The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3895: Weaknesses of Qiguo Industry

Yan State, Prince's Mansion.

"I know that our current situation is very passive and very bad. It is true that the financial aspect cannot provide too much money to solve this problem. You know this problem. We need to spend a lot of time to do such things. In such a situation, what we can do is too limited." Prince Dan said apologetically to the Minister of Defense.

Prince Dan checked the financial account and found that there was no money, and they still owed various debts up to five million and a half two. Most of the money was borrowed from the Qin State Commercial Bank, because Yan The Chinese government has given a lot of interest, and as collateral, they mortgaged the import and export duties to the bank. This is indeed a very bold way, but even so, there is still a lack of a lot of funds. Because their tomb of King Yan is huge, many places are comparable to fortresses. It is difficult to open even if a large number of high explosives are used for blasting, and the cost of such a level of engineering is naturally very large.

"Prince, what I want to say is that since we can't solve it by military means, we have to adopt peace talks. As long as we can stick to the Qingshan area, this is our bottom line. We have built a lot of tunnels there. As long as we keep there, everything will be very beneficial to us." The Minister of Defense said that, in fact, this war can no longer be fought by the State of Yan. There is no money in the finances, and there are strikes by workers and businessmen in Yan State. The students also participated in the parade. Although the Ministry of National Defense took military action at the beginning and arrested some people and sent them to the battlefield forcibly, these did not solve the problem at all, and the problem was still very serious. The war requires a huge war logistics to support, but the logistics situation of the Yan people has fallen into a huge disaster. In the face of such a situation, the Minister of Defense can only hope for one possibility to end the war. End this **** war. Otherwise, he really didn't know how much he should endure.

"Impossible." Prince Dan bluntly refused the request of the Minister of Defense.

"How is it possible to just get Daqingshan? The country of Yan needs more land and resources. The entire Liaodong and Liaobei are ours. It is impossible for the Goguryeo people to develop here, understand?" Tai Zidan corrected it to the Minister of Defense. the opinion of.

"But, prince, it is no longer possible for us to continue this kind of war. The financial costs will be very huge. This war has completely consumed the last bit of Yan's financial capacity, and we can no longer fight it." Said the minister.

"These are not things you worry about. What you worry about is how to keep us in an offensive state, understand?" Prince Dan said.

"This." The Secretary of Defense didn't know how to persuade him.

"Also, don’t build **** tunnels there. You’re wasting too much of your troops. The two mountain infantry divisions allocated should launch an offensive. As for tunnels, construction is a waste of funds. What we lack is funds. We have to attack. Give Goguryeo people have caused very serious losses, understand?" Prince Dan clearly instructed. The Secretary of Defense does not know the use of such instructions, or what is the use of such instructions? Their situation is in a state of collapse. Faced with such a situation, Prince Dan unexpectedly didn't realize it. He didn't know what happened to the Prince. Something covered his eyes. Doesn't he see the threat that exists in the future?

"Prince, prince." At this moment, an attendant rushed in anxiously with a telegram. Yes, he rushed in. The door didn't knock, so he rushed in. The prince personally pays great attention to personal privacy. I don't know when he developed such a habit. It seems that it should have been when Qin was a hostage. Because the life of the hostages is not so good.

"Damn it. Who made you come in so recklessly?" Prince Dan cursed extremely annoyed.

"This, prince, emergency military affairs, urgent military affairs. The old slave was afraid that he would delay the prince's important affairs, so he entered." The servant hurriedly knelt down and pleaded.

"Come on, pull me out, and hit fifty big boards again." Prince Dan ordered. She was taken out crying and crying. The Secretary of Defense picked up the military situation. Prince Dan looked over quickly.

"Damn it, **** it, I can't stand a position, seven thousand people, seven thousand people, Ma Toushan was lost like that?" Prince Dan cursed angrily, then waved his arms and shouted loudly. It seemed that he was very annoyed. The Minister of Defense looked at the prince very worried. He didn't know why the prince did this.

