The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3928: Eight million Zhao Yuan

"Look at this." Li Zuoche took a report and handed it to Luo Ping. After all, he was the commander of the future 7th Infantry Division. His task is to expand.

"According to some reports submitted by you, your troops will be expanded accordingly, and the number will be expanded to about 15,000, which means that you will have more infantry regiments. With the current spread of existing personnel If you continue, this will be difficult to achieve. It will allow your personnel to have a good combat effectiveness. After all, if a large number of grassroots officers are expanded, the combat effectiveness will inevitably drop a lot." Li Zuoche said. This is an inevitable result, and it is difficult to avoid such things in expansion.

"I am not worried about this, but the supplementary personnel. To be honest, I didn't want to trouble you to do this thing. But I think only you can do this thing, really." Luo Ping did. Speaking of.

"I know this." Li Zuoche said.

"There are more than 3,000 soldiers from the above who are from Wadao people. Among those people, there are many people who don’t understand the language. If such people are in my army, they will cause us a lot of trouble. I I want to know, what can you do to solve this kind of organization problem?" Luo Ping said.

"This is the crux of the problem. Because a large part of the recruits come from Wadao soldiers, and some come from civilian mobilizers. Their combat experience and combat literacy are very low, especially Wadao soldiers. They still need to receive a period of recruit training. , And the tactical running-in period, this is the most difficult place for them." Luo Ping continued.

"Well, I have two suggestions, one is the best, the other is bad, and the bad is terribly bad." Li Zuoche thought for a while and said.

"Talk about it, I want to know the worst result?" Luo Ping said.

"The worst result is that you separately organize the Wadao people and your mobilized troops. With this kind of organization, they will only grow up quickly after fighting, but the cost is extremely high. It is disastrous, because you have paid a great price, or it is possible that two-thirds of the casualties have been lost." Li Zuoche said.

"The advantage of this is that you can save your 7th Infantry Regiment alone. But the combat effectiveness is still limited." Li Zuoche said.

"No, if we can't do this, it will seriously damage the purpose of our expansion at the beginning. The guys from the Ministry of Defense will definitely send me to the military court. And this is definitely not the expansion we want to see, it's making it. Cannon fodder." Luo Ping said. He has already seen the problem of such a system, and it is very serious. The purpose of expansion is to increase combat effectiveness. This is not simply an expansion of troops, but a manifestation of enhancing combat effectiveness. But the problem is that these soldiers need training, but the war will not give them such a long time to train. This requires them to make some improvements. How to improve this situation is a matter of establishment.

"So, let me talk about another method of organization. This method is to quickly adjust and change the plan and adopt a mixed organization. That is to say, the mobilization of soldiers, Washima soldiers and veterans are mixed. In this case, veterans lead Recruits can adapt to the war environment within a certain period of time, but the problem is that their existence is likely to reduce the overall combat effectiveness within a certain period of time. After all, they are recruits who know nothing. The existence of this is very problematic, and this kind of problem is unavoidable." Li Zuoche said.

"I understand what you mean. The advantage of doing this is that the combat power is average, and we can also be dispatched quickly. By doing this, although to a certain extent, our military strength has been lost, or that is, the combat power has been reduced a lot. But the problem is that our combat effectiveness has advanced a lot, which makes our situation much better." Luo Ping said.

"Yes, that's what I mean. But there is a lot of resistance to doing this. I am worried that your soldiers will not accept such things. After all, this will cause you great dissatisfaction. If the veterans and those Washima islands, mobilize soldiers It will cause a lot of contradiction. This will not increase your combat effectiveness, but will reduce your combat effectiveness a lot. How do you arrange this matter?" Li Zuoche asked. The best way is to mix the organization. Such an organization can bring many benefits. For example, once the combat effectiveness is tested, there will be a leap forward, and the enthusiasm for mobilizing troops in those islands will be greatly improved.

The previous method of the Goguryeo people was to arrange the Wadao soldiers alone into cannon fodder units. The consequence of this approach was that they were not motivated to fight. Even if it is much higher, the casualties are also high. The war exhaustion of the soldiers on Washima Island is very high. It is difficult for them to fight alone because they need pressure to do this. This requires the existence of a strong supervising team. For example, the Wadao Cannon Fodder Group before, they are cannon fodder, victims. This made many Wadao soldiers very dissatisfied, so they responded negatively. Faced with such a situation, Luo Ping was also helpless, and only by adopting mixed arrangements can the problem be completely solved.

