The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3914: Work with the Roma

"Sir, this is a good thing. Major General, this is the first general of our mountain people." Ado was very excited when he heard that. He just said bad things about the people of Yan, but now he turns to get excited, it seems Major general will be a difficult position to get.

"Major General?" Addo felt confused. He didn't know why the people of Yan were so generous.

"Sir, I heard that this was an order from the prince of Yan Guo himself. Let us form some mountain brigade and let us fight on our own." The lieutenant reported excitedly.

"Mountain brigade?" Hearing this, A Gu understood. This is to send them to death. On the surface, they have been given a lot of command power to form their own troops and even command operations. In fact, the Yan people still regard them as cannon fodder, but their role as cannon fodder. Still relatively strong.

"Sir." Addo looked at A Gu. Obviously he also understood what Yan people thought.

"Okay. This matter is worthy of our celebration. Those money, buy some wine and meat, we will celebrate." Agu said calmly.

"Yes, sir." The lieutenant delivered the order excitedly. After they came back from Matou Mountain, their morale has been very low, and being able to drink some wine can be regarded as a boost to their morale. For them, it is also a way to boost their morale.

"Sir, the people of Yan understand that we are here to die. They have no good intentions to let us build our own mountain brigade." Ado persuaded.

"I know this. But don't you think this is a very good opportunity? With such an opportunity, we will have our own troops." A Gu said.

"But, sir, we have to take a big risk. The weapons of the Goguryeo people are very advanced." Ado said worriedly.

"We are mountain people, we can escape, and we have people and weapons, we can do many, many things. This matter is still relatively beneficial to us. In the crisis, there will be This is the situation we are encountering at present, and this opportunity is rare. Others have not thought of such a solution yet. We should be happy." A Gu said.

Ado nodded in agreement. Although he was a little unwilling, it seems that this can only be done in this way. After all, this kind of thing is done right. Naturally, it went smoothly.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

"This is the news we sent from Thebes, and this news is still obtained from Zhao Guoren." Zhang Liang handed in a new piece of information.

"Sagunto, according to the information provided before, this Sagunto is the buffer zone between the Loma and the Carthaginians. This Sagunto was actually occupied. The Loma should be fighting with the Carthaginians. Is it right to declare war?" Han Shu said after taking a look.

"Yes, my lord, I believe the Roma will announce war soon, but they have already increased their reinforcements before. They have increased by 10,000, but according to the news we sent earlier, the Roma will Even with the increase of reinforcements, the situation is not very good, because most of the reinforcements are still equipped with cold weapons. Compared with the Carthage army equipped with a large number of artillery, muskets, and automatic weapons, it is not at the same level at all. This will give The Loma people have brought great disasters." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"This is a good thing. The Loma people have suffered a big loss, and they know that we are a very important thing to them." Han Shu said with a smile. It seems that she has no sympathy for what happened to the Loma people. In fact, there is sympathy for politics because sympathy is of no use.

"My lord, what I want to say is that we should prepare something, or that we should prepare some arms and funds in advance. After all, when buying arms and equipment, the number of Loma’s equipment will be a lot. A big number, and we are too far away from Loma and the Mediterranean. It takes at least four months to get there from Zhang Xiong Island. This is a very long process for us." Zhang Liang said so.

"Well. Don't worry about this. I have asked them to start hoarding goods. When Zhao Guoren was hoarding ammunition and ammunition in Egypt, I had already noticed this. We will build more ammunition depots in Aiji. The army also has some stocks of ammunition, we can sell them first." Han Shu said in no hurry.

"As for funding. It depends on the bank and the Roma people themselves. If they are willing to take out currency rights for mortgage repayment, or sell more war bonds, I believe that this matter is still It can be solved." Han Shu said.

"The people of Zhao Kingdom have made a lot of money in Goguryeo. Their country is already in a state of excitement. We also need such a state. The people of Yan Kingdom do not give us such an opportunity, but for us , We need to create such an opportunity ourselves. Loma people will consider it clearly and make the bank active. Do you understand?" Han Shu said.

"Yes, Lord." Zhang Liang nodded and agreed.

Thebes, a tavern, the tavern is very lively, black women, as well as women in love with a few, and white women from Asia Minor boldly naked performances here. Their performances are full of teasing and desire. In addition to the stimulation of alcohol, the shouts of Koreans and Zhao people here have become louder.

"Haha, good jumping, good jumping." A man from Zhao country drank the wine in his glass and shouted loudly.

"It's too lively here, right?" Li Yang said, unbuttoning his collar. He is the commercial representative of the Royal Bank of Korea in Aigui Thebes. In fact, the head office just asked him to stay here for a while, and then go to Lockheed Martin, where he was just familiar with the situation.

"Hehe, this is the case here. The commerce here is very developed, and the slave trade is booming here. Those white women are very popular here. You know, there are garrisons here, and there are many small businessmen, and their level is very low. So, be debauched.” A local business representative is responsible for the specific reception work. In fact, it is his idea to come here because it can relax the other party. After all, in such an environment, it is easy for them to relax.

"Haha. Everything here is very unique." Li Yang looked at it and said.

