Chu State, Pengcheng. Inside the prime minister's office.

"What I know is that a large number of our aristocrats and related parliamentarians have bought a large number of companies, but the problem is that if these companies do not have orders, they will not be able to survive, even if they use financial instruments such as stocks, I am afraid It is difficult for them to maintain, so we must find the order." Zhang Er said to Song Yi.

The aristocrats of Chu quickly got the order they wanted, but they soon discovered the dilemma of running the enterprise. Without orders, Chu’s demand is relatively small, and it’s useless to buy related machinery, such as agricultural machinery. There are only a few places in Chu that are suitable for agricultural machinery, and there is a large-scale monopoly in the hands of the nobles. In traditional agriculture, nobles and farmers like to use a large number of slaves, these slaves come from Southeast Asia. As well as Indy and Bangla, these labors are sufficient to meet their needs. On the contrary, agricultural machinery is mostly located in hilly areas because of geographical restrictions, such as tea gardens. It is extremely inconvenient to use agricultural machinery there, and such inconvenience greatly restricts the promotion of agricultural machinery. Therefore, the orders for agricultural machinery are not very large, and other orders are not very optimistic. Because Chu's demand is relatively low. After all, he is essentially an agricultural country.

"I also understand the truth. Those big guys have called me many times. They don't know how many times they have made such a request, but the problem is that there are so many current demands. The biggest is military orders, but military Orders are also very limited. In the face of such a situation, I don't know what to do." Song Yi said in discomfort. Speaking of it, there are so many things about him. There is either a problem here or a problem there. It is quite difficult to manage this country, but the King of Chu is very easy. He can easily go around and look around. If it is not good, just say something, but he, the Prime Minister, is too busy to die.

"So, Prime Minister, I thought about fighting for some military orders, such as the war between Goguryeo and Yan Kingdom. If necessary, I would like to get some orders from Zhao Guoren for production, but we need some preferential policies to attract them. , This can make our development more beneficial." Zhang Er suggested.

"Well, this is a good suggestion. I heard that you worked as a consultant in Zhao Guo before. In this regard, you have a network, you are familiar with it, and leave it to you. I see, I can rest assured." Song Yi said.

"Prime Minister, I don't have much confidence in solving these orders, but I think we can also go to other countries to try and see, for example, Yan State, which is also a very good demand place." Zhang Er After thinking about it, I said so. After all, the war is on both sides.

"Yeah. Yes, as long as there is a military order. But we can't take credit. You know, Chu's family can't afford such credit." Song Yi said.

"I understand this. I will try these things." Zhang Er said. As the Minister of Economy of the State of Chu, he had to look for some orders, otherwise, those companies would not be able to survive.

Wuyue Port. Lu Zhi was relaxed all over. She looked back at her shipyard. She sold the shipyard in her hands, leaving only a small amount of shares for speculation. If the company is listed in Chu State in the future, she can cash out. . Relying on her ingenuity, Lu Zhi made 40 million and a half two dollars, which is a lot of money, and she can open a good bank herself. She thinks the same way, which is much better than Liu Ji and others fooling around outside.

"It's time to return to Xianyang. Although it is good here, it is a pity that the competitive environment is too bad." Lu Fei said. In the future, prices will continue to rise, which is an inevitable process, because the prices of tea and sugar have risen. What's more, she planned to speculate on the industrial products. As for the shipyard, she sold them while the price was high. These are not important to her, what is important is working capital. Maintaining a certain level of liquidity is better than anything else. All she has to do now is these things, Qin, where is the capital's paradise.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Li Wen looked at the briefing in his hand and shook his head. He had anticipated this situation a long time ago.

"Sir, are we going to do more? After all, the Zhao country stock market is very hot now. I heard that many Goguryeo companies, especially those related to the Goguryeo war, are on the rise. The war will continue for a long time, and the demand for funds will It becomes very big." The assistant suggested.

