The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3887: Li Wei's plan

On the front line of Goguryeo, Li Zuoche, who had arrived at the front line, immediately put on the combat uniforms of ordinary soldiers. He knew very well that the snipers on the battlefield would aim at their heads and fire, but the Goguryeo military did not realize this. Their officers believed that the best materials for officers' clothing were what they should have. As everyone knows, these things can be ordered. Their fate.

"The mountain people are on the opposite side. They have about 7,000 troops, sir. There are also people from Yan people. According to our reconnaissance, the people from Yan people only have 37mm artillery. This type of artillery can directly cause direct damage, but The threat to us is not great, and we did not see them firing. Obviously. They don't have a lot of shells, sir." Li Xin said to Li Zuoche with a field report.

"Perhaps what you said has some truth, but we still have a lot to do at present." Li Zuoche said.

"The mountain people's position is a deep configuration. There are at least three lines of defense that you need to break. In the face of such a situation, how do you solve it?" Li Zuoche asked.

"This, sir, their suggestion is to wait for more shells and launch more attacks." Li Xin said.

Li Zuoche didn't say anything, just shook his head. He felt that Goguryeo lacked a positive and enterprising spirit as a whole. They were accustomed to advancing in one line instead of outflanking from the flanks, because only in this way could they achieve real tactical achievements, but they would not do so.

"Sir. This is the latest telegram from the Ministry of National Defense. This is for Chief Li Zuoche." A sergeant ran over and submitted a report. Li Zuoche looked at each other, then nodded. He looked at the telegram quickly, and the content of the telegram was simply an insult to him.

"Compromise. I have not heard of using a compromise solution to achieve victory. Your Ministry of National Defense is tainting my combat plan." Li Zuoche said after reading the telegram from the Ministry of National Defense. The Goguryeo Ministry of Defense is very contradictory. Among the contradictory plans, they chose the worst plan. On the one hand, they did not want to take greater risks, and on the other hand, they wanted to get the maximum result of the battle. As a result, such contradictions suddenly appeared. Faced with such a situation. This has changed their situation a lot. This change is that they chose the worst compromise of this kind.

In order to avoid losing more troops, they chose to reduce their troops. At the same time, they traveled symbolically hoping to achieve the goal of the campaign. As a result, the offensive force simply could not reach the expected goal. At the same time, the offensive has become a dangerous military operation because of insufficient troops.

"I protest that I need to increase my troops instead of adopting a **** compromise. If you think about it just to avoid risks, I hope your chiefs don't think about it. Otherwise, there will be a lot of confusion. "Li Zuoche scolded very annoyed. Then he left here. In this regard, Li Xin also expressed helplessness, he was just a liaison officer. That's it.

Yan State, in the residence of Prince Dan.

"That's right. I remembered a person, he was a mountain man, yes, he was a mountain man. What is his name?" Prince Dan asked the Minister of Defense.

"This." The Secretary of Defense couldn't remember the mountain man's name either.

"Prince, I will check it out. Don't you know what the prince thinks?" the other party asked.

"Oh. I remember. This man is very good at fighting, he is a good player, he can bring us great miracles, what I want to know is, where is this man? Was he killed? Impossible, I need such a person, who can bring us some victories. Find him, grant him a colonel, and let him start the war as soon as possible. In this way, it will be very beneficial to us." Prince Dan said. To.

"This. Okay." The Secretary of Defense nodded and noted that this matter is nothing, but relying on a mountain man wants to win a war. This seems to be an unlikely approach, because such an approach will bring greater disadvantages. In the face of such a situation, they can only respond passively. There is no way to make the other party the prince and what he needs People, they must find such a person.

New Carthage, Carthage musketeers, cavalry, engineers, and artillery are advancing in a preset formation, and their target is Sagunto.

"I really don't know if our military action like this will get the support of the Senate. If it doesn't, my commander-in-chief. It will be completely finished." Hannibal said to Li Wei on the horse.