"I decided to give it a try. If we simply use the cannon fodder regiment, our troops only need to stay on the front line and let those Wadao soldiers move forward. They will not give out amazing combat power, but they will definitely die. The way of fighting will bring them a lot of trouble. But I decided to do this for them and give them a certain amount of respect. If this is done, they will be able to improve their combat effectiveness, and they will think that they are part of us." Luo Ping said so.

"It seems that your knowledge is very high, much higher than that of all officers. This is a good improvement." Li Zuoche said. He doesn't know why he said this, but the benefits of doing so are obvious.

Soldiers also have their own dignity, and they also have their own honor. With such dignity and honor, they will inevitably burst out with powerful combat effectiveness. This is the spirit that a unit should have. What Li Zuoche needs is such a troop, not to turn their troop into a cannon fodder. If they really do this, they only need to stay in the trenches rigidly and launch death charges again and again. There is absolutely no need for them to fight like this. Because they are cannon fodder, does cannon fodder have any meaning? Obviously it is not used.

Yan Guo, in the headquarters of the First Mountain Brigade, A Gu looked at the map with a headache. The headache is because the opponent in front of them is too difficult to deal with. This is a master who is good at defense. Their defenses are not leaking. It seems that they can achieve this goal only by forcibly breaking through, but if they are forcibly breaking through, they need cannons, cannons, is it possible? The people of Yan will not give them cannons. So such a method is not feasible at all, and the authentic method may be very effective. But it’s a pity that they have just started, and the Goguryeo people are on guard. They dig large trenches and destroy their tunnels. Unless they dig deeper again, they may dig more than ten meters or even tens of meters. This is definitely not what they can afford, because it requires professional equipment, and at the same time, the time consuming is also unbearable for them. As a result, the war situation entered a stalemate stage, and the mountain people could not achieve a breakthrough. But if the Goguryeos don't attack, there is no way for both sides to take it.

But Yan Guo's offensive telegrams one after another were not command telegrams at all, but a series of reminders. This is simply killing them. How could they do this. It is simply unbelievable.

"Sir, good news, good news." Addo ran in excitedly and reported.

"Can you have any good news?" A Gu said distressedly. Yes, he is really upset. The offense is not effective, which makes it difficult for him to do such a thing. He didn't know whether it was happy or sad.

"The seventh regiment has changed defense. Sir." Addo reported.

"Change defense, just change defense. Wait." A Gu reacted like this.

"What did you say?" A Gu asked nervously, he couldn't believe his ears, there was such a thing. He didn't know if his ears were broken. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to know such news.

"Change defense, the 7th Koguryo Infantry Regiment changed defense. At first, I didn't believe in such a thing. After all, this kind of thing is very difficult, or why they changed defense so well, but we observed this afternoon. One afternoon, as well as from other sources, it is true that the 7th Infantry Regiment changed defense." Addo said.

"On the opposite side is that troop, and that is, has the number of people stationed on the edge reduced?" A Gu asked nervously. This problem is quite serious, because it is directly related to the success of their next military operations.

"It's the 17th Infantry Regiment, this regiment, we have inquired clearly. It is a second-rate infantry regiment. They only recently added a fully packed infantry battalion to upgrade to the 17th Infantry Regiment. They have been in logistics before. The protection mission seems to be the expansion of Goguryeo. They have only been dispatched here recently. Their officers have little combat experience and can only conduct defensive operations on the front line. As for the marginal area, what we currently observe is that they are just The strength of a platoon was garrisoned, and their strength has been reduced a lot." Addo reported in this way.

"Well, as long as they continue like this, we will have a chance of victory. After all, they are only a second-rate unit, right. They immediately attacked on the front line and put pressure on other places to make them feel that we are going to attack them. The same, let them deploy their troops, and it is best to abandon them by themselves." A Gu said.

"Yes. Sir." Ado agreed.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng, the fifth office of the Ministry of National Defense, this is the intelligence department, they are also called the 5th Office of the Ministry of National Defense. They formally submitted a report to their Ministry of Defense.

"Sir, the current domestic political situation in the country of Yan is turbulent, and their price levels are high, and the government of the country of Yan is constantly increasing taxation, which makes it difficult for their people to live. There are many protests and demonstrations, and the government of Yan is constantly increasing. The use of high-pressure measures to suppress them, but, one day, they themselves will fall into a crazy state of combat in the country." A lieutenant colonel said after submitting a report.

