The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3906: The lure of failure

"Spain?" Shang Wen asked curiously.

"Yes, Spain. Prime Minister, the second war between Carthage and the Roma is breaking out there. I think we should pay attention to this. We have sent nearby military personnel to gather there. Unfortunately, Communication and traffic conditions are not very convenient. I hope they can make it in time. If the war does not come to us, we will change. That's really unexpected." Wei Liao said with a wry smile, and Shang Wen was surprised.

"Well. Very good, just do it." After Shangwen heard it, he knew that this was the most important war in the Mediterranean. This war would change the pattern of the entire Mediterranean power. He just didn't know whether the Central Plains countries would participate in it. It will bring great accidents to the war. After all, this kind of thing is easy to happen, and once it happens, it is difficult to change. Shangwen is worried that this kind of change will have a great adverse effect. It's just that Shangwen doesn't know where to start. Because the development of history has far exceeded Shangwen's estimation, it seems that the Mediterranean region will become a new battlefield.

Spain, the vacuum zone where Loma and Carthage fought, the so-called vacuum zone is an area that neither side actually controls. Although neither side controls the area, this does not prevent the two sides from becoming a war zone.

"Is this place okay?" Scipio asked. He brought two centuries. In addition, there were fifty cavalrymen. Fifty cavalrymen would lure the Carthaginian cavalry into the valley. The two hundred teams will lie in ambush on the top of the valley to attack. Li Fu believes that they have a geographical advantage and the possibility of success is very high.

"It should be possible. As long as the Carthaginian cavalry arrives here, we can attack. And they will never doubt this, because the valley is not very long through this valley, he only has five hundred. Mi, for the cavalry, a moment of time can pass. But for us, it is a good opportunity. Crossing this valley can save them a lot of roads. If they attack from a place, they need to pay three. The road of times, here is the best low point for ambush, unless our people do not lure the other side over, otherwise, we will be in trouble." Li Fu said.

"Yeah. Indeed, I don't think I'm scared at all now. Because this is the top of the mountain, their horses can't make it up, and we are all infantrymen. This is very beneficial to us. You are right, I I think you are really talented in tactics," Scipio said. Li Fu didn't speak like that. If it weren't for his constant inquiries, he might not know such a place at all, because such a place would take a long time to inquire. The map provided by the Loma is not much better than the drawing work of elementary school students. If on a military map, such terrain is easy to find, but now they have to find such terrain on their own, which greatly limits the military command efficiency of the Loma. Li Fu wanted to propose this change, but this requires the consent of their Supreme Commander in order to solve this problem.

"Why haven't they come yet?" Scipio asked anxiously.

"Patience, we must have patience, we can't do anything without patience." Li Fu said. Scipio nodded. He seems to be learning, constantly learning all kinds of knowledge.

"Bang. Bang, bang." At this moment, gunshots came from a distance. Li Fu immediately took a telescope and looked over. He discovered that the Roma cavalry had become single digits. They ran in vain, but they could not get rid of the Carthage cavalry behind. There were more than fifty Carthage cavalry behind. They were a cavalry platoon.

"Not good. The situation seems to be developing in our worst direction." Li Fu said. Scipio held the binoculars and kept staring.

"It's true, what should we do? Shall we meet them?" Scipio put down the telescope and asked Li Fu.

"No, it's not possible. This kind of thing has already happened. Moreover, the other party's unscrupulous appearance, it seems that they are prepared, which is far beyond our expectations. Originally, I thought, this, this will soon The problem is solved, but now, it seems that we are wrong." Li Fu said helplessly. Scipio raised the binoculars in his hand. The cavalry troops are all elite. They are equipped with a large number of long swords, crossbows, and muskets, but they are all old-fashioned flintlock pistols, which are more troublesome to load than women. It's also troublesome, and once the steps are wrong, it is very likely that using a pistol will become a suicide weapon.

"Bang. Bang." The Carthaginians brazenly shot with pistols and carbine behind. A madman-like Carthaginian cavalry quickly outflanked the flanks. He stood up on the stirrups, and then drew the pistol with both hands. It was a rapid-fire pistol, which Scipio had seen. The shooting accuracy is very poor, but if it is strafing, the effect of this pistol will be very powerful.

"Damn it, run, run. Run." Scipio seemed to have realized something. That crazy Carthage cavalry will end the lives of the last few Roma cavalry.

"Bang bang bang bang." A series of shooting sounds. The shooting sound was so clear that the sound behind it was unclear. Because he is coherent.

In just this moment, all the Loma cavalry were shot down, and none of them could move. They all died. All are dead. The Carthage cavalry soon surrounded them, and they waved their sabers in their hands and slashed the opponent. This was a post-war supplement to prevent someone from pretending to be dead. Then some daring soldiers came down and started collecting trophies. The long swords seemed to be good trophies, and some were made by hand, but such weapons were not what they liked for the Carthage cavalry. They started from Lockheed Martin. The cavalry is looking for valuables.

You must know that the cavalry consumes a large amount of property. The family must be able to raise horses, and then purchase equipment and armor. These things are very costly. Therefore, they must have valuable trophies on them. of course. If not, the perverted Carthaginians will chop off the opponent’s head, and they don’t know why they did it. It is said that this is the way the Zhao Guo cavalry did. Earn a great sense of accomplishment.