"No. We didn't get on the bus at the beginning. If we get on the bus again in the middle, the situation may be very bad for us. Under such circumstances, it is better for us to be cautious, right?" Li Wen said. Speaking of.

"Okay." The assistant checked the item off. Li Wen’s assistant discovered an abnormality in the Zhao State market according to Professor Li Wen’s method, but unfortunately, he could not operate the Zhao State stock market because of his own work. If he does this, he may make a lot of money. Everyone who followed Li Wen as an assistant had made a fortune, but soon they became moneyless. Because they did not learn how to control their emotions, they did not learn how to control some risks. Under such circumstances, they naturally failed. But Li Wen would not do this. Li Wen is very aware of his weaknesses, and he also knows all kinds of unfavorable situations. Under such circumstances, the best way is to calm himself, just like an eagle. They will only rush down when they are sure. When they are not sure, they would never do such a thing.

Li Wen is recovering funds. The development of the Korean market is extremely slow. Koreans like this rhythm and are slow, but he is rising. It looks like South Korea is very old. And Zhao Guo's market is full of strength, frizzy, and active just like their new prime minister. Li Wen decided to return to the Qin State market he was familiar with, and that was where he needed the most. After all, he needed to do a lot of things.

The Zhao State market is developing extremely rapidly. Under the stimulus of huge military orders, many companies are actively developing. Even companies without military orders, as long as they have resources and loans, can rise rapidly. This is a bull market. In the big bull market, many people make money in the stock market. They make a lot of money, and more and more wealth myths have been created. This is an era of rapid development.

When the news of Goguryeo's victory came, the stock market reacted most strongly. A swift and violent rise directly allowed all people in the market to make money. They were all thanking one person, Zhao Jia. They believe that this era should be named after him.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"The positive significance of this news is very big. I heard that the entire Zhao Guo stock market is going crazy." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen with a smile.

"Oh, isn't it? It seems that Zhao Guoren's positive effect on the war is very big." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, but you should look at this." Meng Yi submitted another report.

"This is?" Shang Wen asked inexplicably.

"Our banks and investment banks are all active. They think we should participate in the war affairs of the Parthians. Just like Zhao Guoren did, we should support the Parthians in the war, and the Parthians need war and release them. A restless mood." Meng Yi said.

"They found Wei Liao, the General Staff, and even many congressmen were persuaded. Now they are waiting for our Prime Minister's Mansion. There is another kind of extremely radical remarks, so irresponsible, I think you should be more careful. "Meng Yi said.

"What do you mean?" Shang Wen flipped through the report quickly.

"They said that if Prime Minister Ru Miu refused to war again, they would send someone to assassinate the prime minister. In this case, they would have reason to change to another prime minister. If the next prime minister does not fight again, they can adopt other methods to let them. The prime ministers who think they can do something like this, in short, they don't like your current approach, because this approach greatly disappoints them." Meng Yi said.

"Haha." Shang Wen just smiled. Noncommittal.

"I think you should pay attention to this. This is not only a death threat, but also an attitude. I think we can appropriately change this kind of thing. Maybe this is a good thing for us. "Meng Yi said.

"Do you think it is necessary to do this?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi.

"Although it looks very bad, I still think that there is some truth to this. After all, we still need a broad market. War can bring direct demand, and this demand can bring rapid development. This kind of benefit is intuitive. I admit that people always see what is in front of them. As for the future, they may turn a blind eye. However, for the moment, this seems to be the best way." Meng Yi said. .

"Well, well, we will raise this proposal for discussion, and let our Ministry of National Defense prepare relevant materials. It seems that our prime minister has to compromise with some forces." Shang Wen said helplessly, shaking his head.

"Compromise is not a concession." Meng Yi said.

"We are not afraid of death threats, but we are just at a loss or at a loss." Meng Yi said. When Meng Yi said this, it seemed that he had already reached the top. Shangwen nodded, indicating that he agreed with Meng Yi's views.

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