"As a result, I want to know what kind of results will be produced by doing this, or in other words, Yan Guo's actions like this. I want to know this." The Defense Minister was very straightforward. After all, their chief wants results, not one process after another. This process will make them very difficult to deal with.

"Sir, we think that the people of Yan will have civil strife. Such civil strife will be of great help to our combat operations, because civil strife will greatly consume the national power of the people of Yan, and then plunge the people of Yan into a huge disaster, and let them be the first To withdraw from the war," said the lieutenant colonel.

"Well. Very good, what do you need?" The Secretary of Defense thought this idea was very good, at least it seemed not difficult to do it.

"Sir, we need funds, a lot of funds, at least we need five to eight million yuan to complete such a thing." The other party said.

"Oh." The Secretary of Defense felt a little surprised. Such a sum of money can equip an artillery regiment. But if they spend such a sum of money, what they can get, this still makes the Secretary of Defense hesitate.

"Sir, we must do this. Only by doing this can we get what we deserve. Only in this way can we solve all the problems and launch an offensive." The lieutenant colonel said. He hopes to get such a sum of money. After all, instigating the other party and bribing the main intelligence personnel to do such a thing is full of great dangers, but once it succeeds, the result is very significant.

"Such a sum of money is huge," said the Minister of Defense.

"Sir, what we got is also very big. And a lot. The cost is very worthwhile. Sir." said the lieutenant colonel.

"Such an expense must be supported by the Prime Minister. I will report on such an incident. Whether or not such an expense is granted is up to the Prime Minister." The Minister of Defense said. He also knows the significance of doing this, but it is a big expense after all. This fee must be approved by the Prime Minister.

In Li Lin’s office of the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the expelled ambassador are here to exchange information with Li Lin about the situation in the country of Yan.

"The domestic situation of the Yan people is very bad. Almost all of their civilians are opposed to this war. This war will put a lot of pressure on them. Therefore, when the war started, their attitude was extremely clear. Oppose this war." said the ambassador.

"In this way, our situation is exactly the opposite of theirs. Our war bonds are selling very well, which shows that our people are supporting this war. In this way, it means that we will get more amusing support. This is a very good thing for us." Li Lin said confidently. The situation of war bond sales is very good, so much so that many things are far beyond his expectations. In this way, their situation will be very favorable.

"Prime Minister, I don’t mean this. I mean, if the spies we leave behind can play their role, they will get greater support. The people of Yan are now sitting on a fire. They have already It feels very hot. And what we have to do now is to fan the ignition to make this burning even more crazy. They will quickly consume the last energy of Yan Country." The ambassador said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, what we mean is to instigate the people in the country of Yan to launch greater riots and make the government of Yan government out of control. In this case, it will be a huge disaster for the soldiers on the front line because of their logistical supplies. If they can’t be transported, the whole situation will get out of control. If the Yan people lose everything, what qualifications do they have to fight?” said the Foreign Minister.

"This is indeed a very good way, but how much it costs to do such a thing, I want to know this. You know, we have to consider certain risks." Li Lin said.

"Prime Minister, let's calculate that it is about 8 million yuan. If the funds are too small, they may not be incited, or the expected results may not be achieved. In that case, our funds will be spent in vain." Speaking of this.

"This is really a big expense. Even if our bond sales are very good, I am afraid that such a large amount of money can not help us spend this way. This is a very difficult thing for us." The Secretary of Defense said. Speaking of.

"But Prime Minister, the benefits of doing this are extremely obvious, Prime Minister." The Minister of Foreign Affairs persuaded.

"I will think about this matter again, or it may be confirmed by other departments. Let's calm down a little bit. However, I will accept your suggestions. But the problem is, I need to solve my own problem, understand? "Li Lin said. Such an expense must be carefully considered. If this can speed up the end of the war, he will definitely use it, but the problem is that they have spent such a sum of money but did not achieve the results they expected. This is not something they can control. To achieve this result, they will inevitably do something like this, and now they need to be, if not to do so. And whether such a result can be achieved.

In Spain, the position of the Loma was bleak. The huge explosion took them half a day to rectify. Many soldiers were frightened by the huge explosion. They had never seen such a crazy explosion. They thought it was a volcanic eruption. This kind of fear was unprecedented, so that the officers had collapsed, and it took them half a day to reorganize their army.

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