The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3880: The bad side of Chu Jun

In the offices of Chu, Pengcheng, and Song Yi.

"The situation in Myanmar is developing pretty well. They finally stabilized the situation. They wiped out more than 700 cotton people. In this way, the battle situation will develop in the direction we expected." Song Yi watched the submission from the Minister of Defense. Said this after the report on the previous page.

"Yes, Prime Minister, if this is the case, our pressure on the front line will be reduced a lot. Under such circumstances, we can definitely do a lot, and the situation in Myanmar will change for the better and better." Speaking with confidence.

"You can't say that." Song Yi said, shaking his head. He is still willing to accept compliments, but compliments need to keep a clear head. If a serious disaster is caused by an unconscious mind, the result can be imagined.

"We should see that the cotton people have not reacted yet, they may retaliate against us, and we just killed more than 700 of them, and there are many such cotton people, many, we simply can't deal with it. In the face of such a situation, our best way is to take measures in advance to deal with their possible retaliation.” Song Yi said.

"What the Prime Minister said." said the Minister of Defense.

"Okay. This is the end of the matter. For the front line, we should give them more support, for example, to give them more ammunition supplements, or more material supplements, soldier supplements, these are ours. For things, what needs to be purchased, I can ask the Ministry of Finance to allocate funds for you, and you can buy them. However, it is more important for us to be able to produce in our country. These are very important to us, which can promote our economic growth. Understand Is it?" Song Yi said. Song Yi still stared at the nobles and bigwigs of the Chu country. He knew that those bigwigs were buying shares in more technology companies, such as electrical plants and cable factories, and they continued to compete with Qin Korea’s technology. Companies make contact, they try to buy more technology for production, these are all good things.

A large part of the reason why the big bosses are willing to do this is that Song Yi has implemented a considerable degree of tax exemption and tax reduction policies. For a high-tech enterprise, he does not need to pay any tax, even as long as it is a key area, the state will give a lot of support, such as providing interest-free loans, or a part of export tax rebates to encourage its development, this policy brings The profit of Chu is quite high. Therefore, the nobles and bigwigs of Chu state have entered such technology enterprises one after another. The more difficult the enterprises, the easier it is for them to enter. This gave Chu a great technological development. It can be said that, In terms of technological development, Song Yi still has a lot of credit. In fact, this kind of credit should be attributed to Zhang Er, but it is a pity that people don't know Zhang Er's name at all. What they know is that the other party only holds the posts of Minister of Economy and Minister of Finance.

Myanmar. The Vietnamese First Army Command.

"The above attaches great importance to your combat. They expressed their support for this. With such support, you will naturally do some good things." Lu Ding said on behalf of the commander.

"Yes, sir, we must work hard." Zhong Limei and Xiang Ji said.

"Well, very good, very energetic. We have dispatched combat aircraft to us. The specific use and how to use it depends on how you think about it. This matter will be handled by you." Lu Ding said. To. The two expressed their understanding that Xiang Ji and Zhong Limei both had a heated discussion about the new combat aircraft that arrived. They believe that the main purpose of the aircraft should be used for reconnaissance, but there is still a certain gap between the detected situation and the use of such a situation, because the reconnaissance aircraft cannot report the situation they have detected to them, which lacks real-time performance. This is very unfavorable for the battlefield. They still need to think a lot about how to solve this problem.

"Next, about the development of the new situation, do you have any suggestions?" Chief of Staff Lu Ding asked.

"Sir. I have suggestions." Xiang Ji said. He and Zhong Limei discussed it. Zhong Limei’s suggestion was pertinent and very good, but unfortunately, their commander never listened, and so did the chief of staff. What they valued is the identity of the other party. Noble, especially if the family power is greater, they will give full consideration. And an officer like Zhong Limei. Usually his suggestions are very good, but no one will listen. The reason is simple. If you listen, you will have to bear certain responsibilities. An officer like Zhong Limei cannot bear more responsibilities, but only like Xiang Ji Such officers, they have a large family power, and they can naturally take on such responsibilities. Sometimes, you feel helpless, but this is the truth, there is no way to help.