"Yes, everything here is very unique. We can't compare with the Central Plains countries. This kind of dance can usually only be performed privately, otherwise it will be fined or dealt with. But here. It's different. It's very different here. Let go, because there are a lot of slaves here. People are also very idle. They make some money and start spending crazy. Money comes here very quickly. But the bank’s business behavior is not good.” Zhou Tong was helpless. Speaking of.

This kind of yan dance is prohibited in Korea because it is full of material desires and puts society in a state of restlessness. This will increase the crime rate in society. Han Shu does not want the crime rate to remain high. , Therefore, prohibit such things from happening at the source. But human nature is beyond control. This kind of yan dance performance will be performed in a small range in a private venue, and those white women become very good actors. The provocative actions make desires rampant. Some sociologists criticize this style of life, but they have no effect. After all, if you have money or don't enjoy it, people really don't know what to say.

"Tell me, why?" Li Yang didn't seem to care what would happen in these environments. He was worried that his business would not develop well. After all, such things are a very important part of him.

"The objects of the loan are not very good, full of risks, you know, the Ptolemy dynasty who loved a few people, their financial situation deteriorated, if we lend them funds, it is purely to cause trouble for ourselves, Jiatai Ji people are very stingy. Zhao Guoren’s bank tried to expand their business there, but the situation was very bad. Those Carthaginians were killed without borrowing money. We seemed to have only one target, the Roma, but Luo The demand of the horse people has become very limited. They have been relying on their own financial income to solve the problem. As a result, our business will be difficult to expand. This is not good news for us." Zhou Tong explained.

"Oh. It doesn't seem like good news." Li Yang shook his head and said.

"But something happened recently. The Carthaginians took the initiative to attack Sagunto. Sagunto was a country or a city-state. They formed an alliance with Loma. The Carthaginians attacked Sagunto as they attacked Loma. I think The Loma people will declare war on this. Once the war starts, our business will increase a lot." Zhou Tong said with confidence.

"In that case, this is still a good thing. It's not enough. What I want to know is how to develop our business?" Li Yang asked concerned.

"This is still not clear, not enough. The most popular business at the moment is the arms business. Have you seen the men who are the most powerful and keep stuffing women underneath?" Zhou Tong said, pointing to the front of the stage, looking very Wretched man.

"They are all Zhao people, small businessmen with no ambitions, but here they are all big men. They are all engaged in arms business and are related to the Carthaginians. Most of the news about Carthage here is brought by them. They are here, and they are very rich. The Carthaginians continue to buy arms, weapons and ammunition, and various supplies from them. It can be said that they are in the best situation. Good one." Zhou Tong said.

Li Yang looked at the men, their faces flushed. This was a manifestation of rising blood. They had drunk. And after drinking a lot, they took the banknotes, grabbed the thighs of the dancing white women, and touched them obscenely, put the banknotes in their hands under them, and pulled off the short shorts that could not be shorter. The white women were scared and at a loss, but the men were even more excited. This approach made Li Yang feel shameless. Because of this obscene.

"If they provide more weapons, the entire war will be out of balance. Those Lockheed Martin troops are not equipped with a large number of guns and artillery, and the war will be one-sided. In addition, the Zhao people will provide more weapon support, and more If there are many military advisers, I think that the chances of the battle have become very unfavorable for the Roma people. This is a huge pressure. Faced with such pressure, the Roma people will inevitably take some measures. If they don’t take measures. , I think their situation will be very bad. In this case, their entire situation will fall into a disaster. Faced with such a situation, they will become very sad.” Zhou Tong explained. .

"I see. You mean, the purpose of our visit to Lockheed Martin is to open up such a situation. Because of the purchase of arms, no agricultural country or slave country can deal with such a situation. Think about it, this kind of response. The situation will cause a lot of losses, or the need for a lot of funds, it is difficult for them to provide such a lot of funds to make such adjustments. Right?" Li Yang asked.

"Yes, Mr. Representative, the Roma people need too much, too much arms. They also need a lot of money. This is a very good opportunity to cooperate with the government. Only in this way can we make a lot of money. That's how big money comes." The other party said so.

"I understand. I will find a way to increase this demand. At the same time, I can complete such a task quickly." Li Yang nodded and understood. Cooperating with the government is the most risk-reducing cooperation.

Sagunto. Inside Hannibal's headquarters.

"We lost a cavalry squad. Only one cavalry came back to report. They said they encountered a large number of Roman cavalry." Li Wei found Hannibal and reported such a thing.

"It's nothing, this may be a reconnaissance." Hannibal said disapprovingly when he heard such a report.

"What I want to say is that the Romans may already know our military operations. We must find the Romans as soon as possible. What I am worried about is that the Romans will divide their forces. If they hide and seek with us, the situation will become very serious. It’s not good, we must give them a devastating blow. As soon as possible." Li Wei said solemnly.

"Shall we send troops now?" Hannibal asked.

"Yes, as soon as possible, the time we spent in Sagunto is too long." Li Wei said.

"Well, okay, we will send forward troops to find them, and then fight them." Hannibal nodded and said.

"I hope it will be useful, but for them, these things are still too much as soon as possible, and the soldiers indulge too much." Li Wei said dissatisfied. Indeed, the Carthaginian soldiers indulged too much. They drink and play with women, which seems to be no longer what an army should do.

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