The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3896: The behavior of the Goguryeo army

In the eastern mountainous area, across the mountain is the marshland. There is no road to go there, but there are Goguryeo people behind, and the mountain people have no choice.

"Hurry up, brothers, hurry up." A Gu hung one arm, and then waved the other arm to make them move faster.

"Sir, can you pass there?" A soldier asked A Gu, seemingly disbelieving, because the losses they suffered were too great. There were cannonballs everywhere along the way, and many wounded soldiers were thrown on the ground, watching them die, the morale of the mountain people dropped to the lowest point, what can A Gu say in the face of such a situation.

"Yes, we must be able to leave here. Jump out of the circle of Goguryeo people." A Gu arrived firmly. The soldier nodded, and then went on marching. At the beginning, they still had two thousand people. Looking at the size of the team, they were almost the same, only more than one thousand people.

"The casualties are huge. Sir." Ado said as he walked over.

"Let's go, don't say anything more. In our current situation, we can only move on and solve more things." A Gu said. They finally jumped out of the area covered by Goguryeo firepower, with heavy casualties.

The mountain people’s position is now full of Goguryeo soldiers celebrating the victory.

"Victory, victory, long live, long live." The soldiers happily waved their arms and congratulated loudly. They occupied the mountain people's position without spending too much money. For them, it was a victory. Now, Matou Mountain belongs to them.

"Come on, sir, take a picture." Some reporters followed the commander of the 12th Infantry Regiment to take pictures. The colonel assumed a victory gesture. This gesture made them feel very successful. But Yang De didn't like this situation. He felt that such a victory was meaningless. The victory should belong to the 7th Infantry Regiment, not the 12th Infantry Regiment that occupied the enemy's position from the front.

Yang De took a camera and looked around in his notebook on the battlefield. He felt that he should describe war from another angle. War is not only about victory, but also failure, pain, and human weakness.

In the trenches, there were also the corpses of the mountain people who were killed. Their corpses were very abnormally twisted, and their heads lay in the trenches in a state that a normal person could not reverse.

"Sir, this mountain man was killed." Yang De was taken aback as a soldier went over and grabbed the other's head. Because a piece of shrapnel directly hit the opponent's head, the face was already extremely distorted. The whole face is sunken. The brains and some unidentified liquids flowed out. Although Yang De was accustomed to the smell of gunpowder and corruption on the battlefield, it was the first time he saw such a disgusting situation.

"My God." Yang De said. He slowed his mind, he felt that he couldn't bear it.

"Sir, there are many more corpses like this, about a few hundred. Many of them are terrible. They were caused by artillery shells. The legs and the internal organs were broken into two halves," the soldier explained.

"Okay. I see. I saw it." Yang De said. The other party was very polite, but Yang De really didn't want to use his imagination. Because of such imagination, it was difficult for him to accept it. Yang De wandered on the battlefield. There were soldiers celebrating victory and hunting for trophies. The mountain people were very poor. They generally had nothing on them. Only officers had them, of course. There are still some prisoners who can be robbed, but they must also be from the Yan country to solve the problem.

Soon, Yang De saw the behavior that made him feel very angry. Two Goguryeo soldiers untied their belts, and they peeed towards the head of a mountain man who was killed by the explosion. That soldier may have experienced the most horrible thing. His mouth was wide open, and the bottom half had been blown up. The opened mouth became a urinal for two Goguryeo soldiers. The urine also made a gurgling sound, like a water bottle. This makes it look very disgusting.

"Haha. Hahaha, look at this mountain man, his mother is a urinal." One of the two soldiers laughed happily, and Yang De really didn’t know why these soldiers were so happy, why he could still laugh. Such a voice.

"Damn, can you respect the deceased?" Yang De couldn't stand it and asked loudly.

The two soldiers looked at Yang De, then shrugged indifferently and left. Finally, they said this sentence.

"Everyone is like this, why bother with us. This is what they should be." said the two soldiers. Yang De felt helpless when he heard such words. He thought that there was a lot of hatred between Goguryeo and the mountain people. This hatred might have formed from the beginning. He didn't know what this situation would form, but what he knew was that under such a situation, all Everyone deserves to die.

