Goguryeo Ministry of Defense.

"Zhao's senior staff refused to modify their plan, and they said that if we adopt a compromise plan, our combat plan will become even more failure." The lieutenant colonel adviser said.

"Do you think so?" the Secretary of Defense asked.

"Oh, sir. From the perspective of the plan, I think that there is a reasonable existence. Although there are great risks, any greater gains need to bear certain risks, and the same is true for military operations. We cannot just because there are great risks. Risk, and refused to think that this is a very risky plan, such a plan, for us, is an unbearable result." said the lieutenant colonel consultant.

"Well, that's right. It's true." The Secretary of Defense nodded and agreed.

"But the problem is that there are still many things that need to be resolved in the current situation. For example, what kind of troops can participate, who will be in command, and how to solve these problems when they encounter risks or encounter certain risks? , We all have to face, in the face of such a situation, what should we do?" The Secretary of Defense was completely in a state of hesitation. This state is caused by the particularity of his position. He is a civilian and is also responsible for military affairs. Military failure will be related to his political career. Risks have faced great challenges in his political career, and he is eager for military victory. This contradiction makes him vacillate. This is not something that advisers can provide to solve the problem.

"Sir, the only way is to let Zhao Guo's staff lead our people to launch a military offensive. This is the only thing we can do." The consultant said.

"Let the people of Zhao State command, we can accept, but let the people of Zhao State help us fight, which seems a bit unreasonable? In this case, once the people of Yan State know about it, I am worried that there will be diplomatic troubles." The Minister of Defense said.

"Sir, they are observer groups, staff officers, and military commanders. Their identities are changeable. We can apologize in the event of an accident, but with military victory, we can get everything. But if we fail, ours Political advancement will become very miserable. We must avoid such things." The other party said.

"Well. You can try. Let the staff officer choose soldiers to fight. I can compromise and give him a standard infantry regiment to fight. If necessary, I can provide more troops." Secretary of Defense Finally, he made up his mind, because of the huge political pressure, because if he loses, he will lose everything. This is a situation that he absolutely cannot bear. Faced with such a situation, his only way is to accept such things, which may be difficult for him, but it is a process. Because any speculative behavior of a politician must bear the corresponding political risks, failure and success. It is based on a certain risk.

Burma, inside a camp of the cotton people.

"This is the situation we just got." Chen Zhiwen took a telegram and handed it to the golden head.

"I can't read your words. I want to know what troops caused such a large casualty. Why did they kill all the people in our tribe?" The golden head asked such a question.

"It's the assault force of the Chu State. They have about 500 to 800 people. They are well-equipped with submachine guns and light machine guns. If necessary, they will be equipped with artillery and heavy machine guns. The tactics are very flexible and changeable. It's made up of elites." Chen Zhiwen explained.

"Assault troops?" The golden head asked curiously.

"Yes, it's like, just like you, but they use your tactics against them to deal with you. Moreover, I also got a very bad news, the situation seems to be very unfavorable to you. Chu people strengthened. The number of their troops, weapons and equipment, and some combat aircraft have been added. If they change their tactics again and adopt blockade operations, you may be in desperation." Chen Zhiwen said regretfully.

"We need more weapons, very powerful weapons, can you provide them?" the golden head asked.

"This, we can, but we need more things to exchange, for example, Yapian." Chen Zhiwen said.

"Okay, yes, we can exchange." said the golden head. In fact, the people of Qi should help the cotton people build their own country, but the current situation may not allow it.

The cotton people are still scattered tribes, and there are few connections between tribes and tribes. Most of their economies are independent. It is difficult to form an effective alliance between tribes, which puts their power in a state of extreme dispersion. Among them, this gave Chu Jun a big opportunity.

In Xiang Yu's barracks. A special tactic is gradually being formed.

"We need intelligence. The information provided by the camera technology provided by the aircraft is too limited." Zhong Limei stays at the intelligence office of the General Staff every day, where there are photo analysis experts who need to analyze more than two hundred photos. These photos need to be enlarged and interpreted from another angle. The source of intelligence is single and the timeliness is very limited.

"Yes, I am also very troubled with this problem. I came up with a method. This method is to use sniper tactics. The traditional sniper tactics are used to attack the opponent's valuable targets." Xiang Yu said, but We can use them to gather intelligence. They need to disguise, hide, and make a team of two people. In this way, they can find valuable targets. I am training them, and I will send more teams out, but there is still a big problem with the timeliness of intelligence.

"I think it's already very good. At least you have solved a big problem. This problem will allow us to get more excellent sources of intelligence. If there are no such sources of intelligence to solve the problem, our situation will be very good. Not good." Zhong Limei said.

"Well, once the blockade is formed, we can give it a try. Maybe they will perform very amazingly. I look forward to their results very much." Xiang Yu said with confidence.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Supreme Command.

"This is the latest news from Carthage. The Carthage Senate has decided to attack the Roma. They support General Hannibal's military operations." Zhang Liang reported the confirmed news to Han Shu, because Han Shu has been worried about this problem. It was finally confirmed that Han Shu's mood should be relaxed.

