South Korea, Xinzheng, Supreme Command.

"The contradiction between Carthage and Loma is getting bigger and bigger. They seem to have the possibility of a war?" It took a long time for Han Shu to figure out the matter between Carthage and Loma. . Among them, because of the misleading translation, she had a misunderstanding. She always thought. Rome and Loma are two countries. In the end, if it is not corrected by a consultant, there may be major problems. At this point, Han Shu saw a huge error in the translation problem. Faced with such a mistake, Han Shu decided to change it. He decided to change the current situation to unify the translation and no longer cause greater errors due to translation errors.

"Yes, my lord, according to related reports. The Loma people will set off from the Mediterranean island of Sicily and directly attack the mainland of Carthage, Africa." Zhang Liang still knows the names of these places. This is not to say, Zhang Liang Very familiar with these places, but he relies on memory. He is the prime minister and needs to understand. He knows more things than Han Shu knows. Under such circumstances, they naturally do a lot of things.

"Well, I know that in that place, attacking from the sea can indeed solve this problem completely, but the problem is that in Spain, I have seen the Carthaginians' armed forces in Spain develop very fast, and they have more than 100,000. People’s army, I heard that a general named Hannibal and Zhao Guoren often carried out military reforms together. They purchased a large number of advanced weapons. Zhao Guoren Aizhou established a new military ammunition depot. Most of the ammunition may be supported. It's them." Han Shu said.

"In this way, many things have far exceeded our expectations. The Carthaginians have gained a lot of advantages. With an advantage, how could they let the Roma take the initiative to attack their homeland? They must be in Spain. Do something to attack the Loma people's homeland, they will definitely do this." Han Shu said.

"Yes, Lord." Zhang Liang did not deny this at all. The Roma had a certain naval advantage, and at the same time their military strength was not weaker than that of the Carthaginians. Under such circumstances, war might be possible. hard to prevent. Whether the Carthaginians took the initiative to attack or responded passively, it depends on the speed of their military operations.

"I am not concerned about this issue. What I am concerned about is the military orders of the Roma people. Their military orders are relatively small. They just maintain their demand for an ordinary armament, you know? This demand is for us. , It is too weak. Such a market is unable to form an effective help for us at all. Our military industry enterprises are very worried. Although the Loma people let us carry out more market actions. But these have not yet met our needs, we need Get a deep understanding of Lockheed Martin." Han Shu said.

Although war can bring certain political and economic benefits, sometimes purely political benefits, but such benefits still cannot satisfy the South Korean side. For example, the number of Korean businessmen who arrived in Loma was relatively small, and the total number was only two hundred. Besides the arms and daily necessities, most of their business was controlled by the Loma and wanted to be in Loma. To do business, you must deal with the Roma people, which is inevitable. However, the Roma people are still unwilling to completely open the market, or that they are willing to open the market, but they must trade with the Koreans on an equal footing. Such a requirement is not excessive, but this is for Qianli. It even said that it’s unfair to the Koreans who came here from thousands of miles away. They think that because they bring a lot of goods and bring a lot of profits, and the people of Loma just because they control the market, so , They have to be divided fairly from the Koreans, which is unacceptable for the Koreans. In this way, they will have to pay a considerable price. This is unacceptable for Koreans, and it will push up their trade production costs. In turn reduce their profits. What the Koreans need is to completely let go of the other's market. And more preferential policies.

"My lord, for now, this situation is not very optimistic, because the Roma people have not found unfair treatment, and we have not had such conditions and reasons for them to let go of our market, but I believe it. Yes, in the future, it is possible that the Loma people may become passive in their political situation and economic situation due to some military failures. In that case, our situation may be greatly changed." Zhang Liang said.

"Oh. Really? Why is there such a judgment." Han Shu already knows a little bit, but because it involves South Korea's own interests, this makes her judgment biased. She was very worried that the situation could not develop as he did. If this were the case, the situation would be very bad.

