In Myanmar, in a dense jungle, a team of cottonmen marched along the creek. The places where the creek passes are easy to walk, and more mosquitoes can be avoided. Of course. Cotton people have their own way of repelling mosquitoes.

There are about twenty cottonmen in this team. It looks like they are patrols, or small teams performing some special tasks. They all hold rifles, and they are constantly looking at the surroundings with vigilance. It was very high, but unfortunately, they didn't notice that a sniper team had targeted two sniper rifles on a large jungle tree more than two hundred meters away.

"Shooting?" one of them asked.

"We can't seem to follow them, who knows where they will go, it's better to shoot them and catch them alive." said another sniper. They are lurking here waiting for the order to move forward. Their mission is very special. Sometimes they need to lurch to the nearby cotton people’s residence and draw a map. However, they searched for a long time and they didn’t find the cotton people. They were surrounded by blockades. The Chu army had already surrounded this place. .

"Bang." There was a clear gunfire, and the alert Cotton Man suddenly realized that the situation was not good.

"Puff." Just when they had such thoughts, a cottonman was hit and fell to the ground. His head was penetrated, his eyes were hollow and his mouth was wide open. Maybe he saw flying at the last moment. The bullet came, but unfortunately it was useless. he died.

"Bang. Bang." The gunshot sounded immediately, it was the cotton man shooting. Suddenly, a cottonman murmured a call. Unfortunately, many cottonmen were shooting. They shot randomly. This gave the sniper a great opportunity to shoot.

"Bang." Another cotton man was hit. This time he hit the neck, and the other party yelled and screamed. Perhaps the hit in the neck was such a situation.

"Bang." Another gunshot came. The bullet hit the opponent's key and a cottonman was killed. But the cotton men are still shooting randomly, they don't even know where the enemy is. The two snipers spread out and cross-fired each other, bringing them a lot of confusion to a certain extent.

"Bang. Bang." The gunshots kept resounding in the jungle, and then gradually subsided. A wounded cottonman finally saw clearly who was shooting them. The whole body was really grassy and humanoid, and then He fainted. This is actually a camouflage. The jungle warfare gave them a lot of inspiration. The snipers who were lurking in the beginning were easily spotted. After all, the Chu Army had no experience in this area, but they soon came up with their own set. Mode of warfare.

Disguise, yes, disguise. In the north, snipers simply camouflage. They will carry old-fashioned helmets to fight, or stare at the can, and then cover some braids on the top, and then there are a lot of camouflage, these camouflage makes them very good Be concealed, which gives them a lot of concealment. However, systemic camouflage still did not occur, because the north is trench warfare, and the camouflage of the whole body is useless. Most of the snipers hide in the trenches. Once they are found in the wild, they will be targeted by artillery to directly reach the sieve. .

But here is different. There are a large number of dense jungles, and artillery can hardly exert the maximum effect. Some branches may also block the maximum killing effect of artillery shells. The dense jungle gives them a good camouflage. Cottonmen like to use one. The fruit of the plant is dyed into black clothes. This kind of clothes is hard to find in the jungle, thinking that the eyes will soon become fatigued in the green.

The people of Chu also began to use their own disguise. First, they would tie their bodies tightly with ropes. The advantage of this was that they could prevent mosquito bites. There were poisonous insects in the jungle, and an accident could easily cause casualties. Among the Chu army One soldier was bitten by a poisonous insect. At first, he didn’t pay attention. Later, he got fever all over the body, and died of organ failure in the next few days. The doctor just thought it was a fever, and found out that it was not. The fatal wound came from Poisonous insects, so if you fail to do such a thing well, it will cause a lot of trouble. They must solve this problem well.

Then use a lot of linen cloth on the body, and then start camouflage on the linen cloth. Generally, some fresh grass is used as a camouflage, but sometimes some soil or fuel is used for dyeing. This is not the case. see.

When they gather, they will also carry blankets or felts, which are mainly moisture-proof, and can let them sleep when necessary. This is the camouflage equipment of snipers. The experience of the Chu army is constantly increasing. The increased experience will greatly improve their combat effectiveness.

The Chu Army obtained a large amount of military intelligence through this method. Although this seemed to make them inefficient, in fact, the intelligence provided by the snipers was much more reliable than the air reconnaissance intelligence.

Sagunto. Carthage's army has surrounded here. Sagunto has a complete defensive fortress system, and it takes a long time in the traditional sense to conquer such a fortress.

"It seems that the Saguntos already know their own situation. They simply cannot form an effective blow with us." Hannibal said.

"Yes, their situation is not very optimistic, but we don't have time to stay here, otherwise, the situation will change greatly." Li Wei said.

"Yeah, this is the situation. We need to make a lot of adjustments to solve all the problems." Hannibal took out the map and began to work on the map. They still need to make adjustments. First of all, they have to guard against the attack of the Roma. This is one of Li Wei’s changes to the plan from the beginning, because the strength of the Roma has increased a lot, and they are fully capable of rescuing Sagunto. This is for them. The first big threat, they must be clear about such threats.

