The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3925: Buy white phosphorous bomb

"Boom. Tutu. Bang Bang." After the Carthage commando occupied the forward position, the gunfire exploded, and the killing sound was not interrupted. This made Li Wei very worried, because the commando's ammunition was very high. Limited, they can't support it for long. Although the follow-up troops arrive, they will still be unable to open the situation if the bridgehead cannot be stabilized as soon as possible.

"Something is wrong," Hannibal said while looking at Li Wei.

"Yes, it's really very wrong. I think we should retreat and we can't fight like this. If the Roma counterattack desperately, we are likely to be completely consumed. It seems that we must think about it. There is another way to solve it." Li Wei said that the fighting should not continue like this. According to normal principles, the Roma will counterattack and will be beaten, and then take a break and then counterattack. In this case, there is also an action that can be rotated in the middle, that is, they can take a rest. As a result, the Roma people furiously launched a counterattack, without stopping, even if the follow-up troops attacked, they could not withstand it. This kind of offense, this kind of offense, made them feel terrified.

"Shoot, fast, the artillery fire blocked the Roma reinforcements, and then we withdrew, otherwise, our losses will be very large." Li Wei said. The current situation is already obvious. The Loma people are determined to push out the Carthaginians. If this is the case, the Loma people will not give up more casualties to fight.

"Boom. Boom." The artillery fired quickly after receiving the order. A wall of fire was formed in the rear, and the pressure on the commando and the infantry who arrived afterwards was much reduced. They chose to retreat in time. If they did not retreat, their situation would become very bad. In that case, Their casualties were minor, and they were likely to be consumed alive and died. This situation should be avoided as much as possible, otherwise, their losses will be even greater.

"They are starting to retreat," Hannibal said, looking at the retreating commando.

"Well, we can still retreat. If we really fall into it, we will lose a lot. It seems that we must find another way to solve this problem." Li Wei said with his brow. Originally thought that the assault team could achieve great results, but what he didn't expect was that the Roma people's fighting will is quite strong, so strong that many people are unbearable. The cuteness of this kind of situation is really true. There is no further meaning to stick to it. That command suddenly increased casualties.

Zhao Guo, Handan, Zhao Jia angrily threw a jade pen on the carpet. The ink is sprinkled on the carpet like that, which is a precious Persian rest carpet, which is extremely expensive.

"We also expelled Yan's diplomats, what?" Zhao Jia said angrily. After Zhao Guoren expressed their support, the Yan Guoren quickly responded by expelling Zhao Guoren’s diplomats, and all expelled them, freezing Zhao Guoren’s assets in Yan State and the funds in the bank account. In fact, Zhao Guoren There are very few there, because the taxation of Yan people is too heavy. There is no way to do business at all.

In this way, the people of Yan took the initiative to sever the diplomatic relations of the people of Zhao, and Zhao Jia immediately replied, and he also expelled the other diplomatic personnel. At the same time, the assets and bank account funds of Yan people in Zhao country were frozen. This is a heavy loss for Yan people, because many Yan people came to Zhao country. Originally, they thought they could avoid disaster. Whoever thought it would come to disaster. The severance of diplomatic relations between the two countries has brought them a disaster. Without funds, they will lose everything. They can only go to the bank to appeal or scold Prince Yan for being stupid.

"These are not enough. We should do something to make the people of Yan anxious." Zhao Jia became angry and calmed down. The people of Yan could do very little. Although he wanted to retaliate against the people of Zhao, the people of Zhao were still here. They are not very dependent on Yan Guo economically, but what Yan Guo wants to do is very limited, which makes their situation very troublesome.

"In this way, I think we should let the Ministry of National Defense give them some weapons, some of the outdated weapons in our warehouse, I think we will give them a batch of 75mm cannons, and let them give them a severe lesson to the people of Yan. We should also Give some substantial support." Zhao Jia said. But the Ministry of Foreign Affairs felt a little embarrassed because he was worried that doing so would stimulate the Yan people even more, which put their situation in a very bad state.

