The solution Li Zuoche thought of was to airborne the enemy's rear, and then cut off the opponent's supply line, which would have a great impact on the opponent's vitals, thus avoiding greater casualties. However, such an approach needs to be supported by a large number of aviation forces. Judging from the current national strength of Goguryeo, they seem to be unable to support such a combat method, because it is equivalent to establishing their own air force. The cost of the air force is far more than that of the general service. In doing so, they obviously can't do it.

Luo Ping was already asleep. It is rare to be calm, which makes him very uncomfortable, but it can also give him a good rest. After all, this situation will not last long, and the balance of war will soon be broken. Li Zuoche believes that it will not be long before he arrives.

In Loma Barracks, Scipio was sitting opposite Li Fu. He was looking at the South Korean consultant officer from thousands of miles away, and Li Fu was also looking at the opposing officer, according to the South Korean military rank system. , The opponent’s rank should be lieutenant general, at least a major general. In fact, Old Scipio was in charge of a Roman army of more than 15,000 men.

What Scipio explained, the language seemed very exciting. Old Scipio listened unmovedly to Scipio’s explanation. Li Fu didn’t understand their Latin, but what he knew was that Scipio was definitely talking about cavalry, old Scipio. He knew such a thing for the first time, but he didn’t really believe that Carthage’s cavalry would have such an improvement. This is a terrifying improvement. You must know that Lockheed Martin’s cavalry has also improved a lot. Before Lockheed there was no cavalry. In the army, most of their cavalry come from the army of the servant countries. They mainly serve as two-wing cover on the battlefield. However, after seeing the exercises organized by the Korean army, especially the mature technology of the cavalry, there are mainly stirrups, saddles, and horseshoes. These things have greatly increased the possibility of those people who are not familiar with horseback riding on horseback. You must know that before, it was possible to control on horseback, which required a long-term training process. Lockheed Martin could not do this. Only a very small number of Nenconsolidation can do this, and if you want to do this, you must use a chariot, and the chariot unit can complete this battle. But now, the Loma people have introduced related technologies from the Koreans. This is a huge success for them. This success can quickly transform them into combat effectiveness. The Loma people do the same.

They formed their own cavalry unit. This was the first time that the Roma had completed such a formation. They formed a large-scale cavalry unit. Their weapons were also upgraded. The short sword was upgraded to the long sword. They found that the function of the long sword was The advantage gained on horseback will be very big. Such an upgrade is enough to convince the Loma people that they will achieve greater victory.

But the problem is that just when the Roma thought they had a huge military advantage, the Carthaginians completed an amazing upgrade. They became a cavalry unit using hot weapons, and the infantry was also upgraded. They had a new type of arms, artillery, and in contrast, Loma still stayed on cold weapons, they even thought they wanted to defeat the Carthaginian army.

Scipio kept persuading his father and described the terrible Carthage cavalry, but such a hard-working officer would not believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

"My father does not believe that the Carthaginian cavalry forces will evolve too fast, and their lethality is not enough to develop to such a level. I don't know how to persuade my father to play, but I think, I have tried my best." Scipio looked at Li Fu with a very helpless look and said, shaking his head.

"I understand." When Li Fu looked at the other party's eyes, he could understand that the other party was a hard-working man. What would he do when faced with a hard-working man? Of course, I am willing to do more and more things. He needs to witness with his own eyes what happened to his troops before he can believe it.

"But what I want to say is, please believe me, let your troops put the fortifications on the surface underground, so that you can effectively avoid the blow of artillery. Once the fortifications move too late, everything will be Damn it. For example, for Sagunto, I believe that Sagunto will not persist for too long. They have repaired a lot of fortifications on the ground. In this case, they are waiting for the opponent's artillery to attack you. Heat. Weapon and cold weapon warfare have become two different governor modes. Under such circumstances, I hope the general can understand that such a situation will produce great disadvantages." Li Fu said.

Scipio immediately translated it and proved as far as possible that the power of the artillery was no longer human-resistant, and the speed of firing had exceeded people's imagination.

Old Scipio said something immediately, and Li Fu patiently waited for the new situation to happen.

"My father meant that he didn't know how to persuade his soldiers to dig those trenches for defense unless they fought a war with the Carthaginians, but he could use other methods to accomplish such a fortification. For example, he will build a large number of drainage ditches or other things instead. He just thinks that our proposal can be very effective and will not cause too much disgust. Otherwise, the morale of the Lockheed Martin Great changes will happen.” Scipio translated.

Then Old Scipio continued to say a lot of things. Li Fu waited patiently. He agreed with the construction of the drainage ditch. Although he knew that the defensive ability brought about by this was very limited, it was already possible for them. The greatest limit we can do. This will greatly help them reduce more casualties. It seems that this is the only thing they can do.

"My father will go to reconnaissance tomorrow to see what is going on with the cavalry. He thinks our description is exaggerated, and he said that in this case, we'd better not tell other people, This will seriously affect morale. If it is serious, we will all be executed. I hope we will not do such a thing anymore." Scipio translated in this way.

