On the train from Goguryeo to the north, the train stopped and went, and the speed was very slow. The Goguryeo people specifically searched for a passenger carriage to hang on the train that transports ammunition. They hoped that the staff officer from Zhao Guo could sit comfortably. Li Zuoche was not at all comfortable.

"Does the front line lack ammunition?" Li Zuoche asked.

"Um. Yes, sir. According to what I know, we have consumed more than two hundred ammunition for wagons, and the ammunition reserves on the front line are now at a low level. We must replenish a large amount of ammunition as soon as possible, but you I also saw that this railway has just been constructed, and many areas still need to be maintained, and some areas need to be widened. Therefore, it is not very effective for transportation.” Li Xin explained. Seeing Li Zuoche frown, he felt that he was very dissatisfied with Goguryeo's ammunition supply and explained this.

"I feel that your ammunition consumes too much." Li Zuoche said.

"Is it too much? Sir, I mean, we don't feel a lot." Li Xin said.

"More than two hundred wagons. According to the scale of the telegrams you provided, at most one regiment-level warfare will be possible, and the dispatched troops will be at most one and a half battalions, and the maximum force will be two battalions, but your ammunition consumption is somewhat too much. I don’t know what you have done with these ammunition, but, relatively speaking, you have consumed more ammunition, but you have not reached the expected goal. You just occupied the enemy’s first line of defense. In my opinion, Your efficiency is very low." Li Zuoche said helplessly.

"This, sir." Li Xin didn't know how to explain this question, because this question couldn't be explained. Under such circumstances, what he can do is obviously not something they can do.

Goguryeo, within the Ministry of National Defense.

"These bastards, they consume too much ammunition." The Secretary of Defense said distressedly. He has to manage some logistical affairs, and he naturally knows the amount of these ammunition to be consumed. Faced with such a situation, he can only curse the incompetence of the frontline officers.

"Sir, we should provide a large amount of ammunition in a timely manner so that they can attack again. Only in this way can our situation change somewhat. Otherwise, we may be in a disadvantageous situation. This situation is that the mountain people will Seizing the gap to launch an offensive, especially at night, we still lack in this regard." A lieutenant colonel adviser said worriedly.

"The ammunition will be refilled if there is such a thing. This requires money, a lot of money. Do you know how much money is left in the treasury? There is not much at all. Facing such a situation, we can do too little. "The Secretary of Defense said worriedly.

"Yes, sir." said the lieutenant colonel. The Ministry of Finance has urgently allocated funds to order a large number of arms and ammunition. The future situation is definitely to expand the arms. Faced with such a situation, they still need to do a lot.

"Sir. There is an emergency." Just when the Secretary of Defense was worried about the ammunition. A staff officer came in anxiously, holding a telegram in his hand.

"What's the matter?" The Secretary of Defense took the telegram and looked very annoyed.

"Damn it, how did they get it? The position was lost again. In this case, would it be necessary to do it again, the casualties, the artillery bombardment, this cost of money, but it is quite large, such an offensive, for us, We can bear it a few times, and we can't wait for the war to launch a large-scale offensive. Everything is over." The Defense Minister said angrily. The lieutenant colonel took the telegram and glanced at it. All the results were in vain.

At night, the mountain people launched a sneak attack. They smoothly expelled the garrison of the Goguryeo people, and the front suddenly returned to the original starting position. As a result, the Goguryeo people have been busy for such a long time, consuming a lot of ammunition, and the result is zero, which of course will make their commanders unbearable because such things are simply unbelievable. This makes it difficult for their superiors to understand why they came up with such a result.

Qin State, Xianyang, Shangwen's office.

"The bank's attitude toward you is very bad. They think your policy is too conservative. We should provide large-scale financial support in terms of rest assured, or buy their bonds to allow them to build. External expansion." Meng Yi said. Shang Wen said so. Meng Yi received a lot of friendly reminders from the bank.