The Carthage army had a battle with Sagunto's army before siege of Sagunto, and the scale of both sides was not very large. Carthage participated in the battle with a musket battalion. It is equipped with an old-fashioned flintlock, which Li Wei deliberately did. On the one hand, it is for the actual combat of the musketeers. On the other hand, he needs to conceal his strength so that the enemy should not be too surprised. In addition, there is also a part of the three-inch caliber artillery that participates in the battle, which is an infantry artillery designed to provide fire support. You don't need to think about the situation at all, you can know what the outcome will be, and the results are overwhelming.

Sagunto’s army is only equipped with a small number of firearms, that is, some artillery on their fortresses, as well as explosive weapons equipped by infantry. This kind of weapon is extremely heavy and can be thrown not far. It requires a lot of strength to do this. point. Using this weapon is tantamount to suicide. Sagunto launched an offensive from the very beginning, because they were equipped with cold weapons. One can imagine how amazing the courage they need is. They madly attacked the Carthage’s musket formation, and then they encountered a fierce Many people were killed in the artillery fire, and a series of people would fall to the ground after a shell. But that's it, they still move forward.

When they reached the front of the Carthaginian formation, they encountered dense musket bullets and countless bayonets. Sagunto lost the battle, and they were completely defeated without even touching the opponent's formation. There were heavy casualties, and the 800 people who attacked lost more than half of them. In this regard, Carthage was zero. Faced with such an attack, Sagunto wisely chose to defend their city. They did not dare to act like this. Go on.

"The military operations during the day seem to have made our opponents very alert. Although I have concealed our military strength as much as possible, the result has resulted in a lot of casualties." Li Wei said in an apologetic tone. Speaking of.

"I don't blame you here. There is no way. You know, this kind of thing is hard to avoid. The musket has an overwhelming advantage over cold weapons. This advantage is unavoidable." Hannibal said. .

"But next we mainly focus on two points. First, what we have to face is the attack of the Roma army. We should be prepared. We have already arranged a large number of defensive positions for the army in the city of Sagunto. There are some mines used to prevent the opponent from attacking. The second is the Sagunto defenders in the city. We will solve them quickly or besiege the city for a long time." Li Wei said.

"You talk about your plan?" Hannibal said.

"My plan is to siege the city and fight aid. We surrounded Sagunto. This is the key. If the Roma ignore their allies, they will not attack. In this case, our plan will not be implemented well. , But I think the Roma should support it. We can deliberately let them release the news. At the same time, let the cavalry harass and lure the Roma to attack. This way we can mobilize the Roma to carry out in our preset location. If we set up an ambush and the Loma people are dispatched, we will inevitably cause them to suffer heavy losses." Li Wei said.

"Well. According to this plan, we need to blast at the beginning. The blasting takes a lot of time to proceed, and this time can be used to eat the reinforcements of the Roma." Hannibal said.

"Yes, I think so too. But there is one thing we need to pay attention to, that is, if the Loma come from the sea?" Hannibal asked worriedly.

"They will suffer heavy losses. The technical requirements for landing operations are very high. If they land, it is best to choose a farther place, otherwise, we will use cannons to teach them severely." Li Wei said. Hannibal nodded.

Just then. An officer hurried in, handed in a report, and Hannibal checked it quickly.

"Good news, the Senate supports our military operations. They think we should give a severe lesson to the rude Romans." Hannibal said.

"Well. In this case, with the support of your Senate, everything will go smoothly." Li Wei said.

"Things are probably not as simple as you think. We need a lot of financial support, which requires a lot of financial funds. The Senate has all this, but they don't give us such an opportunity at all. You know. What am I talking about, these **** veterans, they will only think about their own affairs, the cost of the war, and we have to solve it by ourselves." Hannibal told the other party with some pain.

"What?" Li Wei was surprised. How could such a large-scale war be carried out without financial support.

"Yes, that's it. We can't get financial support from the Senate. They can only support us with a verbal, simple honor. That's it." Hannibal said helplessly. The Carthage Senate is a very stingy Senate, they can have a lot of financial capacity to support Hannibal's war, but the result is that they are very stingy. No financial funds are given to the other party. In such a situation, Hannibal can only solve it by himself. This is the main reason why his army is always looting, but now they must change this situation.

"This may not be good news, but this is a state we must change. To take Sagunto, this is our most important task at the moment." Hannibal said. Li Wei nodded in agreement.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng. The people of Goguryeo were very happy. They got an exciting news from the newspaper.

"Victory, we fought a big victory and captured many people from Yan Guo. Yan Guo unexpectedly surrendered to us." A Goguryeo said after seeing the newspaper.

"Yes, such a victory is not easy." A Goguryeo said after reading the newspaper.

"Bang. It's crackling." Outside some shops, the shop owner voluntarily bought firecrackers to celebrate, as if Goguryeo was enjoying their Spring Festival. Many people are celebrating this victory with joy. After all, Goguryeo had suffered too many failures before. Now, with such a victory, they can reach the best situation.

"Goguryeo's morale is very high now, they can definitely win this war. I believe so." Li Lin said to the Minister of Defense. The people began to gather spontaneously. They gathered in front of the Prime Minister's Office to celebrate their victory, their own victory in Goguryeo. Such a victory was not easy to come by.

"Yes, sir, I believe we will win this victory." The Defense Minister said with a smile. The long-term patience made him feel very tired, but at this moment, all his fatigue disappeared. Because his condition is very good.

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