wei said.

"Yeah. They didn't make such changes. Don't worry, we still have a big advantage." Hannibal said. Speaking of it, even Hannibal himself finds it hard to believe that this is true, because such things are indeed true. The Roma still use daggers, javelins, shields, and a small amount of flintlocks. Their team is still a typical ancient infantry formation. It's just that they added a little flintlock to change it. The actual meaning is not great. The important thing is that they don't have large-scale artillery equipment. As a result, Lockheed Martin's military reforms were in a backward state and faced such a situation. The Loma didn't even know it. They believed that they were still the strongest, because their opponent had never been strong, which greatly paralyzed their nerves. This is not good news for them.

The Carthaginian army was fighting non-stop, and because of the consumption of firearms, this made Hannibal pay more attention to the concentrated use of firearms and firepower. This is a revolution, a military revolution, and facing this A kind of military reform, they are really worthless. They still think that their opponent is the Carthage army they once knew.


"Relax, we have formed an alliance with Saigonto. There is an important strategic point to contain the Carthaginians. Once the Carthaginians attack there, we will launch an attack and give the Carthaginians a fatal key. Moreover, I still What I know is that the Senate is increasing its troops to Spain, and my father will go there. If this is the case, your worries should be eliminated?" Scipio said to Li Fu in this way.

"I think you should go to the battlefield, not here. There is no passion here, and it is not suitable for you. What I know is that you Loma people admire force very much. Many of your so-called consuls are mostly in the army. Experience, listen, if you want to have a better development, I think you should have such an experience, if you continue to spend here, you will lose everything." Li Fu persuaded. He was already dismissive of the consumption of the Romans. I thought he couldn't play tricks here, maybe he was a soldier in his bones, and the soldier needed blood to stimulate his sensitive nerves.

"You are right, I accept your suggestion, I will apply. Leaving here, maybe we should go to the battlefield to see." Scipio said. His father Old Scipio was the commander of the Roman legion. They fought for Rome. He also has to do his own thing for Rome.

Facing the offensive situation of the Carthaginians, the Romans also made some adjustments. For example, they formed an alliance with Saigonto and repeatedly warned the Carthaginians not to act rashly. They hoped to stabilize the development of the situation in this way. At the same time, the Senate thought that such a thing did not seem to be enough to deter the Spanish Carthage army. They decided to increase their reinforcements. In this way, they could increase their military strength to a certain amount to hold down the Carthage army. It will provide them with favorable conditions for taking the initiative to attack. This is the idea of ​​the Romans.

State of Zhao, Handan. Inside Zhao Jia's office.

"These Goguryeo people are only tentatively launching an offensive. They should boldly launch a bigger offense. We will support them in doing so. What are they worried about?" Zhao Jia looked at the telegram in his hand with disdain, and Goguryeo took it once. The report of the tentative offensive was given to Zhao Jia, but this was of no use to Zhao Jia. What he needed was a large-scale war. One tentative war was not enough for them to consume one order. Such a military offensive was for them. , Is a result that is not needed at all.

"Sir, maybe they think they still need some preparation," said the defense minister.

"Preparation, what kind of preparation do they need? They have prepared enough. What are they worried about? Awe-inspiring, what a big thing can be done like this. Tell him, let the Goguryeo people let go and fight. , Everything will be resolved. Let them rest assured to do it boldly. Understand?" Zhao Jia said. It seems that Goguryeo is one of his followers, and he is very dissatisfied with the behavior of the younger brother, and he is as easy as teaching the younger brother.

"The prime minister, the Goguryeo people are worried about whether they are going to war against a Central Plains country. If this goes on, will it be harmful to them? What they want to say is that such an offensive will put them on the verge of collapse." The Minister of Defense said To.

"Well, oh. I see. What are they worried about? The Yan people stopped fighting against them, so they couldn't let go of their hands and feet, right?" Zhao Jia suddenly realized. The two sides did not seem to have the will to further expand the war.

"It should be so. Prime Minister." said the Secretary of Defense.

"It shouldn't be, that's it. We should stimulate the people of Yan and let the people of Yan take the initiative to go to war. In this case, things may become interesting." Zhao Jia wanted to say for a while.

"But, how to stimulate the Yan people to go to war? Should we eat part of the mountain people's troops, so that the Yan people feel distressed, so that the Yan people will launch a threat?" Zhao Jia said.

"Prime Minister, isn't it a bit too much to do this?" the Secretary of Defense said. After all, the two sides are still in the scope of self-defense operations, and this is just border fighting.

"No, you don't understand. Their approach is too ordinary. The dignity of the people of Yan should be trampled on like this. Let the staff study it. The situation may be very beneficial to us." Zhao Jia waved his arm and said. To. When the defense minister heard this, he felt that their prime minister was instigating and instigating a bigger war to go on.

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