The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3915: Black market trade

"Well, don't worry, our men and horses will soon encircle the Loma Barracks. We have found their approximate location, which is about fifty kilometers north of us. Our movements will be very fast." Hanni Ba said so. Sagunto went too smoothly. It went smoothly. The war that they had expected to go on for several months was ended in a few days. This greatly increased Hannibal's confidence in winning. He believed that they would be able to cope with the victory of this war with ease, because they had a huge technical advantage.

Inside Loma Barracks. After the old Scipio went back. A military meeting was convened immediately, and they redeployed their military deployment. A part of the troops will leave and be hidden. According to Li Fu's suggestion, it is an ambush and can only be used when it is most critical. And most of the other troops will be concentrated, they will continue to stick to their battalions, there are sufficient supplies, these supplies will greatly meet their military needs.

Their fortresses will also be rebuilt, trenches, they will dig a lot of trenches, at least they have to build more than three defensive trenches to make them feel much safer. This is Li Fu's suggestion. The Loma people are actively learning lessons, and everyone is digging trenches.

"If Carthage moves fast, we only have two days to dig trenches at most. In order to buy time, our cavalry units will exert the greatest possible harassment, but the hope is not great." Scipio also participated. When it comes to digging trenches, because of the huge amount of work and heavy defense tasks, everyone must participate.

"I know, but I think the most important thing we should do right now is not to dig trenches here, but to find a way to get out of here." Li Fu said.

"What?" Scipio looked at each other in confusion, he didn't know why the other party said such words.

"Yes, leaving here, you understand what it means, we must leave here. If we are here, we will suffer heavy losses. No one can withstand such a large-scale battle. Some people must be flexible, and preservation may require preservation in the future. You know what I’m interested in.” Li Fu said.

"I don't understand. I don't know." Scipio said.

"You should leave here instead of staying here waiting to be bombed. This is very important to us. We can't stay here. Observing the war from another angle is also a good thing." Li Fu persuaded the other party to leave. . The Carthage army would definitely surround them and then use artillery bombardment. Under such a bombardment, at least a large number of Loma soldiers would be killed and injured. Li Fu didn't want to see the other party killed just like that. Because it doesn't make any sense.

"This is a very meaningless thing. Stay here, you can't see all the wars. If you jump out, you need to learn about wars." Li Fu said.

"You mean let us leave here with our troops, looking for fighters?" Scipio asked.

"Yes, that's what I meant. Otherwise, our losses will be very large." Li Fu nodded and said.

"Well, I'll go and ask my father, if he agrees, I will leave here. To be honest, I don't want to leave here." Scipio said. You will also feel that Scipio is becoming mature. Because many places are different. For example, he is actively assuming his main responsibility, which is a sign of maturity.

Yan State, the frontier of the Goguryeo position. All the observation posts are making observations nervously, and both sides have fallen into a state of calm. Although this state of calm has started for a while, it has been a long, long time for the soldiers on both sides.

"I wait for battle in such a tense environment every day. It is simply a kind of torture. I can hardly bear this kind of torture." Luo Ping said to Li Zuoche.

"Haha, bear with me, bear with me. Everything will pass." Li Zuoche said.

"Those **** Yan people dig their trenches and tunnels every day. When we attack, we will pay a very heavy price. According to your method, we have trained soldiers to carry out blasting operations. Of course, there are some more. The assault team is also being formed, hoping that they will exert greater power in future operations." Luo Ping said.

Both Goguryeo and Yan Guo did not relax because of the peaceful life on the front line. On the contrary, both hairs were preparing nervously. For example, the Yan Guo people actively dig their trenches. In the tunnel, many secret spots can only be discovered through detailed reconnaissance, but judging from the current situation, they still seem to be insecure. In the absence of a sense of security, they formed their own assault team, and they hoped to use the assault team to break through the enemy's military defenses.

