Rest in peace, Xindu. Inside the Qin State Embassy in Anxi.

"We need such a report. Regarding your report on a limited military operation in peace, this report is of great reference significance." Li Guo said to Li Feng. Qin State was very concerned about Anxi’s external expansion, and so did the Ministry of National Defense. Li Guo was ordered to actively carry out diplomatic activities, hoping to open up the situation. For example, the convenience of the investigation report of the Ministry of National Defense is one of them.

"You mean, we can find a limited target?" Li Feng asked.

"Yes, it is best to bring great economic benefits and have great benefits. The relative difficulty of war should be relatively low. In this way, the difficulty of risk and the difficulty of combat can be reduced a lot. This way If you do, the possibility of you getting support will become very great. If you don’t do this, I really don’t know whether I can get such benefits. You know the results, our Secretary of Defense. We are extremely sensitive to risks, especially the Prime Minister’s Mansion. I told you about such a thing. Before, our government did not support you to do so. The reason is here. After all, we have to invest to ensure the safety of funds. , And the security of the bank bond system is the government's primary concern. We must let them understand this." Li Guo said.

"I understand what you mean. I will solve this matter. No, I can solve this problem for you now." Li Feng said.

"Tell me, if I can, I can draft a report now. If it's fast, I think I can submit the relevant report in a few days." The other party said.

"Well, it’s like this. To our northwest, that is, in the Caspian Sea, there is a country that has been under our control before, but you know, the Parthians used to have a great deal of civil strife. The division of China, until now, our land area is still small, and a large amount of land has been lost. There is a country called Armenia. This is an ancient people who migrated from southern Europe. They can establish their own small state. , Have always surrendered to us before, but now, taking advantage of the very weak strength of Rest, or when we are divided, they suddenly get into trouble. This is an extremely bad thing for us, and we have always wanted Regain such a place, but, as you know, we do not have such a large military force. The size of the army is greatly limited to about 30,000, and the ammunition supply is extremely limited. In this way, we have gone to Armenia. Control." Li Feng said.

Hearing this, Li Guo felt that this might be the beginning of a story. He took out his notebook and pencil and began to record such things. For him, such things might arouse great interest from the superiors. After all, this matter is a very good subject for the story.

"Continue." Li Guo said.

"Yes, this Armenia, I think you know it too, he is on the Caspian Sea. According to the suggestions of your Qin State geological experts, they said that there will be a large amount of oil near the Caspian Sea, and this area is filled with oil. District, your inference should be correct. Although I am not sure about the most basic technical support, your related technologies have submitted such reports. I think this attention can attract your attention." Li Feng said To.

"How is their military strength?" Li Guo asked concerned.

"They are equipped with a large number of cold weapons. Although in the age of iron weapons, such weapons and equipment pose a greater threat to us. We may need to mobilize more infantry and cavalry to fight. However, their situation is not very optimistic because of this. A lot of hot weapons are needed. The opponent prepares a small amount in this regard. They only have old-fashioned flintlock guns. At the same time, they don’t know where they imported a few large-caliber old artillery pieces. It’s even more difficult for an old lady to put on makeup. I think you know the kind of artillery." Li Feng said.

Li Guo found a map he carried with him and found this area of ​​Armenia. He knew that at present he was regarded as a country. Although the Shah did not recognize the other party's national status diplomatically, in fact, the Shah had already recognized it. For example, they set up checkpoints, the two sides traded, and paid tariffs. These are important evidences that they recognized the Armenians, but no matter what, the Parthians did not admit it. Perhaps what they thought from the beginning was that they would regain such a country at a certain time in the future in order to completely solve all the problems.

"Armenia is a landlocked country. They have very little trade with the outside world. Most of their weapons are imported from us. Therefore, their weapons and equipment pose little threat to us. We can form cavalry troops on a large scale. , Not more, as long as a few cavalry brigades or infantry brigades can solve the problem. The scale of the war is strictly limited to about 20,000 people. We still have artillery. Our advantage is great, but the problem is that we Where does the army come from? Their salary, equipment, and related weapons and supplies, and ammunition consumption, these are all difficult problems for us." Li Feng said.

