The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3912: Urgent War of Hope

"Bang. Bang." The gunshots kept coming, and the Carthage cavalry kept a certain combat distance. This combat distance allowed Carthage to shoot calmly, which posed a great threat to the Roma cavalry.

"Swish." A bullet flew past Scipio's ear almost, and he could feel the heat from the bullet. If he gets closer, his ears or his head will be knocked out. This was the first time Scipio was close to death so close, which made him very annoyed. He decided to retaliate. The anger made it difficult for him to control his emotions, so he drew his short sword. Cavalry generally equipped with a long sword, because the long sword has more advantages in distance in the slashing of the cavalry. But now, they have no advantage in distance. But Scipio used a short sword, which allowed him to draw out easily, and it could also be thrown far away.

"Yeah." Scipio angrily threw the dagger in his hand.

"Puff." A Carthage cavalry not far away was killed. To be precise, the other party was unlucky.

"This is fine too." Li Fu said after seeing all this later. Then he went up as soon as possible, because the current Scipio was very dangerous, and he was already very close to the opponent. As long as the opponent's marksmanship is not too bad, or if he turns around and shoots the opponent intensively, the result can be imagined, and all he can know is that Scipio is likely to be killed.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." Anyway. Li Fu took out his pistol and fired continuously. He knew that being able to hit the enemy at this distance was simply because the good fortune of the sky was too strong. But as long as the gunfire came, it would at least disturb the minds of the Carthage cavalry, which made it difficult for them to pay attention to Scipio, who was approaching quickly. This guy was a very dangerous guy.

"Bang. Bang." Li Fu quickly emptied the bullets in the revolver. South Korea is an old-fashioned country. When all countries are equipped with magazine pistols, they even equipped their officers with revolver pistols. Their reason is that there are very few opportunities for officers to shoot. But now they have encountered something, Li Fu wanted to scold the bureaucrats who were sitting in the office because they were never equipped with a pistol. But consider the pistols that combat officers need. If they were allowed to come here, they would know what kind of pistol they should be equipped with.

The situation is very dangerous for Scipio, because once the opponent is relieved, they will shoot at Scipio.

"Oh oh." At this critical moment, the cavalry with two wings outflanked quickly appeared, they directly rammed over, and the Loma cavalry's long sword advantage was finally brought into play. But before they had to accept a frantic wave of bullets.

"Bang bang bang bang." The sound of gunfire peculiar to the box cannon came. The opponent used 20 rounds of magazines and fired continuously. Li Fu knew it was such a result, but fortunately, Scipio's life threat was reduced a lot, thinking that they needed to replace the magazine. From the distance, they could no longer complete the replacement of the second magazine.

Cavalry combat is a fast word, and soon they fought together. Although the Carthage cavalry showed great courage, they did not have a great advantage in number. They faced such a situation. They can only accept the result of failure.

"Bang." At the last moment of the battle. Li Fu shot and killed a Carthage cavalry, who was changing magazines. With a good opportunity, he quickly shot and killed the opponent.

"Thank you." Scipio walked over and said, covered in blood.

"Are you okay?" Li Fu asked.

"No, the blood is not mine, it belongs to the **** Carthaginians." Scipio said.

"Look at your father. It's best to sterilize him. Once infected, losing an arm is light." Li Fu said.

"Thank you. I will pay attention." Scipio went to check his father's injuries. The remaining Loma cavalry began to sweep the battlefield.

The Loma cavalry suffered heavy casualties, exceeding forty people killed in battle, and 12 others were injured. Two people were seriously injured. Judging from the current medical conditions, they are no longer good. In Carthage, eleven people were killed and one escaped. But their weapons and equipment remained. This gave the Loma great research specimens.

It was not safe here, and Scipio quickly returned the cavalry to his territory. What he needs is safety.

"My father believes that our view is correct. He will ask the Senate for more funds to purchase new weapons, but we hope that South Korea can provide assistance in this regard. In addition, for your suggestions, we will implement them as soon as possible. , In order to ensure our safety." During the march, Scipio came to Li Fu's side and said.

"Well. It was originally." Li Fu said indifferently. He felt that this battle might give the veteran general a new understanding. He saw the cost of cavalry casualties with his own eyes. The exchange ratio of the other party is not at the same level at all. This advantage is a huge threat and pressure to them. If the Carthaginian infantry had this kind of combat effectiveness, then the combat effectiveness of the entire Carthaginian army would be greatly improved.

"What I am worried about is our camp, after the settlement of Sagunto. The Carthaginians will attack us. Judging from our current equipment, it seems that it is difficult for us to threaten the Carthaginians. At that time, we will Will fully enter a crazy passive situation." Li Fu said worriedly.

"So, what about our separation?" Scipio said.

"Separation, separation will only weaken our offensive strength. You can think of what kind of state we will be in. If the Carthaginians have enough patience, they will find us little by little. Then kill us. But separation is also a way, too much cannot be separated, in that case, it will cause greater casualties and passivity." Li Fu said helplessly.

This battle gave everyone a clear understanding that the military power of the Carthaginians was too great. They can't resist such a situation at all. Faced with such a situation, it is already difficult for them to solve such a thing.

