The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3879: Turn the tide of war

Goguryeo, Heitucheng.

Li Zuoche, who just disembarked, was still a little dizzy. After all, he was also on a boat for the first time, but fortunately, he was more adaptable. Although he still felt dizzy, it was much better than when he was on the boat.

"This is Chief Li Zuoche." A captain officer introduced. Then a middle-aged man shook hands eagerly. Li Zuoche did it in a daze. He didn't know if he was rude, but seeing the eagerness of the Goguryeo people, he didn't feel embarrassed to say anything.

The Goguryeo people are very enthusiastic about the arrival of the staff group, because they will direct the Goguryeo people to fight their own victory. They will be greeted by the Minister of Defense of Goguryeo. After all, the war has not yet expanded to a state of full-scale war. The minister still has a lot of authority to fight. They have to maintain a lot of logistics work for the army.

The Goguryeo people are very enthusiastic. They arranged a hotel and if needed, they would provide special services. If it weren't because the boat was too tired, they might have to prepare more sumptuous dinners to celebrate.

"Major Li Xin." Li Zuoche said while looking at a major officer dispatched by the Goguryeo Ministry of Defense. Li Zuoche did not remember the name of the opponent's Ministry of Defense, but he remembered the young man's name.

"I need some information, a map, at least the specific battle situation on the front line, I need to start the research as soon as possible, time can not be delayed." Li Zuoche said.

"But, sir, in this case, it's too tiring. Is it me personally to relax for you?" Li Xin said with a smile.

"No. I can't sleep. If I don't study thoroughly, I don't want to sleep. Therefore, I still need you to point out the specific details. Understand?" Li Zuoche said.

"I understand. Sir, I will do what you ask." Li Xin nodded and said. He didn't understand why such senior officers would work as soon as they came up. Don't they know that they are tired? This is Li Zuoche's habit, if he doesn't study thoroughly, he can't sleep. After all, this kind of thing will make it difficult for him to fall asleep in many things. Instead of doing this, it is better to solve this problem after thorough research.

Soon, Li Xin, a major sent by the Goguryeo Ministry of National Defense, found people. They were holding a large number of maps and reports on the battle situation. Some personnel even set up a small hotel in Li Zuoche’s huge hotel suite. Sand table. It seems that the Goguryeo people have already worked hard in preparation.

Of course. The Ministry of Defense personally issued the order. These senior staff officers must be treated as VIPs. As long as you see two non-colored stripes on your pants, treat them with the highest standards. There are black stripes on the staff trousers of the Zhao State General Staff to show the difference. Some are also distinguished by red. Red will have the right to access higher secrets. They may have risen to a national strategic situation. Anyway, the current situation is that Li Zuoche is wearing black briefs. This makes Goguryeo people very respectful. Li Zuoche asked them to agree to everything.

Soon, Li Zuoche entered the state, and the dizzy feeling on the boat was disappearing little by little.

"The current situation is that you and the mountain people are facing the horse's head, right?" Li Zuoche asked.

"Yes, sir, the opposing force has about two regiments, and we also added two regiments, but the mountain people seem to have more troops, they have about 7,000 people, because they retreated some other troops before. There, I thought they lacked artillery, so their defense lines were tighter and deeper." Li Xin explained.

"Seven thousand people?" Li Zuoche looked for the equipment list of the Yanjun Mountain Man. He wanted to know the equipment status of the opponent.

"Do they have a cannon?" Li Zuoche asked.

"Sir, yes, but they are all three-to-seven cannons. The Yan people have equipped them, but the mountain people don’t. They don’t even have weapons like grenades. They only have rifles, bayonets, and grenades, and they have made them themselves. Some weapons, it is said that some people will also get a pistol. But those are captured by themselves." Li Xin explained.

"Do you have the same troops?" Li Zuoche asked when he looked at the other party.

"Yes, sir, we have an integrated division and an artillery regiment stationed there. The 120mm artillery has entered the firing position. We plan to launch an attack after a few days of adjustments." Li Xin said .

"Oh." Li Zuoche looked at the sand table and began to ponder his own affairs.

"Sir, the last time we launched a tentative offensive, the mountain people's defense is still relatively tight, plus the offense there is in a state of upward attack, the Yan people occupy the commanding heights, our tentative offensive role is not Very strong." Li Xin explained.