"Believe me, I think there is an irreconcilable contradiction between Carthage and Loma. This contradiction causes you to use a war to deal with it, otherwise, the longer Carthage drags on, the more disadvantaged it will become." Li Wei said.

"Yeah. You are right. The Loma and Sagunto are allied. Their purpose is to contain our power of development. If we do not take action, they will also take measures that they believe to suppress us. For example, they will Use military methods to provoke. And then cause a bigger war. Such things are inevitable. In order to gain the initiative, we can only do this. Perhaps your Senate can understand our thoughts. And our thoughts are correct. ." Li Wei soothed.

"Well, you have convinced me. I once vowed to defeat the Romans thoroughly. Now, it is time for us to do such a thing." Hannibal said. He never confides his heart, he has always done this, he is a doer, and he does many things very well.

"Well, as long as we have enough patience, the situation can be resolved." Li Wei said.

"Da da da da." At this moment, a cavalry ran over quickly, and then handed in a document. Then he turned and left quickly. The use of stirrups, saddles, and horseshoes greatly improved their cavalry speed. Such an increase made their speed even faster. This is also a technological advancement.

"What happened?" Li Wei asked.

"The situation is very bad. The Roma people have increased their troops. About 10,000 more soldiers have been added. The Roma soldiers have a higher combat quality. In addition, there are cavalry and some tribes who have decided to help the Roma people. Under circumstances, our pressure will become very troublesome." Hannibal said.

"How many of them are there?" Li Wei asked.

"About 20,000 people. This is a large military force. They are enough to prevent us from attacking from the sea. It seems that we can only attack this passage from the inland, crossing the Alps." Hanni Ba said so. The navy is simply unable to meet their needs, and the Carthage navy has been completely defeated and has no confidence in fighting. Rebuilding the navy requires a lot of money. The Senate is a group of miser. They are simply unwilling to send such a sum of money to solve all problems. This is the situation they are currently facing.

"I think we should revise the plan, at least we have to completely eliminate the Romans here." Li Wei said. Li Wei's plan is like this. They first solve Sagunto, which is the first step to solve the financial problem, and then defeat the Roman Legion, about 10,000 people, so that they can create a illusion that they will attack through the sea. , But in fact, this is impossible, because the Carthage Navy has no **** control over the sea at all. Going to land in such a situation is undoubtedly tantamount to looking for death. Therefore, their plan was to cross the Alps from the beginning, but there is a prerequisite, that is, to completely eliminate the Loma’s military presence in Spain, so that they can have a stable rear. This is Li Wei’s first Vision.

But now everything has changed, and the military strength of the Roma has increased. In such a situation, it seems that they can only defeat each other. The opposing party's military strength still has a certain degree of preservation. Faced with such a situation, their situation will become even more embarrassing. So Li Wei felt that the battle plan should be revised. They need to completely defeat the Roman military in Spain. Only in this way can they guarantee that they have a safe rear.

"It is true that the plan should be revised, but for the time being, we are not in a hurry. We need to take the crucial first step." Hannibal said. The unexpected situation did make Li Wei feel a certain amount of pressure, but driven by Hannibal's calm mood, he confirmed that they were still a little anxious. After all, they still have an advantage.

"The most important thing at the moment is that we should collect some information about the Roma army, such as their firearms and equipment. What I worry about is that they will not fight us. The Roma people are quite cunning, and they always do This, such a move, such a move will be a big blow to us." Hannibal said.

In Hannibal's view, the Loma people are good at learning, and they continue to sum up experience and lessons to develop. Under such conditions, their situation will develop very rapidly. This is an extremely large military force. In such a situation, they will cause a very large and effective injury. They have to beware of such a learning ability. Especially on the issue of firearms and equipment, how does this represent the combat effectiveness of this army?

"This issue should indeed be paid attention to. If we can't change this situation in time, our situation will be very bad." Li Wei said.

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