The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3885: Prince Dan's guilt

State of Zhao, Handan. In Zhao Jia's office, Goguryeo did not intend to conceal the progress of their battle. They quickly reported it to the Zhao State Ministry of National Defense, and then they further submitted it to Zhao Jia.

"What's the matter with these Goguryeo people? They can't handle such things well?" Zhao Jia frowned and looked at the telegram in his hand.

"Sir, this. We also have no way." The Secretary of Defense said.

"Waste, it is simply a waste. After spending so much ammunition, the damage is still relatively large, and they got a zero result. They broke through a line of defense of others and then were expelled back. What are they doing?" Zhao Jia asked in disgust. For such a problem, he is an entrepreneur. His habit is that he asks for a result. As for what the process is, he doesn’t care, or even illegal, he can ignore it, but if someone reports the process to him, then , I'm very sorry, you will be very unlucky, because Zhao Jia will do everything possible to sarcasm each other. Stimulate each other.

"Even a bunch of fools, they won't get such a result, but look at what they got, such a bunch of fools, they have wasted so much ammunition, but they got a result that is nothing, this Is it for them to play? We must warn the Goguryeo people that if they do not make a decision, we will decide to end such support. What a fool. A fool.” Zhao Jia said. What he needs is a good result, but the front line has got such a result, the gap is too big.

North of Goguryeo. Temporary train stops.

"How far are we from the front line?" Li Zuoche was tired of stopping and walking like this. Because there are still many trains running on this railway, transporting soldiers, ammunition, and returning from the front line. They dragged wounded soldiers and corpses. Some of the corpses could not be buried on the spot. It is like a group of lunatics. .

"Sir, there are about 150 kilometers left. If it is not enough according to the current itinerary, it will take us at least five hours to arrive." Li Xin reported.

"Your train is really fast." Li Zuoche said helplessly. Inefficiency is a problem that every army will encounter. Such things are inevitable, because the performance of many things is different, and the efficiency of formation is naturally different.

"Sir, here are some reports on the latest battle situation. You can look at it. However, there is bad news in it." Li Xin said, holding a folder and handing it to Li Zuoche.

"Oh. Sure. Let me see." Li Zuoche said. Regarding the good news and the bad news, he feels that there is not much difference between the two, because they are the latest state of the front line, but one is moving toward the expected development, and the other is deviating from the expected. Under such circumstances, The best way is to find a way to solve such problems. Or, let the facts become their expectations.

Li Zuoche quickly saw the bad news.

"I knew it would be such a result. The mountain people are still very tenacious in combat. They are good at joining forces. If they attack from the mountains, your logistical supplies will be messed up. You have already Very lucky. They just regained their position. Although I don’t know what happened to Yan State, they did not attack from there and were restricted to the position. This is good news for you. , It’s just that I don’t know how long this situation can last. When they notice this, our situation will become very bad.” Li Zuoche said.

"What do you mean by the chief?" Li Xin asked puzzledly.

"If the mountain people realize that their problem is wrong, or if the Yan people know that the situation will be unfavorable to them, they will boldly send troops to attack from the mountains. In this way, the whole situation will be against you. It is very unfavorable. I think you should consider my plan as soon as possible. In this way, our situation will become more favorable." Li Zuoche said.

"This, I understand sir." The other party nodded and said.

"One more thing, I found that in your army composition table, it seems that there is no independent mobile unit, such as cavalry, or armored combat vehicles. This is very bad for you. ." Li Zuoche said.

"What the chief means is, do we lack such armed forces?" Li Xin asked.

"Yes. Because the speed of infantry on the battlefield is still very limited, you need a surprise soldier, a mobile force that can attack from the flanks of the battlefield. They can bypass the enemy's rear and give them logistics supplies and transportation. There is a lot of damage on the supply line. In the face of such a situation, your situation will form a huge advantage. Because you have formed two attack surfaces, this advantage allows you to maintain a high attack posture." The left car said so.

"I understand the opinion of the chief. I will submit the relevant application. Don't worry, the chief." The other party said and left here. Li Zuoche expressed his satisfaction with this, he felt. Goguryeo seems to have no choice at present. They must try to attack from that point, otherwise, the whole situation will be very unfavorable to them.

Yan State, in Matoushan Gendarmerie Prison.

"Fortunately, we launched a night attack in time and seized such a place. The Yan people have increased a lot of vigilance on our defensive position. It seems that if they don’t believe us, we might still lose our position. This makes the brothers feel that Very dissatisfied." Ado said.

"We shouldn't have held a position like that. The sound of the rumbling artillery would cause problems with my ears. I am very worried about you. Our casualties will be very heavy, because we lack too many related weapons to deal with such a situation. This is a situation. For us, it is very unfair." A Gu said.

"We should apply for troops, leave here, launch an offensive from the mountains, and launch offensive operations is what we should be good at. To stick to the trenches, this is simply the worst thing for us. They are. You should understand the consequences of doing this for us." A Gu looked very anxious, of course. Behind every shell, it means that a mountain soldier is killed. This is a very difficult fact for him to accept. Such a result will have a great adverse effect. The mountain people can't afford to lose too much force. .