"We should bypass there, and should not continue to launch an offensive. If we continue to launch an offensive, it will cause a lot of waste of troops." Li Zuoche said.

"What do you mean by the chief?" Li Xin asked puzzledly.

"Here, you see, there is no defense here. If we go around." Li Zuoche made a gesture on the sand table.

The Goguryeo army will bypass the mountains, most of which are hilly areas, with complex terrain and dense jungles, which seem to be difficult to pass. In this case, they will use some light weapons troops to carry out large-scale interspersion.

"Qunshan, then Chuanhe?" Li Xin said following Li Zuoche's gestures.

"Yes, that's it. What we need is to intersperse in such an area. Detour to the back of the mountain people to form an encirclement, and then forcibly attack them and wipe out one of them. We don't need to worry about other things. You can do this." Li Xin said.

"But coming back in this way, the interspersed troops need to bear great risks, and the troops cannot be too small. If they are too small, their pressure will collapse, but if there are too many, it will be difficult to cross the mountains." Li Xinbei This bold plan was frightened. Because when the people of Zhao State came up, they were just letting them fight an annihilation war. Who could stand this.

"That's it, say yes, I need an elite infantry regiment, plus some engineering units, a small number of artillery units, as long as they are equipped with mortars. This situation can be dealt with, as long as they persist for three days, three days, You can completely defeat the mountain troops on the opposite side." Li Zuoche said confidently.

"But sir, if we do this, our troops will be under a lot of pressure. The sir is unlikely to agree to such a plan. After all, such a plan is too risky. Especially interspersed troops, it is possible to endure it. It is the crazy offensive of the mountain people, or if the mountain people know our situation, they may launch a larger-scale counterattack. If we were like this, we would not be able to withstand such a large offensive." Li Xin said. For them, they really can't bear such an attack, because for the Goguryeo people, Zhao Guoren's style of play is really too innovative and too bold. They simply cannot withstand such an offensive method.

Hearing this, Li Zuoche shook his head helplessly. If they were handed over to Zhao Jun, they would definitely complete the task brilliantly. However, the Goguryeo army was considering the risks brought about by this matter. Obviously, they had not yet completed this tactical aspect. Training. This makes Li Zuoche very helpless, because an army that completes such a bold interspersed task requires iron-like discipline and richer combat experience. In these aspects, the Goguryeo people are very lacking, and it seems that such a task is difficult to complete. However, if you want the situation to become beneficial to them, you must fight like this.

Ma Toushan, in the prison of the Yan State gendarmerie, A Gu is still being held here. The gendarmerie has no idea of ​​executing the other party, because a large number of mountain soldiers come to visit each other every day, which makes it difficult for the gendarmerie to start. If they start, they will encounter a strong impact from the other party, but if they let them go, their situation will be in an awkward situation, so they just shut the other party in this way, but they did not overly restrict the other party's free.

A Gu got the latest battle situation, map, and it is unlikely that there will be too many places to put sand tables in the cell. But this does not prevent him from studying the situation on the battlefield.

"How is it? Sir, how is the situation?" Ado asked his sir.

"Not very good, very bad. Our situation is very bad. If more Goguryeo people continue to confront like this, our situation will be very bad. Because Goguryeo people have artillery, they can continue to bombard. We, we simply can't complete the suppression of them, we can't attack, we can only continue to lose more positions." A Gu said.

"But, sir, this is the order of the people of Yan. The order of the people of Yan is to prevent us from losing a position, otherwise, the brothers will be shot." Ado said helplessly.

"I also know, but this is something that can't be helped." A Gu said.

"The only place that can break the deadlock is here. Look at this." As he said, Gu pointed to the place of Qunshan.

"Here?" Ado asked puzzledly.

"This is a hilly area. We can intersperse from here. The Goguryeo people are all infantry. Artillery, they will never pass through such an area, and we are all light infantry. It is very easy to cross here, and then pass through the mountains and intersperse to Goguryeo. People’s rear, cut off their logistics supply line, in this case, our advantage will be very sensitive. The battle will be completely reversed for us." Gu said.

"But the people of Yan will not give us so many troops," Ado said.

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