The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3890: Gunsan encounter

The Qin State, the General Staff, where the officers come in and out, seem to be very busy. In fact, the Qin State General Staff needs to make a lot of plans because they have to face many unknown situations. Sometimes, their busyness is still No results.

"The military operations of the Goguryeo people have reached a deadlock. Many of them have entered such an endless state. Such a state is not a good thing for them." Yang Duanhe held a report. Speaking of this.

"Yeah. Goguryeo had to change their tactics, wasting a lot of ammunition and causing casualties. As a result, they were still standing still. It seems that from a frontal attack, they need to bear considerable pressure to complete such a thing." Wang Jian said. To.

"And the efficiency is low. If they can change their tactics, they may be able to reduce the consumption of ammunition. After all, according to this style of play and reach the preset area, our Qin army can't do such a thing." Yang End and speaking.

Wang Jian nodded in agreement. Indeed, according to the Goguryeo style of play, a huge domestic industrial production capacity was needed to ensure that the amount of ammunition consumed far exceeded Qin's estimate, and it was inefficient.

"Have you noticed, the mountains, this location is very important. If the mountain people can make good use of it, I think the situation is still more favorable to the people of Yan, and the mountain people are light infantry, fighting in that area, For them, it is very suitable." Wang Jian said to Yang Duanhe.

"The staff have also thought about this. They think they can directly occupy the mountains and then march to the rear of the Goguryeo people. They can use their light soldiers' flexible tactical characteristics, and then threaten the logistics supply line of the Goguryeo people. In that case, the battle will be It will enter a stalemate." Yang Duanhe said.

"Yes, what I worry about is that the people of Zhao Guo also thought of this. According to the information we got, the people of Zhao Guo sent an officer advisory group to Goguryeo. On the surface, they are an observation group, but what I know is Most of their officers were transferred from the Zhao State Staff Headquarters. Perhaps now, they have realized this, and then they will attack from the position of the mountains and threaten the Chuanhe area. In that case, the entire Yanyan The national army will be very bad." Wang Jian said worriedly. Yang Duanhe took a look and was taken aback, but soon calmed down. He felt that it seemed difficult for the Goguryeo army to accomplish such a thing.

Just when Yang Duanhe thought that the Goguryeo army could not accomplish such a thing. The 7th Infantry Regiment of Goguryeo is rapidly climbing the mountains.

"Huh." Li Zuoche panted. He was rucksacked by the new army and took a rest with his rifle.

"Chief Li, it's not so hard. Let the soldiers help you with these things." Luo Ping was also panting, he was only carrying a battle map and a pistol. Command the knife. Just like this, it also makes me feel a little tired.

"Sir, take a drink." The order soldier next to him stepped forward and handed the water bottle with both hands.

"Yes, to Chief Li." Luo Ping admired an officer like Li Zuoche very much. He was able to set an example. He was an extraordinary officer, and he admired such a person in his heart.

"No. I have. But what we need to pay attention to is that we should follow the shifts, disperse, quickly occupy the top of the mountain, and open the way for most of the advancement. What I am worried about is that once the mountain people notice this, they will It will bring us a lot of trouble. They will have a high degree of advantage, which is the worst result for us." Li Zuoche said.

"Go. Go ahead and do what Chief Li said." Luo Ping said.

"What else?" Luo Ping asked. Only then did he slow down.

"Speed ​​up, most of us have to reach the top of the mountain as soon as possible, yes. In the platoon, there are those who are good at marksmanship. To defend the mountain, the top is the key, understand?" Li Zuoche said.

"Yes, sir." An officer nodded and agreed. Soon some platoons of the 7th Infantry Regiment dispersed. They quickly seized the top of the mountain. There were tactical points. With such a point, they could solve a lot. Things are up.

On the other side of the mountains, A Gu was advancing with two mountain infantry companies.

"Sir, we have three hundred people. We only have two infantry companies, and we are still short of soldiers. Together, there are only more than two hundred and twenty people." Addo worriedly asked his chief, a colonel, but only Bringing more than two hundred people forward and launching their harassment operations, this sounds like a fantasy.

According to the normal organization, the mountain people’s infantry company consists of one hundred and fifty people, three hundred people, exactly two infantry companies, but the problem is that after a period of combat, the mountain people’s strength has already been lost to a certain extent, and the actual strength is They may have just over a hundred people, this way. The two infantry companies may only have more than two hundred people, but their commanders proceeded according to the theory. This makes A Gu very helpless, anger will not solve all the problems at all.

