The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3913: Difficulty is only temporary

Yan State, Prince's Mansion.

"This is really good news. I thought that the entire army had been wiped out on Matou Mountain. I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it." Prince Dan said while looking at the report from the front.

"Yes, prince, this thing is exciting enough to fight against the Goguryeo people. I think we still need to rely on the mountain people to do this. Their tactics are flexible and they have achieved great results. We should support them greatly. , Our Ministry of National Defense also summarized the battle process of Matoushan. We believe that we have a big problem in the tactics of using mountain people infantry. We restricted the mountain people from the position, and the mountain people’s flexibility It is very difficult to proceed. In this way, it will be detrimental to us. The harm to the mountain people is still relatively great." The Minister of Defense said.

"Mountain people are equipped with light weapons, most of them are rifles, pistols, grenades, not even light machine guns. But they can continue to harass the Goguryeo people and cause heavy casualties. They can disrupt the enemy's traffic. Supply lines, is this a big advantage for us," said the defense minister.

"While we are on Matou Mountain, positional warfare has limited the mountain people's flexible advantage of light infantry. This is the biggest shortcoming for us." The Minister of Defense continued. The Ministry of National Defense of the State of Yan is not always a rice bucket. They also actively summarized after the battle in Matoushan, even though the command of the Yan army had big problems. For example, most of their commanders are greedy for life and fear of death, because many of them are the children of nobles, and their military life is just their gilded tool, and they don't need to lose their lives on the battlefield. Therefore, the command problem cannot be solved at all, but this does not prevent the Ministry of National Defense from earnestly summarizing, for example, the Yan Army can conduct positional defense operations. The mountain people are mainly used for offensive purposes. Attacks need to bear great risks. Moreover, the use of mountain people can greatly avoid the heavy casualties of the Yan people. This is of great help to the rapid recovery of the economy of the Yan country. This is also the request of the Minister of Economy and the Minister of Finance. In fact, in the eyes of Yan people, mountain people are still cannon fodder. Cannon fodder can be sacrificed, and the nationals can keep it. It can be said that in this war, the Yan people hope that the mountain people can fight by themselves, and the Yan people can hide behind. This has evolved into the mountain people and the Goguryeo people. war. This is the sinister intention of the defense ministers. They just hope that the mountain people will become a tool, a tool of expansion.

"Well, according to what you mean, what should we do?" Prince Dan was in a much better mood. After all, this was considered a victory. At the same time, the Minister of Defense seemed to have found a way to solve the problem.

"Prince, I think we can solve this matter in this way. Give the mountain people more freedom, or give them more military support. For example, that bone, is such a situation, we You can raise his military rank, raise his rank, and then solve all the problems." The Minister of Defense said.

"Yeah. I think, yes, just give him a major general. Let the mountain people see, we value them especially, so that they can solve all the problems we can notice. This is also for them. A kind of reward, I hope they can give us greater victory." Prince Dan said. At present, if the country of Yan wants to win, it can only use the mountain people to complete their plan, but if you want to use the mountain people, you must give the mountain people more command and freedom rights. This means that the people of Yan country The control of the mountain people has become much weaker, which gives the mountain people the opportunity to develop freely. And all this is an inevitable result, because if you want the horse to run, you must feed the horse two.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"Bankers, entrepreneurs, they are all very dissatisfied with our investigation. They think we are delaying time on purpose. They are very dissatisfied with this. In such a situation, we ourselves cannot persuade them to conduct such investigations. Now." Meng Yi said helplessly. The pressure from entrepreneurs and bankers is very high. They also write reports on King Qin. News media and newspapers continue to put pressure on it. It is impossible for King Qin not to see it. But King Qin did not express his views, but was silent, which made Meng Yi feel very pressured. Therefore, he hopes that Shang Wen can make some changes, at least supporting the launch of a small-scale combat plan, which is quite good.

