"Go ahead and keep quiet." Lieutenant Carthage said with his pistol. He doesn't know if this action will be successful, but everything is under his control. This is indeed good news for him. He hopes that this situation can continue. In this case, All his things can be solved.

The Carthage soldiers were also very nervous. If the Saguntos suddenly appeared, they would fall into disaster. They could only pray that the Saguntos would not find them.

"Sir, sir, we seem to have entered the city gate," a sergeant reported, which meant that they opened the door to victory.

"We, shall we go in?" The sergeant asked his chief in an unfamiliar Zhongyuan dialect. He thought the current situation was too tense. He felt that he couldn't stand it.

"Are you in?" The lieutenant looked at Lieutenant Zhao Guo and asked.

"Come in, if we can win this city gate, everything will be over." Lieutenant Zhao Jun said. Lieutenant Carthage nodded and gave the order to attack. They immediately entered the gate, which was smashed by a cannonball. The stone bars above were all broken. It seems that if one is not careful, they will be buried inside the city gate. Fortunately, he persisted. They entered the city cautiously. The ground was full of corpses, pieces of meat, and all kinds of sundries. This fierce battle made everyone nervous. Now is the time to end everything.

"Raise your hand." Lieutenant Zhao Jun shouted with his pistol. Lieutenant Carthage followed closely. He saw that two dazed Sagunto defenders looked at Lieutenant Zhao Jun blankly. They were covered with dust all over, as if they had crawled out of the mound. The truth is that they were just under the mound, and they had escaped the mad bombardment of shells, and they stood up blankly. They were completely stupefied by the cannon.

Immediately, Lieutenant Carthage said surrender in Sagunto's language, and the two people still looked at them blankly. Obviously, they thought it seemed that they had completely lost their sanity.

"Bang. Bang." Lieutenant Zhao Jun shot immediately.

"Why shoot?" Lieutenant Carthage asked.

"We have to stay here, go back, and report the situation immediately. We have to keep here. Now, we are victorious. We have opened the door. This is a great contribution, understand?" Lieutenant Zhao Jun said. Lieutenant Carthage could only order the sergeant to go back and report the situation immediately, but the actual situation is that the defenders in the city of Sagunto responded very slowly, and they seemed to be unwilling to fight.

"Stand up, hurry up, stand up." A corporal carried a bayonet-mounted rifle in a trench and saw the Sagunto soldier hiding in the trench. They don't seem to have the will to fight anymore. They looked at the Carthage soldiers silently without expression, and they were terrified of the bayonet. They felt terrified of all this.

"Raise your hand and come out slowly." The corporal shouted in the Central Plains dialect. He didn't know how to say in the local language. No one told them this, they can only use words that Zhao Guoren can understand, they hope Zhao Guoren can remember their bank. A soldier next to him raised his hand in morale, and then waved his rifle. The Sagunto people seemed to understand this, and then quickly raised their hands and slowly came out, they looked at all this blankly. It seems that they no longer exist. The fierce bombardment, coupled with the continuous bombardment, has completely deprived these soldiers of the will to resist. They have never experienced such fierce artillery fire. This is simply a terrible war. They have never suffered such a blow.

"Oh my God, there are so many soldiers surrendering." Lieutenant Carthage looked at the Sagunto soldiers who had surrendered. There were more soldiers than they thought. They thought there were only a dozen soldiers, but in fact, After more than a hundred people, they all surrendered, throwing away their weapons listlessly, and then they were gathered. The company at the rear is sending troops to support them urgently, but everything seems too nervous for them.

In Hannibal's headquarters, Hannibal was discussing how to lure the Roma to attack. They decided to send infantry to see the situation, or occupy a corner of the city wall. They just need to put pressure on it.

"Report, sir, there is an emergency on the front line." A second lieutenant came in and reported.

"What's the matter?" Hannibal asked the ensign.

"Sir, one of our company has just occupied the west gate. Many Sagunto soldiers surrendered. They are unwilling to fight. So far, we still haven't seen the reaction of the Sagunto soldiers. We are sending more reinforcements to the west gate." The second lieutenant reported.

"What? We occupied Simon?" Hannibal was surprised. Hearing the news, Li Wei, who was drinking tea, stood up all at once.

