In Loma Barracks, Scipio and Li Fu slept in a tent. Both of them liked to chat. From the beginning they talked about women and now they are studying military affairs.

"I have reported the arms incident to my father. But, such a thing, I am afraid it is difficult, you know, the guys in the Senate will oppose all procurement plans for a little money, do you know?" Scipio said so.

"The funds we obtained at the beginning were quite difficult. If we buy a large amount of arms here, it will mean a reduction in naval military expenditures. The Senate will not do this. After all, war is an economic contest. . This is what I have read your book, and your book says so." Scipio said so.

"I don’t care about it, and I don’t want to worry about it, but what I know is that if we want to win this war, we must solve the problem of preparation. Think about it, the Carthaginians equipped with a large number of firearms can be Shoot at a place ten meters away, and then kill you, but you need to advance a very close distance to attack. This distance will cause you a lot of casualties. It may be that everyone is killed. You are all possible. Can't move forward quickly and solve them. This is a very sad war." Li Fu said.

"Oh. But we don't have money. It seems that today I have to make a way of how to make money. But the question is, where will we make money from?" Scipio asked.

"Well, in trade, as long as there are merchants, you can see what the merchants need and do with them. They all like money the most." Li Fu said.

"Oh. I want to sleep. Tomorrow I want to go to the front line with my father to conduct reconnaissance, to see, if there is an accident, I can also go to the rescue in time." Scipio said.

"Well. If that's the case, take a break early." Li Fu said. Many problems cannot be solved at once. Although the efficiency of the Roma government is higher than that of the Carthaginians, this does not mean that the Roma can easily win the war. On the contrary, they need to pay quite a bit. Only a big price can win this war. This is an inevitable result.

State of Zhao, Handan Railway Station.

"Zhao Guo's business is worse than we expected. It seems that we can only go to Yan Guo to try our luck." Zhang Er said helplessly to his assistant. Zhao Guoren's attitude is very limited. It can be said that they just received politely. As for specific things, they can't be done. There is no way to solve all the problems with the son Zhao Jia, which makes Zhang Er feel very helpless.

"Minister, don't worry, maybe Yan State has made a huge discovery." The assistant comforted.

"The situation in the country of Yan is not very good. The people of the country of Yan are very short of money, and the shortage is very serious. You and I know that, in fact, the people of the country of Yan can't fight such a war at all. Their financial situation is very bad. It’s already pretty good to be able to live. But now fighting in such a situation is simply a luxury. Really, I look at this issue in the same way.” Zhang Er said.

"In this way, don't we have no chance?" the other party said.

"Yes, so, we can only try. Maybe the situation of Yan people is not as bad as we thought. Maybe there are some opportunities." Zhang Er said helplessly.

"Woo." Just then. When a train came into the station, Zhang Er could only get on the train as soon as possible. The only problem Zhao Guoren solved was Zhang Er's itinerary. In the end, they packed a car and sent the other party away decently.

In the Qingshan area, the Yanjun’s position was on the flanks, because Goguryeo attacked from the flanks. Therefore, the Yan Jun strengthened the protective capabilities of their flanks this time.

"Who? No, password." A second-class soldier demanded loudly with his bayonet-mounted rifle nervously.

"Stupid. Get down." A corporal on the side yelled, then dragged him to the ground.

"Don't shoot, we are mountain people, we came from the side of Matou Mountain." A mountain person shouted loudly.

"What's a joke, the mountain people and the entire army on the Matou Mountain side are destroyed. Where did the mountain people come from?" the corporal asked impatiently. He even pulled the bolt of the gun and was about to pull the trigger.

"Don't shoot, we came from the swamp, and we finally came here. This is our chief Agu, the one who the prince personally conferred the rank of colonel, you know." A mountain man Speaking excitedly.

"Really?" The corporal felt that something was a little abnormal. Maybe they were really their own. If they were their own, then it would be troublesome.