"We don’t understand anything and launch an offensive rashly. This is not good for us, and we can’t do this. You know, what are the consequences of doing this. So, in such a situation, we must be patient. The waiting, there can be no human error." Shangwen said.

"This can effectively avoid some risks. I believe those bankers and entrepreneurs should understand this." Shang Wen said.

"I think they will understand this, but the problem is that they are watching Zhao Guoren make money and make money from Goguryeo people. They all say that when the cannon is fired, gold is ten thousand taels. It is true that Zhao Guoren has already made money. Quite a lot. Although our bank has also satisfied their desire to make money, they are still very greedy for now, and they will never stop here. Under such pressure, we must make some adjustments. Now." Meng Yi said.

"Huh." Shang Wen stood up. Walking around, usually when he is helpless and thinking about big things, he will do such things.

"If we adjust, will things develop in the direction we planned?" Shang Wen asked such a question.

"This is not very clear, and it is not clear enough for us. We need more oil reserves and oil security. If we rest in chaos, this will cause great passivity to our oil supply and demand." Meng Yi was helpless. Speaking of.

"Yeah. It's true." Shangwen was silent for a moment. He didn't know whether to solve the problem in this way. He felt that he was forced to do such a thing. This feeling was very bad and depressing.

In wars, the number of times Qin launched wars with foreign countries became less and less, but the foreign wars of various countries became more and more crazy. Almost all foreign wars had the presence of Qin Bank. This time, it seems that the banks won the victory because they successfully kidnapped all the people of Qin. Because they saw that war is the biggest business and the demand brought by war is the greatest. They found that only by participating in war can they let Their interests have expanded, but if they are not restricted, the situation will become even crazier. Shangwen was afraid of letting Qin State enter a period of financial exhaustion. For example, as happened in history, Qin Shihuang continued to expand their financial income, which directly led to a period of huge financial crisis in Qin State. Although Qin has already had many solutions, if he did so, it would mean the release of a large amount of funds. If there is a loss, the result will be a chain reaction. Shang Wen doesn't want this to happen. But no one understands all of this. Everyone takes care of their immediate interests. They are indifferent to what will happen in the future. In their opinion, such an approach is unethical.

"Well, maybe we can make some adjustments. We can make them make some concessions. I mean, let them make some military adjustments. That's okay." Shang Wen said after thinking about it for a long time. To.

"This. Okay. Even though I know you have great reluctance, in fact, you have to do this." Meng Yi said helplessly. This time it was the bankers and entrepreneurs who won the victory they wanted. Their success forced Shangwen to make concessions again. He didn't know if this was a good thing.

Yan State, the resident of the mountain people, in the Agu headquarters.

"We can only be regarded as a strengthening battalion. We are also lacking in weapons. It is difficult for us to fight in a short period of time. We just don’t know how the Yan people will use us. It is very likely that we will break up the establishment Nothing can be done." Addo said without confidence.

"Don't talk nonsense like this, we are still very useful, we don't have to worry too much about this," A Gu persuaded.

"Sir, we are all like this. Why don't we break up as soon as possible and enter the mountains, where is the root of our mountain people." Addo said angrily.

"You, how can you have such an idea? Now for us mountain people, this is the best opportunity. If we have such an opportunity to bring the team out, our mountain people will build a country, which is equivalent to Halfway through, without an army, it’s impossible for us to build our own country. Therefore, we can’t have this idea anyway. We have to find a way to build an army by ourselves, no matter what How about, all the problems will be solved." A Gu said.

"This. Okay, sir. I, I just talk casually, nothing more." Addo said.

"Don't have such an idea again. You can't have it again. The difficulty is only temporary, and the future is still good. Don't have such an idea." A Gu said.

"Yes. Sir." Addo nodded and said.

"Sir, sir, sir, good news, sir." A lieutenant ran in and reported.

"Sir, good news. The officer above tells us that you are going to be promoted. It is the order of the prince. You are promoted to major general. The mountain man's own general has appeared." The lieutenant reported excitedly.

"This." A Gu said with some surprise.

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