South Korea, Xinzheng, the most handsome. When South Korea learned of this news, he did not put him in the first place, because it did not have much to do with the Koreans.

"The people of Yan are really looking for death by themselves. They actually declared war on their own initiative." Han Shu looked at the telegram and threw it aside. The people of Yan made a big joke. In Han Shu's view, they were too self-conscious. After doing such a thing, she herself didn't know how to say the Yan people were better. If they can maintain the status quo, the people of Yan may not collapse yet, but if the war really starts, they will completely collapse. As long as they persist, the front line will be a series of logistical supplies consumed by the army, which is enough to make this The country fell into a disaster.

"My lord, we should not pay attention to the affairs of the Yan people at present. We should pay attention to Loma and the war in Carthage. Judging from the intelligence we have at present, the situation seems to be very unfavorable to the Loma people. However, according to our information From the situation that Loma City has reacted to, it seems that Loma people do not view this matter like this." Zhang Liang said.

"What do they think?" Han Shu asked.

"The commanders on the front line believe that it is necessary to replace their weapons. In this case, the Roma will inevitably order a large amount of arms from us." Zhang Liang said.

"This is a good thing, we should celebrate." Han Shu said. In this way, it can stimulate the development of South Korean military enterprises.

"The problem is that the Loma Senate believes that this matter is not necessary. After all, the Carthaginians in Spain do not have an absolute advantage. In other words, they have not yet threatened Loma. Under such circumstances, it seems impossible for them to purchase a large amount of weapons and equipment. Moreover, they believe that spending a huge amount of money to purchase a large amount of weapons and equipment seems to be a waste of money. The financial situation of the Roma cannot support such a huge military expenditure. Therefore, their Senate rejected such a thing." Zhang Liang said.

"What do you think?" Han Shu asked.

"In this matter, there are two conditions to achieve our goal." Zhang Liang said. Han Shu nodded and motioned to Zhang Liang to continue.

"First, we must let the Loma people realize that their weapons are backward, and this must make the Carthaginians threaten the living conditions of the Loma people. Only in this way can our situation be better changed." Zhang Liang Speaking of this.

"Secondly, we can solve the financial problems of the Roma people, that is, they can buy weapons and replace them in the future. In this way, we need banks to lend to the Roma people, or let the Loma people issue a large number of Only in this way can we better solve this problem. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the Roma people to change." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. It is very reasonable. For this matter, we still need to prepare some for the Roma people, so that the bank can move up and down, and solve some problems as early as possible. At the same time, we should pay close attention to the development of the Carthaginians. I think they might solve this problem quickly." Han Shu said.

"Yes, Lord." Zhang Liang said.

New Carthage, Guo Liang and other Zhao State arms merchants gathered to discuss a major event.

"This front-line war is going well. Do we agree to import some arms? If the war ends smoothly, our funds will be pressured on the goods," said a Zhao Guo businessman.

"Yes, we have made enough money in Carthage. When we return to China, we can go as a rich man. If we do this kind of business again, I am afraid it will be difficult, and I think Carthage people like to build some production factories. They will definitely build their own factories to produce bullets in the future, and business like ours is definitely not easy to do.” said a businessman.

"Yeah, how could such a business be done for such a long time, and, I heard. There are more merchants in Thebes, and they want to do this arms business just like us. The price of this imported commodity is definitely It will be reduced. We might as well take this opportunity to quit, return to China, become a rich man, or find a piece of land and get a plantation." Other people said one after another.

"Well, it's just that it's a pity that our business has been discarded like this." Guo Liang said.

"In this way, how about we make one more at the end. I know that a batch of goods are white phosphorous bombs from South Korea. These white phosphorous bombs were originally destroyed in South Korea. The military personnel stole them and we can buy them. This ordinary ammunition, Maybe the other party doesn't need it, but this white phosphorous bomb is very powerful. I think we can use it once, and the ship is nearby and can be sent quickly." Guo Liang said. When others heard it, this was also a way. At least better than some of their special circumstances. Thinking of this, they decided to do such a thing. So they started to pool money to solve everything, after all, it was a lot less risky for them.

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