"Well. Very good, things are far better than I thought. This shows that they are moving in the direction we preset. This is very good news for us." Han Shu said. To.

"Yes, Lord, this result is a very good result for us. What we need to do is to push the power of Zhao Guoren to make Loma people feel the pressure, but at the same time, let them not be too fast. The key to controlling this degree is very important,” Zhang Liang said.

"Well. Let the Ministry of National Defense solve such a matter. We need to send more businessmen to the front of the military observation mission. We must send back such news in time to order cables to continue to be laid, and at the same time to speed up the spread of radio. The military observation group can send messages to us, which is very important to us." Han Shu said.

"Yes. King." Zhang Liang said. The Carthage’s military actions will cause a series of military reactions. This reaction will inevitably affect South Korea’s interests in the Mediterranean. The Koreans are very aware of this, so they will pay close attention. In contrast, Zhao Guoren’s reaction Just a little slow.

In Zhao Guo, Handan, and Zhao Jia’s office, Zhao Jia felt a little tired of the things he dealt with every day. He was not good at dealing with these types of work, so he gave their ministers a lot of power. Can deal with some things by himself, get the general direction and need to report to him, what he needs is such a result, a result that can make everyone obey his destiny.

"Seth people. They also want to fight. I know about this. If you borrow money, you need to wait so that they don't worry, but I can think of a way to get them some money from other places. That's right. "Zhao Jia asked his Minister of Defense this way. This made the Secretary of Defense very embarrassed. He was in charge of the military, but Zhao Jia asked about some economic matters. He was also very annoyed by the Minister of Finance because he asked all the questions. It is a military matter. Sometimes, Zhao Jia is like this. Perhaps only in this way can he be unique.

"Okay, my prime minister." The other party reluctantly wrote some notes on it.

"For the Carthaginians, tell him that if they win, we will give them a loan, about one million, how about one million?" Zhao Jia said. The Secretary of Defense wanted to shake his head, but he thought he had to forget it. After all, he still didn't know what Zhao Jia's attitude was in Carthage.

"Very well, my prime minister." The Secretary of Defense recorded.

"I don't think it is good. We should earn more funds. For example, we can get more financial support. This is what we need most. A large amount of funds will bring us more benefits. , But the problem is that the funds we earn from Carthage are very limited, and naturally we can't invest more funds." Zhao Jia said. It seems that one million is a large amount of money. In the view of the Minister of Defense, selling the carpet under his feet can be exchanged for such a sum of money. For Zhao Jia, this is just a carpet, but it shows that Zhao Guo’s attitude.

On the mountain people's position, the mountain soldiers expressed their unwillingness to attack.

"Damn order. If you attack, let your chief attack. This is to die. Goguryeo attacked us with artillery support and regained our position. We still attacked in the dark. Now, during the day, let us attack. This is death. Only fools can do such a thing, so we will not do it." Many mountain soldiers refused to turn off the orders of the officers. Even if the officers asked the gendarmerie to arrest people, the gendarmerie was helpless. It's simple, because all the mountain people gather, in their opinion. Such an approach will put them in a desperate situation. Those mountain people are not easy to deal with.

"They dare not do anything to us? These **** timid Yan people, they will hide behind. Where did their cannons go? Damn. Go and die Yan people." The mountain soldiers complained.

The artillery of the Yan people was completely destroyed in the artillery bombardment of the Goguryeo people, which was a very bad result. As a result, the Yan people didn't even fire their guns to support them. In fact, there was no better. In this case, they would not have to attack.

Prince Dan's order was invalidated here again.

Outside the prison. A Gu was released. this is a good news. However, A Gu was not happy because the situation was still facing off. The people of Yan were wasting time. The longer time wasted, the worse the situation would be for them. Under such circumstances, their situation would be very bad. This is one thing. This torture, both sides are in torment.

"The morale is very low at the moment, and we are very dissatisfied with the people of Yan people, especially the people of Yan people let us take the initiative this time, and we collectively protested. But this is not very good news. We must attack as soon as possible. This is the above. Regarding one of our requests, I think that when you release the sir, there must be such a demand." Ado said.

"Whatever? At present, we still need the support of the Yan people. We can attack, but we can choose the direction again. We can choose the position of the mountains to attack. Only there can we change our situation. I need at least two thousand. Human strength can achieve this goal, in addition to a large amount of ammunition supplies." A Gu said.

"But, Yan people, I don't think they will meet our requirements. These things are too expensive for them." Ado said. He knows what the Yan people need, what they need is military power as the result of the battle, but judging from the current situation, they have not yet reached such a state.

Two thousand people, this will take away a considerable part of their troops. Such a large amount of troops will cause them to suffer heavy losses. Then, under such a situation, great changes will occur. The people of Yan will think that this place cannot be held, and they will be collapsed. , Addo feels that he already knows the people of Yan country very well. They will not allow mountain people to conduct military operations alone. This is a risk, which will bring greater risks, and they simply cannot bear such a situation.

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