"Okay. Calm down. We have to rely on more than two hundred people to create a world of our own. Although we have fewer troops, we can be lean and flexible, and have more troops. On the contrary, it is not good. If we win If you do, maybe the chief will give us some supplements. Don't talk about such things anymore. Keep going." A Gu said.

"Yes, sir." Ado said.

"That's right. Ado, you took a platoon to advance to the mountain quickly, lurking down, and if you encounter a Goguryeo, you shoot and keep there as much as possible. I will bring someone to follow up as soon as possible. "A Gu ordered like this.

"No, it's impossible. Goguryeo people won't appear in the jungle. I think there are only mountain people in this jungle." Ado said in disbelief.

"Whatever happened? You quickly occupied the top of the mountain for me. It is extremely important, and there must be no loss." A Gu ordered this way. I do not know what happened. He has always felt that there are some problems, and he doesn't know where the specific problems are, but he feels there is a problem, and he feels that the Goguryeo people may be aware of this. This kind of feeling can't be said, but it can only be carried out by feeling.

The mountains, the top of the mountain, the 7th Infantry Regiment of Goguryeo, the 2nd Battalion, the 7th Company and 2nd Platoon, the third squadron reached the top of the mountain first, and the soldiers were almost exhausted.

"Agui, take two people with you, go, go to watch there and be on guard." The squad leader is a sergeant, his name is Luo Dan. He is a veteran and has been in the army for about three years. Have certain combat experience. Agui is a second-class soldier. Is a reserve soldier. Before joining the army, he was a factory worker with good skills. Unfortunately, he was almost lucky and was drafted into the army. Because he knew some gun skills, he was promoted to second-class soldier. At least it's not a private soldier.

"Sir, why is it me again? I'm also very tired." Private Agui said impatiently. He was also very tired. He wanted to drink water, but unfortunately the water in the kettle could not be moved at will, because they also had a water-cooled machine gun. They didn’t know what their commander Sergeant Luo Dan was so mad that six people carried machine guns and climbed up. Coming here, but also requires fast speed, this is simply the rhythm of life.

"Stop talking nonsense, damn, being diligent can save your life, this is the battlefield, so be careful." Sergeant Luo scolded like this. In desperation, Private Agui brought two hapless men to the top of the mountain for alert. Although they are full of complaints, they can't say anything. Because once they say something, it means that their situation will be even worse. Under such circumstances, it is better for them to observe the enemy's situation honestly.

"Recruits are so unlucky. I knew I would not come here to serve as soldiers." Agui cursed. Here, these recruits are bullied by veterans, which makes them in a very bad condition. Many recruits feel very bad about this. Excessive. But sometimes the veterans are right. Under such battlefield conditions, life-saving is more important. Although the rear production is very comfortable, they are on the battlefield after all. Sometimes Agui misses the life in the rear factory. Although there is pressure, there is no life-threatening, here.

"Bang." Just then. A gunshot broke all the silence, and Agui's thoughts suddenly returned here.

"What's the matter?" Agui asked one of his companions.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." At this moment, there were intensive gunfire from below, and there were many more.

"Cracking." One of his companions after the gunfire. Just fell from the tree.

"Oops, **** it, the enemy, the enemy is coming up." Agui pulled the bolt nervously, and then shot blindly.

"Bang. Bang." The sound of gunfire came immediately, and many dark shadows could be seen jumping back and forth in the woods, facing such a situation. They are very scared.

"Silly. Hurry up and shoot." Just then. Sergeant Luo came up all at once, and then he was afraid of hitting Agui, he looked very nervous.

"Take a deep breath, don't be nervous. Machine gun, hurry up, come up for me." Sergeant Luo shouted loudly, and the machine gunner quickly placed the machine gun in a hidden location where he could shoot any target in the woods.

"Grenade, quick grenade." Sergeant Luo worried that someone would approach.

"Boom. Boom." The grenade exploded quickly. This is the best way to disconnect the enemy and yourself.

"Machine gunner, shoot, shoot towards someone's target. Keep throwing grenades, don't worry about the grenade problem, hurry, hit it down." Sergeant Luo quickly ordered.

"Tututu. Tutu. Boom. Boom." The explosion and the sound of machine guns continued. Faced with such a situation, the mountain people were helpless.

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