Li Guo nodded and recorded. He believed that the other party was right. Petroleum resources have always been an important resource to attract Qin’s investment, such as South Korea’s United Petroleum Corporation. In fact, he has become a Qin’s listed company. The boss of Qin is a Korean, but in fact, he is listed in Qin State and Qin State Bank controls most of the shares. This is the advantage. For the same reason, Qin State hopes to control the Caspian Sea and more areas. In their view, these areas will be the back garden of Qin's oil resources. Under certain circumstances, Qin can not be afraid of Korean oil restrictions, so as to ensure its own resource advantages. This is also the outbreak of war in Qin and hopes to start war. One of the important reasons for this is that this reason is attractive enough and it makes people feel scared. For the resources, the people of Qin can start a war.

"It seems that this can be done." Li Guo nodded and said.

"We can indeed do this, but the population there is relatively sparse, and all we get is oil resources, of course. This can solve our big problems, which is a very good thing for us." Li Feng Speaking of this.

"Well, very good. I think submitting such a report. Perhaps our prime minister's office is very interested in such a report. The next step is to solve your financial problems. As long as the domestic banks continue to support you, I believe this matter. It must be resolved quickly. After all, such a thing is not difficult for us." Li Guo said.

What Qin’s Ministry of National Defense needs is such a document. The Prime Minister’s Office of the State of Qin is under great pressure, and the Ministry of National Defense is the same. Qin almost always fights a war during the prime minister’s term. Qin’s redundant financial capacity and the transfer of domestic pressure, but since the beginning of Shangwen’s second term, there has been little war. Although Qin’s economy is growing rapidly and the country has great potential for mobilization, long-term non-war seems to make warlike. The people of Qin State feel depressed. Qin State needs resources and markets. When their capital is growing rapidly, their government is emphasizing peace, which makes many people feel dissatisfied.

The Ministry of National Defense may also be blamed. Under such circumstances, Wei Liao’s method is to fight a safe war. The scale of the war does not require too much, but it must be victorious. At the same time, it can prove Qin’s resources in terms of resources. The demand is right. It can be said that what the Ministry of National Defense needs now is a result, not the so-called process of war. As for who to fight and how much Qin State's capital will participate, this is no longer his consideration. What he needs is such a result. With such a result, everything can be said. Without such a result, the process of war will become difficult to act.

Li Guo quickly summed up with Li Feng, and they decided to submit a report. Promote such a thing as much as possible, after all, such a thing is of great significance.

Spain, Carthage's front line, the two sides continued to dig trenches, and the Loma also strengthened their trench guard. Both sides dug more trenches to fight. For a while, both sides could not help each other.

"Bang. Bang." In the trenches, cold guns kept coming. The Carthaginians began to use rifles to sniper the opponent’s soldiers. Although such shooting efficiency was not very high, they thought that the Roma wore a helmet. Although the bullet once hit the opponent’s helmet, unfortunately, they did not kill. On the other side, the decoration on the Roma helmet became a good target. It was tall and mighty, and could be seen from outside the trenches. Seeing such a scene, Li Wei immediately ordered the organization of a sniper team to kill the opponent, and for a while, they also killed many people.

But the Loma quickly reacted. They still wear helmets, but all the decorations on the helmets are taken off, and the helmets protect their heads from being sniped.

Central Plains countries are also equipped with helmets, but only a small part of the equipment. After all, the war has not affected their head safety, but here, they have advanced equipped with a large number of helmets. These helmets protect the heads of the Roma people very well, so that their heads are free from the harassment of the opponent’s bullets. But in doing so, it is still inevitable to be headshot.

In the Loma Trenches, two Loma soldiers were hit, the bullets hit their helmets, and one was killed. A hole was opened in his head, blood, water and brain were all mixed in the opponent's helmet, and the sky spirit cap flew out. The position where the bullet hit was a coincidence. It hits the weakest part of the helmet, thus forming a great lethality, and this lethality caused great trauma to the opponent. The other one shook his head. He just said that his head was dizzy by the opponent's kinetic energy, indicating that there was nothing wrong. The helmet of the Loma is very special, with a raised metal position on the front. If the bullet hits this position, then the soldier will be lucky to survive. For example, this soldier is like this, of course. There are also unlucky guys. The bullet hits the weakest part of the opponent's helmet. This can only be said that they are unlucky, unlucky to the extreme. The bullet penetrated the helmet, and then formed a large trauma. I thought that after the bullet penetrated the helmet, it would flip over, causing great damage. Sometimes, only a small hole was seen in the opponent’s head, but in reality Above, the bullet has beaten the opponent's brains into paste. The scene was extremely brutal.