"Prince, we, we may have to wait for this matter." The Minister of Defense noted that this telegram was not from the front line, but from the information obtained by the Zhao State spy. Maybe the information received by the other party could not be true. of.

"What are you waiting for? Wait until someone calls my prince's mansion? Damn, a bunch of idiots, they all deserve to die, they all deserve to die." Prince Dan cursed. He was very dissatisfied with this, but there was no way. The current situation is very disadvantageous for him. Facing such a situation, he still needs to solve many things. The Secretary of Defense silently looked at the telegram in his hand. He didn't know what happened on the front line. However, judging from the information obtained, the situation must be very bad. Otherwise, such a thing would not happen. Faced with such a situation, he himself didn't know what to do.

This is a poor man's war. Because the people of Yan have no money in their pockets. They have to go to war if they have nothing, and the situation they face will be very complicated.

Qi State, Laizhou, Qi State's first arsenal. The production workshop here is very busy.

"Prime Minister, there are some dangers here, it's better not to enter." A factory manager said worriedly.

"What workshop is this?" Lou Jing asked.

"Oh, Prime Minister, there is the artillery shell workshop. Our artillery shell technology is a bit backward. We need a lot of copper, especially the barrel part, which requires a lot of copper, and copper needs to be stretched repeatedly. The machine tool needs a lot, very Long space.” The director explained.

"Oh, how many workshops do you have?" Lou Jing asked curiously, because he had been here before. What he saw at the time was that there was still a vacant lot there, but now there are a lot of factories, and there are still Many places are still under construction, and the construction speed is quite fast.

"This, such a workshop, we plan to build twenty-five." The director said.

"Twenty-five?" Lou Jing was very surprised.

"Yes, Prime Minister, this is the only way to meet the military needs of Goguryeo. They need a very large number of shells. They have destroyed almost 2,500 shells in a day, and such shells, according to the previous production rate, It may take a month for us to produce it. In order to meet their needs, we can only expand the production workshop. Only in this way can we meet their basic needs." The director said. Lou Jing felt that this was a bit too wasteful.

"The prime minister is like this. There are many artillery shell production processes, and the technology provided by Zhao Guoren requires a large amount of brass. We import a large amount of brass from Wadao Island and Goguryeo, then smelt it, process it into shells, and export it. We can further recover those cartridges so that the resources can be used continuously, and the benefits are still good, but because of the complexity of the process, we have to expand the production space in this way.” The director explained.

"Even though I know that you are compelled, I still want to say. If necessary, use technology to solve the problem. This blindly expand production space will take up a lot of money. If the war in Goguryeo ends, and You have so many production workshops. Once we can’t find the place where we need it, it will have a bad influence on us. In the face of such a situation, how should we solve it? Therefore, we must not blindly follow the current situation. To expand production, understand?” Lou Jing said.

"Prime Minister, we know all these things, and we also understand them, but in the current situation, we really can't do it, because the order requirements are very tight, and we have no choice but to do this." The factory manager explained helplessly.

Lou Jing also knew that this was the truth, and did not make any more accusations. After all, he was also responsible, and Qi's economy was rapidly prospering. In fact, most of the things that Qi Guo does are processing with supplied materials and the types of simple mechanical production. Most of these production tasks are highly repetitive tasks with not very high technical content, labor and raw materials required. The consumption is very large, and the initiative has always been in the hands of Zhao Guoren. What Zhao Guoren needs, they will produce what.

The lack of core competitive technology is the most deadly point of Qiguo's industry. Although Lou Jing also knows that mastering the core technology is the key, the problem is that they lack such competition. Because many things are not what they can hope for such a development, they are also very helpless in the face of such a situation.

Lou Jing is working hard to improve such a situation. For example, he has set up study classes in some factory-intensive areas, and relies on such a flexible way to attract some workers into the school and improve their labor skills. Attract them to study, and then change the current situation in Qi. In their view, such an approach may cause greater dissatisfaction, because it will take them considerable time, but this is the basis.

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