The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3891: Gunsan encounter

"No, there must be a situation on the top of the mountain. It must be a mountain man. Quickly, everyone speeds up and must occupy the top of the mountain. Quickly." Li Zuoche heard the gunshots. He immediately ordered the troops to advance quickly, and then he judged the enemy by the intensity of the gunfire.

"Hurry up, let me hurry up." Colonel Luo Ping said excitedly. The battle finally started. This was the happiest time for their Seventh Infantry Regiment. Because there is war, it means that their situation will undergo great changes. This change will put them in a very advantageous state. Faced with such a situation, they are naturally happy. War means There is a chance for promotion.

"Go." At the urging of the officer, the soldiers advanced at the fastest speed. Although they felt very tired, the officer was behind and they couldn't say anything.

After Ah Gu heard the gunshots, he felt that the situation was very bad, because according to the current situation, they should not have such a situation, but as a result, they had such a situation. This makes them feel very embarrassed.

"The second platoon leader, the third platoon leader." A Gu suddenly realized that the situation was very bad, so he immediately ordered the two platoon leaders to come over.

"The second platoon leader, you take Xiang Dongrao to the back of the enemy, and the third platoon leader, you take people, and go westward. If you encounter an enemy, don't entangle you. Go around again. You must find a way to go around. Don't get entangled with the enemy, understand?" A Gu said solemnly.

"Understood, sir. Just be optimistic, we can definitely complete the task." The two platoon commanders excitedly pulled out their pistols and started to run out. But Agu felt very bad, because in general, they shouldn’t have encountered Goguryeo people, and now, the two sides suddenly encountered a battle, which shows that the other party is also aware of this. It seems that Goguryeo People are not stupid, or that they are very shrewd in discovering the weakness of the Yan army, which is not good news for the people of Yan.

"Sir, sir." At this moment, Ado, who was standing before the fight, came down. He looked tired, sweating profusely, and his clothes wet a lot.

"What's the situation?" A Gu asked anxiously, he had to worry now. If this problem cannot be solved, his situation will become very difficult.

"It's such a sir. Our vanguard troops went to occupy the top of the mountain. As a result, there was a Goguryeo sentry on the top of the mountain. We shot. Then the Goguryeo people reacted. They threw a lot of grenades and started to attack us frantically. Machine gun shooting. The situation is very unfavorable for us, because we can't rush to it at all." Addo said.

"Not good. It seems that the Goguryeo people are here prepared. If it is only a rifle, we may still be able to occupy the opponent, but if the opponent still has a machine gun, the situation is very bad for us." A Gu said.

"Sir, what should I do?" Ado asked his sir.

"Yeah." A Gu picked up the binoculars and decided to observe the enemy's situation. After all, he still didn't know much about the situation. For example, for the two platoons he dispatched, perhaps they had an accident.

The soldiers of the 7th Infantry Regiment of Goguryeo rushed to the top of the mountain frantically. Some of them had established contact with the previous squad. The hilltop position is basically stabilized.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." At this moment, gunfire came from the east side of the hill, and then to the west.

"What's the matter?" Li Zuoche just took out the map when he heard gunshots.

"It seems that our other troops have engaged with the enemy. Sir." A staff officer heard something from the gunfire. After a few shots, the gunshots stopped suddenly.

"No, let the troops deploy right and left immediately. The mountain people may want to bypass our wings. We must put pressure on their center." Li Zuoche reacted immediately. The gunfire was just an exchange of fire, and then quickly separated, which showed that the mountain people were tempting. Once they encounter a place where the enemy has a gap, they will immediately attack.

"But we haven't found the enemy's target yet?" Chief of Staff Cheng asked worriedly.

"Whatever? We should launch an offensive tentatively. At least we should not let the mountain people realize that we are launching a large-scale offensive. If the enemy retreats, our situation will be in the best and most favorable place." Li Zuoche said Speaking of.

"Just do it like this? If you think of war, don't do anything." Luo Ping said excitedly. He seems to be a doer and wants to do everything directly.

"What does the artillery do? Officer Li." Obviously Luo Ping had already regarded Li Zuoche as his chief of staff. He felt that the other party's ideas were correct, and this was something his chief of staff could not do.

"Sir, what I think is that we launched an attack from the place where the enemy was discovered, and at the same time, set two points on the left and right sides of the appearance, and the middle position of this point is the area where the enemy may exist. We check After clarifying this area, shelling was carried out quickly." Li Zuoche said.

"Okay. Just do it." Luo Ping said, because the troop has just been deployed, such as the communications troop, they need to set up telephone lines. All of these require a lot of time. At present, these judgments can only be made by experience. The battle was fierce at the beginning, and it would be very difficult if the chief of staff could not make a timely judgment.

"Bang. Bang, bang, bang." The gunshots on the top of the mountain were extremely dense, and there were fighting everywhere, and the gunshots quickly became a piece.

"I don't think the situation is very good." A Gu said after putting down the binoculars and listening to the surrounding situation with his ears.

"Sir?" Addo looked at his officer.

"There are too many gunshots. And it sounds very dense. There are a lot of Goguryeo people. We can't stand the enemy at all." A Gu said worriedly.

"Sir, it sounds like there is about the size of a battalion?" Ado originally wanted to say, what should they do, but at this time, it seems impossible to say what to do.

"No more. I feel that the other party will have a group size. With such a size, they must be going for our back road. No, we can't stand it at all. You go back quickly and take care of the situation here. Tell the officer, let the officer send reinforcements as soon as possible, I need at least two thousand people, and the mountains can't be thrown away. Hurry up." A Gu ordered.