"Then let your chief come here in person, and rest assured that we will not shoot. Only one person can come. Also, I need to report to my chief. You need to wait for some time." The corporal shouted.

"Okay, we will do what you said." The mountain man shouted loudly. They also know that this must be risky, but now they have no choice.

"I'm back. We're finally back." A Gu said in a low mood.

"Sir, we should be happy. Although we have paid a heavy price, we still have people. As long as someone is there, we are all victorious." Ado persuaded.

"Well. When we came, there were more than a thousand people. When we came now, there were only 700 people." A Gu didn't know how to say such a thing. He didn't know if he was doing this right.

"Sir, it’s already very good. We have also come out 700 people. These 700 people have rich combat experience. They can bring a great improvement in combat effectiveness. We should be happy. War must have sacrifices. This cannot be blamed on the chief. Now that the chief Nen Chenggong brings us back, it is already a very big victory." Addo persuaded. A Gu can only nod his head to agree with this view. In fact, he is also very helpless. The huge cost of casualties made him feel very guilty and stressed.

Soon the Yan army came out with an officer, and A Gu went out to contact each other personally. Only then did the two sides solve all the problems with each other. The mountain people spent a long time in advance payment, bypassing the swamp, and they paid a heavy price to arrive. To the Castle Peak area.

The senior officials of the Yan army were also surprised. They originally thought that the entire Yan army in the Matoushan area would be destroyed, but they did not expect that some people from the mountain people would run out. Victory.

Inside Loma Barracks, Scipio was sweating profusely. He had a nightmare. He dreamed that the Carthaginians attacked their barracks. There was a sea of ​​fire everywhere, and there were many explosions. The flying bullets hit him. He couldn't escape, and it hurt. It hurts. Then he woke up by himself.

"It's not early?" Scipio asked Li Fu, who was already up.

"Yes, it's getting late. Your father has already gone out. And, I just got an amazing news, would you like to hear it?" Li Fu asked.

"No. I don't want to listen, I want to go with my father." Scipio got up and dressed.

"Sagunto, Sagunto was captured. It took the Carthaginians only three days, and they heard that their artillery bombarded one day and night, and the Sagunto surrendered. They had no time to fully resist and surrendered. "Li Fu said.

"What?" Scipio asked such a thing in astonishment. He couldn't believe it, Sagunto, it was a strong defensive fortress with sufficient troops. How could it be possible to hold on for less than three days. He didn't know how to attack. What can such a fortress do in three days?

"Don't doubt, it's true. Your father already knows the news. He wants to see what happened. If it was taken down by the Carthaginians using massive artillery bombardment, our situation It will be very bad, you know, our barracks can't resist anything at all." Li Fu said.

"No, I don’t care about this right now. It’s my father. The Carthage’s cavalry will definitely increase their reconnaissance efforts. If that’s the case, my father will be in danger. We can’t go on like this. Come on. Come with me. Go," Scipio said excitedly.

"Okay. But I hope this battle will make your father a lot better. In this way, the resistance we encounter will be reduced a lot. You know what I mean. In this way, we can solve many, many problems. This is a good thing for us.” Li Fu followed Scipio and led a large number of cavalry, because they can only solve the Carthaginian cavalry, the gun advantage of the Carthage cavalry equipment. Let them disappear. This is a passive battle, but Scipio must attack. He has no choice. Only in this way can his father be rescued. Otherwise, it is difficult to guarantee that nothing else will appear. problem.

The Carthaginians' rapid capture of Sagunto did give old Scipio and Roma a great surprise, because they expected that it would take at least three months for the Roma to capture such a fortress. However, the Carthaginians only spent three days, three days, which means that the opponent’s combat effectiveness has increased terribly, and the Roma will be extremely passive. It is also such a surprise, Lao Xi Pia decided to go there and see what was going on. Although it was dangerous, it was better than not knowing anything. He thought he knew that many things were definitely not something people like them could solve. They need to see it in person, and only if they see it in person, some can be resolved.

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