"We are now very contradictory. If our forces are too concentrated, we will be eliminated by the other's concentration, but if we are too dispersed, the situation is also not good for us. There is no way, this is an unequal war. , The weapon is not at the same level at all, and we will pay a heavy price." Li Fu said. This is the first time that the Loma realized the importance of weapons, or the importance of an epoch-making weapon. They hope that their improvements will bring more opportunities. .

Qin State, Xianyang. A party is being held in a high-end conference hall of a hotel, which is usually the case in the upper class. The party can exchange information in a timely manner, and at the same time, it can also show off the artworks and luxury items they have collected from all over the world.

"Do you know? Only Prime Minister Zhao Guo has such a precious carpet, and Zhao Jia has such a piece. It is very comfortable to lie on." A bank manager himself got a Persian carpet from a trading company. The price of that stuff is very expensive. But it is thought that expensive is what people need most. Every carpet is made by hand. In the current era when the world is generally in a kind of industrial production, purely handmade things are more precious, because it takes more manual time to complete, so as to reflect an effective value.

"Aren't the carpets used to step on your feet?" an executive said. Such questioning obviously said that the manager was very shameless. Indeed, rich people would not lie on the carpet. Why do they lie on the carpet? Those who have never seen the world would do it. .

"Oh. I think I will play with my children, you know, playing on a carpet is very important." The manager thought for a while and explained. He hoped that such an explanation would make them understand that he did not intentionally lie on it. This is obviously a very embarrassing topic.

"Right. Speaking of rest in peace, what I want to know is what the government is doing, why is it sending an observation group? Does the war need an observation group? Obviously this is not in compliance with the rules." A bank executive said.

"Yeah, I really don't know. The Prime Minister was a little too cautious. He should boldly support the Shaanxi government. Anyway, we will get more benefits from above, but Prime Minister Shang Wen is very cautious. I really don't know the Prime Minister. What do you think." Others expressed their dissatisfaction.

"We have no choice. The result of everything. After all, the government has led a large number of banks to invest as part of the risk. This is normal, you know? When our senior leaders hold meetings, they usually look at it from another angle. It depends on the problem, such as long and short, when we are doing stock speculation. We should understand this approach. After all, what we need is such a result. You know this very well.” The bank executive explained To. It seems that he knows the inside story very well, and such inside story makes him look very attractive.

"Perhaps, but we need to solve many, many things. For example, we need to know what exactly is going on, what is the prime minister worried about, and what kind of risks are worried about?" a manager asked.

"War is risky. We can’t see that Zhao Guoren has made huge gains on Goguryeo, so do nothing? No, we shouldn’t do this. What we should notice is that we should do something. What can make up for the current situation. For example, the prime minister is cautious about some risks that may exist, and this kind of caution may avoid some risks for us." The bank executives said loudly.

"For example?" the other party asked.

"For example, a very simple thing. What we know is that there are a lot of rich oil resources in the Anxi Caspian Sea area, and we have participated in the development of these resources. The Anxi people are responsible for the specific mining work, and they provide more cheap labor. , And engaged in dangerous jobs. After all, our demographic advantage is not very sufficient. We should pay attention to this. But the people in Dawan are responsible for transportation, their railway lines are very busy, and we are responsible for funding. Domestic needs There are more and more places for oil, and more and more motor vehicles and airplanes are being manufactured. It is really good news to mention that some farmers in the north can buy airplanes themselves. But the bad news is that we The amount of oil needed will be very large. Of course, we will import a large amount of oil from Yue’s to meet our needs. However, this demand has increased too much. Railway lines are very busy, and oil pipelines are transported. The amount is also increasing, which requires us to find more oil producing areas. This is the purpose of the war.” Bank executives analyzed the needs of the war from the perspective of resources. Everyone expressed that they were very clear about this, and they believed that it was a huge temptation for them.

"That's right, what we need is this kind of thing. However, this kind of thing is below the surface and can only be explored by exploration experts. If there is not, all the investment will be wasted. For the Shaman, Dawan For people, this is just a project, but for us, it is a huge loss and a disaster. I think what the prime minister may avoid is such a situation." The bank executive said .

"But what I have heard is that the prime minister seems to be concerned about another thing. What he dispatched is a military observation mission, the military. This has nothing to do with geography. There are other aspects that don't seem to have much to do with it." Speaking of.

"Yes." The others nodded and said.

"This is also risky, you know, the military brings regional stability, and oil extraction requires regional stability, understand?" said the bank executive. He found an excuse after the class. He knew that his ignorance had caused him trouble. The reason is that he doesn't know a lot of things, and says he knows. This has caused a very bad result, that is, embarrassment in the circle of friends around.

Regardless of whether these people are right or not, the increase in oil demand is an important factor in Qin’s domestic worry about their lack of oil and an eager desire to start a war. In their opinion, the more oil, the better, and the current demand will increase to An amazing demand came up. Judging from the current situation, it seems that it is difficult for them to meet this demand. This is an important reason for the war.

Shangwen's cautious approach still makes banks and entrepreneurs dissatisfied. They desperately hope for war.

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