Moreover, the Anxi ambassador was also very active. They kept walking around and Meng Yi naturally arrived there. They said that under such circumstances, once they received financial support from the State of Qin, it would be very beneficial to the State of Qin. , Because they need a large number of companies to get there to produce more weapons and equipment, and the demand will be very strong. This is a very favorable situation for Rest. In order to attract the Qin people to come, they also allowed Qin's banknotes to circulate freely within the territory of Rest. In fact, they have already achieved this. This is just to strengthen this intelligence.

"They should say that I look more conservative, right?" Shang Wen said.

"Yes, our monetary policy does seem to be conservative. We need some expansion, but we can't do this. Under such circumstances, banks are naturally dissatisfied. One more thing that needs our attention is that Li Si, This prime minister wants to implement such a monetary policy frantically. Some arms entrepreneurs have expressed their strong support. It seems that their inability to sell arms has a lot to do with us." Meng Yi said helplessly. He said this just hoping that Shang Wen would notice this.

"Yeah. It seems that the situation is very bad, do we want to loosen the tie and let them see some favorable signs." Shang Wen said.

"Even if we loosen the tie, we will still accelerate the provision of more funds in the later stage. We are only pleased with some favorable ideas of bankers and entrepreneurs." Meng Yi said.

"Well, we can provide funds to allow them to build some preliminary industries. For example, cement, steel, and related mechanical processing." Shang Wen said loosely. However, Shangwen did not provide a large amount of weapons and equipment, as well as huge military expenditures for the opponent, Shangwen still kept a hand. Meng Yi nodded. Shangwen also felt the pressure from bankers and entrepreneurs. This pressure is not a good thing, because it shows that the banks and entrepreneurs who support Shangwen are beginning to show dissatisfaction. Once this kind of sentiment is constantly rising and haunted, the result will have a very bad effect. Meng Yi would worry that this approach would further affect a series of changes in Qin's monetary policy. The reason is simple. The government can make a compromise once, and it can make a second. This is a very bad start.

South Korea, Xinzheng University, the graduation ceremony of international students was held here. More than 600 international students graduated, which is a very impressive number.

Because there will be more and more graduates.

In order to better manage their colonies, South Korea has adopted an elite management model. The so-called elites are actually a large number of compradors, plantation owners, and trade and industry related personnel with South Korea. They have a certain scale of assets, their own plantations, and their own handicraft workshops. They cannot be called factories. Only when they cooperate with Koreans can they build a decent factory.

"Most of them are the children of government officials or business families. They have a great relationship with Korea. They have a good impression of Korea. For their country, they think it is backward and barbaric. They can only absorb us. Only South Korea’s civilization can get rid of the shackles of their backward civilization.” A vice principal of Xinzheng introduced Zhang Liang to the side in this way. The impact of such an education policy is long-term.

Those children who have been educated by the elite will have a great affection for Korea. They are willing to accept fresh affairs, just like they learn in school, they will adopt advanced management models to manage them, in order to protect their interests, because of these Only South Korea can give them, they must adopt a cooperative approach with South Korea, otherwise, it will be difficult for them to carry out the corresponding management, because all this is given by the Koreans.

Elite education is to control the next stage of the colony from the perspective of thinking and the way of learning and thinking, and to fundamentally make them feel good about them. This kind of goodwill will greatly develop them. For them, it is An extremely advantageous thing. Because they will actively cooperate with Koreans, thereby reducing more resistance, which is the purpose of elite education.

Most of these children learn things that have nothing to do with industry, such as business management and finance. Or language, etiquette, these are the earliest courses offered in Korea. These courses allow them to learn a lot of knowledge, but they are all introductory knowledge. As for science. For example, industrial principles, machinery manufacturing, and metal smelting, these things are too advanced for them. For example, the first batch of foreign students had a very strange phenomenon. Most of them failed in mathematics. Even if they passed, they had just reached the passing mark. The occurrence of such a situation has left a deep impression on the school. They believe that these elites from the colonies can only engage in management studies, and they are not suitable for science. In this way, these elites have no destiny for industrial learning such as industry, and their learning is also very difficult to develop. This has to be said, this is a pity. In fact, South Korea does not want these elites to learn this knowledge.

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