State of Zhao, Handan. In the staff, Li Mu is watching some front-line reports sent by Li Zuoche, especially the statements he has observed and some bold ideas about the development of the battle.

Li Mu watched carefully. And from time to time, pick up the pencil in your hand to mark some important parts. With the popularization of pens and pencils, the usage rate of writing brushes has dropped a lot. Only writers and those who don't use too many pens and have poor writing speed requirements will use them. However, in most places, pens, pencils, and especially pencils are still used, which is very convenient to carry. Li Mu carried several such pencils in his pocket so that he could make some sketches when needed.

Li Mu looked carefully. He learned from the report that the Yan army on the opposite side had stepped up their guards. They dug tunnels in the mountains. Some of these tunnels were hidden, and the later ones were exposed, but in any case, those tunnels can be very good. Hide and cover the machine gun shooting. Because most of their angles are the dead ends of artillery, large-caliber howitzers can hardly cause damage to the soldiers hiding inside. As a result, they will still exist after the fierce bombardment, which will form a more threatening strafe. And this situation will definitely happen.

Only by using direct firepower can the firepower points in these tunnels be destroyed, but this will result in low combat efficiency and increased consumption. In the worst case, it will cause a larger-scale battlefield stalemate. This stalemate is bound to be dragged down. The national power of Goguryeo. Faced with such a dilemma, Li Zuoche’s idea is to use paratroopers to land behind the enemy. Their role is only to harass and attack the opponent’s logistics supply line. In this case, as long as time is long, they will surely be able to solve all the problems. problem.

"This method of warfare is still immature, and there are too many accidents. With the current national strength of Goguryeo, it seems difficult to maintain the logistics supply of a certain scale of combat troops. If they are allowed in, the combat may become very unfavorable." Li Mu worried. Speaking of. Li Zuoche's ideas are bold, but their tactics are based on certain combat weapons. It seems that there is only one way to solve the current situation in Goguryeo, but the Goguryeo government will not provide such a foundation. This is the contradiction of the problem, or, after Goguryeo people experience a huge failure, they can face such a situation.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng. Inside a military railway station outside the Heitucheng city, this is a place where a large amount of supplies are supplied, and it is also a place where a large number of people are transferred. A large number of troops boarded the train from here to the front line, and there are more weapons and equipment.

"Hurry up, get on the train." The Goguryeo military police drove a group of small men into the train carriage. They were all cannon fodder from Wadao Island. Goguryeo seemed to have realized the cruelty of war, in order to leave the country as much as possible. Sufficient labor force. They had to recruit such a large amount of labor from other places to solve the problem, such as the place where Goguryeo recruited a large number of soldiers. These Washima men originally thought they could get rid of the hardships of slavery, but they never thought that they would Enter a huge slaughterhouse of life and death. Many of them still don't know what their fate will be. They stared blankly at this era that was much more developed than them. When they started to accept the carriage, there was already a train here. They didn't know what kind of monsters were pulling them to where, they knew that everything here brought fear. Fresh, there is still unknown.

Spain, the situation on the battlefield has undergone great changes, and the Carthaginian army soon occupied Sagunto. In history, it took the Carthaginians more than eight months to occupy this place, but now, they only took a few days, and there are still many methods that have not been used, and the soldiers become crazy. Everyone carries a lot of spoils.

But these circumstances made Li Wei feel disgusted.

"The next plan is to solve the Roma people. I have sent more cavalry troops to the surrounding area to search. I believe that it will not take long before we can detect their situation. Then we will give them a fierce blow. "Hannibal said confidently.

"Do we have any battle plan?" Hannibal said after seeing Li Wei come in.

"What I worry about is your soldiers. They take too much spoils and don't want to fight." Li Wei said worriedly.

"Hehe, there is no concern, no one will dislike too much loot, we only hope that the loot will become more." Hannibal said with a smile. Regarding the robbery of his soldiers, he can only take a conniving approach, because he still owes the soldiers a lot of military pay, and he uses those military pay to buy more munitions and ammunition supplies. Just now, he did a business with the merchants of Carthage and the merchants of Zhao Guo. Those prisoners of Sagunto will be sold as new slaves. This can bring him twenty machine guns and more than one million rounds of ammunition. This is a large purchase of arms and supplies. But he is still not satisfied, he still needs more combat plans.