"Well, I hope so." Li Zuoche said. In order to break through the enemy's defenses. Goguryeo also actively thought of many other methods, such as teaching infantry mass blasting techniques. In some key areas, they will also use a large number of explosive packs for destruction.

The Yan people used a lot of barbed wire in front of their positions. The presence of these barbed wires seriously interfered with the Goguryeo army’s firepower. In order to remove these barbed wires, the Goguryeo people stuffed the opened bamboo with a large amount of high explosives. This breaks the barbed wire. After the destruction, there are still a large number of explosive packages to clear the fire.

The Yan army seized more 37 guns. These guns came from the country of Yan, but they found that most of these guns could not be used or could be used, but the artillery had to risk exploding to use it. This was quite Dangerous approach, once the chamber is blown up, everything will be very dangerous. This is a very stupid approach. For the safety of their lives, the Goguryeo army can only abandon the direct firepower and use inefficient blasting methods to remove obstacles. This method may not be very effective. But at any rate there are certain uses.

But how useful these things are in the end, Li Zuoche himself does not know, everyone does not know, this war has been deadlocked from the very beginning, and the development of automatic weapons has brought too many benefits to the defenders. They can gain a great advantage just by keeping in the trenches. Li Zuoche knows this very well.

The first mountain brigade of the mountain people opposite. This is the first time A Gu has officially recruited his own army. He has two mountain infantry regiments. If necessary, he can set up two spy battalions to expand his troops. His strength can reach five thousand men, or even more. However, in terms of equipment, they are still dominated by light weapons, and only a small amount of light machine guns are provided to them. Adequate ammunition. This is the only thing they are excited about.

"How is the recruitment?" A Gu asked Ado and brought Ado to the recruitment office.

"Report sir, there are not many soldiers recruited." A second lieutenant reported.

"Why?" A Gu looked at the register, and the number of people was not enough for two pages. Originally, he thought that there would be a lot of people to participate, but what he didn't expect was that there would be only such a few people. This made him feel a little disappointed.

"Reporting sir, most of them came to inquire about the military salary, treatment, and military ranks we gave. But we were able to give them very little. Many brothers have not paid the military salary for several months. So, they heard about this situation. , All, they are not coming." The ensign reported.

"This." A Gu also had a headache with this problem. Prince Dan did support him very much and gave him rifles and ammunition, but he did not provide sufficient funds in terms of military expenses, and the personnel were also raised by himself. This is the support of the Yan people. It can be said that this gave them an empty number, and they need to fill in the contents themselves.

This is a headache. Without military payments, it would be impossible to gather enough people, and without anyone, his team would not be able to get up. This is an iron fact.

"Okay. I know. Then I will tell you how to solve this problem." A Gu said. In fact, he can't do anything about it. This problem is a headache, and he has to figure out a solution by himself.

"You have seen the problem. The support of the Yan people is very limited. In fact, we still rely on ourselves. However, the army costs a lot. The current ammunition problem is not very serious, and the food is not bad, but, This is a problem with the salary of the personnel. What's more, food will become a problem. In the face of such a problem, do you have any good solutions?" Agu asked Ado.

"Sir, the solution is not great, but there is one. I don't know if the chief executive can't accept it?" Ado asked.

"Let's talk about it, as long as it is a problem that can be solved, everything is a good solution." A Gu said.

"Trade, black market trade. It is said that the Yan army did just that. They stole their weapons, ammunition, and food supplies, and then sold them on the black market. Because there are many pioneers in the north. They need weapons, they need ammunition, they can exchange, for example, they can hold food, and some commodities can be exchanged. If we want to get more troops, the only way is to use this method." Ado said so.

"Black market trading." A Gu said.

"Yes, black market trading. This is the only way we can take action at the moment. This method doesn't sound great? But this is our best way. We can trade with the local black market. Trading the things that we mountain people often have, such as ginseng, tiger skin, and various medicinal materials, these things can still bring some benefits." Ado suggested.

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