The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3908: Attack from the air

In the Loma barracks, Scipio and Li Fu, who had failed to return, began to study a series of standards and conditions for rebuilding the Loma army.

"The reason why the Carthaginian army was able to defeat us so quickly was because we were not equipped with muskets, and the number of equipment was not very large. It seems that in the future our troops will be equipped with muskets." Scipio said. .

"I think it's not just as simple as a musket, but a musket. You are referring to a flintlock. This kind of musket is outdated. You have to import a lot of guns and ammunition from South Korea. The imported firearms use ammunition, rapid fire Weapons, as well as artillery, this set will cost quite a lot." Li Fu said worriedly.

"This is the affairs of the Senate, this is not our business. What I am concerned about is that we don't have such weapons, and we can't exert such combat effects at all." Scipio said.

"There is another important point. Your infantry tactics must also be changed. I saw that the Carthaginians reformed the cavalry. Then, they will certainly carry out corresponding reforms in the infantry, and this reform will It continues. Therefore, my view is that we must also carry out corresponding reforms, especially the reforms on the infantry. If we fight in the current situation, we will inevitably lose miserably. The most important thing is ours. The camp must also be reformed." Li Fu said.

"I don't understand what you mean, is there any problem with our camp? He looks very strong?" Scipio said.

"Yes, it looks very strong, but the prerequisite is that the Carthaginians are holding a lot of cold weapons, but the current situation is that they are using hot weapons, facing such a situation. , Their camps will become very fragile, especially equipped with a large number of cannons. The cannons will destroy everything we have. For example, those strong camps made of wood will be exposed to the bombardment of the cannons. Become extremely fragile, maybe his last role has not been established." Li Fu said.

"Yeah." The defense system of Scipio's inner world, or in other words, his military outlook, had completely collapsed when the Roma cavalry was collectively killed. Before the collapse of military cognition, he himself didn't know how to face such a situation.

"What should we do? What should we do if we do what you said?" Scipio asked.

"It's very simple. I think we should keep these facilities, but all the fortifications are transferred underground. At the same time, I ask you to establish a radio contact as soon as possible to let your elders realize the seriousness of the problem. The war has far surpassed your expectations. It is no longer the period of cold weapon warfare. As long as there are a few people, it may cause great disasters. Such disasters are collapsible." Li Fu said. .

"I will definitely do this, yes. Can you meet my father? I will act as an interpreter, the first-hand interpreter, I will tell my father all your views, but I will explain before , What all this means to us." Scipio said.

"Okay, yes." Li Fu nodded and agreed. If the Loma people can realize the seriousness of their situation, they will do the same. For them, such things will be acceptable to them. .

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Goguryeo and Yan Guo were quiet for a while, but their Ministry of Foreign Affairs was not quiet at all." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"The war will break out. Those are of no use. Everyone knows that the Goguryeo people need green mountains. They will fight more areas of the green mountains, but the people of Yan people do nothing. I really don’t know what kind of courage they have. , Let them stick to such a place, if it were me, I would not have the courage to do such a thing." Shang Wen said.

"Hehe, don't talk about such things. What I worry about is that the people of Yan are crazy until they don't know their own situation." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah. The war will continue. We all know this, and the people of Yan also know it. Unfortunately, their demands the Goguryeo people cannot concede further, and they will not concede at all." Shang Wen said, in terms of diplomatic relations, Yan The country has fallen into a passive situation. This situation represents that the people of Yan Guo have entered a disaster situation and have lost too much strategic initiative. The main manifestation is that the failure of the military has repeatedly retreated and the Yan has returned to the original point. . However, the Yan government has repeatedly asked Goguryeo to withdraw from the areas they re-captured, and the Yan people have always believed that they have sovereignty over those areas.

However, the Yan people’s military power was not enough to control the above-mentioned areas, which resulted in a very tragic result. The result was that the Yan people did not even know that they even allowed the other party to make concessions, which made the Yan people even more passive in diplomacy. . This passiveness will lead to further wars, and the key to the problem is no longer who fired the first shot. Rather, when do you do it.