"Yes, sir, you." Ado asked worriedly at the other person.

"Go back quickly and tell the sir about the situation here. I must stick to it here, otherwise, our situation will be very bad. Quickly." A Gu said excitedly.

"Yes. Sir." Ado said and left here with a gun.

"Sir, sir." The second platoon leader ran back in embarrassment.

"Sir, we can't get around at all. We just broke away from the entanglement and attacked from another angle, but we still met the enemy. We broke away again and then we met the Goguryeo people. There are so many Goguryeo people. I, I feel that they have a battalion. Arranged on our flank." The second platoon leader said excitedly.

"Sir." A sergeant ran over quickly.

"Sir, our platoon leader, the platoon leader died." The sergeant ran over and said. He is a monitor in the third row.

"Tell me, what is going on?" A Gu asked at this time.

"Sir, we quickly bypassed the enemy according to your orders. However, there are Goguryeo people everywhere, and some have met Goguryeo people before reaching the top of the mountain. We want to get out of contact, but Goguryeo has never given us a chance. In order to cover us, our platoon leader was killed by the other party. The other party also had a machine gun, and the bullets came to us like rain." The sergeant said. ,

"What machine gun? Is it a heavy machine gun?" A Gu asked.

"No, sir, it's a light machine gun. There seem to be many, like four or five machine guns," the sergeant said.

"Damn it, it's not good. Order all of us to retreat and get out of contact. We must squad as a unit, spread out, block the enemy flexibly, hold the enemy for more time, and be flexible and not direct contact with the enemy. When fighting, we must attack flexibly, sorrowful???". Before A Gu finished speaking, fierce gunfire came.

"Bang. Bang. Bang. Suddenly. Suddenly. Bang. Bang." Rifles, light machine guns, machine guns, pistols, grenades, all kinds of gunshots fired intensively. The Goguryeo people, who were in a disadvantageous situation in terms of rate of fire, soon began to collapse in a big way.

"Sir, retreat quickly, we can't stand it anymore," a second lieutenant came over and reported. He had heard gunshots appearing in front of them.

"Quickly, retreat, don't entangle them anymore. Quickly." A Gu ordered.

"Swish." The mortar shells roared.

"Boom." The first shell didn't hit any target, but it was near them. This shows that the Goguryeo people have aimed, or they know their approximate location.

"Quickly, disperse, disperse. Hurry up. Get out of here." A Gu shouted loudly. He picked up his rifle and ran around. The other soldiers also started to run. They couldn't hold the position at all. , Relying only on the rifle, this is simply impossible, they are still in the most unfavorable position in the fighting position, facing such a situation, they simply can't do this. Let them stick to it, undoubtedly tantamount to death.

"Boom. Boom." The artillery shells immediately fell down. This time they suffered casualties, and everyone was retreating quickly. The situation of the battle immediately put the mountain people in a disadvantageous situation.

In the temporary headquarters of the Seventh Infantry Regiment.

"Sir, the enemy has retreated. The enemy we pursued found that they had very few troops. It is estimated that they are only the size of a platoon. In this way, the enemy on the opposite side may not have the strength of a battalion. Less." A second lieutenant came in and reported.

"Well, it seems that the Goguryeo people really want to harass us. It's just that they use too little force. Under such circumstances, they naturally suffer heavy losses." Luo Ping said.

"Well, it looks like this is indeed the case." Li Zuoche said.

"But I think we should be more careful. The mountain people are good at flexible jungle tactics. We must expel them from the jungle as soon as possible. Once we enter the river area, it is safe. In the mountains, we are not. Take advantage, order, let our troops bite the enemy tightly, don't give the enemy a chance to breathe, don't be afraid of casualties, must expel them, fighting here is very unfavorable to us, fast." Li Zuoche issued a new letter. The command.

For the mountain people, Li Zuoche did research when he was in the staff. He found that they were all light infantry, because they had enough firepower, which made it difficult for them to hold their positions, but once they were out of contact, the other party would give play to them. With the advantage of light infantry, to deal with them, one must not be afraid of sacrifice, stick to it, bite the opponent firmly, and deny the opponent the possibility of maneuvering. Take advantage of firepower to completely defeat them, as long as they stick to their positions, the advantage is definitely not on their side.

Inside the Yanjun Command.

"What?" the major general exclaimed excitedly.

"Sir, we need reinforcements. Judging from our contacts and operations, the enemy has at least one regiment, which may exceed 3,000 troops. We can't resist them at all. Our commander is already there to resist. We need reinforcements." Ado pleaded. Because it was an emergency military situation, he had this opportunity to report. However, he doesn't know how much it can be used. But for now, it seems that the other party doesn't care about this very much.

"I see. I have understood this matter. However, the situation is very different from what we expected. I will send reinforcements." The major general said annoyedly. There was a big contradiction in his statements, but in the face of such a situation, he did not have a good solution.

Ado was soon invited out by the guards. Because he looked dangerous, because his commander was still on the front line, he himself didn't know what to do, but looking at the attitude of the major general, it seemed that he could not send troops at all. After all, they had only 7,000 in total.

"Damn it. What to do? What to do?" Addo anxiously watched the development of the situation unexpectedly from outside the headquarters.

However, soon the situation changed. The entire headquarters began to panic. The soldiers kept moving in, and then left with their things, as if they were about to move.

"Brother, brother, what's going on? Has something happened to the headquarters?" Addo asked a soldier anxiously.

"The sir is going to retreat. All people are going to retreat. The whole position is going to give up." The soldier replied.

"What?" Hearing this news, Ado almost jumped up. The position they finally defended, and the reinforcements waiting, turned out to be such a result.

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