"I hope your Excellency the general can bring more cavalry troops during reconnaissance, because I don't want any mistakes made by the top commander. In that case, it will affect morale too much. This is something that may indeed happen. "Li Fu said.

Old Scipio shook his head and left. He seemed to be very disappointed by the timidity of the young man. But in Li Fu's view, through a small battle, Scipio would completely change his opinion, because it was a one-off. An inevitable result.

The city of Sagunto has become a hell, the soldiers robbed wildly, and some people could not wait to lie on top of the woman. They completely released their animal side. And their commander will not prevent this from happening. Because this is an inevitable result.

"Sagunto's matter has been resolved. Our tunnels have been dug in vain. I didn't expect them to surrender so soon." Hannibal seemed to be very disappointed with Sagunto's defense, feeling that he still had some loss.

"I feel very good. At least we don't have to pay too many casualties. I believe the Sagunto people will remember these." Li Wei said.

"Well, I saw some situations on the battlefield. Our artillery caused a lot of damage. The whole city wall and the fortress were full of corpses. The incomplete corpses looked very cruel. I think the Saguntos never Encountered such a war, so they were scared. Scared to the extreme, so they chose to surrender. This is a very wise decision." Hannibal said. But in Li Wei's view, such a decision is not a good decision, because those prisoners of war regret now that their wives and daughters have been subjected to unprecedented abuse, their property will be taken away, and when they leave, they Sagunto will be completely destroyed, as if there is no such place in the world. They will be sold to Zhao merchants and other slave traders. Hannibal’s army needs more funds, the soldiers’ salary, and the consumption of a large amount of weapons and ammunition, which will greatly expand the financial Demand, Hannibal felt that he could not support such a war.

"What should we do next? We have completely solved Sagunto's problem. Is the next target the Roma?" Li Wei asked.

"Yes. It's the **** Loma. They have caused a great loss to us. I think we must completely eliminate the main force of the Romans in order to go north, cross the Alps, and enter the core area of ​​Loma." Han Nibal said.

"This is your original plan. Before the Loma people know how good we are, we should completely eliminate them." Hannibal seemed very ambitious. In the face of such a victory, he has the qualifications to say such things, and Li Wei also agrees that they must not leave a main force of Roma people here, otherwise, their situation will be very bad. Once this happens, it will bring disaster consequences, because they will lose their final foundation. This is the painstaking effort of the Carthaginians. Without such a foundation, their expedition to Loma will become very difficult.

Goguryeo. Black soil city. "I doubt if the Yan people are crazy. They haven't figured out what is going on at all?" Li Lin said while looking at his foreign minister and defense minister.

"Prime Minister, such a thing is meaningless, unless the Yan people break the current situation militarily, otherwise, they will not achieve this goal at all." The Foreign Minister said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, but Prime Minister, we should seriously consider the current favorable conditions. We discuss with the Minister of Finance and believe that this can form an effective psychological warfare, or media warfare." The Minister of Defense said.

"Oh. Tell me, what do you think of, is it very beneficial to us?" Li Lin said. Originally, this plan should have been made by the Minister of Finance, but the Minister of Finance has an important task to do, and that is to count the sales of the first tranche of war bonds. The war bonds greatly solve the financial problems, which makes Goguryeo have enough We are emboldened to carry out this war, but the problem is that the war still has not officially started, and the financial funds needed will be huge. The consumption of ammunition is an alarming number, and it will cost a lot of money to produce it. Therefore, the Minister of Finance hopes to raise funds for the second phase in advance, so that when they need it, they have sufficient funds to meet the needs of the war.

The war is actually fighting economics and logistics.

"Prime Minister, our thinking is like this. We can proceed with the war bond in advance, and put this matter in the media and comment publicly. This will greatly stimulate the patriotism of our people. They feel that we all The Goguryeo people in China have suffered the greatest humiliation. In the face of such a big humiliation, we should actively respond to them and let them know that our Goguryeo people are united.” The Minister of Defense said.

"Public?" Li Lin thought about this. If it is made public, it will inevitably arouse great repercussions. In particular, the mood of the people will be extremely unstable. This instability may lead to bad things. However, there is another possibility that may happen, that is, the people’s emotions. Emotions were ignited. They believed that they had suffered a great humiliation. This is a collective sense of honor. This requires some guidance, but this is not a problem. The key to the problem is that they have received financial support, patriotic bonds. There will be more people to support them, which is the biggest advantage for them.

"I agree with this point. If we just do this, it may bring unexpected results, but we need to pay attention to guiding their emotions to vent and let them join the army. We can expand the army. In addition, There are more funds." Li Lin said.

"Prime Minister, we will do a good job like this." The Defense Minister promised.

"That's good, that's good. You must be careful. After all, the people's minds are not something we can solve." Li Lin said.

"That's right. We still need more manpower. If we mobilize too much manpower, my industrial production in Goguryeo will be severely reduced. This is a very bad thing for us. You can think of more ways to do it." Recruit some Wadao soldiers, or soldiers from other regions, no matter what, let them join in, even female soldiers are fine." Li Lin ordered like this.

The war needs more personnel, and the casualties will be very large, and Goguryeo can't afford it.

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