On the defense position of the 7th Infantry Regiment in Goguryeo, both sides have evolved into groundhogs. The Yan people expanded their tunnels, and their fortifications were built in the mountains. The positions of the Goguryeos were built on flat land, and both sides were constantly digging. Artillery positions, infantry positions, machine gun positions, barbed wire, mines, bunkers, rectangular defensive positions, etc., they were all building what could be built. What can be reinforced is being reinforced, and soldiers on both sides are accumulating a lot of strength.

"I hate this situation," Colonel Luo Ping said while staying in the hidden observation post. War should not be peaceful, and for this kind of calm, both soldiers and officers, they can feel the kind of depression in anger. If this kind of depression is too long, they will not be able to stand it. In fact, Many people can no longer bear such repression. too painful.

"Me too. I don't like this situation, but the situation on the battlefield is like this. Our logistics, especially those artillery, need more shells and more ammunition to attack such a fortress with complete defense. I'm afraid we will spend a long time." Li Zuoche said worriedly.

"I think you worry about this and that every day. I don't know. Does this happen to all the staff?" Luo Ping said. Then he sat down and took out his kettle. It was not water, but wine. He would drink less, but not too much. After all, he was the commander.

"We are the commander. If the commander does not think thoroughly, he will cause his soldiers to increase their casualties crazily. I don't want this situation to happen, and I don't want it to happen, because it means that we The number of casualties will increase to many." Li Zuoche said.

"Yeah. That's right. The defensive fortress opposite, have you figured out how to attack?" Luo Ping asked.

"I don't know, it's too difficult. According to the data we have observed, there are hundreds of tunnels. If there are machine guns in each of them, these machine guns will form a crossfire, and it will be very difficult to shoot our soldiers. It’s easy, and unless our artillery is aimed directly at the fire to kill the opponent, otherwise, those large-caliber howitzers cannot cause more damage to them. I don’t know how to attack such a defensive fortress. What I want to do is to bypass this area as much as possible and intersperse to the enemy’s rear, but the rear is full of jungle, and the Yan people also have two mountain infantry divisions composed of mountain people. Their threat is greater than the opposite defense fortress. It’s even bigger. I really can’t think of a good way to fight specifically.” Li Zuoche said.

The people of Yan are crazy, and they seem to have made up their minds not to lose here. They are stationed here with more than 17,000 people, and their military strength will increase. Here, they have deployed more than a hundred machine guns, although according to reliable intelligence, some machine guns have been raided and bought from abandoned military warehouses in other countries. For the second-hand goods, it may not be long before the gun barrels and related parts have to be replaced. However, the threat of these machine guns is real, facing a complete system of defense fortresses. Li Zuoche really doesn't have much confidence to conquer such a place, unless a large-caliber howitzer is mounted on it directly to bombard the opposite side. Perhaps this will have some effect, but how much is this effect? Li Zuoche didn't know it himself.

"I think you should have a way. Maybe you can think of a better way. For example, think of a way to let us fly over. People like you always come up with some strange things." Luo Ping seemed to be drunk. Because he has changed the second kettle.

"What?" Li Zuoche asked suddenly.

"What what?" Luo Ping asked puzzledly.

"I mean, what did you just say? This suddenly gave me a lot of inspiration. Perhaps it is correct for me to try this way." Li Zuoche said.

"I. I said. I said, fly over, his grandma's." Luo Ping was already lying on the table and fell asleep. Depressed and aggrieved, it made him unable to stay. But one sentence gave Li Zuoche a lot of inspiration. Perhaps he could really fly over, because the people of Qin had done this before, so Zhao Guo could also do this, but the resources needed to do this are considerable. Many, this seems to have exceeded the financial support of Goguryeo. Li Zuoche is weighing a new bold military attack plan in his mind. Attack from the air.

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