"Tututu." Sergeant Luo still commanded his machine gun to fire, but the Yan army did not launch any attack. This made Sergeant Luo feel very worried. He believed that the other party must have some conspiracy. Unfortunately, the fortifications they built were not used because the Yan army's retreat came very suddenly, which made the retreat extremely extreme. In chaos, the troops did not retreat in an orderly manner. On the contrary, many troops left here by desert. The retreat first started from the headquarters, and then spread to all areas on the front line. The last thing they knew was the mountain people. It can be seen that the Yan people almost regarded the mountain people as the last cannon fodder. But when the rumble of cannons came from the front line, everyone accelerated their retreat, which further led to chaos.

In the face of only more than fifty people and a platoon of Goguryeo troops, they were unable to organize an effective attack. This has to be said, this is a great irony.

"Suddenly. Suddenly." The machine guns were still firing continuously. The Yan army, already in chaos, couldn't organize an effective resistance. They couldn't make a counterattack. They were exposed to the firepower of Goguryeo.

"No matter. Give me a squad, shoot them, and suppress them all on the side of the river. Hurry, go to the back and ask for reinforcements, hurry up." Sergeant Luo has completely ignored these. What he needs to do is to attract the enemy as soon as possible and make the enemy's plan completely impossible to proceed.

But soon, Sergeant Luo didn't have to worry. Because the reinforcements arrived here, it means that his situation has been greatly improved. In this way, the situation has changed. An infantry squad supported them. They heard the gunfire walking out of the mountains, followed by platoons. , And then a company. There will be a lot of Goguryeo troops sticking to the Chuanhe area, and these troops will be scary.

In the headquarters of the Seventh Infantry Regiment. Colonel Luo Ping walked back and forth, waiting for news. But there is no news from the front lines.

"We shouldn't be nervous." Li Zuoche said. His map has been studied. There is nothing more to study. Under such circumstances, he could only sit down and chat with Luo Ping.

"I'm not nervous, I've never been nervous." Luo Ping didn't realize that he was nervous, and he firmly denied this, but in fact, his movements had exposed this, he walked back and forth, and his hands Still shaking. The corners of his mouth are still twitching from time to time, which shows that Luo Ping is already in a state of high tension. Maybe some positions have already brought him to the brink of collapse. However, he couldn't do these things for the simple reason. He didn't want others to see that he was nervous.

"A large-scale bombardment has been launched from the front. Such bombardment is enough to cause great damage to the mountain people's position. Even if they want to make some adjustments, it is impossible. Because we have all the areas where they may be assembled. We have carried out artillery coverage, so that we are already in a very favorable state." Li Zuoche said.

"Well, what you said is very reasonable, but Chuanhe, our troops have not arrived at Chuanhe. Did you send our last reserve team out? In this case, maybe they may complete the final mission." Luo Ping Speaking of this.

"No, when the situation is not clear enough, we still have to wait, because this is our last reserve team, and they will change our situation greatly." Li Zuoche objected.

"Well, I admit, you are right, we can only accept this way." The other party said so.

"Sir, good news, good news." Just then. Chief of Staff Cheng shocked with a report.

"What good news?" Luo Ping asked impatiently. He has a bad temper and is extremely emotionally unstable.

"Our troops have reached the Chuanhe area. At present, about two companies have passed. According to the frontline report, the Yan army is retreating, and their retreat is extremely chaotic. It seems that they have lost their command. Our machine guns The other party was unable to organize a counterattack even if the other party was able to do so. If the other party could do so, our situation would be greatly changed. However, they did not have a counterattack." Chief of Staff Cheng said very excitedly.

"Great. In this case, shall we release the last camp?" Luo Ping asked Li Zuoche. Li Zuoche just nodded, indicating that he can.

"Immediately order the third battalion to rush to Chuanhe and order the other troops to assemble on the front line of Chuanhe. We must eat all the Yan army, hurry up." Luo Ping ordered.

Among the mountains and jungles, only the last two men remained in the three-row infantry platoon. They dragged down the strength of a company of Goguryeo.

"Swish. Swish. Boom. Boom." Mortar shells exploded around them, splashing mud hitting them.

"Come on, Goguryeo, Grandpa is not afraid of you, come on." The third platoon leader shouted loudly, their bullets were all gone. They have tried their best. They killed more than 30 Goguryeo soldiers. The Goguryeo infantry company, who became angry and furious, used a large number of machine guns and mortars to carry out bombardment.

"Damn, these mountain people are too **** hard." A Goguryeo captain scolded.

"Sir, we shouldn't get entangled with them. We should reach the river line. That is an order. The messenger has come twice." A lieutenant persuaded.

"Shut up, I know, I just want to skin these mountain people alive, I want to see what they do, blow up, blow up, blow up his grandma." The captain ordered. The lieutenant was helpless and could only execute orders. Under extremely crazy firepower, the third platoon leader was blown up. His upper body was directly blown up, one leg was blown up and flew to other positions. The same is true for other corpses. There is not a complete body on the whole position. They have dragged down the offensive of Goguryeo 1 by the sacrifice of all their staff. They don’t know the significance of doing so, but from the perspective of the development of the situation. , Their approach is meaningless, because the Goguryeo people have reached Chuanhe, which means that a large number of Yan army is surrounded, unless they can retreat from the western mountain area, where the situation is very bad, although some roads can Walking, but they have to pass through some swamp areas, where it is impossible to pass through. And the direct blockade of the river meant that the Yan army had completely failed.