"But, the people of Yan people will not listen to us at all. They have a lot of doubts about us now. No one of us can help us." Ado said. A Gu also knows this. The tragedy of the mountain people is that most of them are low-level officers, but at the high-level, there are not enough officers to provide them with decent military opportunities. This has led to their offensive. For them, this is an extremely unfavorable situation.

"This is very bad for us. But we must find a way to do so. If the Yan people have a very large military operation, we must find a way to avoid such a situation from forming, otherwise, our casualties will be Very big." A Gu said. Yan people will not feel sorry for their lives.

"Okay, sir, I will do my best. As for how much I can do, I don't know." When Ado was very unconfident, many mountain people complained, but no one organized them. , This made their strength very scattered, and the Yan people would not fight at all. They were self-righteous, and at the same time blindly let their troops stay on their positions to fight attrition. This kind of tactics formed a great sluggishness.

Yan Guo, in the office of Prince Dan, the Minister of Defense is very nervous. Also nervous was the Secretary of the Army. The two of them felt that Prince Dan's office was too warm. Although air conditioning equipment has increased the possibility of ventilation as much as possible. The weather has become hot, and Prince Dan's office is still very cool. It is too hot for these two ministers.

"I don't want to be angry, but the situation on our front line makes me happy at all." Prince Dan said.

"Originally we could eat the Goguryeo people in the Taishan area, but they quickly reinforce them. This is really not good news for us. I can understand that something like that happened, but Matou Mountain, why Something like this happened to Matou Mountain. The Goguryeos broke through one of our defensive lines. Fortunately, you moved fast. Otherwise, we would lose Matou Mountain again." Prince Dan said angrily.

"His Royal Highness, things are like this, the artillery of the Goguryeo people is too fast. We can't deal with it at all, and it lasts for a very long time. This is a lot of pressure for us." Secretary of the Army. Explained.

"Artillery, don't we have artillery?" Prince Dan asked.

"His Royal Highness, we do not have artillery, especially large-caliber artillery. Because of the lack of such artillery, we are in a very unfavorable state in the war. We need a lot of weapons to supplement. Otherwise, the situation will be even more unfavorable." The Secretary of the Army said so.

"Well. I will solve the artillery problem. Don't worry about this matter. I will figure out a solution for this problem." Prince Dan said. Then he didn't know how to explain this situation.

"Other things, I think, I think the mountain people can attack. They are brave. Let them stay on the ground. What's the matter. Let them attack." Prince Dan seems to have done something wrong. Speaking of. In fact, this is the helplessness of Prince Dan. Their financial situation is simply unable to sustain such a war. Their finances are close to collapse. Under such circumstances, they seem to be unable to carry out the war. The Minister of Finance is thinking of a solution. They have financial problems, but their king is taking away their last bit of funds to build his own tomb. Many things make them difficult to solve.

Therefore, in the matter of paying for artillery, Prince Dan was at a loss. This also caused him to be unable to deal with some front-line matters in time. He just hopes that his army can take the initiative to take on his due responsibilities, and offensive seems to be able to release such pressure and at the same time bring them unexpected gains. This is entirely a personal subjective imagination. Prince Dan has always been in such a state.

In Myanmar, some infantry regiments began to change defenses. After they advanced one kilometer, they stopped, and then built fortifications to garrison troops. At some particularly critical exits, such as valleys, they would garrison more troops to prevent cottonmen. Run away.

"Although such military operations seem to be slow, I think it is very necessary. It can bring us great tactical success. After all, relying on the commando alone, the strength is still very weak." Speaking of.

"I understand this. If this is the case, we can also complete the military sweep as soon as possible. However, in terms of military intelligence, we are still lacking. We have no informants and cannot obtain front-line information. This is very important for us. Passive and very unreliable. We can only rely on some of our reconnaissance. Perhaps dividing such areas can reduce a lot of work for us." Xiang Yu said. Because Xiang Yu had fought a battle, he inscribed himself so that others could call him Xiang Yu.

"We can only rely on those airplanes to carry out at present. I have a bold idea to rely on those airships to achieve our purpose of transportation. In this way, we can effectively solve some of our puzzles on this ability. This is for us. It’s very important to say that we can save more energy, and the speed is faster, and the aircraft can guide us in combat. They only need to drop some flare, we can land in the right area, of course, it can be a parachute, or There are other ways. In short, we have the ability to move quickly, which is much more effective than marching in the jungle." Zhong Limei said.

"This is a very good way. We can apply and give it a try. I don't want to travel long distances in the jungle anymore." Xiang Yu said. The jungle march is no small torture for soldiers. They are exhausted by the sultry and humid environment. Soldiers need a lot of endurance and willpower to complete a sneak attack mission, but retreat and march will cause them a lot. To avoid such a situation, it will be very beneficial to them. The airship seems to be a good choice.

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