There are many things like this. Yang De saw a group of soldiers playing around with a seriously injured mountain soldier. They used bayonets to stabbing each other. The opponent was already seriously injured, but his own soldier was still insulting each other. Killing the opponent with extremely cruel opponents is extremely immoral and inhuman. Yang De once prevented it, but it was useless. Such behavior was supported by their officers. With the support of the officers, they became even more presumptuous.

But soon, the behavior of the Goguryeo soldiers converged a lot. The reason was that several soldiers grabbed an abandoned wounded soldier. The wounded soldier hoped to be rescued. After all, the Goguryeo people were subject to the laws of war, even though he The idea was simple, but Goguryeo apparently didn't do that. When they came over with a bayonet, they slashed each other's stomach, and the intestines were flowing everywhere, perhaps in despair. Perhaps the other party had such an idea from the beginning. He rang the grenade. When a mountain companion gave the other party two grenades, this was left behind to prevent accidents. Now, it has become a solution to Goguryeo. A lethal weapon exploded and killed two Goguryeo soldiers, and one was seriously injured. The casualties are not trivial, and the lessons are extremely profound. In the face of such things, the Goguryeo soldiers no longer humiliate each other, they will directly kill the wounded mountain people, but the humiliation of the corpse has not been curbed. After all, the dead mountain There is no threat to man.

Chuanhe, a large number of Yanjun soldiers surrendered. Yes, they simply gave up resistance, and the object of their surrender was only less than a battalion. But they have more than three thousand people. They also had artillery, machine guns, and adequate personnel equipment, but just like that, the Yan people surrendered.

"Very good job, Sergeant Luo, I think you should be promoted to a lieutenant and become a platoon leader." Luo Ping smiled and slapped Sergeant Luo Dan on the shoulder and said. Li Zuoche smiled and watched from the side. This war was a huge victory. For the Goguryeo people, they directly occupied Matou Mountain. As long as they continue, they will definitely get more spoils. But these things are no longer what he can manage. These things are now left to the Goguryeo people. Li Zuoche felt okay, so he decided to look at the battlefield and the mountain people.

"Are there any mountain soldiers who surrendered?" Li Zuoche asked a lieutenant.

"Sir, no, they are all dead. Especially the mountain people in the mountains, none of them surrendered. They all fought to the last. It was very tragic. No incident. We can only throw grenades, and We used mortars for bombardment. We checked their equipment and all shot out. In some areas, we also had fierce hand-to-hand combat. They were very powerful." The lieutenant said.

"Oh." Li Zuoche said. He was surprised when he heard such news. He didn't know how the mountain people became so tenacious. It may be that their national character is like this. Such tenacious enemies will inevitably give them. Bring a lot of trouble.

"How about our casualties?" Li Zuoche asked such a question.

"Sir, it's very big. They resisted very stubbornly. They didn't want to die. Our soldiers had concerns and their marksmanship were very accurate. They were running around like hunting their own prey. In such a situation. It’s difficult for us to hit them. Their tactics are flexible, which is very bad for us.” The lieutenant said.

"Yeah. It seems that it will take longer for us to deal with them." Li Zuoche said. For the mountain people, Li Zuoche still has no direct contact, but he can look at the opponent's body. On the battlefield, he saw a very bad scene. The soldiers of Goguryeo are paid very low in order to search for more trophies. Their wages are only one-third of that of ordinary workers. With training, their pay is far less than that of workers. Therefore, soldiers want to get some extra money. What is extra money, of course, is the spoils. The wealthy officers of the State of Yan, as well as the sergeants of the State of Yan, became their targets of looting. Knives, medals, watches, pens, and the waistbands of the officers were all robbed items. In addition, there were boots. If necessary, socks or shirts would be taken away, because most of the officers of the country of Yan were robbed. Nobles, they are well-dressed and their shirts are all famous brands.

Li Zuoche didn’t stop it, because it was useless. The officers couldn’t keep these things. The same thing happened in other places. In order to get some spoils, even the soldiers’ tableware was robbed. For these trophies, these Goguryeo soldiers also worked hard, and Li Zuoche did not have a good opinion of this.

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