"Yes, sir, it was surprising. One of our platoons only conducted a reconnaissance, but they found that the Saguntos seemed unwilling to resist because many of them were unwilling to fight. Under such circumstances, they I had to surrender. There are many Sagunto soldiers surrendering now, and we are escorting them down." The ensign reported.

"Sagunto didn't respond?" Hannibal asked.

"Yes, sir," the ensign reported.

"Oh my God, they must be crazy. Or they have their brains broken and immediately send troops to suppress them. We must completely control Simon. We must not lose them. Hurry up." Hannibal ordered, always appearing on the battlefield. This kind of accident was originally just a reconnaissance operation, but they didn't expect that such a situation would happen unexpectedly. This kind of situation made them really unexpected.

"We have to revise the plan. Sagunto is weaker than our performance, we can only eat them first." Li Wei said. From the time that Sagunto lost the city gate to the reaction time, it seems that Sagunto has no resistance. Otherwise, they will react immediately.

"Yes, I don't want to waste ammunition. I must enter it as soon as possible. End this **** war, otherwise, the Roma will react, and they will immediately suppress it." Hannibal said.

"Yes, from the West Gate to expand the results, use more explosives, artillery, bombard them, the engineers can stop military operations, we must eliminate their military resistance as soon as possible." Li Wei outlined on the map.

Simon, the situation was simpler than Hannibal and others thought.

"Oh my God, what happened to the Sagunto people? Why did they surrender in batches, there are too many people." A second lieutenant said with a rifle.

"The sergeant is here with five hundred people, and they all expressed their willingness to surrender." A sergeant and eleven soldiers escorted more than five hundred Sagunto soldiers who had surrendered. If all this was not happening in front of them, they felt This is not true.

"Leave, escort, **** to the outside of the city, these soldiers will cause us trouble. Hurry up." The ensign ordered. The Sagunto soldiers were taken out of the city at once, and just now, this group was sent away.

Another group of surrendered soldiers came, and they had already given up resistance. All their outdated weapons were thrown on the ground, and armors were thrown everywhere. Because they knew that these things could not withstand the bombardment of artillery, they saw too many deaths. And they were all tragic deaths. The shield should be able to prevent bullets, but it couldn’t prevent the shells. They saw with their own eyes that a solid shell made a big hole in a soldier’s shield. The soldier’s limbs were still there, but The whole belly is gone. The ribs are flying everywhere, and there is more flesh and blood. Then, the soldier fell to the ground like a pile of rotten meat, and the meat still gave off a strange smell.

This is not more terrifying. The terrible thing is that those soldiers who can't dodge either have their arms off, or they are beaten back. The ones whose heads are beaten are still the best, and the worst is that they were gan dropped from the waist up and down. Separated, screamed loudly in pain, and finally ended their lives. They didn't know why Carthage suddenly became so powerful, but they knew that this kind of weapon was difficult for them to solve.

The Carthaginians are madly entering the city. Cannons also entered, and the number of Sagunto soldiers who surrendered became more and more. The soldiers who first entered the city of Sagunto had already begun to rob. They were for trophies, and now they have trophies. These are the things they need, and this is what they most hope for.

"Reporting sir, our people are entering the city, and their movements are very fast. I think we will complete such a military operation soon. The sir can rest assured." A major reported. Hannibal motioned to the other party to continue. Then more troops entered it. The West Gate was already occupied, and they also established a stable position. Everything went smoother than they thought.

"There are too many captives. I didn't expect that there would be so many captives." Li Wei looked at the captives of more than 10,000 people. They were concentrated in the open space in front of the artillery position, and the Carthaginian army was too few. Up. Once there is an accident, the situation will cause a lot of chaos, and it is very likely that the good opportunity that just existed will suddenly become a disaster.

"What's the matter? Shouldn't it be the case?" Hannibal asked.

"I just feel that there are too many captives. They will be troublesome, and these troubles will bring us more confusion. I just don't want this to happen, nothing more." Li Wei said. He has some understanding of the situation on the Changping battlefield. Faced with so many captives, it is difficult for them to control. If it is not well controlled, it will cause greater casualties.

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