"Puff. Puff." A Carthaginian soldier frantically harvested the collection of Loma cavalry. Officers would not prevent such a thing. On the contrary, they would appreciate it very much. It seemed that this was a good hunting behavior.

"What should we do?" Scipio said to Li Fu.

"No, you better calm down, we can't do anything now. If we do these things, we will suffer greater losses, and this kind of loss is the most unbearable for us. I hope you will be the most unbearable. Calm down, otherwise, we would have failed completely. Let’s retreat, we have failed. The Carthage cavalry surpassed our expectations. The great improvement in their equipment is a great threat to us. ." Li Fu said.

"No. We can't do this. They are cavalry, they are elite. They are Loma's elite troops. They can't have losses." Scipio said emotionally out of control. But Li Fu held him down.

"No, listen to me, we should realize that the situation is not right. If the situation is really like that, our state will become very difficult to handle. You better be quiet, we can't do this. Otherwise, we will We will suffer a considerable loss. We can't deal with this loss even more. What we have to do now is to calmly and calmly see what kind of person Carthage has become. The gap between us and them is too big. "Li Fu said, Scipio didn't want to accept failure just like that, but he must accept failure. Yes, the Roma failed. Their cavalry was originally a decoy to lure each other. Although it is dangerous, as long as they are fast enough, they can avoid such a danger. But the situation is that they have an accident because the Carthaginians are equipped with new weapons. Equipped with a large number of carbines, this weapon allows them to have a longer range, and they are also equipped with a variety of rapid-fire weapons, which greatly enhances the combat effectiveness of the Carthage cavalry. In the face of such an opponent, the Lockheed Martins should carefully avoid fighting with the opponent, because fighting means that they have to bear more losses, which will be more than ever before.

"Calm down. Calm down. Failure is not terrible. The terrible thing is that we cannot learn from our failures. Otherwise, we will fail forever. Remember this failure. Understand?" Li Fu said to Scipio . Scipio can only nod his head to show that he understands.

This small-scale cavalry lure battle was a failure, for the Loma people, but it also made the Loma people realize that Carthage had evolved into a terrible opponent, and their cavalry combat effectiveness had a leap. Ascension, in contrast, Loma’s ascension is still very limited. They are still a cavalry unit mainly equipped with cold weapons, and they are very inadequate to face a crazy opponent like an opponent.

Under Sagunto, the artillery bombardment continued. The infantry seemed a little anxious.

"Fucking, there will be no one in Sagunto after this bombardment. What else are our infantry fighting?" a Carthage lieutenant officer said dissatisfiedly. According to reason, the artillery position should be some distance away from their infantry position, but I don't know why this time, the artillery position is set directly on the infantry position, so to speak. The wheels of the artillery were shot on the necks of their infantrymen. The rumble of cannon made them feel very annoyed, because they shot all night, but finally their infantry went up. The artillery will also say that their contribution is very great, which makes the infantry very annoyed, because without the protection of their infantry, the artillery simply does not have such a great ability. However, the facts in front of us are such artillery. The artillery caused great damage to the defenders of Sagunto. They even flew the city gates. It seems that as long as a team of soldiers is sent forward, they can take Sagunto. .

Because they couldn’t see a soldier in their binoculars. On the contrary, there were dead bodies, blood, and severed limbs everywhere on the city’s head and gate. Obviously, the Saguntos had tried to defend here, or Reinforce this place, but the artillery attack was too sharp, and the reinforcements they sent were killed.

"What else can we do? There is no order for us to attack, and it seems that the artillery has not stopped firing. We must continue to wait." Said a famous Lieutenant Zhao Jun infantry. He is just a consultant.

"That’s how I think, can we take the initiative to attack, I mean, when the artillery stops attacking, we take a platoon, rush over, see the situation, if we can occupy, we will occupy, If we can't occupy it, we will fight it, test it and come back, and tell the officer, this is our tactical reconnaissance. What do you think?" the other party said.

"Well, I think it's okay, after all, there are still many such reconnaissance activities, and some are orders issued by the company. We do this without disobeying the order. This is nothing to us." Lieutenant Zhao Jun Speaking of this.

"Okay. In a while, in a few minutes, the artillery movement should stop. Let's prepare quickly." The lieutenant said.

"I'll go with you." Lieutenant Zhao Jun said.

"Okay. No need to prepare, our people are already prepared." Lieutenant Carthage said. His soldiers have been bayonet, many people can't wait.

It didn't take long. The rumble of cannons stopped. The artillery bombardment finally stopped. However, the smoke on the battlefield has not yet dissipated. Lieutenant Carthage led his troops out immediately, and they quickly moved out of the trenches towards the gate of Sagunto.

"Keep it down," the lieutenant said in a low voice. The Carthage army began to change. All officers must speak the Central Plains dialect. At the same time, the promotion probability of speaking the Central Plains dialect is quite high. This means that the Central Plains dialect will become popular. Soldiers are cautiously carrying their bayonet rifles forward. The smoke blocked their sight, but it also provided them with excellent cover. Such a cover made them feel very excited. The smoke of gunpowder, this is their familiar taste, the air is extremely quiet, it seems that some have already frozen, this quiet feeling makes them feel very uncomfortable. In particular, the closer they are to the city gate, the stronger their tension will be. This is because they really have to face the fear and tension generated by such a new situation.

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