"My suggestion is that most of our army is vacant. We should set up more blockade circles. The area of ​​the blockade circle should not be too large. If it is too large, the force will be extremely scattered, and if it is too small, the force will be extremely scattered. It is impossible to expand, and it is very inappropriate. The establishment of a blockade is to search the area and kill all the cottonmen in these areas. And the commando like ours enters the area. In this case, we will Just like hunting, cotton people will become rabbits and wild boars in our hunting area. They only have to be killed by us." Xiang Ji said.

"Papa." Li Yi first clapped his hands and applauded, followed by the Chief of Staff and other officers.

"Young and promising, young and promising." Many officers echoed.

"In my opinion, this suggestion is very good. We used to set up such a blockade circle before, but it was of no use at all. But now, with our commando team to carry out such a task, I feel that this is the case. Things will be very beneficial to us. Very good. I think this plan needs to be more detailed, and then we can implement it." Li Yi said, the chief of staff.

"Yes, sir, we will come up with a specific plan later." Lu Ding said in a low voice. Many people continue to applaud, as to why they applaud. They are also not clear, but there is always nothing wrong with applauding.

The meeting then ended with the speeches of the Supreme Commander and the Chief of Staff.

"If you succeed, the credit is yours. Not mine." Xiang Ji said.

"I will explain the situation to my grandfather. You are a rare talent." Xiang Ji said.

"No, I don't think so. I just provide a good suggestion to reduce the number of casualties. After all, this kind of thing will be raised by other staff. This kind of thing is normal." Zhong Li said indifferently. To.

"Those **** officers know applause. They don't have such a mind at all. You are a very good officer. You shouldn't hold such a position here. It is a pity that our officers are all such fools." Zhong Li Scolded.

"Haha." Zhong Limei could only smile bitterly, and it was useless to insult. Zhong Limei once tried to give up. After all, he made a lot of suggestions, but none of them were adopted. On the contrary, because he made too many suggestions, he was met instead. With the jealousy of colleagues, more and more work is entrusted to him. If you do a good job, others will not say it, but think it should be. If they do something, they will attack themselves frantically. In their opinion, isn't this a staff advisor that is often proposed? How can I still make mistakes. Such things have made Zhong Limei tired to deal with. Chu Jun is such a group of people, which makes him worried and helpless.

"The road ahead is very long, and we still need to solve many problems. We should be aware of the advanced nature of all countries in the world and the limitations of the Chu army. If a large-scale battle erupts in the future, such a Chu army will obviously be unable to Responding." Zhong Limei said worriedly.

"Is there a big war in the future?" Xiang Ji may not have access to such a level yet, so he hopes to know something in advance.

"Yes, according to the magazines I have seen and various situations, it seems that there is such a concern. The Zhao country in the north is constantly inciting the development of the situation. You know, the situation will become very crazy, Zhao The Goguryeos supported by the Chinese are attacking the country of Yan, but the people of Yan’s country? They are simply unable to cope with such a situation. How the situation develops, the future is really hard to say. "Zhong Limei seems to have a certain concept of the overall situation.

"Yeah." Xiang Ji still doesn't know this, but he knows that Zhong Limei's analysis has always been correct.

State Zhao, Handan, Staff Headquarters.

"I know, this kid has always been very accurate in seeing things. His observation is extremely keen." Li Mu looked at the telegram, and then walked to the sand table.

"Look for the mountains." Li Mu ordered. The staff officer quickly marked it out.

"Look for Chuanhe again." Li Mu ordered again.

Chuanhe is just behind Matou Mountain. That is a very important point. Controlling there is equivalent to blocking the back road of the entire Matou Mountain.

"Sir, if Goguryeo sends an army to attack from here." A staff officer saw the crux of the problem at once.

"Hehe, for the same reason, what would happen if the mountain people attacked from there? They would infiltrate directly to the flanks of the Goguryeo people. And then to the rear, once the supply line was cut off, the result would become unfavorable for Goguryeo. "Li Mu said.

"The crux of the question is, do the Goguryeo people have such a unit? Performing such a task requires extraordinary courage. They must have the same combat effectiveness as the Qin State's light soldiers." Li Mu said.

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