"It's not a way to go on like this. The Loma people don't show up, and there's no way for us to ask them." Hannibal looked at it with the telescope and said. The Roma also wanted to fight back, but they had no choice but to craftsmen and ballistas. The governors of such weapons were less efficient. Only the ballistas could have some danger, but his accuracy was very poor, far beyond the rifle's ability.

"I know this too. I just hope to suppress the opponent's morale a bit, so that the opponent's morale is reduced a lot, but if we want to solve the problem, we must find another way. Otherwise, a big problem will occur. "Li Wei said. Although the casualties caused by sniper tactics are limited, he can bring fear, of course. The sense of fear depends on who it is, but the opponent is a Lockheed soldier, and their fighting will is so tenacious that Li Wei is caught off guard. He has to admit that the fighting will of the Loma can be compared with that of Zhao Jun. Maybe it didn't let the wind go down for a while. This is a very high evaluation. In fact, the Loma soldiers did show such a situation.

In the face of constant sniping, the general army may no longer be able to bear it. But the other side is still thinking of ways to counterattack, such as using their javelins, bows and arrows, and also using ballistas to shoot. Although such shooting is not very effective, the significance of this is that they are saying that they are Fighting, but also fighting the invasion of the Carthaginians. Their fighting will is extremely tenacious.

"I thought for a while and felt that we should continue to dig tunnels and use blasting methods to kill them. Soldiers on both sides gathered in the trenches. It was us who wasted ammunition. The Roma passively responded to our offensive, which made us suffer a lot. In this case, the combat rhythm will be brought into the opponent’s military scope. This is simply the most unbearable failure for us. This kind of failure is too unbearable for us. We We can’t do this, we must change some measures. Only in this way can we solve the problem well.” The other party said.

"Well. It can be done, but the problem is that our situation is not very good, you know, in this situation, we still spend too much time. My suggestion is to find other solutions, such as , To use fire attack, I need white phosphorous grenades or artillery shells. In doing so, it can cause massive damage to the other party. This is extremely beneficial to us." Li Wei’s way of thinking is to use new weapons, such as , White phosphorous bombs, this kind of thing is very powerful, it is specially developed to deal with trenches, white phosphorous bombs are equipped in various countries, and the smell is extremely unpleasant. At the same time, it can cause great damage and burn human bones to ashes. The deterrent effect of this kind of weapon is still relatively large. But the problem is that it costs money. Hannibal was embarrassed.

"But we can give it a try. If it doesn't work, we are thinking of this way to try it." Li Wei said. Seeing Hannibal's helplessness, he knew that the old wars of war had committed again. It seems that Carthage is only attacking Spain. Other places and colonies seem to have nothing to do with Carthage. Even if the other party provides some funds, it is good. However, the Carthaginians don’t. They seem to have no possibility of funding at all. Faced with such a situation. This situation made Hannibal fall into a desperate situation every time it was critical, and they had to rack their brains to think of a solution. For such a situation, he was already very tired of it. But Hannibal was helpless.

Blasting is the most helpless way to solve the current trench deadlock. This method is inefficient and may be discovered by the opponent. However, once successful, it is likely to cause huge casualties to the opponent. After all, large-scale blasting is powerful. This is equivalent to a bombardment of three guns at one point. Blasting can cause such casualties. However, the power of artillery is relatively unreachable, because the shells cannot all fall on one point.

"I have asked the engineers to do this. I hope they can move faster. After all, we can't delay too long." Hannibal seemed anxious. Li Wei thinks this is not a good phenomenon. This can only show that Hannibal did not focus on the present. He focused on crossing the Alps. He believed that the threat here was not great. The Roma people were compressed here. They seemed Already unable to move, the threat has become very good, as long as Carthage has enough time to stay, they can eat these Roma people, and the situation is also the same.

But Hannibal couldn't stop. His troops had to maneuver and conduct flexible operations to rob the mainland of Loma, where there is wealth. Regarding this difficult bone, many Carthaginian soldiers have expressed that they are not willing to stay any longer. After all, this can be left to the follow-up troops. They don’t need to continue to consume a lot of time here. If this continues to be consumed, they will inevitably suffer heavy losses. This way of loss will turn them into a huge disaster. And exist.

Levy believes that the biggest threat is the current Romans, not the native Romans.

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