"My lord, I think the situation is like this. Our situation will be more favorable for us. First of all, it is the situation of Zhao Guoren, Zhao Guoren. Zhao Guoren is helping the Carthaginians. According to the information we have obtained, The Carthaginians’ military power has been increasing. Moreover, the Carthaginians are already familiar with the Roma’s plan. They will not sit still and will inevitably take some actions. In this case, their military power may be transferred from Spain. Changes have taken place, and such changes will be very useful to us. In addition, there is another important point, that is, the military strength of the Roma people, based on the latest knowledge I have learned." Zhang Liang said so. Zhang Liang is also constantly learning. Every day, he will set aside at least one and a half hours to learn some new knowledge in order to adapt to a more rapid development. This kind of development is an extremely favorable situation for them.

"Any kind of military reform can more or less bring about some increase in military power, but the Roma did not change these. With the increase in the military power of the Carthaginians, if the Roma did not respond accordingly If they change, their situation will become unfavorable to them. Under such an existential oppression, I think they will choose another way to solve this problem. This way is to find a way to solve all the military The problem is that they carry out military reforms. In this case, the political balance will be tilted to us." Zhang Liang analyzed.

"Your analysis is very thorough, I already have some confidence." Han Shu said. Any monarch who came to power through a coup will have a certain degree of inferiority. This has been portrayed by Qin psychologists. Han Shu is such a monarch. In order to prove her legal status, she has to act boldly. Reforms, but such reforms did not bring about an increase in confidence, although this inferiority complex once transformed into excessive self-confidence. Solve all problems with confidence. Qin Shihuang in history was such a person. He was very inferior. Because of inferiority factors, he worked hard and solved many problems. This is also his great achievement in history, but such inferiority will also be transformed, and he will secretly transform. Become a kind of arrogant emotion, the growth of this emotion leads to another kind of failure. Obviously, Han Shu also needs such a process.

"In this way, I seem to have some confidence. As for how to solve it, it depends on the development of the Carthaginians. According to the original plan, we can continue to release water to them. Let the Roma realize the seriousness of the problem." Han Shu said so.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng.

"This is the suggestion of Senior Staff Officer Li Zuoche of the State of Zhao. He thinks that we can send a battle group consisting of an infantry regiment and an artillery company. If necessary, we need more engineers and then cross the group. When the mountain area reaches the Chuan River, a fortification is built on the opposite bank of the Chuan River. In this case, the mountain people and the people of Yan will be cut off by us. If necessary, they can launch an attack. Such an attack will greatly ease us. The pressure of a frontal attack. In general, this plan, although there are great risks, can achieve the intention of forcing the opponent to withdraw troops, or encircle them all." said a lieutenant colonel.

"Can military risks be reduced?" The Secretary of Defense is concerned about this issue, not other types of issues, because these issues are not something he needs to care about.

"This, sir, it's unlikely. After all, such a thing is still needed." The lieutenant colonel didn't know how to explain this problem, because from a military point of view, risks and huge benefits exist, and such a play itself. There is a lot of pressure. There are two pressures, one is the back pressure of the frontal enemy, and the other is the pressure exerted by the reinforcements. Both of these pressures may lead to the failure of the plan. They outflank the enemy and may become alone Go deep.

"Okay. I see. The current ammunition supply is not very sufficient. The above seems to be very dissatisfied with such a waste of ammunition. We must find a way, maybe we can do other things. It is also possible." The minister thought so. It was because of such pressure that this caused it. The Secretary of Defense is hesitant. He doesn't want to make mistakes. Making mistakes means that his position as minister can no longer be maintained. But the problem is that if he doesn't do this, he will consume more resources. And if he does this, the pressure he needs to endure is great, and the possibility of failure will become very great. How to choose, this makes him very difficult. He really didn't know what to do. ,

"Perhaps, we can compromise. A compromise plan is still quite good." The other party thought this way.

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