"Well, I admit they are brave. But then we have to completely eliminate the Roman legions in the Loma barracks before we can proceed further. We must first find them, and then use our artillery advantage to defeat them. The most important thing is The thing is, we are going to inflict heavy damage on them. The number of people killed is about 15,000." Li Wei said. According to their estimates, the number of Roma garrisons here will be about 20,000, plus the local servant army, the number may be about 30,000, which is a relatively large number. As for the Carthage army, only by destroying more than half of it can it completely defeat the opponent and make the opponent lose its combat effectiveness. However, what Li Wei hopes is to give the opponent a complete annihilation, so he hopes that the Roma will still be in their barracks. They can suppress each other based on their superiority in firepower.

Just when the Carthage executives discussed the next battle plan. Scipio and Li Fu with more than 300 cavalry are looking for old Scipio aimlessly.

"Where might your father go? Do you think." Li Fu asked. Their cavalry has been searching for a long time and there is no sign of them. This is not good news for them.

"I think the most likely place is to go to Sagunto. Although it sounds crazy, I think he is that kind of person. Think about it. According to intelligence, Sagunto was shot down. I will soon be beaten down. If you were my father, what would you do?" Scipio analyzed.

"I'll go and see. See what happened?" Li Wei replied.

"So, we can only go to Sagunto if we can't see things around, I know that my father is a very bold person." Scipio said nervously.

"Well. Okay, but we have to be careful, especially the scouts. We must ensure that they can provide accurate information and don't let us encounter large forces." Li Fu said.

"We can't catch up. If that happens, nothing is too late. We must finish this kind of thing as soon as possible." Scipio said, riding a horse forward quickly. The cavalry began to accelerate, apparently Scipio was anxious. Li Wei can understand. He also began to accelerate quickly.

When they moved forward for fifteen minutes, they suddenly heard gunfire.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." The gunshot was loud, nearby.

"They are nearby, over there, let's go and take a look." Li Fu heard the gunfire coming from the south, and the cavalry moved forward quickly.

"Spread left and right. It would be dangerous to outflank and directly hit the past." Li Fu said. Scipio made a gesture, and the cavalry quickly dispersed. They want to adopt an outflank posture. Although they don't know when it happened. But they know that the situation is critical.

"Bang. Bang." The gunshots became more and more crisp. Soon they saw what they were least willing to see, a team of Carthage cavalry, they had twelve horses. This is a standard cavalry squad. It seems that the people of Zhao Guo brought their establishment here. Li Fu thought this at first sight.

There were only three Roman cavalrymen, one of whom was still injured. The wounded was old Scipio.

"Charge. Charge." Seeing that his father was in a crisis, Scipio immediately led a team of cavalry to rush over. When the Carthage cavalry on the opposite side saw the arrival of the opponent's reinforcements, they didn't dare to support them and started the convoy. After all, the opponent had the advantage in numbers.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." They started shooting continuously. The bullet swished over, telling the Roman cavalry that had hit the bullet, and as a result they immediately fell off their horses.

"Damn it. You are too reckless." Li Fu saw this situation. He knew that Scipio might be in danger. For the safety of the other party, he could only take some measures to solve this problem. He immediately rushed out to protect the safety of Scipio.

"Bang. Bang." The sound of gunfire would mean that more Roman cavalry fell off the horse, because the formation of Roman cavalry was relatively dense, which became a good target.

"Flap, pop." Two shots shot. A Carthaginian cavalry turned around and fired with a pistol. The bullet directly hit two Roman cavalry. The two Roman cavalry fell off their horse and were trampled to death by the cavalry behind. I don’t know if they were hit and killed or trampled to death. , In short, the ending is tragic. The Carthage cavalry seemed to enjoy this one-sided battle, because the Roma had nothing to do with them, they only had long swords.

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