"Boom. Boom." Goguryeo's shells were like raindrops, and the shells became sparse, but they could still cause a lot of casualties, because in some areas that have already been reconnaissance, shells would still fall.

"The casualties this time are too great." Ado said with a sullen expression. He was almost buried alive, but in comparison, his condition was good, thinking he was still alive, many mountain people were killed. The artillery attack came very suddenly, and it fired unequipped. This makes the Goguryeo people a big loss.

"Well, I know. But we will withdraw as soon as possible. Fortunately, after we have two thousand people, as long as we can withdraw, everything will be fine." A Gu said.

"Sir, I think we should break with the Yan people, they have disappointed us too much. If they hadn't done this, many people would not have died." Ado said.

"Yeah. I see." A Gu said with an arm hanging. He was hit in the arm by a flying cannonball. But it wasn't a big injury. He could bear such an injury. He was just worried, worried that the current situation could not be changed. Maybe he needs to consider another path.

"Sir, there are still some things we should take note of." Ado suggested from the side.

"What's the matter?" A Gu asked.

"Wounded soldiers, we can't help them at all. They need field hospitals and medicines. We can't give them these things. Worst of all, they will slow down our marching speed, and the Goguryeo people will immediately crush them. , If we are like that, no one can escape." Ado said. A Gu looked at each other.

"We can't leave them alone, really, if that's the case, how do we face more brothers?" A Gu asked the other side.

"However, if we don't do this, we will be dragged to death. If this happens, we will have to." Ado looked at Ah Gu, and Ado was right. He knew that the other party was doing very well. Yes, but the problem is, he really doesn't know what to do.

Under such circumstances, what else could he do, and many things could not be done. Because he was worried that the loss on his side would reach an alarming level.

"Sir, I will do it, and they will understand why we did it." Ado said. Abandoning their brothers is the most difficult thing for them to accept, and they can only do so now. The wounded soldiers will seriously slow down their marching speed, and if they are pressed to death by the Goguryeo, everyone will be killed. This is an extremely tragic situation, and some of them knew from the beginning that this situation was about to take shape.

Koguryo, Ministry of National Defense.

"Sir, sir, good news. We have reached the front line of the river. The 7th Infantry Regiment has fully blocked the Yan Army's back road, and they surrounded the Yan Army." The assistant came in with a telegram to report.

"What?" The Secretary of Defense jumped up from his chair when he heard the news. He just fell asleep. Maybe it's too nervous. The nervousness made him completely lose his last intuition, or he felt that he should take a rest, he had a nightmare in his sleep just now. He dreamed that the Seventh Infantry Regiment suffered a great loss, but now it seems that his worry is unnecessary.

"Sir, it's really good news, look at this." The other party took out a telegram. The Secretary of Defense had only read the telegram, and he was already shocked in a cold sweat.

"Oh my God. Great. Great. If it weren't, I really don't know how to face such a situation." The Secretary of Defense said after seeing the telegram. In order to confirm the news, he read it again, showing that the other party was very careful.

"Sir, in this way, our situation will become much better. The situation will be greatly changed. Faced with such a situation, our situation will be completely changed. Conducive to the development of one aspect of our development." said the assistant.

"Yes, that's too right. The situation has developed towards the side of our development. Great. We can finally change the current situation." The Defense Minister said excitedly.

"Send a report to the Prime Minister. It should be a report from Zhao. I want to sleep well. That's great. No, it's not time to go to bed. We must eat all of the other's forces. Only in this way can we completely The rescue. Just like this, let them work hard and eat all the opponent's forces, fast." The Defense Minister said excitedly. It seemed that they had already eaten the opponent's forces, which made him look very excited.

State of Zhao, Handan. Zhao Jia saw this content very late.

"Such things are still used to report. They haven't completely won the battle. There is still a long way to go before the victory. Under such circumstances, there is no point in reporting with such a report. Tell them Only by annihilating all the enemies can I report what I want to know. That's it." Zhao Jia said.

"Yes, sir." said the defense minister Wu Ani. He doesn’t know what kind of news can make Zhao Jia excited. There are many answers. He has a wide range of interests. He is currently studying percussion music, a percussion music from the African continent, accompanied by a cheerful and rhythmic tune and women’s love. Things are very interesting, and it is precisely because of this kind of taste that he got up at that time. Obviously controlling a country is not as much as a person’s desires. He is an intemperate person. In the face of power, He will get more support, and this country is also supporting him in doing so.

In the General Staff, Li Mu was very pleased. He saw the maturity of Li Zuoche's operations, and he was bold and handled properly. If several key points are not handled properly, it will cause great harm and may cause Goguryeo people. Serious loss, but very good. He performed very well. He handled a few things properly, which put him in a very favorable state. Facing such a situation, he has shown that he should be The quality of military commanders, perhaps. Li Mu felt that he should let the other party think about it and lead an army to fight. After all, the commander’s combat experience is learned from the war. Maybe he can get such a level of ascent.

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